Clem Fortman and Adrienne McKee of the Physical Biosciences Division are overseeing this year’s version of iCLEM, which stands for Introductory College Level Experience in Microbiology. Jointly sponsored by the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) and the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC), both led by Jay Keasling, iCLEM is a paid internship that gives underserved Bay area high school students a chance to participate in actual scientific research while gaining experience in numerous college prep activities and earning money. This year’s program, the third edition, has six students plus two high school teachers who work along side the students, teaching and learning at the same time. The program runs from
June 21 through August 13. More>
Secretary of Energy and former Berkeley Lab director Steven Chu led the development of a technique that enables the use of optical microscopy to image objects or the distance between them with resolutions as small as 0.5 nanometers – one-half of one billionth of a meter, or an order of magnitude smaller than the previous best. This super-resolution technique has the potential to revolutionize biological imaging, Secretary Chu says. More>
As part of $92 million in awards announced by the DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) this week for cleantech research, scientists in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division were awarded $1.6 million for work on hydrogen-bromine flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage. Lead principal investigators Venkat Srinivasan, Vince Battaglia, and Adam Weber will work with industrial partners DuPont, Bosch, 3M, and Proton Energy to develop a flow-battery system for grid applications. More>
Berkeley Lab Director Paul Alivisatos has placed a renewed emphasis on the Lab being a good neighbor in the Berkeley community. As part of this effort, the Lab formed a Community Advisory Group earlier this year to provide input on the Lab’s physical planning and development, focusing primarily on community health, safety and the environment. More>
Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently launched Cluster Compute Instances for Amazon EC2, which makes high-bandwidth, low-latency high-performance computing (HPC) resources available in a cloud-computing environment. To ensure that the new Amazon EC2 service will be able to handle a gamut of demanding HPC applications ranging from electronic design automation to financial services, Amazon Web Services worked closely with researchers at the Lab's Computational Research Division, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and IT divisions. More>
A DOE Berkeley Site Office poster session on the Seismic Phase 2B project draft Environmental Assessment will be held today from 4 to 7 p.m. at South Berkeley Senior Center (2939 Ellis St.). Lab staff and community members are invited to attend. The Proposed Action would remove approximately 43,000 gross square feet of office and laboratory space; provide approximately 43,000 gross square feet of new space in a general purpose laboratory (pictured); and seismically upgrade the Hazardous Waste Handling Facility. The purpose and need of the Proposed Action and its alternatives is to remedy or remove space at Berkeley Lab, which poses seismic life-safety risks and to provide seismically safe and modern research space at the Lab. More>
Laboratory policy requires that all employees obtain prior approval before engaging in Compensated Outside Professional Activity (COPA, formerly known as Outside Business Activity) . The Lab’s procedures for review and approval of such activities include centralized institutional review, including, as circumstances warrant, review by the Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee. Use the Request to Engage in Compensated Outside Professional Activities form to request approval for such activities. Conflict of Interest information and resources are available here. Questions may be addressed to [email protected]. Berkeley Lab's conflict-of-interest policies apply to all employees, including faculty members, who perform work under the UC/DOE Contract, regardless of the percentage of time employed. The conflict-of-interest policies stem from the Lab management contract between the University of California and DOE, University policy, and federal and state laws and regulations. The updated policy is detailed in RPM 10.02.
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