Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Thursday, June 4, 2009


A Billion Year, Ultra Dense Memory Chip Created

For data storage, density and durability have always moved in opposite directions – the greater the density the shorter the durability. Berkeley Lab's Alex Zettl and his group have smashed this tradition with a new memory storage medium that can pack thousands of times more data into one square inch of space than conventional chips and preserve this data for more than a billion years. More>

sally rideEducation Outreach: Sally Ride Science Sponsors Energy Workshop for Teachers at Lab

Sally Ride Science has teamed up with Berkeley Lab's Center for Science and Engineering Education to host a July 15 and 16 workshop titled "Mysteries, Secrets, and Solutions: Connecting with the Energy Research at Berkeley Lab" for middle and high school teachers. Ride will give the keynote talk, and leading scientists will give presentations on biofuels and other sustainable energy resources. The workshop is $30, which covers teaching materials and most meals. If you know of a middle or high school science teacher who might be interested in attending, direct them to the Sally Ride Science website for more information and to register online by Wednesday, June 10.

recycle logoGreening the Lab: New Website Promotes Sustainability Efforts

Sustainlbl is a new website where you can learn more about the many sustainability initiatives at Berkeley Lab. In addition to information on green computing, green office products, and waste management, sustainlbl offers answers to questions like "What's a nice way to let someone know that friends don't let friends print PowerPoint presentations?" or "How can I configure my computer and printer to print on both sides of the paper, and print two columns of text on each side?" The website also offers informational stickers to put on your printers and copiers, and posters for bulletin boards.

coffeePublic Affairs: Take Communications Survey for Chance to Win Starbucks Gift Certificate

As part of an effort to improve internal communications at the Lab, both within specific divisions and Lab-wide, the Public Affairs Department invites all employees and guests to fill out an anonymous, online survey on this issue. Those who complete the survey can enter their e-mail address into a drawing for a Starbucks Coffee gift certificate. Twenty $5 gift certificates will be given away. The e-mail prompt is separate from the survey, so anonymity will be preserved. The survey will be open until Friday, June 12.

photocopierPublic Affairs: New Contact for CSO Printing Services

Rich Watson is the Lab's new Government Printing Office (GPO) liaison in the Creative Services Office, replacing Faye Hutchings, who is retiring at the end of the month. Watson brings over 27 years of print buying experience to his new position. Contact him regarding any photocopying or offset print projects. As a reminder the procurement of photocopy and print work is allowable only via the GPO (JCP Title 44/RPM Sect. 5.04). Go here for print orders, here for large-format posters, and here for business card requests.

Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affairs' Communications Department