The atomic-level action of a remarkable class of ring-shaped protein motors has been uncovered by James Berger of the Physical Biosciences Division and his graduate student Nathan Thomsen using a state-of-the-art protein crystallography beamline at the Advanced Light Source. These protein motors play pivotal roles in gene expression and replication, and are vital to the survival of all biological cells, as well as infectious agents, such as the human papillomavirus, which has been linked to cervical cancer. More>
Staff have until 5 p.m. to make changes to their UC health benefits.
Do you need some compelling visual evidence of the effects that your cough can have on another person, and why it's best for all concerned if you stay home once you have any flu symptoms? Check out this video from the "Mythbusters" of Discovery Channel TV fame, and you'll never look at a simple uncovered cough the same way again!
[Symmetry Breaking] Just three days after CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was restarted with a beam of protons circulating all the way around the 27-kilometer ring, two beams that had been kept circulating for hours in opposite directions were made to cross to produce the first particle collisions. The beams were tuned so that collisions were detected first by ATLAS and subsequently by the CMS, ALICE, and LHCb experiments. Berkeley Lab physicists and engineers are involved in many aspects of the LHC, playing vital roles in the ATLAS and ALICE experiments and making major contributions to the LHC accelerator itself. More>
Lab staff who want to view their current and past pay statements can now do so online, via the Employee Self Service website. Just log on with your LDAP then select “Paycheck History” from the menu, or access the page directly here. The newly formatted statements are also printable. Mac users should use a Safari web browser to view. Those using Macs with Firefox will need to download a plug-in. Starting on Monday, Jan. 4, employees with direct deposit will no longer get a paper statement and will instead receive an e-mail notification that will link them to the paycheck history webpage described above. To opt out of this e-notification and continue receiving paper statements, send e-mail to [email protected].
In anticipation of the Thanksgiving holiday, the Lab’s shuttle bus services will alter final departure times on Wednesday: Building 65 — 6 p.m. for the Blue Route, 5:40 p.m. for Rockridge Route; Building 62/66 — 5:50 p.m. for the Orange Route; Potter St. — 5:25 p.m.; JBEI — 5:35 p.m.
Finding it a challenge to manage meeting participants and achieve your objectives? Check out Conducting Effective Meetings (BLI0131), a one-hour webinar on Thursday, Dec. 3 from 11 a.m. to noon. From the convenience of your own desk, get useful tips and tools for planning meetings, handling dominant and silent participants, keeping discussion on track, and ending on time. Content is relevant for scientists, supervisors, and anyone who leads meetings. Registration is required.
The Berkeley Lab Learning Institute will offer classes on Word 2007 Intro (BLI0140) on Dec. 3, Word/Excel 2003 Intro (BLI0145) on Dec. 10, and Word/Excel 2007 New Features (BLI0146) on Dec 16. Due to limited space, interested employees are encouraged to sign up soon. Go here for information and to register; send project ID number to [email protected].
Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Group