Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Monday, Sept. 15, 2008

microphoneSpecial Event:  Fall ‘Science at the Theater’ Lecture Series Starts on Sept. 22

Berkeley Lab’s “Friends of Science” group has put together another compelling series of talks for the community via its “Science at the Theater” program. The fall session begins Sept. 22 with Arun Majumdar, division director of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division. He will discuss “Buildings that Think Green: The Next Generation of Smart Energy Technologies.” The event takes place on Monday at 5:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Repertory Theater, 2025 Addison St. More>

sunResearch News: Theory of Early Solar System Needs More Work

Cosmochemist Mark Thiemens of UC San Diego asked Musa Ahmed of Berkeley Lab's Chemical Sciences Division to help perform the first experimental test of “isotope ultraviolet self-shielding,” a leading theory of why the ratios of oxygen isotopes in the early solar system were quite different from those on Earth now. Painstaking work at beamline 9.0.2 of the Advanced Light Source showed that the theory doesn’t explain the difference after all. More>

chekal-bainPeople: New Community Relations Officer for Lab Hired

Mark Chekal-Bain is the new Community Relations Officer, replacing Terry Powell as the Lab’s liaison to the City of Berkeley and surrounding communities. Chekal-Bain most recently worked for the UC Office of the President, where is was Director of Advocacy for the UC system. He is a longtime Berkeley resident and has been involved in local and regional politics for many years. He earned his degree in business administration from the University of Michigan and a masters degree from UC Berkeley.

dancersEmployee Activities: Dance Club Cuts the Rug Every Wednesday

Every Wednesday at noon, the otherwise drab Building 51 lobby — with views of the now-defunct Bevatron in the background — comes to life with music, laughter, and whirling couples. The Berkeley Lab Dance Club meets here each week from noon to 1 p.m. to tango, waltz, salsa, swing and fox trot. For those who want to join the fun, no experience or partner is needed. Go here to view a slide show of a recent gathering, and here to learn more about the club.

Fiscal Close: Adjusted LETS Sweep Schedules for Reporting Time

The LETS Sweep schedule has been adjusted to accommodate the Lab’s fiscal close: weekly time for Sept. 7-13 will be swept today at noon; weekly time for Sept. 14 – 20 this Wednesday at noon; weekly time for Sept. 21-27, Sept. 28-30, and monthly time for Sept. 1-30 this Friday at 3 p.m. Costs for any time entered after 3 p.m. on Friday will go into the next fiscal year. There will be no weekly LETS sweeps on Sept. 22, Sept. 29 and Oct. 1.

Facilities Update: Interruption to LCW Supply in Buildings 2, 6 and 37

The Lab is replacing the western portion of the LCW (Low Conductive Water) supply and return line from Bldg. 37 to Bldg. 2. The LCW is the water-cooling system that runs through the Lab cooling the transformers. The LCW system will be unavailable to Bldg. 6 from 4 p.m. on Wednesday until Thursday at 5 p.m., and to Bldgs. 2 and 37 until noon on Thursday, Sept. 25.

Safety Note: Appropriate Footwear and Safety Shoes

Integrated Safety Management requires identification of hazards, and use of controls to mitigate those hazards. When working with chemicals in laboratories, or when handling cryogens, closed-toe footwear (no open toes or sandals) must be worn. For some research and support operations, protective-toe footwear (safety shoes) may be required, and the cost of that footwear is covered (up to $120) by the requesting division. Go here for more information on safety shoes.

Special Event: Onsite American Red Cross Blood Drive on Sept. 22

The Philanthropy Club will be hosting a visit by the American Red Cross Bloodmobile on Monday, Sept. 22. from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the cafeteria parking lot. Go here to make an appointment (sponsor code is LBL). Donation rules have changed recently, so those who were previously rejected for donations may now be eligible.

Policy Reminder: Right of Free Expression and Advocacy

Members of the Laboratory have the right of free expression and advocacy consistent with University of California policies and Laboratory regulations that help to ensure orderly conduct, noninterference with Laboratory functions and activities, and reasonable protection to persons against practices that would make them involuntary audiences. Members of the Laboratory may hold meetings, post and exhibit notices and announcements, and distribute materials in accordance with the Laboratory’s time, place and manner regulations, described in detail in the Regulations and Procedures Manual, Section 2.18. Accordingly, all posted material must bear the date of posting and the name and Laboratory address of the sponsoring Laboratory organization or sponsoring member of the Laboratory.  Except as provided in RPM 2.18 (B)(1)(b), Laboratory equipment, supplies and services may be used only for, or in connection with, official Laboratory business.  Questions regarding this policy may be addressed to your Human Resources Center.