Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008

S P E C I A L    E D I T I O N

2009 Open Enrollment Begins Today

pillsStarting today, employees can, if they choose, make changes to their University of California health benefits. These include:

  • Change to a different medical plan

  • Change to a different dental plan

  • Enroll eligible family members in your health plans

  • Enroll or re-enroll in a flexible spending account (FSA). Note: even if you are currently enrolled in the Health FSA or Dependent Care FSA, you must  re-enroll to participate in 2009, as these plans do not automatically rollover to the following year.

  • Change participation in the Tax Savings on Insurance Plan Premiums (TIP) program. Enrollment is automatic unless you opt out.

Staff who are satisfied with their current enrollment and have no plan changes do not need to take any action (unless you are re-enrolling in a flexible spending account...see above).

To make changes, visit  Changes to new coverage will be effective Jan. 1, 2009. Be sure to confirm changes and keep a print out for your records. Contact the Lab's Benefits Office for more information (x6403).