Research Update: X-Ray Diffraction Takes 3-D Look Inside Aerogels
Scientists using beamline 9.0.1 at the Advanced Light Source have obtained high-resolution x-ray diffraction images of an aerogel for the first time, revealing its nanoscale three-dimensional bulk lattice structure down to features measured in billionths of a meter. "Seeing inside bulk porous materials has never been done before at this resolution,” says Stefano Marchesini, who led the research, “making this one of the first applications of x-ray diffractive microscopy to a real problem.” More>
Building 937 Move: Changes to Scheduled Move Dates
The Building 937 move will be completed on schedule next March, but several dates have changed. Internal Audit and Technology Transfer will now move in September. HR Benefits, Earth Sciences, and HR Labor Relations and Employee Relations will no longer move. All other dates are unchanged. The change stems from a Facilities Division decision to install a new trailer in parking lot B rather than purchase a trailer from Lawrence Livermore National Lab, which would have required structural work to meet code requirements. More>
People: EETD’s McKone on National Research Council Environment Panel
Tom McKone, with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division, has been named to a National Research Council committee that will determine the true costs and benefits of energy production and consumption. The council is part of the National Academies of Science. The panel’s two-year project is entitled “Health, Environmental, and Other External Costs and Benefits of Energy Production and Consumption.” More>
High Energy Physics: Roadmap for Next Ten Years of Research Created
A 10-year plan that will serve as a roadmap for the future of High Energy Physics in the United States is now available. Prepared by a subpanel of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, the report lays out strategies for the next decade to address fundamental questions about the laws of the universe on three “frontiers:” Energy, Intensity and Cosmic. Full report>
YouTube Video: Scientists Rap About Large Hadron Collider
Nothing is more American than hip hop, and some of the U.S. participants at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, headquartered in Geneva, have set out to prove it with a “Large Hadron Rap” on YouTube. Berkeley Lab personnel have contributed to the LHC’s accelerator and the ATLAS and ALICE experiments, but whether any of them are implicated in the video is uncertain — most of the perpetrators prefer to remain anonymous. More>
Benefits Event: Fidelity Retirement Workshop Today
Fidelity Retirement Services representative Joseph Hager will present an hour-long workshop on “Enrolling in your UC Retirement Savings Plan” today at 11:30 a.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. Participants will learn about the benefits of the Retirement Savings Program, retirement funding, investment options, and enrollment information.