To celebrate physics research, the Year of Science campaign has designated March as physics month. As part of the celebration, the second installment of a two-part story on the Lab’s neutrino research has been posted. The article discusses various neutrino projects, including the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), KamLAND (pictured), Daya Bay, DUSEL, and IceCube. More>
[Forbes] In his driveway in Berkeley, Calif. Berkeley Lab physicist Richard Muller has an unsurprising possession: a hybrid-electric Toyota Prius. What's surprising is his motivation for owning it: "It doesn't save me money," he explains. "It doesn't help slow global warming. I just love the technology." He also argues that coal and nuclear fission are good sources of energy, hydrogen- and electric-powered cars won't do much to save our atmosphere, solar panels on residential rooftops make no economic sense, and Al Gore and Thomas Friedman are exaggerating the effects of global warming. But his peers are happy to take him on in these policy debates. More>
The Energy Sciences Network (ESnet 4) is an Excellence.Gov Award finalist for enhancing government transparency. The winners will be announced in Washington, D.C. on April 14. ESnet4 is a reliable high-speed nationwide network that supports DOE Office of Science Research by connecting tens of thousands of researchers. Consisting of multiple 10-gigabit lines, ESnet4 can quickly move massive datasets produced by large-scale science experiments. The Excellence.Gov Awards Program was established by the American Council for Technology/Industry Advisory Council to recognize best practices in the federal government’s management and use of information technology. ESnet is managed for DOE by Berkeley Lab.
The inaugural year in the life of the Energy Biosciences Institute is captured in the recently published EBI Annual Report 2008. The 66-page report includes a message from EBI Director Chris Somerville, a primer on biofuels, details on the 50 projects and programs currently funded, a glossary of bioenergy terms, and feature stories on investigators. Go here to read the report online. Free copies are now available at the EBI administrative offices at UC Berkeley (Calvin Laboratory) or can be mailed at no charge. E-mail requests (including address) to Trisha Togonon.
The Lab’s Philanthropy Club will be hosting a blood drive at the Lab on Monday, March 23, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be parked in the Cafeteria parking lot. Go here to make an appointment (sponsor code is LBL). Call x4181 for more information.
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