Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Monday, Nov. 9, 2009

Special Event

Author K.C. Cole Gives Lab Talk on Frank Oppenheimer

Frank Oppenheimer and K.C. Cole

Writer K.C. Cole (above right) will visit Berkeley Lab Friday at 12:30 p.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium to discuss "Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and the World He Made Up," her new biography of Robert Oppenheimer’s little brother. Frank Oppenheimer was a member of Ernest Lawrence’s team in the years before and after World War II, but then fell afoul of the House Un-American Activities Committee and was forced to leave physics for over 10 years, returning as the founder of San Francisco’s unique museum of science and perception, the Exploratorium. More>

Image of Peter LichtySpecial Event: Lab Medical Director Gives Talk on H1N1 Flu Pandemic Tomorrow

Peter Lichty, Berkeley Lab's Medical Director, will give a talk updating recent developments in the H1N1 flu pandemic. Lichty will describe current data on the spread of the virus, as well as methods for influenza control. The lecture will take place in the Building 50 Auditorium from noon to 1 p.m. More on the Lab's readiness for H1N1 is available on the Pandemic Flu website.

Fume hoodIn The News: The Great Fume Hood Debate

[R&D Magazine] For decades the assumption was that a safer fume hood was one with high air flow. But air flow is expensive, and vendors and researchers are designing ways to save money while continuing to protect the operator. In 2007, at the behest of Pacific Gas & Electric utility, fume hood experts Dale Sartor of Berkeley Lab and Rishabh Kasliwal of Cogent Energy Inc. conducted a study that quantified potential energy savings from revised usage strategies in two different California laboratories that relied on fume hoods. More>

Special Event: EETD Lecture on Battery Technology Today

Car battery imageMark Verbrugge, a researcher with the General Motors Research and Development Center, will present a talk on "Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies and the Automotive Industry: Drivers, Needs, and Recent Research Results" today at noon in the Building 66 Auditorium. The presentation is part of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division’s Distinguished Lecture Series. More>

World of Science: Large Hadron Collider Takes a Quick Pause to Deal With a Baguette

Baguette imageThe rehabilitation of the beleaguered Large Hadron Collider was briefly on hold after the shutdown of one of its powerful cooling units caused by an errant chunk of baguette. The particle-collider faced more than a year of delays after a helium leak stymied the project in its first few days of operation. It is gradually being switched back on over the coming months but suffered a momentary glitch on Tuesday morning.

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