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Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2008


bombay smogResearch: Program to Help Reduce India's Greenhouse Gases

Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley will join together for a research and development program in which scientists will work with the government and private sector of India to develop paths toward reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases while maintaining sustained economic growth. The program is called the Berkeley-India Joint Leadership on Energy and the Environment. More>

rich mullerSpecial Event: Next ‘Science at the Theater’ Talk on Monday, 5:30 p.m.

The next installment of the Lab’s “Science at the Theater” lectures series takes place on Monday, Oct. 13, at 5:30 p.m. with a talk by Rich Muller. He will discuss “Physics 101: What Our Next President Needs to Know.” Muller recently penned the book “Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines,” is a senior scientist in the Lab’s Physics Division, and teaches at UC Berkeley. The event takes place at the Berkeley Rep, 2025 Addison St. More>

lab busRunaround: Bus Schedule Changed During Race on Friday

The shuttle bus schedule will be altered during the Lab’s annual Runaround fun race on Friday. Between approximately 11:40 a.m. to 1 p.m., there will be no onsite Green bus or Blue bus to Building 65, and no Orange bus from BART to Buildings 74/83 between 11:38 a.m. to 1:13 p.m. To participate in the race, meet at the Firehouse at noon. Those who complete the run will receive a bottle of water, snack and commemorative t-shirt. A $6 BBQ lunch will be offered on the cafeteria lawn during the lunch hour.

white roofsIn The News: How White Roofs Shine Bright Green

[Christian Science Monitor] Can you help save the planet by painting your roof white? Berkeley Lab’s Hashem Akbari thinks so. It has long been known that a white roof saves energy and cuts carbon emissions. But until Akbari picked up a pencil to do the calculations, few realized the major climate effect that millions of white rooftops could have by reflecting sunlight back into space. More>

spositoPeople: Earth Scientist Honored as Environmental Chemistry ‘Legend’

Berkeley Lab earth scientist Garrison Sposito was one of 15 researchers honored in a special symposium of the American Chemical Society, entitled “Legends of Environmental Chemistry,” at its fall annual meeting in Philadelphia.  Each “legend” presented a 50-minute talk on their accomplishments, which was videotaped and will be archived by the Chemical Heritage Foundation and made available to those interested in the history of environmental chemistry. More>

DOE Update: Funding for Projects to Promote Enhanced Geothermal Systems

The Department of Energy recently announced funding for research, development and demonstration of Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Among the recipients is group from Berkeley Lab, Texas A&M University, AltaRock, and the University of Mississippi, who will combine rock mechanics, finite element modeling, geo-statistical concepts, and state-of-the-art stochastic inversion techniques to establish relationships between micro-seismicity, reservoir flow and geomechanical characteristics. More>

Call for Abstracts: ‘Signal and Imaging Sciences’ Workshop at Livermore

The Center for Advanced Signal and Imaging Sciences (CASIS) and the Engineering Directorate at Livermore Lab will conduct a two-day "Signal and Imaging Sciences” workshop Nov. 20-21.  Jose Principe from the University of Florida will be the keynote speaker. Abstracts are due by Friday, Oct. 10. More>