Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010

Special Event

CC2.0: Improving
Carbon Capture, Combustion and Sequestration

The Carbon Cycle 2.0 symposia switches to the Building 66 Auditorium today. Starting at noon, Berkeley Lab scientists will outline several innovative technologies that are key to the initiative.

Berend Smit on carbon capture

depaolo12:30 p.m.

Don DePaolo on geo and bio sequestratio

cheng1:15 p.m.

Robert Cheng on combustion

meza1:30 p.m.
Juan Meza on computation in CC2.0

Today's event will be webcast. The full agenda of all talks is available on the CC2.0 website. Follow live Tweets of each day’s symposia. Summaries and videos of previous talks are also available.

Carbon Cycle 2.0 graphic

Special Event: Hollywood Science Meets Berkeley Lab Tonight

hollywoodLab employees are invited to attend a Science at the Theater presentation featuring Sidney Perkowitz, author of Hollywood Science, along with a panel of Lab researchers to discuss the depiction of science in the movies. Panelists include Richard Muller, Bill Collins, and Abby Dernburg. The event will take place at 7 p.m at the Berkeley Rep Theatre (Addison near Shattuck). More>

nanobotScience Cafe: ‘Nano-Bot’ Plot Wins Eureka Contest; Event is Tomorrow at 7 p.m.

A clever story on how the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) helps save the world from a virus-carrying nano-robot causing humans and animals to “dehydrate and disintegrate” is the winner of a Public Affairs contest to write a plot involving the Lab for the SyFy Channel program Eureka. Clayton Bagwell, with NCEM, submitted the winning idea. He and a guest will enjoy front-row seats and an introduction to show co-creator Jaime Paglia at the Lab’s Science Café tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Brower Center (actor Colin Ferguson is unable attend). All employees are invited to this free event. More>

signpostLab History: Helpful Directions for Occupants of Brand New Building 90

Travel back in time 50 years ago when the Lab was christening its newest structure on the Hill: Building 90. Now home to offices for Earth Sciences, Human Resources and other groups, back then it housed a teletype (a typewriter that could send messages from point to point) and the Lab’s chaplain. To help the new occupants get around, a “signpost” was created to provide directions, pictured above with accounting employee Anne Bowman. The photo appeared in the July 1960 issue of The Magnet (click for larger version).

In The News: Berkeley Lab Reaps Benefits of Stimulus

graph[Daily Californian] While double-digit unemployment continues to plague many areas of the country, federal stimulus grants are funding research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that may lead to long-term economic growth. About $264 million has been allocated to the Lab since March 2009 through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for research in computing, energy, health and other sciences. At least 192 jobs have been created or retained as of Dec. 31, 2009 due to the influx of stimulus funding. More>

In The News: Will China Eat America's Lunch in Cleantech?

green globe[Washington Post Op-Ed] In the State of the Union Address last Wednesday, President Obama said "the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy and America must be that nation." At the same time, on the other coast, at the Knowledge Economy Institute Leadership Summit held at the Joint Bioenergy Institute, 75 clean-energy investors, entrepreneurs, and researchers were debating whether the U.S. can gain this leadership position. The question posed: what will it take for the U.S. to achieve global leadership in the clean-energy economy? The group concluded that the U.S., by far, has the strongest innovation platform in the world. But other countries may well reap the benefits of its research efforts. More>

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TABL is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Group