The Earth Sciences Division has received $200,000 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding for the Northern California CO2 Reduction Project. The goal of this project is to demonstrate commercial-scale CO2 storage in deep underground geologic formations. The principal investigator is John Beyer. Working in collaboration with C6 Resources, an affiliate of Shell Oil Company, Beyer and colleagues are developing a detailed proposal for the next phase of this project, which, for C6, involves the capture, transportation, and geologic storage of 1 million tons of CO2 per year by 2015. The Lab will analyze CO2 reservoir characteristics and monitor the subsurface CO2 distribution. More>
Learn the latest updates on the Lab’s space planning efforts at the next Space Planning Advisory Committee brown bag on Thursday, April 1, at noon in the Building 50 Auditorium. Those who want to find out more on the Lab’s space planning initiative can visit a newly created website on the topic. It includes information on the committee’s charter, a feedback function, news, announcements, and contact information.
Bill Nye, aka the “Science Guy,” has collaborated with the Chabot Space and Science Center to develop a climate website and companion museum show, which is currently in development. The website and exhibit will be aimed at teaching children and their families about climate change, and providing sound scientific information about technologies and things anyone can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Lab contributors include Allan Chen (EETD), Bill Collins and Inez Fung (Earth Sciences), Michael Levi (Physics), and Chris Somerville (Physical Biosciences).
Next Tuesday, CERN plans the Large Hadron Collider’s first focused collisions at record energies of seven trillion electron volts. Two days later, on Thursday, April 1, San Francisco’s swissnex will sponsor an informative, festive, and celebratory event at which Ian Hinchliffe, head of Berkeley Lab’s ATLAS group, will explain what scientists hope to discover; Malika Meddahi, an accelerator physicist at CERN, describes how the collider works; and Elizabeth Clements, a senior science communicator at Fermilab, tells how particle accelerators contribute to the world economy. The event is open to all but registration is requested.
The Lab’s HR Benefits group is hosting a live information session on the restart of UC Retirement Plan Contributions (UCRP) today at 11 a.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. A webinar on the restart will take place on Wednesday, March 31, at 11 a.m., which requires registration. A recording of a previous webinar is posted on the Benefits website.
The Lab’s Philanthropy Club will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, April 7. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in the Cafeteria parking lot from 7 a.m to 1 p.m. Go here to register for an appointment (sponsor code is LBL).
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