Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010

In The News

U.S. Preparation For, Prediction of Quakes

[CBS News] As Haiti continues to struggle after the devastating earthquake, some Americans think a major earthquake will strike the U.S. soon. Daniel Sieberg reports "Where America Stands" on earthquake predictions. "Earthquake prediction, nobody has reliably done that," said Ernie Majer (left), with Berkeley Lab’s Earth Sciences Division. "It would be more towards earthquake understanding." To achieve that goal, researchers like Majer need to feel the pulse of seismic activity. During a recent test, Majer and his team were able to see specific changes in the ground hours before a small earthquake hit. More>

Special Event: Employee All-Hands Meeting Today at 10 a.m.

Lab Director Paul Alivisatos will conduct an employee all-hands meeting today at 10 a.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. For those unable to attend, the meeting will be webcast live here, and archived at the site for viewing later.

People: Gadgil Receives Sustainability Pioneer Award

gadgilAshok Gadgil, Acting Division Director of the Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division, has been awarded the Sustainability Pioneer Award from the Sustainable Asset Management Group/Sustainability Performance Group. In addition to developing UV Waterworks for inexpensive, efficient water purification, Ashok led the team that developed the Darfur cookstove as well as low-cost technologies for removing arsenic from water supplies. The award "acknowledges an outstanding individual working within or in close cooperation with the private sector, whose innovativeness represents a milestone in the promotion and implementation of sustainability principles in the business world."

Special Event: EH&S Talk on 'Making the Optics Lab Safer'

laserThe Lab’s Environment, Health and Safety Division will host a talk on safety in optics labs Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 11:30 a.m. in the Building 66 Auditorium. Speaker Tim Huebner will discuss how to enhance laser and general safety in laser laboratories, as well as optomechanics, vibration control, light measurement and motion control. In addition, discussion of system-level consideration and design ideas will help stimulate thought regarding methods and products for improving your laboratory.

power cordSafety: Properly Store Extension Cords, Especially in Wet Weather

The Lab's Environment, Health and Safety Division would like to remind all staff to properly store extension cords when they are not being used. Extension cords are for temporary use only and should not be exposed to the elements. This is especially important with outdoor cords, such as those used with electric vehicles. After unplugging electric vehicles, even for short periods, the extension cord must be unplugged from the power receptacle, rolled up and stored in the vehicle or other suitable place. This must be done regardless of the weather, but the recent wet weather makes this practice very important to your safety. More>

Employee Development: Powerpoint Classes Available

The Berkeley Lab Learning Institute will offer classes on Wednesday, Feb. 10, for Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (BLI10144) and Wednesday, Feb. 17, on Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (BLI0142). The classes, taught by CMC, are $70 each. Due to limited space, interested employees are encouraged to sign up soon. Go here for information and to register. E-mail a Project ID number to [email protected].

HR Benefits: February Calendar of Events Available

From a postdoc benefits orientation to a workshop on managing elder care stress, the HR Benefits department hosts a number of events to help staff manage their work and life. To assist in tracking upcoming events, the department produces a monthly calendar, and the February edition is now available.

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