LBL Currents -- September 16, 1994

E&E postdoc puts solar technology to work at home

By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]

Not all scientists get a chance to put their theories into practice. Enjoying such a challenge is Chris Marnay, a post-doctoral fellow in the Energy and Environment Division.

During the week, Marnay models the effects of new energy technologies, policies, and regulations on utility costs. On weekends, he puts many of those technologies to work in his own solar-powered residence.

Marnay works for E&E's Appliance Standards Group. He creates computer models that project the impact of proposed DOE energy-efficiency standards for appliances on natural gas and electric utility companies.

The impact of DOE regulations not only varies widely from utility to utility, but from location to location, and even, in some cases, from residence to residence. In the case of Marnay and his wife, Nyla, their house is located outside of Comptche, in unincorporated Mendocino County. The cost of extending an electrical power line to such an out-of-the-way location would have been nearly $75,000.

"We live in a black hole in the PG&E galaxy," says Marnay. "But we're not alone. There are maybe tens of thousands of homes and vacation homes in California that are in a similar situation."

Marnay's case was unique in that he was able to design his own solar-based electrical power system, using off-the-shelf technology. He then employed some of the energy-efficient technology developed at LBL and now available on the market to help make it work. The system starts with eight photo-voltaic cells that can collect up to 600 watts of incoming solar energy--enough to provide an average of two to three kilowatt hours of electricity a day.

A typical Bay Area household uses about 10-15 kilowatt hours of electricity a day. However, Marnay says, "With energy efficient appliances such as the compact fluorescent lamps developed at LBL's Lighting Lab, we produce enough power to run our house." Marnay keeps on hand a small (3.5 kilowatt) generator as a backup, but so far has not had to use it.

The electricity generated by the photovoltaic cells is stored in a bank of 12 batteries with a total storage capacity of 12 to 24 kilowatt hours. Since this electricity is direct current (dc), it must be converted to alternating current (ac) in order to run household appliances. To make this conversion, Marnay uses a standard inverter with a peak capacity of 2.6 kilowatts.

"Everything downstream from the inverter is conventional, including the wiring of the house," he says. "The only evidence inside the house that we are not on PG&E power is an energy monitor that tells us important information, such as how much power is in the storage batteries."

Marnay's solar-based system cost about $11,500 to build and install. It would have been cheaper to build a diesel or propane-fueled generator installation, but that would have entailed environmental and other problems, including noise.

"You don't move to the country in order to spend your days living with a noisy, smoky generator," Marnay says. "For our house, the solar option is economically competitive with a generator without the negative environmental impact, and far cheaper than an ugly PG&E line extension."

Among the drawbacks to any solar-based power system, Marnay has learned, is that it must be custom-designed to fit the specific requirements of each site. Furthermore, solar-based systems are still a long way from being economically competitive with power from a utility company. For example, it costs Marnay about $1 to produce a kilowatt hour of electricity, compared to the typical PG&E residential rate of 12 cents per kilowatt hour.

"However, that gap is closing," he says, "and in some special circumstances that incur high utility costs, such as remote locations like ours, photo-voltaic systems may be competitive."

Furthermore, Marnay believes that expanded use of energy-efficient appliances together with tighter government restrictions on thermal power plants will increase the attractiveness of solar-based and other renewable energy systems at non-remote sites as well. Perhaps a good omen for him is the recent funding by DOE of his proposal to improve the representation of renewable energy systems in utility computer models.

"Future models are going to give renewable energy technologies a more prominent role," he says. "The objective is to bring renewable energy technologies into the forefront of utility planning for the future production of electricity."

PHOTO CAPTIONS -- The home of E&E's Chris Marnay, near Comptche in Mendocino County, is powered by solar energy that is collected in eight photo-voltaic cells. Fully energized, these cells can generate up to three kilowatt hours of electricity a day.
Marnay shows off "the brain center" of his system, an inverter that converts the direct current generated by the PVCs into the indirect current required to run appliances.

ALS gets scientific program head

By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]

Neville Smith, 52, a leader in photoemission spectroscopy for 25 years with AT&T Bell Laboratories, has been appointed the first scientific program head of the Advanced Light Source. Smith was named to the position by LBL director Charles V. Shank, effective immediately. Phil Ross, a chemist with the Materials Sciences Division who had been acting ALS scientific advisor, has returned to his research.

