The world’s foremost experts in ion-beam cancer therapy meet at Oakland’s Claremont Hotel October 26 through 29 to examine the international success of this unique therapy, explore future developments, and ask tough questions – including why this extraordinary medical advance is making great strides in Europe and Asia but is lagging in the country where it was invented and developed – principally at Berkeley Lab. More>
Lab employees with high-school age children are invited to sign their kids up for Nano*High, a science lecture series geared for this age group and their teachers. The first talk is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30, at 10 a.m. in Stanley Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. Professor Alex Filippenko will speak on “The Birth and Early Evolution of the Universe.” Register once for all the talks in the series. Registrants will receive an e-mail reminder before each talk and can attend some or all of the lectures.
The arctic permafrost characterization research of two DOE Joint Genome Institute summer interns, Shalini Majumdar (daughter of ARPA-E Director Arun Majumdar) and Lindsey Pieper, hosted by post-doctoral fellow Rachel Mackelprang and sponsored by the High School BLIPS: Berkeley Lab Internships for Precollegiate Scholars program, was captured on video. The interns are shown at the lab bench tracking down a specific gene involved in the production of methane — a powerful greenhouse gas — by using a tiny flow cell that factors into the latest, most efficient generator of DNA sequence data.
Come to the cafeteria lobby between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. today or tomorrow to meet the Lab’s Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management staff. Learn how to protect your intellectual property and how we license inventions and software. Test your knowledge of Tech-Transfer-related issues and earn a chance to win a prize. Get advice on starting up a company from a venture veteran of Silicon Valley.
Staff from the International Researchers & Scholars Office (IRSO) will conduct a brown bag Q&A session on Monday, Oct. 25, from noon to 1 p.m. in Perseverance Hall (54-130). This session will allow employees, supervisors, and others to ask questions regarding visas, green card applications, and work permits, among other topics. For more information, contact Ben Ortega.
at Berkeley Lab encourages feedback and story ideas
Deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. two days prior to publication
TABL is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Group