Currents -- October 21, 1994

Ten LBL-industry collaborations receive Energy Research funds

By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]

Ten multi-year research collaborations between LBL scientists and private industry have been awarded a total of $2.3 million by DOE's Energy Research Laboratory Technology Transfer (ER-LTT) Program for fiscal year 1995.

The projects could lead to, among other things, better flat panel displays for electronic devices, more efficient batteries for electric vehicles and new treatments for diabetes and obesity.

The ER-LTT awards are part of an ongoing effort by DOE to transfer scientific breakthroughs from the national labs to the marketplace. The awards are types of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), pacts between DOE and industry to jointly develop technologies with a high potential for commercial application.

Since the passing of legislation in 1989 that permitted DOE to enter into cooperative research with industry, the Department has arranged more than 1,000 CRADAs. LBL signed 17 CRADAs in fiscal year 1993 and 27 in 1994, according to Bruce Davies in the LBL Technology Transfer Department.

The following LBL projects were chosen by the LBL Technology Transfer Department, using a competitive merit review, for multi-year ER-LTT funding beginning in fiscal year 1995:

Several high-technology products now on the market began as Energy Research-funded collaborations between LBL and private industry. A joint effort with Conductus Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., led to Superconducting Interference Devices (SQUIDs), now used in medicine and geophysics to measure faint changes in magnetic fields. A collaboration with Colog of Golden, Colo., led to the Hydrophysical Logging Technology, a software system used by geologists to characterize the movement of water underground.

The Technology Transfer Department has been working to streamline the CRADA process at the Lab in order to shorten the period between the proposal calls and the final signing of the agreements. While the CRADA "award cycle" took an average of 304 days for fiscal year 1994, the cycle was completed in 131 days for the 1995 awards, according to Chris Kniel, LBL's new ER-LTT program manager.

Technology Transfer will hold "kick-off" meetings for the next call for proposals in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 31, and Monday, Nov. 7. Both meetings are from noon to 1:30 p.m. The meetings will include discussions of "quick response" projects, including small CRADAs and personnel exchanges. For more information, contact Kniel at X5566.

PHOTO CAPTION: LBL Director Charles V. Shank (left) and Advanced Lithography Group President Walter Finkelstein sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement to develop ion-beam lithography.

Photo by Paul Hames

CRADAs can offer the following benefits to LBL researchers:

Lab rolls out red carpet for new employees

By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]

New recruits at LBL are getting a kinder and gentler first look at the Laboratory, thanks to a revamped orientation program launched over the summer.

The new program consists of a streamlined presentation--called the New Employee Orientation (NEO)--in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium, a guided bus tour, and complimentary lunch at the cafeteria.

"The program is designed to make new employees feel like they are a part of a community at the Lab," says Mary Anne Holman of the Human Resources Department. Holman is one of several staffers who present the orientation.

The impetus to revise the program came out of the Strategic Planning task force on "Making an LBL that Works," says HR's Marina Gonzalez (now at LLNL). Based on recommendations from the task force, she organized a committee that focused on humanizing the orientation process and giving new employees a different view of their workplace.

"People tend to get very attached to their divisions," Gonzalez says. "We hope the program will give them a more Lab-wide perspective."

The program replaces a 4-hour long marathon that many agreed was as much an exercise in tedium as it was a welcome to the Lab. In addition to two hours of orientation, the old program included two hours of DOE-mandated EH&S training on radiation safety, chemical safety, and other potential hazards at the Lab. "It was really information overload," says Community Relation's Shaun Fennessey, a committee member and NEO presenter.

The EH&S training portion is now presented separately in monthly sessions, and has been revamped with updated materials.

The NEO consists of an introduction by a guest Lab manager, a showing of the LBL video, which covers the history of the Lab, as well as past and present research, and an informative presentation on the Lab's organization, mission, and vision. The new employees receive a binder--containing reference materials on Lab policies, health and safety, benefits, and other essentials--that they can keep and add to throughout their employment.

Following the presentation, participants board a shuttle bus for a tour of the Lab grounds and off-site shuttle routes. The tour finishes at the cafeteria, where the employees meet representatives of LBL's employee organizations and have a chance to talk with Lab management over lunch.