Smith will supervise the ALS user program, chair the new Program Advisory Committee, act as the ALS scientific representative, and ensure that Light Source operations meet the scientific goals of all users, including industrial participants. Currently, he is developing the formal process by which independent investigators will be able to use the ALS.

A native of England with a Ph.D. in physics from Cambridge University, Smith came to the U.S. in 1966. After doing post-doctoral research at Stanford University under William Spicer, a pioneer in photoemission spectroscopy, he joined the staff at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J.

Smith comes to LBL already quite familiar with the Light Source. In 1987 he was made a member of the ALS Users' Executive Committee and for the next six years, chaired the ALS Program Review Panel, which reviewed all the proposals to form participating research teams.

Smith takes his position at a time when the ALS scientific program he helped launch is beginning to produce results.

"The machine works even better than what was called for in its specifications and the high brightness of its beams is really paying off," he says. "Industrial users are finding out that we've got an instrument that is capable of solving many of their problems."

Prominent among these recent experimental results was a study by a research team from Uppsala, Sweden, using soft x-ray fluorescent spectroscopy (SXRFS) to investigate the structure of fullerene molecules (also known as buckyballs) with unprecedented resolution. A collaborative team from the universities of Tennessee and Tulane, working with an undulator beamline they share with IBM, also used SXRFS to study interfaces buried so far below sample surfaces as to be inaccessible to photoemission spectroscopy.

"We currently have in place three undulator and four bending magnet beamlines, and are planning for two wigglers and another undulator to be in place by 1996," says Smith. "That will leave us with four straight sections (the sections of the ALS storage ring that accommodate undulators or wigglers) unspoken for. Part of my job is to identify potential new user communities and make sure those communities know about the potential of the ALS."

Smith envisions a strong Life Sciences program for the ALS. Funding has already been procured for an x-ray crystallography beamline and laboratory support facilities, and for an x-ray microscope that would provide five times the resolution of optical microscopes for the study of biological materials in their natural aqueous environment. Partial funding has been obtained for an elliptical wiggler that would provide circularly polarized light. In addition to the study of the right-handed and left-handed properties of biological materials, this circularly polarized light could also be used to characterize magnetic properties in complex materials.

For his own research on the ALS, Smith is in the process of establishing an experimental program in spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy. This process involves the analysis of the quantum mechanical property known as "spin" of electrons emitted from a material as a result of exposure to x-rays.

Under Smith's proposal, an elliptical wiggler beamline will be used to examine how photoelectron spin state relates to electronic structure at the surface of a sample material. This information in turn will be related to the material's magnetic properties. Among other applications, it should help researchers learn how to pack more bits of data onto the computer storage disks of the future.

Women in Science & Engineering Seminar

The Women in Science and Engineering Seminar Series starts its fall season with a presentation by Imke de Pater, a professor in UC Berkeley's Department of Astronomy. She will discuss "The Great Crash of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter," at noon on Monday, Sept. 19, in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. All employees are invited to attend.

De Pater obtained her Ph.D in Leiden, the Netherlands, in 1980 on the subject of observations and models of Jupiter's synchrotron radiation. From 1980-1983 she was a postdoc at the Lunar and Planetary Lab in Tucson. In 1984 she came to UCB as an assistant professor, and became a full professor in 1993.

In her talk, de Pater will give an overview of the data obtained in Berkeley during the comet crash with Jupiter. She will show samples of infrared data obtained with the Keck telescope, optical data obtained at the Lick observatory, and radio data obtained at a variety of radio telescopes. She will compare that data with pictures retrieved over the Internet from sources such as HST, Palomar, and Rosat.

De Pater's talk is co-sponsored by the Institute for Nuclear and Physical Astrophysics, the Physics Division, and the Nuclear Science Division.

National Hispanic Month: Richmond City Councilman John Marquez to speak at LBL

Richmond City Councilman John Marquez will speak at LBL on Thursday, Sept. 22, as part of the Laboratory's observance of National Hispanic Month. His address, "Latino Youth and Education," will begin at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. All employees are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided.

Marquez co-founded the METAS Program in 1986 at Contra Costa Community College in San Pablo, where he is an instructor. METAS, Spanish for "goals," was designed to enhance educational opportunities for at-risk Latinos and other young people of color. The program builds self esteem through projects and mentorships.

This and other National Hispanic Month events have been organized and sponsored by the Latino and Native American Association and the Office of Work Force Diversity.

