Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Our Safety, Our Laboratory's Future image

Lesson Learned

Defective Furniture Design Creates Hazard

Safety lesson learned image

Recently an employee struck his right knee against the cantilever bracket of his workstation, resulting in a broken knee cap. The employee’s workstation includes a computer table and two side tables, each with a cantilever bracket “sandwiching” the computer table. As the employee swung his chair around to work at the table on the right the cantilever bracket struck and broke his knee. Any staff with a similar workstation set-up should inform their supervisor immediately so the workstation can be modified. To view more about the lessons learned from this incident, go here. To request an ergo evaluation go here.

Computing News: Green Flash Project Runs First Prototype Successfully

NERSC imageBerkeley Lab’s Green Flash project, which is exploring the feasibility of building a new class of energy-efficient supercomputers for climate modeling, has successfully reached its first milestone by running the atmospheric model of a full climate code on a logical prototype of a Green Flash processor. The Green Flash project addresses three research problems at once — a climate science problem, a computer architecture/hardware problem, and a software problem. “The logical prototype simulates the entire circuit design of the proposed processor,” says John Shalf of the NERSC Division, principal investigator of Green Flash. More>

Education: CSEE Unveils New Website

CSEE logoThe Center for Science and Engineering Education (CSEE) recently launched its new website, which features updated information about its summer internship programs, school visits to the Lab, and opportunities for Lab staff to volunteer or participate in special events. To check it out, go here.

Construction imageConstruction Update: Lawrence Road Limited to One Lane Today

To accommodate construction work on the Guest House, a portion of Lawrence Road will be limited to one lane today from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Flaggers will direct traffic, however drivers are asked to observe the 15 mph speed limit and pedestrians are urged to use the crosswalks provided, follow the signage, and use caution when traversing this area. For more information, contact Kirk Haley (x4171).

Employee Training: New Teams Course for Supervisors and Leads

BLI logoThe Berkeley Lab Learning Institute (BLI) is offering a new course for supervisors and team leads, entitled Skills and Tools for Leading Collaborative and Productive Teams. The one-day intensive course is designed for scientific and operations supervisors and leads who would like to improve their skills for managing projects and project teams. The course is scheduled on April 8th in building 62-203 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  There is no cost.  For further details and to sign up for the course go here.

Shuttle Bus: Enhanced Schedules Now In Effect

A new bus schedule launched this Monday will reduce wait times for passengers and idle time for buses. The Blue bus will now make pick-ups every 10 minutes (previously was every 13 minutes, 11 during commute hours). The Orange bus will now make pick ups every 15 minutes, and every 10 minutes from 7:40 to 9:40 a.m. (previously was every 18 minutes, 12 during commute hours). The Green bus intervals will remain the same with slight alterations to the schedule. Rockridge and Potter routes and schedules are unchanged. Riders can check when buses are arriving using NEXTbus. LabPorter reservations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. and 1 to 3:45 p.m. Send comments here.

Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department