Today at Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab logo US Dept. of Energy logoBerkeley Lab logo
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Peter Denes Appointed Acting Division Director for Engineering

denesAfter receiving his B.S. and Ph. D. from the University of New Mexico, Peter Denes spent 15 years in the Princeton University Physics Department, where he was a Senior Research Physicist. He joined the Berkeley Lab Engineering Division in 2000, and has collaborated on numerous scientific research efforts across LBNL. After serving as Group Leader and Department Head, Denes was the Division Deputy for Electronics, Software and Instrumentation Engineering. He has served as the ALS Division Deputy for Engineering since 2007.

Denes’s research has been published in numerous scientific journals with specific emphasis on micro-electronic enabled particle detectors. He is currently leading efforts on improved photon and electron imaging detectors, with significantly higher speed and sensitivity in order to observe dynamic, in-situ processes. These activities are being advanced through a new BES-funded detector development program, funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the TEAM (Transmission Electron Aberration-corrected Microscope) project that Peter also manages.

Denes observes that, “Engineering has been a foundation of the Berkeley Lab from the beginning – after all, it was Engineering that allowed Lawrence’s inventions to become useful scientific discovery tools and enabled several on-site national user facilities, including the Advanced Light Source. Since the original cyclotron, the Engineering Division has and will continue to provide innovative designs to help solve scientific problems of scale and of national importance.”

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