Public to have voice about energy policy

LBL director Charles Shank will join Under Secretary of Energy Charles Curtis and others at a public meeting in Oakland on Friday, Sept. 23, to discuss the National Energy Policy Plan. DOE encourages all LBL employees to attend the meeting, which will be held in the Edward R. Roybal Auditorium at the Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay St.

The public meeting is one of several taking place around the country to help formulate the next National Energy Policy Plan, which President Clinton must submit to Congress in 1995.

Curtis will start the proceedings at 8:45 a.m. with a town meeting on energy. At 10 a.m., Shank will participate in a roundtable discussion on "Science and Technology for Sustainable Development." UC senior vice president Walter Massey will moderate the discussion. Other panelists will include: Alvin Trivelpiece, director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Albert Narath, director of Sandia National Lab.; Martin Blume, an associate director of Brookhaven National Lab.; Richard Celeste, former governor of Ohio; Tom Science, director of research for the Dupont Corporation; and Robert Conn, dean of engineering at UC San Diego.

Two of the major issues that Shank's roundtable group will address are: What is the role of the federal government in science and technology for sustainable development and what should the interaction between government and the private sector be?

A second roundtable discussion, on "The Transportation Future: Emerging Challenges, " is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. California State Assemblywoman Barbara Lee will moderate. Steve Selkowitz of LBL's Energy and Environment Division will be one of the panelists. The meeting will conclude with presentations from the public, scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

Open forum on union

LBL's Labor Relations Steering Committee invites all LBL technical employees (Unit 9) to attend an open forum discussion on unions and the election process. The open forum will be held at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 21, in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

Softball champions

The 1994 LBL softball season came to a close last month with Legends finishing in first place. Environ-Mets followed in second, and Rated X came in third. (See last week's Currents for playoff scores.)

PHOTO CAPTIONS -- Gordon Bayne, coach of Rated X, takes a crack at the ball during the playoffs.
Legends team members include: John Christman, Ken Carlock, Larry Mills, Richard Montez, David Pouncey; (second row) Ed Masuoka, Mark Lasartemay, Harry Scheid, Frank Machado, Dan Cocosa; (front row) Norma Burke, Kat Washington, team coach Danny Schoen, Heidi Mideke, and Lisa Soto.

LBL golf

The LBL Golf Club played its final tournament of the fiscal year last Saturday at Fountaingrove Golf and Country Club in Santa Rosa. Tom Corbin claimed this year's title with 25 points. Mark Compagna was runner up with 24 points. The club also awarded two new trophies this year for most improved man and woman to Steve Helliwell and Barbara Harbidge. The tournament's big winners are listed below. The first score is the gross and the second is net.

First Flight

1st Mark Campagna 76, 66

2nd George Jaqua 78, 66

3rd Larry Baker 81, 70

4th Harry Helliwell 80, 72

Second Flight

1st Denny Parra 88, 66

2nd Tom Corbin 84, 70

3rd Sam Villa 95, 71

4th Jerry Young 94, 72

Third Flight

1st John T. Lee 89, 61

2nd Don Weber 92, 64

3rd Judy Lee 109, 67

4th Erd Moldenhauer 114, 76

The Golf Club is open to all LBL employees, retirees, and their families. For information, contact Corbin at X7617. The first tournament of the new fiscal year will take place on Saturday, Oct. 8, at Windsor Golf Course, north of Santa Rosa. First tee time is 11:52 am.

Fishing derby

The Outdoor Club's next fishing derby will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, at San Pablo Reservoir. The angler landing the biggest trout will win a grand prize. Tickets are $1. For derby details and reservations, call Al Harcourt at X7660, or Bruce MacDonell at X6476.

C A L E N D A R -- September 19 to 23

19 m o n d a y


8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 2-100B; Radiation Protection - Radiological Worker I (EHS-430), concludes on Wednesday; pre-registration required, X6612


Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; I. de Pater, UCB, "The Great Crash of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter"


3:30 p.m., 3113 Etcheverry; J.-S. Choi, LLNL, "Long-Term Criticality Safety Concerns Associated with Weapons-Plutonium Disposition," Refreshments 3:15 p.m.


