In The News: Nanowire Lawns Make for Sheets of Image Sensors
Growing a mixed "lawn" of two kinds of nanowires can make a new kind of light-sensing array that could be made in meter-scale sheets. The researchers behind the prototype — led by Ali Javey, with Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division — say such cheap, high-quality image sensors would allow uses not conceivable using today's more expensive technology. More>
Research News: Technique Paves Way for Optical Communications
UC Berkeley scientists — including Berkeley Lab materials scientist Xiang Zhang — have devised a way to squeeze light into tighter spaces than ever thought possible, potentially opening doors to new technology in the fields of optical communications, miniature lasers and optical computers. More>
Facilities: New Work Request Center Launched Today
The Facilities Division today introduces a new web-based Work Request Center that will greatly increase the division’s efficiency and improve service for Berkeley Lab customers. General, custodial, transportation, staff/office relocations, and conference room requests will be automated, allowing for a direct link into the system and reducing manual effort. More>
Safety Note: Use Caution to Avoid Hitting Deer on Lab Roads
The California mule deer that share the Lab’s hills have been especially active this summer and drivers should be extra cautious. On Wednesday, a severely injured deer spotted in the vicinity of Building 90 had to be euthanized. Those who see an injured animal at the lab should report the incident by calling the Blackberry Gate (x6999).
Runaround: Submissions for T-Shirt Design Contest Now Being Accepted
The Employee Activities Association (EAA) is accepting submissions for this year’s runaround t-shirt design contest. The submission deadline is Friday, August 8. Submit artwork by e-mail as either a JPEG or PDF file. Include name, employee ID number, phone number, and a brief description of the artwork. Send the information and artwork to [email protected]. The contest’s winner will be announced in Today at Berkeley Lab by August 31.
Special Event: Naturally Speaking Interest Group Meets Next Thursday
The first meeting of the Lab’s Naturally Speaking interest group takes place Thursday, August 7, at noon in Perseverance Hall Addition. Naturally Speaking is a computer speech-recognition software program.
There will be introductions and an assessment of the users' needs. Prospective users are encouraged to attend as well. For more information, contact Ciccina Guagliardo (x6490) or Ergonomics Program Manager Ira Janowitz (x6071).