Special Event: Gadgil’s Drinking Water Project Profiled in Documentary
The efforts of Ashok Gadgil — with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division — to bring clean, energy-efficient technologies for disinfecting drinking water and removing chemical contaminants are profiled in a new documentary called FLOW, which is premiering this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Shattuck Cinemas in Berkeley. Gadgil will appear for a Q&A session at the end of the screening (approximately 9 p.m. Go here to view a trailer.
People: Video Features Chris Sommerville and His Quest to ‘Decarbonize’
Alternately hailed as an energy source that will save us from global warming, or condemned as a pork-barrel payout to agribusiness, biofuels get mixed marks these days in the public mind. For Berkeley Lab’s Chris Sommerville, director of the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), whether and how these futuristic fuels can be "truly positive" for carbon emissions and our energy supply is, as the saying goes, "in the details." Go here to watch a video of Sommerville answering questions about his biofuel research.
Special Event: National Press Conference on Fueling America’s Future
Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu was one of the featured participants in a national press conference on the vital role of basic research in solving America’s energy crisis. Sponsored by the Science Coalition and The Task Force on the Future of American Innovation, the conference took place on September 17 at the National Press Club and was well attended by the media. A video of the conference can be viewed here.
Research News: Earth Scientist Leads Study of Abrupt Climate Change
IMPACTS, the Investigation of the Magnitudes and Probabilities of Abrupt Climate Transitions, is a major program led by Bill Collins of the Earth Sciences Division that brings together six DOE national laboratories to investigate abrupt climate change, including feedback loops in the warming of boreal ecosystems and the instability of methane hydrates. Among Berkeley Lab participants in IMPACTS are Earth Sciences Division’s William Riley, Margaret Torn, Matthew Reagan, and Scott Elliot. More>
Computing News: ESnet4 Ready to Distribute Large Hadron Collider Data
The Large Hadron Collider, which began operating last week, will be the first experiment to take full advantage of the advanced capabilities of ESnet4, a new large-scale science data transport network based at Berkeley Lab, with enough bandwidth to transport multiple streams of 10 gigabits of information per second. More>
Facilities Update: Grizzly Peak Gate Closed Tomorrow
The Grizzly Peak Gate will be closed for exiting all day Saturday due to crane operations on McMillan Road near Bldg. 76. Employees should use the Blackberry gate to exit the Lab that day. For more information contact Dave Tudor (x6882).
Facilities Update: Walkway Closure Adjacent to Building 70, ATM Machine
Starting Monday, Sept 22nd, through Wednesday, Sept 24th, contractors will be installing new handrails on the walkway north east of Bldg. 70 leading to the ATM machine and cafeteria. During that time employees coming from the Building 50 complex should use the alternate path to the cafeteria through Bldg. 70. For questions or comments please contact David McPherson at (x4869) or Brenda Lew (x7239).