4:30 p.m., 1 LeConte; R. Barbieri, Univ. of Pisa, Italy, "Supersymmetry and the Unification of Forces," Refreshments 4 p.m., 375 LeConte

20 t u e s d a y


8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 90-4133; Pressure Safety/Compressed Gases; pre-registration required, X6612


9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 66-316; Chemical Hygiene & Safety Training (EHS-348); pre-registration required, X6612


10 a.m., Bldg. 50B-6208; R. Shulman and K. Clancy, "Marketing Myths That Are Killing Business"


Noon, lower cafeteria

21 w e d n e s d a y


8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 48-109; First Aid (EHS-116); pre-registration required, X6554


8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 2-100B; Radiation Protection - Radiological Worker I (EHS-430), continued from Monday; pre-registration required, X6612


9-11 a.m., Bldg. 90-2063; Machine Tool Safeguarding (EHS-245); pre-registration required, X6612


Noon, lower cafeteria


Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; The Labor Relations Steering Committee invites all LBL technical employees (Unit 9) to attend discussion on unions and the election process


4 p.m., 2 LeConte; C. Anthony, Earth Island Institute, "Sustainability and Economic Conversion," Refreshments 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4, rm 100A

22 t h u r s d a y


9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109; Building Emergency Team Training (EHS-154); pre-registration required, X6554


9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety at LBL (EHS-10)


Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; J. Marquez, Richmond City Council, "Latino Youth and Education"


12:15 p.m., Bldg. 90-3148; E. McCarthy, EPRI, "Current Status of Wind Generators"


4 p.m., 1 LeConte; K. Hurley, UC Space Science Laboratory, "Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts"


4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132, P. Kim, Cornell Univ., "CLEO Collaboration," Refreshments 3:40 p.m.

23 f r i d a y


10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71 Conf. Rm.; H. Winick, SSRL, "Linear Coherent Light Source (LCLS)--A Fourth Generation Light Source Using the SLAC Linac"


11 a.m., Bldg. 2-100B; L. Rybach, ETH-Zurich, "Measurements and Modeling of Radon Transfer from Ground to Buildings"


Noon, Bldg. 51


Noon, Bldg. 71 Conf. Rm.; K.-J. Kim, LBL, "Marvelous Light from Electrons"


4 p.m., Bldg. 2-100B; P. Dhez, LURE, "Experimental Results on the 1 to 12 keV Bragg-Fresnel Lenses: A Comparison of the On-Axis and Off-Axis Possibilities," Refreshments 3:30 p.m.



Peach pancakes

Beef barley

Baked ziti w/fruit

Bacon cheeseburger

South of the Border


Breakfast sandwich

Turkey vegetable

Lemon chicken

Tuna melt

South of the Border


Spanish omelet

Creamy clam chowder

Meat loaf

Corned beef & Swiss

South of the Border


Blueberry pancakes

Chicken w/rice

Pizza singles

Philly cheese steak

South of the Border


Ham scramble

Beef & tomato

Catfish Creole

Santa Cruz chicken

South of the Border


Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'77 MERCEDES 300D, white, sunroof, a/c, cruise ctrl, pwr windows & locks, am/fm cass. stereo, mechanically in top cond., body has some rust, $2400. Tom X5644, 232-8532

'78 TOYOTA Celica GT liftback, 5-spd, A/C, am/fm cass, new front tires, new shocks/struts,152K, 1 owner, clean, $1150. (510)937-0583 eves

'78 VW Rabbit, 4 dr, 85K mi, $425. 524-1641

'79 BUICK Skylark, 65K mi, cass player, good commute car, $975. Steve Sohner, X6228, 631-0668

'79 DATSUN, runs well, 85K mi., reg. until June '95, leaving country, $550/b.o. V.R. Mimo, X4824, 208-5566

'80 MERCEDES 240D, exc. cond., new transmission, $7K. Dick, X6204, 549-9049

'81 DATSUN 210, 126K mi., new front Michelin tires, asking $750/b.o. Khozema, (408) 720-4404

'83 BUICK Century, V6 auto, reblt engine/tranny, runs OK but needs minor work, $1K, X7577, (707)552-1103.

'84 VW Rabbit diesel, exc. cond., extras incl. Recaro seat, Borbet wheels, new radio, shocks, $3K. Dick, X6204, 549-9049

'87 HYUNDAI Excel GL, 4 dr, hatchbk, 5-spd, 73K mi., am/fm/cass., new clutch/battery, $1100. Uwe, X7475, 526-7388

'87 TOYOTA Corolla FX 16, 3-dr hatchbk, 5-spd, a/c, am/fm, 78K mi., new muffler/front tires, gd. cond., $3200. Adrian, X5784, 845-8437

'88 DODGE Caravan SE, V-6, 7-pass., auto, p/s, a/c, stereo, roof rack, silver, exc. cond., 72K, leaving area, $7500. Jan, X5466, 843-6005 (eve.)

