Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Friday, Oct. 22, 2010

In The News

Lab Staffer Keoki Seu Profiled in Berkeleyside Blog

Keoki Seu's photograph

Readers often admire the photography on Berkeleyside and ask us who takes the images. Chances are they are probably referring to the work of Keoki Seu, whose photographs frequently pop up in our weekly “Where in Berkeley?” slot and occasionally are at the heart of a news story. Seu is a postdoctoral research scientist at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source. More>

SHARES 2010: Annual Giving Campaign Launches Today

the handFor the 13th year, Berkeley Lab is sponsoring its charitable giving campaign called SHARES (Science for Health, Assistance, Resources, Education, and Services). Employees can contribute online, via check, or payroll deduction. For check or payroll deduction, mail the completed to Building 90G-117. The SHARES campaign ends Wednesday, Nov. 24.

MicrobesSpecial Event: Earth Sciences Talk on 'Soil Water: A Microbes Perspective'

Mary Firestone, a professor in UC Berkeley’s Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, will present a lecture at the Lab on Friday, Oct. 29, at 10:30 a.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. She’ll be discussing “Soil Water: A Microbes Perspective.” Firestone’s research interests include terrestrial system response to global change, sustainability, biodegradation, and soil structure. More>

Library is on the MoveIT: Lab's Library is on the Move

As part of the Lab’s space initiative, the Library (50-4034) is being reconfigured, requiring temporary interruptions, delays in service, and the relocation of materials. This week, the physical collection is being moved; on Oct. 29, the public computers will be disconnected; and early next month, the reading area will be closed. Construction will take place during November and December. During this time, staff can contact references services (x5621) for assistance. After completion, the reference desk will reside in Building 50-4034B. Go here for more information.

Class on Archiving Files, Records on Oct. 28

Are you running out of space in your office, moving to a new office, or tasked with processing the records of retiring (or already retired) scientists? Learn more about files that need to be kept, which can be archived, and which can be disposed of at a workshop (BLI0926) sponsored by the Archives and Records Office and the Berkeley Lab Institute on Thursday, Oct. 28, from 10:30 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 2-100B. Registration required.

HR Benefits: Fidelity Presentations, Help Desk Session Next Week

Joseph Hager from Fidelity Retirement Services will give two financial presentations on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Perseverance Hall: “Remaining Confident in a Volatile Market” at 9 a.m. and “Getting Started in Your Workplace Savings Program” at 10:30 a.m. Registration is required. Hager will be in the cafeteria lobby to answer questions from noon to 1:30 p.m. On Thursday at noon, also in Perseverance Hall, Christian Kimball will provide an update on Fidelity’s Quarterly Market. This presentation will provide a comprehensive perspective on the financial market conditions and an in-depth review of where and why the market has moved in a particular direction. Go here to register, or call (800) 642-7131.

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