Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Joe Gray to Co-Lead 'Dream Team' With $18 Million Grant

An $18 million, three-year grant to develop new and more effective therapies to fight breast cancer was awarded today to a multi-institutional "Dream Team" of scientists and clinicians, co-led by Associate Lab Director Joe Gray. The grant was awarded by Stand Up To Cancer, an Entertainment Industry Foundation charitable organization aimed at moving cancer research out of the lab and into the clinic. The Breast Cancer Dream Team will strive to bring personalized treatments to the spectrum of diseases that comprise breast cancer, which kills approximately 40,000 women annually in the U.S. and many more worldwide. More> video icon

People: EETD's Levine Receives Japanese Architecture Prize

levineMark Levine, former director of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division and head of the China Energy Group, will receive the 2009 Appreciation Prize of the Architectural Institute of Japan at a ceremony in Tokyo on Friday. The award cites his "series of accomplishments on outstanding research works, promotion of energy projects and dissemination of energy efficiency technologies in the field of architecture for global warming protection." This is the third major award Levine has received in the past 12 months, including the Obayashi Prize and the Public Service Award of the Federation of American Scientists.

runnersComputing: ESnet, NERSC Help Speed Data Transfers Between DOE Facilities

With the installation and deployment of new dedicated data transfer nodes at NERSC and NCCS linked by ESnet, researchers are now able to move large data sets between each facility's mass storage system at a rate of 200 megabytes per second (MB/sec). At this rate, 74 terabytes of information in the U.S. Library of Congress's digital collection could be transferred in approximately four days. More>

cool roofIn The News: Chu Suggests Painting World White to Fight Global Warming

[The Times] Steve Chu, the Nobel prize-winning physicist appointed by President Obama as Energy Secretary, said he wants to change the color of roofs, roads and pavements so they reflect more of the sun's light and heat to combat global warming. Chu said his thinking on the issue had been strongly influenced by Art Rosenfeld, a member of the California Energy Commission and physicist at Berkeley Lab. He and two colleagues from the Lab, Hashem Akbari and Surabi Menon, calculated that changing surface colors in 100 of the world's largest cities could save the equivalent of 44 billion tons of carbon dioxide. More>

HR Benefits: June Calendar of Events Now Available

From a summer wellness fair to a workshop on stress relief, the Lab's HR Benefits Department is hosting a number of events in the month of June. Go here to view the calendar.

HR Employee Development: New Features in Microsoft Office 2007 Excel

The Berkeley Lab Learning Institute will offer half-day classes Wednesday, June 10, on the new and enhanced features available in Microsoft Office 2007 for Excel. The classes, taught by CMC, are $50 each. Due to limited space, interested employees are encouraged to sign up soon. Go here for information and to register, or call Karen Paris (x5122).

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