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Monday, May 17, 2010

Emergency Preparedness Week

Responder Gives Account of Haiti Rescue at Noon


To help employees get better prepared for an emergency, be it earthquake, fire or pandemic, the Lab’s Emergency Services Program is sponsoring a week of related activities. It starts today with a noon talk in the Building 50 Auditorium by Brandon Bond (left), a safety officer on a disaster medical assistance team deployed to Haiti after the earthquake. An Emergency Preparedness Fair will be held tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. outside the cafeteria (including a dog rescue demonstration, right). A presentation on the science of the Hayward Fault takes place Thursday at noon in Building 50 Auditorium.

Outreach: Scientists, Students Benefit From Cleantech to Market

DASTWLaunched as a pilot project at Berkeley Lab, the Cleantech to Market program is finishing its first semester as an official class at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, and it’s safe to say the students learned more than they expected on how to take a technology from the laboratory to the marketplace. What was less expected is how much the scientists got out of the program. “It was phenomenal,” said Cyrus Wadia, co-director of the C2M program. “They absorbed more information than I ever expected. Then they took my ideas and put a creative spin on them, and went in a direction I hadn’t even thought of.” More>

Research: Bringing Clouds into Focus

gmailCurrent global climate models are unable to directly simulate individual cloud systems from physical principles, because the size and speed of supercomputers place a limit on the number of grid cells that can practically be included in the model. As a result, global models do not have fine enough horizontal resolution to represent large clouds. David Randall, with Colorado State University, is working at the Lab’s National Energy Scientific Research Computing (NERSC) Center to clear up that uncertainty by developing and testing a new kind of global climate model that's designed to take advantage of the extreme-scale computers expected in the near future. More>

EH&S:  New Online Cryogen Safety Course

DASTWEHS0170 is a new online interactive course based on the Lab's experience handling cryogens. It covers cryogen hazards and controls, including personal protective equipment, and takes about 30 minutes to complete. This course will be required for new cryogen users starting June 1. Those who have previously completed EHS0231 (Compressed Gas and Cryogen Safety) will have their JHA Training Profile credited with EHS0170. Go here to access EHS0170. Go here for more information about cryogen safety, or contact Joe Dionne (x7586).

IT: AT&T Cellular Equipment Maintenance Tomorrow

In-building cellular antennas will be out of service from 6 to 8 a.m. tomorrow in order for AT&T Mobility to conduct maintenance on their cellular equipment at the Lab. Expect limited on-site AT&T cellular coverage during this time period. For questions, contact Telephone Services at (x7997).

Today at Berkeley Lab encourages feedback and story ideas 
Deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. two days prior to publication
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