Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009


Ashok Gadgil Wins Prestigous Heinz Award

Ashok Gadgil, a scientist with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD), is one of 10 recipients being recognized for their environmental achievements through the 15th annual Heinz Awards. He will receive $100,000 in recognition of his efforts to understand airflow and pollutant transport in buildings, which helps to reduce health risks, and efforts to improve energy efficiency and enhance the quality of life in developing countries. His knack for creating simple inventions to solve fundamental problems in developing countries was also highlighted. More>

In The News: Last Days of Big American Physics?

cyclotron[Wired Magazine] High-energy particle physicists around the world are collectively holding their breath waiting for the Large Hadron Collider to come online and start unlocking the most elusive secrets of the universe. It’s as if time is standing still until their shiny new toy is ready to play with. But not at Fermilab. Here, physicists are in the scientific equivalent of an all-out sprint, still clinging to the ever-thinning hope that before the LHC ramps up to full power, their own 28-year old particle collider will catch the coveted Higgs boson. Europe and the United States have been vying to make discoveries since the birth of high-energy particle physics in 1930, when E.O. Lawrence built the first cyclotron (pictured). More>

Reminder: Interim Director's All-Hands Tomorrow at Noon

Interim Lab Director Paul Alivisatos will conduct an all-hands meeting for employees tomorrow at noon in the Building 66 Auditorium. He will provide an update on the Lab’s strategic direction, management, safety efforts, and infrastructure initiatives, and will answer staff questions. For those unable to attend, the meeting will be webcast live, and later archived. The link, to be activated at the start of the talk, will be provided in tomorrow’s edition of TABL. Questions can be e-mailed to [email protected] during the broadcast, or sent now.

appleEmployee Development: Lab Staff Can Attend Campus Health Events

From an elder-care support group to classes on improving work posture and preparing quick and healthy meals, UC Berkeley’s Health Services hosts a number of meetings and activities to help UC staff, including Berkeley Lab employees, improve their quality of life. Go here to view a calendar of events.

Funding Opportunity: Two Lemelson-MIT Awards for Inventions

The Lemelson-MIT Awards honor both established and rising inventors for their ingenuity, creativity and contribution to invention and innovation. The awards recognize the profound impact that inventors can have on economic and social well being. The $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize honors outstanding mid-career inventors dedicated to improving our world through technological invention and innovation. The $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability recognizes and supports inventors working to safeguard the well being of our communities and planet. More>

Facilities: Parking, Traffic Interrupted Near Bldg. 71J

To accommodate drilling near the Building 71J trailer today through Friday, a few parking spaces in the area will be blocked off and the closure of a nearby back road will be required. Those driving or walking in this area should use caution and follow flagger instructions and posted signage.

EH&S: Red Wing Safety Shoes Onsite Tomorrow

The Red Wing Work Shoe vendor will be onsite tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The shoemobile
will be located on Lawrence Road near Strawberry Gate. Employees may be required to wear safety shoes to protect from potential hazards. Those working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, may be authorized to purchase safety shoes. More>

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