Researchers at Fermilab's CDF experiment have announced the first observation of an exotic relative of the proton that has about six times the proton's mass. Called an Omega-sub-b, the new particle contains three quarks, two strange quarks and a bottom quark (s-s-b). This "doubly strange" particle, predicted by the Standard Model, strengthens the confidence of physicists in their understanding of how quarks form matter. However, the results of this observation do conflict with results from an experiment in 2008 by the DZero at experiment. More>
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI) has selected 71 new genomic sequencing projects for its 2010 Community Sequencing Program—a targeted sampling of the planet's biodiversity—to be characterized for bioenergy, climate, and environmental applications. JGI's Community Sequencing Program is the largest genomic sequencing effort in the world focused on nonmedical organisms, enabling scientists from universities and national laboratories to probe the hidden world of microbes and plants to tap nature's ingenuity for innovative solutions to the nation's major challenges in energy, climate, and environment. More>
Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source has posted the latest edition of its ALSNews online. This month's stories include a crystallographic look at a DNA adapter protein, a landmark development in ALS biological microscopy, information on submitting general user proposals for scientists who wish to conduct research at the ALS in the next cycle, and an update on the new 57-room ALS guest house. ALSNews is a monthly electronic newsletter produced by the ALS staff. More>
Staff using Centennial Drive near the Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) should be alert for a change in the operation of the traffic signal at the LHS Road. The timing of the signal has been changed with the repair of a fault in the Sensor Detector Amplifier. Traffic should now flow more easily through this area, however, staff are advised to watch for children waiting to cross the street at this signal.
Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department