'89 FORD Tempo, exc. cond., stereo, roof ski rack, 5-spd, leaving the country, 79K mi., reg. until June '95, leaving country, $3500. V.R. Mimo, X4824, 208-5566

'91 HONDA Civic hatchbk, 59K mi, red, new brakes, tires, $6,550 firm. Emily, (510) 540-5510

'92 SUZUKI Sidekick, JX, 2-dr, 4WD, soft top w/sunroof, wide M/S tires, raised white lettering, am/fm cass. stereo, 55K hwy mi., exc. cond., $9K. Shirley, X4521

SHOP MANUAL, owners manual, floor mats for '88 Mazda 626. Ken, X7739


CRIB, maple wood, nat. finish, exc. cond. Peter, X7653

GARAGE for 2-3 mos. in Bay Area, Bob, X6251

HOUSECLEANING JOBS, Alameda & Contra Costa Counties, reliable, meticulous, refs. Sarah, 533-4557

HOUSE TO SIT, mid-Sept., LBL researcher, 37 male, non-smoker, non-drinker, free, Bob, X6251

HOUSE-SITTER, 10/16 thru 11/8 (plus or minus a few days), duties incl. water garden, maintain pool, be in residence on reg. basis. Bob Birge, X4421

PING PONG TABLE (and place), prefer inside of LBL bldg. Nanyang, X5814, Qi, X5752

SEWING MACHINE, industrial strength, working or not. Eric, X6435, 848-6465

STEPLADDER, 10 or 12 ft. Monte, X6761


AIR COMPRESSOR TANK, Horizontal, 80 gal. cap., heavy-duty, professional, tank is 57" long & 20" in dia., w/mounting bracket on top that is 12" by 31" long, $150. Jack Smith, X5901, 471-4921 (after 3:30 p.m.)

BOAT, 1961 Chriscraft 25' hardtop cabin cruiser, recent $8000+ overhaul, new V8 Chevy marine engine/prop/shaft/battery, new Loran, fish finder, new bottom paint, galley and head, good fishing/family boat, $6K/bo. 223-2726

FLEA COLLAR, elec., for dog or cat, $15; camera, older Polaroid instant w/high pwr flash, $30. Ken, X7739

BICYCLE, Miyata road bike, 21" frame, Shimano equip., 12-spd, incl. lights & lock, best for someone under 5' 8", very gd cond., $175/b.o.; queen sz. air bed w/removable mattress cover, can be used as primary mattress or stored compactly for guests, heavy-duty, very little use, like new, new $239, $85/b.o. Joanthan, X4704

GAS DRYER, works well, $60. (415)974-9916

MOVING SALE, many items < 1 yr. old, microwaves (2), $20 ea.; 13" b&w TV, $10; 19" color TV, $35; 3-pc. sec. couch, $50; auxiliary refrigerator, $25; desk, $15; futon frame & foam mattress, $35; glass dining table, $ 25; wooden chairs, $5 ea.; many sets of 3' shelves, $5 & $15. Gerard, X4435, 843-5342

MUSIC EQUIPMENT, Fender squire "bullet" guitar, 3/4 strat body, telecaster neck, blk w/ wht pick guard, 3 single coils, whammy bar, maple on maple neck, incl. hard case, $100; "Turbo Electronics" guitar, full-size strat-style, solid body arch-top, chocolate brown, gold hdwr, double humbuckers, fixed bridge, rosewood-on maple neck, incl hard case, $100; "Crate" BIOXL amplifier, 10 watts, 4-band EQ, will handle any bass, 6-string or keyboard, headphone jack, $50. T. Reese, X6025, (707)426-0717

NINTENDO, $25; 20 games @ $5 ea; Panasonic printer KX-P1624, wide carriage 24 pin dot matrix, $275; Steve Sohner, X6228, 631-0668

PERSIAN CARPET, 4'6" x 7', very intricate, from Iran, $1800/b.o., Sarouk, 420-1205

PIANO w/bench, antique tiger oak, 1914 upright, ivory keys, $1850. Peter, X7337, 531-7837

PRINTER, Imagewriter II for Macintosh in grt cond, $148.50; white stacking shelves, $3 ea. 653-6964


