Berkeley Lab materials scientists Ali Javey and Cyrus Wadia have been recognized by Technology Review magazine as among the world's top innovators under age 35. Wadia was chosen for identifying materials that could be unexpectedly useful in solar cells. Wadia’s goal is to make solar energy affordable and accessible to everyone on the planet, especially to the 1.2 billion people now living without electricity. Javey combines electrical engineering, materials science, chemistry and physics to engineer nanomaterials for technological applications, including cheap solar cells and high-resolution displays. One of the most recent developments in Javey’s lab is a roller printer tool that uses a glass cylinder to deposit nanowires onto a flexible piece of plastic or silicon wafer in straight and ordered rows. More>
The Environmental Energy Technologies Division is receiving $1.4 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to provide technical assistance to eight projects under the DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The EETD experts, including (l-r, clockwise) Rick Diamond, Francis Rubinstein, Charlie Williams, and Dale Sartor, will provide training and assessment tools to help five federal agencies and all of the Armed Services to reduce their energy use and meet renewable energy goals. One project will assist the National Institutes of Health with advanced applications of LED lighting. In another, the Army’s Fort Detrick will receive an assessment of the viability of supplying all or part of the electric load in selected areas with solar panels. More>
[New York Times] Excitement among researchers on aging has picked up in the last few years with the apparent convergence of two lines of inquiry: single gene changes and the diet known as caloric restriction. However, two experts on aging, including Berkeley Lab’s Judith Campisi, argued recently in Nature that the whole phenomenon of caloric restriction may be a misleading result unwittingly produced in laboratory mice. The mice are selected for quick breeding and fed on rich diets. A low-calorie diet could be much closer to the diet that mice are adapted to in the wild, and therefore it could extend life simply because it is much healthier for them. More>
The Red Wing Work Shoe vendor will be onsite tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Employees may be required to wear safety shoes to protect from potential hazards. Employees working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, may be authorized to purchase safety shoes. More>
Lab employees are reminded that UC Berkeley begins its fall semester tomorrow, which will bring with it heavier traffic and possible delays for those who commute near the campus. Welcome Week activities will take place all next week, and actual instruction starts on Wednesday, Aug. 26.
Silver and Black 13, SUDZ 6
Rated X 16, Scared Hitless 3
Ballpark Estimates 15, Animals 10
Silver and Black will play the winner of Rated X vs. Ballpark Estimates for championship.
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