Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Monday, July 26, 2010

In The News

Tech-Savvy Thieves Could 'Cybercase' Your House


[The Atlantic] The photos and videos you upload could reveal a lot about where you are. Data stored in digital photographs can help criminals locate individuals and plot real-world crimes, a practice two researchers — including Robin Sommer of Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division — called "cybercasing" in a recently published paper. Location data can be stored in a digital photo or video's metadata. That data can include the make and model of the device used, the date and time the photo or video was taken, and the geographic coordinates of the device at the time the photo was taken. The paper explains how Craigslist, Twitter and YouTube could be used to locate people and plot crimes. More>

googleIT: Lab Switches to Google Calendar This Weekend; Google Day on Friday

Are you prepared for the Lab-wide transition to Google Calendar this weekend? To help those who aren’t ready, Google training will be held today at 1:30 p.m. in the Building 66 Auditorium. Employees can learn more about all the Lab’s Google applications during Google Day on Friday. Google Calendar training will be held at 9:30 a.m. followed by Google Doc training at 10:45 a.m. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., IT staff will be available to answer questions on Gmail, Google Docs, Sites, Contacts, and Calendar. Bring your mobile device if you want help configuring it for Google. The day will wrap up with another Google Calendar training session starting at 1:30 p.m.

Research: Seeking Volunteers for Diet Study

dinnerRonald Krauss, a guest in the Lab’s Genomic Division and researcher at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), is recruiting non-smoking men and postmenopausal women to participate in a six-week dietary intervention study being conducted at CHORI. The “Dietary Effects on Large Lipoproteins (DELL)” study seeks to determine the effect of saturated fat on cholesterol and lipoprotein levels in individuals with the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype. Go here for more information, including a survey to see if you are qualified, or contact CHORI (866) 513-1118 (toll free).

Video Feature: First Three Carbon Smackdowns on YouTube

Carbon SmackdownsThis summer's Carbon Smackdown has been a tough three matches as Berkeley Lab scientists square off against carbon dioxide. Who's winning? Find out by watching the first three matches on Berkeley Lab's YouTube channel. Watch as cook stoves for the developing world, carbon capture, and wind energy take on our climate's greatest nemesis. And don't miss the final two matches: smart windows on Aug. 3 and visualizing climate on Aug. 9.

Safety: Important Tips for Cyclists at the Lab

Bicyclists are reminded that wearing helmets while riding at the Lab is required. They must also obey speed laws and stop at all stop signs. Also, those who use Lab shuttle buses to transport their bicycles must inform drivers prior to loading or unloading bikes on the bus.

Employee Activity: Onsite Blood Drive Tuesday, Aug. 10

The Lab’s Philanthropy Club will be hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, Aug. 10. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in the Cafeteria parking lot from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Go here to register for an appointment (sponsor code is LBL).

Today at Berkeley Lab encourages feedback and story ideas 
Deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. two days prior to publication
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