A Computational Research Division employee walking with his supervisor and coworker recently tripped on the steps outside Building 70. He hit his head on a concrete step, which resulted in a severe laceration. The supervisor called the new “486-7911” emergency number from his cell phone, which brought the fire department immediately. He was taken to the hospital and received stitches, but was not seriously hurt. Staff should use extra caution when traversing the Lab in rainy weather, as walkways become very slippery. The use of handrails, when available, is encouraged. Go here to view a “one minute for safety” slide on prevention of slips, trips and falls.
Go to OurSafety for more on the Lab's safety efforts.
Researchers led by Berkeley Lab’s Mark LaBarge and Mina Bissell have shown that the ultimate fate of a stem or progenitor cell in a woman’s breast — whether the cell develops normally or whether it turns cancerous — may depend upon signals from multiple microenvironments. Their results suggest that modulations of microenvironmental signals are a promising pathway for future cancer and regenerative medicine therapies. More>
More than $1 million in royalties was distributed to 119 scientists and authors at Berkeley Lab for inventions and software that was licensed to industry and publishers in 2008. The researchers received their checks at a special ceremony on Feb. 11. Among the technologies that received licensing were robotics for nanovolume protein crystallography, highly sensitive room temperature semiconductor radiation detectors, and energy efficient fume hoods. The licensing deals will bring approximately $2 million to the Lab to fund research and development. More>
The Lab’s Environment, Health and Safety Division has contracted with Prestige Optical to provide free prescription safety glasses for employees. Representatives will be at Health Services (Bldg. 26) on Thursday, March 5. Call x6266 to make an appointment. Staff should bring their current prescription.
Users of life science products and chemicals can begin to purchase supplies from Invitrogen at competitive prices from the GSS site on eBuy starting today. The Invitrogen catalog features a wide assortment of products ranging from proteins, enzymes, reagents, buffers, primers, resins and plates to cell cultures and oligos. Users of these product categories are urged to begin using eBuy right away to meet their research and experimental needs.
The Payroll and International Researchers and Scholars Offices will conduct two Nonresident International Tax Workshops in March. An overview of tax forms, tax treaties, and resources for international scholars, students, and researchers will be presented. Attendees can also get answers to visa questions relating to nonresident taxation issues. The first session will be held on Friday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Building 54-130 (Perseverance Hall). The second workshop will be on Wednesday, March 25, from 2 to 4:30 p.m., same location.
The Red Wing Work Shoe vendor will be onsite tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The shoemobile will be located on Lawrence Road near Strawberry Gate. Employees may be required to wear safety shoes to protect from potential hazards. Those working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling, piercing or rolling objects may be authorized to purchase safety shoes. The current allowance has been increased to $150. More>
Today at Berkeley Lab is produced by Public Affair's Communications Department