Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Monday, August 24, 2009


New Images Capture Ribosomes at Work

Researchers have for the first time captured elusive nanoscale movements of ribosomes at work, shedding light on how these cellular factories take in genetic instructions and amino acids to churn out proteins. Ribosomes, which number in the millions in a single human cell, have long been considered the "black boxes" in molecular biology. "We know what goes in and what comes out of ribosomes, but we're only beginning to learn about what is going on in between," said the study's principal investigator, Jamie Cate, with Berkeley Lab’s Physical Biosciences Division. More>

People: Through Difficulty, Cecilia Aragon Soars to the Stars

aragonThat Cecilia Aragon is a brilliant, creative pioneer in computer science is now widely recognized, perhaps almost routine. As a staff scientist at Berkeley Lab, her most recent honor was a 2009 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Separate from her research exploits, she also is considered one of the nation’s top aerobatic pilots. But what makes Aragon’s scientific and personal achievements even more remarkable is when one considers the obstacles she overcame to get where she is today. More>

Staff Development: Onsite BLI Workshops for September

workshopImprove your skills in negotiating, conflict resolution, conducting meetings, and learn about the policy, process, and benefits of the Lab's Tuition Reimbursement Program. The Berkeley Lab Learning Institute (BLI) is hosting several workshops in the month of September to aid career development:

* Negotiating & Conflict Resolution for 1) Scientists 2) Postdocs and Graduate Students 3) Operations Staff

* Conducting Effective Meetings (webinar)

* Tuition Reimbursement

Go here to see a full listing of BLI workshops, and here to register.

runaroundRunaround: Volunteers Needed to Help Plan Lab’s Annual Fun Race

For more than 30 years, hundreds of Lab employees have gathered each October to participate in the Runaround fun race. But the race doesn’t just happen by its self. Volunteers are needed to help plan and produce this annual event. Tasks include starting and finishing tables, course set up, timekeepers, result tabulations, first-aid, decorations, refreshments, awards, and t-shirt distribution, among other activities. An information meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 31, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the lower dining area of the cafeteria. Volunteers receive a free t-shirt. Contact the Employee Activities Association, sponsor of the race, for more information.

foundrySpecial Event: Molecular Foundry–ALS Joint Users' Meeting

The Molecular Foundry and the Advanced Light Source, both DOE national user facilities at Berkeley Lab, are holding their joint 2009 User Meeting Oct. 15–16. The meeting will include keynote addresses by leading figures in the area of energy research and policy, joint oral and poster presentations from the ALS and Foundry communities, exhibits from vendors, and a Nanoscience Film Festival. Early registration deadline is Sept. 20. More>

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