Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ozone and Nicotine a Bad Combination for Asthma Sufferers


Using ozone to remove the smell of tobacco smoke from indoor environments is probably a bad idea. A study led by Mohamad Sleiman with the Indoor Environment Department of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division has shown that ozone can react with the nicotine in secondhand smoke to form ultrafine particles that may become a bigger threat to asthma sufferers than nicotine itself. Also participating in this study were Hugo Destaillats, Lara Gundel, Jared Smith, Chen-Lin Liu, Musahid Ahmed and Kevin Wilson. More>

Research: Biofuel Production, Environment Goals Compatible

BiofuelIn a “Perspective” article in Science, researchers from the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) suggest that a diversity of plant species, adaptable to the climate and soil conditions of specific regions of the world, can be used to develop agroecosystems for fuel production that are compatible with contemporary environmental goals. The paper was co-authored by EBI Director Chris Somerville, who is also with the Lab’s Physical Biosciences Division. More>

EH&S: Emergency Exercise Affects Some Buildings Tomorrow

EmergencyThe Emergency Services Program will conduct the Lab’s annual disaster exercise tomorrow. The exercise will evaluate the Lab’s Emergency Response Organization and Alameda County Fire Department response to a plausible scenario onsite. Buildings 26, 48, 65, 70A and Blackberry Gate will be the sites participating in the exercise. "Exercise in Progress" signs will be posted around the areas. Shuttle buses should not be impacted during the exercise.

Health Services: Free Diabetes Testing for Employees

VolunteersDiabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, and kidney failure. Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. In the workplace, diabetes can result in lost productivity, restricted activities, unsafe performance, and disability. Hemoglobin A1C is a non-fasting blood test that determines blood sugar levels over the preceding three-month period and is used to help diagnose diabetes. Health Services is offering a free hemoglobin A1C test to all employees on Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 8 a.m. to noon. Call x6266 for an appointment.

IT: Google Calendar Tips

Google Calendar users may want to review some of the recent observations concerning the use of Gcal and related migration issues. For a look at FAQs, organized by category, go here.

EH&S: New Subcontractor Hazards Analysis Form Available

A new online Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis and Work Authorization (SJHAWA) form is now available for staff and subcontractors. The online form, developed with input from users, simplifies the SJHAWA process and reduces paperwork. Through Sept. 30, SJHAWAs can be created using the online form or the current MS Word form, and procurement buyers will accept service requisitions that include either form. After Sept. 30, the online form must be used. Transfer of existing valid SJHAWAs prepared on the MS Word form to the online form is not required until the SJHAWA must be renewed. For information on how your division is implementing the online form, contact your Division Safety Coordinator. For other questions, contact Mike Ruggieri (x5440).

Construction: Building 25A Demolition Requires Staff Relocation, Affects Parking

Building 25A will be demolished to accommodate the construction of the Solar Energy Research Center. Staff located in Building 25A will be moved to Buildings 90, 63 and 64. Some parking will be lost in each area to facilitate these moves.

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