The Silicon Vertex Tracker for the BaBar experiment at SLAC. The tracker will measure particle vertices with a precision of less than one-tenth of a millimeter, making it possible, for the first time, to study the phenomenon of CP violation, essential to our understanding of the nature of the Universe. |
Still another big scientific question now being tackled on a national and international scale is "deceleration"-the rate at which the expansion of the universe is slowing down. The answer lies in the stars, namely Type Ia supernovas, the nuclear conflagrations that result from the implosion of a white dwarf. Type Ia supernovas serve cosmologists as a measurement of distance and a means of calculating the velocity at which galaxies are receding from Earth. It is thought that analyzing the spectrums of about 50 type Ia supernovas will be enough to determine the universe's rate of deceleration.
In December of this past year, a collaboration known as the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP), led by Berkeley Lab scientists, announced the discovery of 11 new Type Ia supernovas, including several of the most distant stars ever observed. These supernovas were discovered within a 48-hour period, an unprecedented achievement that validated a Berkeley Lab technique developed to make deep space supernova discoveries possible and eventually even routine. The discoveries in 1995, combined with discoveries in 1993 and 1994, bring the total of Type Ia supernovas identified by the SCP collaboration to 18.
One of the 11 new Type Ia supernovas discovered in December 1995 by researchers from the Supernova Cosmology Project, led by Berkeley Lab scientists. |