Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Monday, March 1, 2010


A Novel Route to Discovery via LDRD

The "Discovery" track of Berkeley Lab’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) proposal review encourages bold, highly innovative concepts with strong potential for impact in their fields, independent of divisional programs and lab-wide initiatives. The winning proposals for 2010 are described in a five-part series, beginning with research for a new way to deposit high-quality, transparent, metal-oxide films on the industrial scale, with implications for energy applications. Go here to read the first installment of the five-part series.

IT: Lab is Switching to Google E-Mail, Calendar Services

google appsThe IT Division has announced that, during the next few months, it will convert the Lab's central e-mail and calendar services to Google Apps, Gmail and Google Calendar. Google Apps provides a full collaboration suite with ever-expanding features, powerful search capabilities, and lower infrastructure and support costs. Plus, Google Apps is easy to use and works on a wide range of platforms, including mobile devices. More>

Research: Grants to Research Complex Network Systems

networkAs the world becomes increasingly dependent on complex networks, understanding how these systems operate is of paramount importance. To address this issue, researchers in Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division will lead two projects funded at a total of $3.5M million under a Department of Energy program to study the mathematical challenges involved in improving our understanding of complex, interconnected systems such as computer networks. More>

Training: Career-Planning Workshops on March 10

stepsWhere are you headed with your career, and how will you get there? On Wednesday, March 10, Berkeley Lab Learning Institute will offer a career-planning workshop to help participants think through these issues. Taught by a career-counseling specialist, this two-hour session will help Lab staff develop a career action plan and provide tools and resources to support their efforts. Two workshops are offered: a postdoc and graduate research assistant version (BLI118) focusing on scientific careers, with video clips of Lab scientists sharing tips and lessons learned; and a non-scientific employee version (BLI119) that covers general career-planning issues. Registration is required.

Training: UC Ethical Values and Conduct Briefing

Last week, all non-research employees should have received a personalized e-mail link to the University of California's required annual briefing, "UC Ethical Values and Conduct." The e-mail, sent by [email protected], contains a personalized link that directs employees to UC's online training vendor (Sum Total Systems). Staff who need another copy of their personalized e-mail, or want additional information, can contact the Research and Institutional Integrity Office.

Correction: Bucksbaum is at Stanford

In last Wednesday's Today at Berkeley Lab, Phil Bucksbaum was identified as "of the Advanced Light Source." He is a guest user at the ALS, a professor of physics at Stanford University, and director of the Ultrafast Science Center at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

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