Vaccines and Insurance
Employees with UC health insurance can seek vaccination through their personal healthcare providers. In some plans, patient copayments are waived for vaccinations. Details for your plan should be obtained from your health plan documents or contacts, available through UC’s “At Your Service” website.
Lab Seasonal Flu Clinics
These clinics will be held Oct. 1 at NERSC in downtown Oakland, Oct. 14 and 23 at Health Services in Building 26, and Oct. 29 at the Joint Genome Institute. Cost for the onsite vaccinations is $10 cash or check, and spaces are limited. Appointments can be made by calling x6266.
Priority Groups for H1N1 Immunization
The five priority groups for vaccination during times of limited vaccine are:
· pregnant women,
· people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age,
· health care and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient contact,
· children 6 months through 4 years of age, and
· children 5 through 18 years of age who have chronic medical conditions.*
When vaccine becomes more widely available, the priority groups are:
· pregnant women,
· persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers),
· health-care and emergency medical services personnel,
· persons aged 6 months--24 years, and
· persons aged 25--64 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications*.
Chronic medical conditions that confer a higher risk for influenza-related complications include chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal, hepatic, cognitive, neurologic/neuromuscular, hematologic, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus) or immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by human immunodeficiency virus).
If you are a member of one of these groups, we encourage you to contact your personal medical provider to investigate where you might get the H1N1 vaccine.
Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department