Welcome to the new Today at Berkeley Lab e-mail, part of an effort by the Lab’s Public Affairs Office to update its web presence and delivery of information. Science items that appear in each TABL e-mail will be also be posted on the News Center, while administrative and operations news will appear on the Employee News page. Also take a moment to check out our revamped homepage. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we implement these changes over the next several days, and welcome your feedback.
Science News
Firing Up the Large Hadron Collider
U.S. scientists have made substantial contributions to Europe's CERN and it's new giant accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC will inject its first proton beams in the summer of 2008, an event that holds special significance for members of the Lab's Accelerator and Fusion Research, Physics, and Engineering Divisions.
Countdown to Summer Lectures 2008
On Tuesday, June 24, Berkeley Lab's Summer Lecture series will begin a six-week run of talks by some of the Lab's foremost scientists, covering such topics as computer visualization, aerosols and climate change, the future of particle accelerators and light sources, the revolution in multicore computing, and the prospects for energy efficiency in the face of rising demand. All talks take place on Tuesday at noon in the Bldg 50 auditorium. Full schedule>
Coming Soon: Synthetic Biology, the Journal
Adam Arkin, a computational biologist with Berkeley Lab’s Physical Biosciences Division, is the Editor-in-Chief of a new publication called Synthetic Biology. Berkeley Lab researchers are encouraged to submit research and review articles, perspectives, and “spec sheets.” Serving on Synthetic Biology’s inaugural editorial board are Berkeley Lab scientists Jay Keasling, Chris Somerville and David Schaffer. More>
Homeland Security Honors Life Scientist for Contributions
Stephen Derenzo, with Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division, has been honored by the Department of Homeland Security’s Transformational and Applied Research Directorate and Domestic Nuclear Detection Office. Derenzo was recognized for his “superior contributions to the goals and mission” of the directorate, relating to his work with a program for the high-throughput discovery of scintillation materials at Berkeley Lab.
Visit the News Center for more science news
Employee News
Noon Lecture Tomorrow (Friday) on Earthquake Readiness
Tomorrow (Friday) at noon in the Building 50 Auditorium, Paul Jacks and Rich Eisner with the Fritz Institute will give a presentation on Bay Area earthquake preparedness, as part of the Lab’s Emergency Preparedness Week. The Fritz Institute works in partnership with governments, non-profit organizations and corporations around the world to innovate solutions and facilitate the adoption of best practices for rapid and effective disaster response and recovery.
New System for Processing Foreign Nationals Implemented
An improved system for processing foreign national visitors will be rolled out this summer to comply with DOE Order 142.3 “Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments Program” (UFVA). The order will be implemented using a “graded approach” for research at the Lab and its respective off-site locations. This approach supports the Lab’s scientific mission, while maintaining compliance with the DOE directive. More>
New Job Hazard Analysis Delayed Due to Technical Difficulties
The implementation of the Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) system has encountered unexpected difficulties and has been delayed. Until the system is operational (expected by early next week), all employees should continue to obtain training as previously outlined in their Job Hazards Questionnaire, to work safely, and obtain On-the-Job Training from their Supervisor/Work Lead. Members of a JHA Work Group, can have their Work Group Owner print out the Hazards Profile for use as an interim JHA. Division Safety Coordinator will inform their constituents when the system is ready. Send questions to JHA Support.
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