Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010


Website Highlights Computational Environmental Research


Environmental researchers rely on computers to expose the fundamental workings of our planet and atmosphere, to bring complicated questions to light and find solutions. By developing computational tools to effectively monitor Earth's evolution, model climate and new technologies, scientists in Berkeley Lab's Computational Research, Earth Sciences, Environmental Energy Technologies and divisions are ensuring that society will successfully adapt to a changing world. More>

Research: Unsung Hero of Mitosis Revealed

Ndc80Berkeley Lab scientists Eva Nogales and Gregory Alushin used cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction to create a subnanometer resolution image of Ndc80, a protein complex that helps prevent chromosomal distribution mistakes during mitosis that can lead to birth defects, cancer, and other disorders. Ndc80 was found to serve as a sort of “landing pad” for the connections between chromosomes and the spindles they cross during cell division. More>

People: EETD's Kiliccote Receives GridWeek Award

Sila KiliccoteSila Kiliccote, a researcher in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division, has received the 2010 GridWeek Award for Leadership in Smart Grid Acceleration. GridWeek cited Kiliccote for her “leadership, vision, non-traditional approach, ability to create step function vs. incremental change, and willingness to take risk.” GridWeek is an annual gathering of Smart Grid stakeholders whose goal is “to explore Smart Grid’s impact on the economy, utility infrastructure, consumers and the environment while answering the industry’s most pressing questions.” GridWeek takes place next week in Washington D.C. More>

BenefitsHR Benefits: Lab Meeting on Potential Changes to Retirement Benefits

Employees who want to learn more about the proposed changes to the University of California’s post-employment benefits are invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Building 50 Auditorium. This is an opportunity for staff who attend the meeting to provide feedback prior to the UC Regents meeting in November, at which these changes will be discussed. The gathering will be facilitated by UC’s Randy Scott and Peter Taylor, and Berkeley Lab’s David Wiedrick, manager for compensation and benefits. The meeting will be webcast live (for viewing only, no feedback mechanism).

EH&S: Seven Days Until Lab's Drop, Cover, Hold On Evacuation Drill

Drop, Cover, HoldThe Lab will once again participate in the annual Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 10 a.m. On the day of the drill, instructions will be provided via the Lab’s public address system. Building Emergency Teams in each building will guide staff to Emergency Assembly Areas and communicate with the Emergency Operations Center. The drill will be evaluated via an online evaluation sent to all employees, and an evaluation team will observe one of the buildings. More information and reminders will be provided in the coming days. The drill should last about 20 minutes. For more information, contact Rocky Saunders (x7032).

Today at Berkeley Lab encourages feedback and story ideas 
Deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. two days prior to publication
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