Recently a researcher cut his hand while reaching to extract a pair of goggles from a rack outside a laser hutch. Someone had unexpectedly placed an optical mount with an unguarded razor attached to it in one of the goggle pockets, a location where no one would expect a hazard. When the researcher reached for the goggles, the optical mount and blade fell and cut him, which required 8 stitches. The blade was being used as a knife-edge in optical measurements. Instead of a razor, use a commercial substitute or flat metal surface. A razor can only be used if the optical mount has guards placed over the setup to protect from cuts. More>
Generations of Berkeley Lab nuclear scientists have contributed to FRIB, the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, a $550 million heavy-ion accelerator to study rare nuclear processes that will be built at Michigan State University. Crucial components of FRIB are its ion source, based on the 88-Inch Cyclotron’s record-breaking VENUS, and GRETA, the gamma-ray detector designed and now under construction here. Nuclear Science Division Director James Symons participates in the launch of the new accelerator. More>
Today at 5 p.m., the Public Affairs survey on communications at the Lab will conclude. Staff have until then to complete the survey and enter a drawing to win one of 20 $5 gift certificates from Starbucks. Just enter your e-mail address after finishing the questionnaire. The survey is part of an effort to improve internal communications, both within specific divisions and Lab-wide.
Rod Ewing, with the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Michigan, will present the Earth Sciences Division’s next Distinguished Scientist lecture today. He will discuss "Pyrochlore: The Elegant Response of a Simple Structure to Extreme Conditions of Irradiation and Pressure" at 10:30 a.m. in the Building 66 Auditorium.
To accommodate the badging of the numerous students and teachers visiting the Lab this summer, the Site Access Badge office will be closed Monday (June 15) and Thursday (June 18), from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. For questions or concerns, contact Sam Houston (x4855 or x4551).
Webspace, the Lab’s online sharing program, will be upgraded from version 7.0 to 7.1 today from 5 to 9 p.m. Webspace, WebUI, XythosDrive, and WebDav will not be available during this time frame.
Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department