Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Week

Drop, Cover, Hold Drill on June 10

Monday, June 8, kicks off the Lab’s Emergency Preparedness Week, which includes several activities to help staff get ready for crisis. Among the most crucial events is the “Drop, Cover and Hold On” evacuation drill at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 10. The Emergency Services Team will provide instructions for completing the drill and evacuating buidings via the Lab’s public address system. The exercise will take about 15 to 20 minutes.

Additional events include a fair on Monday, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., a rescue dog demonstration on Tuesday, noon to 1 p.m., and a presentation on personal preparedness on Thursday. Additional information will be posted in Today at Berkeley Lab closer to the dates.

In The News: Still Hope for King Kalakaua Recording

kalakaua[Honolulu Advertiser] Bishop Museum hopes that the long-lost voice of King David Kalakaua — recorded on a wax cylinder as he lay on his deathbed 118 years ago — might be heard again through modern technology. Attempts to retrieve Kalakaua's voice in 1989 failed. But new techniques developed at Berkeley Lab are raising the museum's hopes that laser technology can reproduce the sounds without actually touching and further deteriorating the wax cylinder — possibly allowing modern-day people to hear the voice of a Hawaiian king. More>

People: Renewable Energy Team Wins Wind Power Award

wind powerThe renewable energy team of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division, led by Ryan Wiser, received a Wind Powering America award, announced at the annual DOE Wind Powering America State Summit. The Friend of the Program Award was presented to the Lab in recognition of excellence and leadership in wind energy policy and market analysis. The team — honored for its long-standing policy and analysis activities in the wind power market — includes Wiser, Mark Bolinger, Galen Barbose, Andrew Mills, Ben Hoen, Naim Darghouth, Carla Peterman, and Anna Rosa.

graduationEmployee Development: Workshop on Lab's Tuition Reimbursement

The Berkeley Lab Learning Institute will offer a workshop on the Lab's Tuition Reimbursement Program on Wednesday, June 10, in Building 2-100B from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Participants will learn about the program's policy and guidelines, the types of programs offered, how to access the necessary forms, and getting reimbursed. This workshop is free. Go here for more information and to register, or call Karen Paris x5122.

Construction: Lane Closure Near Guest House Tomorrow, Thursday

One lane of Lawrence Road will be closed tomorrow and Thursday to accommodate construction near the Guest House, adjacent to the Advanced Light Source and the cafeteria parking lot. Drivers and pedestrians should use caution when traversing this area, following flagger instructions and signage.

Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department