ALAMEDA, lg sunny rm in furn. Victorian, very safe and clean, phone, cable hook-up, utils incl, $425/mo., plus deposit, avail. 10/1. Elise, X4574

ALBANY, furn. 1-bdrm apt., washer/dryer, nr UC Village & bus to LBL/UCB, quiet family dist., no more than 3 persons, prefer visiting professor w/spouse, nonsmokers, $675/mo. Donald Mangold, X6459

BERKELEY, studio unit w/ext. deck, parking, across from lighted tennis cts, $500/mo. 540-0385

BERKELEY, nr Rose & Shattuck, lg., sunny, furn. rm in quiet house, share kitchen, living rm & family rm w/1 person, prefer female, non-smoker, avail. 9/1 - 2/95, $450/mo. 526-7122

BERKELEY, Oct. sublet, furn. 1-bdrm apt., coin-op washer/dryer, walk to UCB & LBL bus stop (5 min.), $550 incl. utils. Adrian, X5784, 845-8437

BERKELEY, Northside in-law studio in quiet neighborhood, deck, yard, walking distance to UC, furn., $500/mo., 1st and last mo. dep., 526-8728

BERKELEY, 1-bdrm apt. for commuter, 5 minutes to LBL, rent negot. 841-9323

BERKELEY, bed and brkfst, 2 rms w/ private entrances, TV, phones, brkfst daily, kitchen privileges, kitchen has pots/pans, one person per rm, avail. 9/21, $600/mo, $185/wk. 527-3252

BERKELEY HILLS, Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks from UCB, furn. rm in pvt. home, kitchen privs., washer/dryer, deck, view, nr trans., shops, tennis cts. & Rose Garden, non-smoker, no pets, must be clean, prefer visiting scholar/ft working person, $450/mo. + util. Laura, 642-8517, 548-1287

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, 2 quiet, furn. rms for rent to professional or visiting scholar in owner-occupied home, nr #7 bus, sep. entrance, bathrm shared w/1 other person, no smoking or pets, pvt phone line, $400/mo. for larger rm, + share in utils., $350/mo., for smaller rm, util incl. 524-6606 (eve)

EL CERRITO HILLS, part. furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, 2-car garage, bay view, frpl, washer/dryer, dishwasher, avail. 10/10, $1200/mo. (209) 575-4701

EL CERRITO HILLS, house share nr Del Norte BART, 5- bdrm, 3-bth, 2 dining areas, bay views, fireplace, 1920's Mediterranean style; independent household of 3 males, 1 female; no smoking or pets, $300/mo. Stephen, 232-5166

EL SOBRANTE, furn. 2-bdrm house w/lg. yd, nr shops, trans., frwy, $875/mo + dep. 848-8813

KENSINGTON, spacious 5-bdrm house to share w/1 person, pvt. bth, privacy, bay view from lg. bdrm, garden, trees, nr busses (#7 & #10) & shopping, favorite of LBL people, $495/mo., light work can be exchanged for part of rent. 524-7086

OAKLAND/Lake Merritt, bright, spacious 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, solarium, lg. sep. laundry rm w/extra 1/2 bath, fine hdwd flrs, 2 sep. garages, gourmet kitchen, all appliances, landscaped corner lot, secluded rear yard, centrally located near all trans. pet OK. $ lease. (408)684-0604. Ideal for 3 or 4 professionals or family.

RICHMOND VIEW, off Arlington, 2/3 bdrm, 1-bth, office, storage, balcony, washer/dryer, skylights, bay views, 20 min. drive to LBL, near bus/BART, $950/mo. 215-5345

WANTED: Nice apt./house for German postdoc couple, semi-furnished, quiet & safe area (North Berkeley, Elmwood) within walking/biking dist. to LBL/UCB preferred, up to $800/mo for one year (maybe two) from Oct., X4491, e-mail [email protected]

ROOM within apt. or house for visiting Venezuelan scholar, beginning 9/19 thru 10/7/94, neighboring communities okay, accessible to public trans., rent limit $600/mo., FAX 58-2-575-4375, Lorraine, X5958


KITTEN, gray w/white paws, very friendly, female, needs home. Jonathan, X4704



Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

Mac QuickMail, fax X6641

[email protected]


Jeffery Kahn

Mike Wooldridge

Lynn Yarris


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday


Mary Padilla, X5771


Alice Ramirez


Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B

Mike Chartock, Acting Manager