The reorganization committee has also taken steps to help Lab divisions improve their own welcome process. Supervisors have new checklists to help them introduce their new employees to the workplace. A "buddy system" has also been proposed in which new employees are assigned peer partners to help them make an easy transition into their new jobs.

Other members of the reorganization committee include HR's Shirley Claire, Mary Bodvarsson of the Public Information Department, Mona Bernstein and Sara Rigler-Udo of EH&S, Meredith Montgomery of the Nuclear Science Division, and Joyce Freedman, formerly of the Administration Division.

Managers who have volunteered their time at the lunch so far include Ed Burgess, Bob Cahn, Bob Camper, Mike Chartock, Aloke Chatterjee, Cheryl Fragiadakis, and Stu Loken. Brennan Kreller of Community Relations coordinates the tour and lunch.

Managers interested in lunching with new employees following the NEO, which is usually held the first Tuesday of the month, may contact Shirley Claire at X4521.

PHOTO CAPTION: New LBL employees learn about the Lab in a newly revamped orientation process that includes a short presentation (above), a bus tour, and complimentary lunch.

Photo by Steve Hames

Lab to host bone-marrow typing drive for minority groups

The Lab is sponsoring a bone-marrow typing drive from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10, in the Bldg. 70A main conference room. All employees from under-represented ethnic groups are encouraged to participate.

Marrow transplantation is the most effective treatment for patients with aplastic anemia, some leukemias, lymphomas, and diseases of the immune system. Unfortunately, the marrow type of the patient and the donor must be closely matched; even among siblings, the odds of a match are only 30 percent. Apart from family members, the best possible odds of a match would be a member of the same racial group.

The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) is a Congressionally authorized nationwide computerized data bank of potential marrow donors to match patients. The Asian-American Donor Program (AADP) is a NMDP recruitment agency that has federal funding to type minorities, which have historically been under-represented in the data base. The AADP will be on hand to type Asian Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans during the Nov. 10 drive.

Potential donors must be between the ages of 18 and 55. The test itself consists of the drawing of a 20cc test tube of blood, very similar to the blood test done as part of the LBL physical. The process, including paperwork, should take about 15-20 minutes. Participants will be on the registry until the age of 56; typing only needs to be done once.

Although the typing is usually not free (it can cost $50-$70), the AADP has federal funding to cover all costs of minority typing. For more information, contact the AADP at 523-3366.

PHOTO CAPTION: Brennan Kreller of Community Relations reaches for his toes the hard way as he performs the Hopak, a national dance of the Ukraine. Kreller dances with the Nevá Russian Dance Ensemble of San Francisco under the direction of Vladimir Riazantsev. They will perform "Dances of the Russian Soul," their 1994 fall concert, on November 5 and 6 at the Russian Center in San Francisco, 2450 Sutter St. Shows begin at 2 and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, with a traditional Russian buffet preceding each performance. The concert will also feature guest artists from Russia, Turkey, and the Republic of Georgia.For tickets or more information, call Kreller at X6566 or the box office at 415/563-7362.

News Wire

Galvin concerned about DOE role:

The Galvin Task Force made news in Nature last week when it was reported that Task Force chairman Robert Galvin has expressed "grave concern" that DOE is encouraging tighter supervision of the national laboratories by the federal government rather than giving contractors a free hand to manage them. The former Motorola company head was reported to have told members of his task force that he is unsure whether new contracts that provide intense DOE oversight give contractors the freedom to manage laboratories effectively. Galvin said that of the words and actions of new contracts suggest that in the future Go-Cos--Government Owned-Contractor Operated--will become Go-Gos--Government Owned-Government Operated facilities.

New DOE task force on tech transfer:

Technology Transfer will be the focus of Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary's newest task force. The Secretary has charged this task force with assessing DOE's efforts to commercialize the technologies developed under its $1.8 billion civilian energy research and development programs. "My goal is to get an independent assessment of whether the department has a coherent and effective plan for getting energy technologies into the marketplace," said O'Leary. Chairing this 31-member task force will be Daniel Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates and Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Prize, a history of the oil industry. An interim report from the task force has been requested for June 1 so that it can be used to prepare the next installment of the National Energy Policy Plan, as well as Clinton's FY97 budget request.

FY95Laboratory R&D program supports new initiatives

LBL Director Charles Shank has announced the 47 projects selected for support by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program in FY1995.

