Two Berkeley Lab scientists were among the 85 researchers named by President Barack Obama to receive the prestigious Presidential Early Career for Scientists and Engineers Award, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on early-career researchers. The Berkeley Lab recipients were Gavin Crooks, a theoretical chemist with the Physical Biosciences Division, and Trent Northen, a staff scientist with the Life Sciences Division and with the Joint BioEnergy Institute. More>
Jeff Urban and Rachel Segalman of the Materials Sciences Division have generated low-cost, hybrid thermoelectrics, materials that channel excess heat into electricity, or vice versa. Using simple water-based chemistry to cast nanoscale composite films on a substrate, the team’s discovery could help find use for thermoelectrics in power generation for batteries or electronic components in computers. More>
As part of Director Paul Alivisatos' priority to deepen community relations, Bay Area government and opinion leaders toured Berkeley Lab last Thursday. The group learned about the work being conducted at the Advanced Light Source, the Molecular Foundry, and the National Center for Electron Microscopy. Participants included (front row, l-r) Doug Boxer of Boxer & Associates and the Oakland Planning Commission, Carla Din of the East Bay Green Corridor, Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi, Mina Sanchez, Office Manager to Supervisor Carson, and (back row, far right) Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson. They were joined by Lab Government Relations staff Armando Viramontes (back row, far left) and Sam Chapman (back row, center).
The Information Technology Division and the Environmental Energy Technologies Division invite employees to attend a celebration of recently completed energy-efficiency improvements to the data center in Building 50-1275. The event takes place today at 10 a.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. The improvements include the installation of a wireless sensor network to provide data managers with real-time information about the environmental conditions and energy use of the center, and improvements to the center’s HVAC system and envelope to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.
Tonight at 6 p.m., the Lab’s network storage server will be upgraded. This work will affect a number of internal websites. The outage is expected to last until 10 p.m.
• Be careful when driving or walking on wet pine needles. Report build-up of needles here.
• Check your buildings entrances for mats and plastic umbrella covers to ensure floors stay dry.
• Change the windshield wipers on your vehicles.
• Carry a flashlight in your purse, backpack, or briefcase for use when walking to your car.
• With commute time now in the dark, be extra aware of pedestrians and bicyclists.
• If lights are out in key areas, like steps, pathways, or parking lots, report it here.
• For any safety concerns, send e-mail here.
Phil McHale and Evelyne Lang of Cambridgesoft Corporation will conduct a ChemBioDraw training from 10 to 11:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Building 66 Auditorium. The lecture will cover topics such as Hot Keys, Synthesis Tools, Stereochemistry, Nicknames, and ChemDraw for Excel, and will include a Q&A session.
at Berkeley Lab encourages feedback and story ideas
Deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. two days prior to publication
TABL is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Group