A total of 127 proposals requesting a total of $18.1 million were submitted in response to the Call for Proposals this year. The proposals were evaluated in a process that relied strongly on the scientific judgment and priorities of the division directors and the Director's Review Committee. For FY95, a total of about $5.7 million in both operating expenses and capital equipment has been allocated for LDRD.

Director Shank said of the selections: "A major emphasis in this year's LDRD selections is to support new R&D initiatives in keeping with the LBL Strategic Plan. Funding was given to projects supporting environmental characterization, assessment and remediation; future development of ALS capabilities in magnets, detectors, and experimental support; transgenic mice research, an initiative in molecular design of materials; and resource efficiencies in building lifecycles. These exciting projects address scientific problems of national significance and have a good potential for future growth in laboratory programs.

"In addition, we were able to support a number of outstanding single-investigator research projects, though at a reduced proportion than previous years. I appreciate the effort and response of all investigators, especially in the originality and creativity demonstrated in all the proposals."

Principal           Project Title                          $K

S. Ande             Sediment Quality and Wetland
                    Restoration at Mare Island Naval
                    Shipyard                               70

R. Baadhio          Global Gravitational Anomalies
                    in 3-Dimensions                        30 

W. Barletta et al.  Technology for Proton Colliders
                    at High Energy and Luminosity         180 

S. Benson et al.    SELECT, An Interdisciplinary 
                    Environmental Research Project        400 

G. Bodvarsson       Studies in the Geologic Disposal
                    of Nuclear Waste                       30 

J. Bokor            Electronic Thermalization in Metals
                    and Semiconductors                    128 

S. Cramer           Broad Band High Resolution
                    Microcalorimetry for Biological
                    and Materials Science Applications
                    on the ALS                            100 

U. Dahmen           New Directions for In-Situ Electron
                    Microscopy at High Spatial Reso-
                    lution                                125

D. Dell'Orco et al. "Superbend" -- A 5T Bending Magnet
                    for the ALS                           300 

D. DePaolo          Characterization and Monitoring of
                    Subsurface Biologic Activity Using
                    Stable Isotope Soil Gas Analysis       75 

H. Doner            Soil Carbonate Sorptive Properties
                    for Trace Elements: Advanced Methods
                    in Determination of Microscopic and
                    Molecular Level Associations           36 

R. Gough            Femtosecond X-ray Pulse Generation    420 

C. Harris           Magnetic Properties and Electron 
                    Localization at Interfaces            100

H.-Y. Holman        Laboratory Studies of Microbial
                    Transformation of Petroleum Hydro-
                    carbons in Transient Subsurface
                    Environment                           100 

J. Jaklevic         Development of Microchemical Methods
                    for Biological Assays                  70 

B. Jap              Electron Crystallography of Selected
                    Membrane Proteins                     130

R. Kim              Genome, Enzymology and Biology of
                    Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms      100

D.-H. Lee           Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions
                    and the Hubbard Model                  80 

M. Levi             Integrated Instrumentation System
                    for Drift Chambers, TOF, Cerenkov, 
                    and Silicon Detectors                 180 

M. Levine et al.    Research to Improve the Estimation
                    of In-Use Pollutant Emissions from 
                    Motor Vehicles                        125 

C. Lyneis           New Accelerator Options for 88-Inch
                    Cyclotron                             160 

R. Maboudian        Interaction of Hydrogen and Hydro-
                    carbon Molecules with Indium
                    Antimonide Surface: Chemistry 
                    of Etching                             69 

J. Millaud et al.   Advance Towards the Next Generation
                    of Pixellated Detectors for Protein
                    Crystallography                       308 

J. Orenstein        Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopy
                    of Artificially Structured Magnets     50 

S. Perlmutter       Development of High-Resistivity 
                    Charge-Coupled Devices for Imaging     90 

N. Phillips         Establishment of the Thermodynamic
                    Temperature Scale in the mK Region     51 

S. Selkowitz et al. Building Performance Assurance        400 

D. Shuh             Structure and Chemistry of 
                    Adsorbates at Semiconductor 
                    Interfaces Investigated by 
                    Synchrotron Radiation Techniques       45 

N. Smith            Spin-Polarized Photoemission Studies
                    of Magnetic Surfaces, Interfaces, 
                    and Films                             300 

G. Somorjai         Catalytic Routes to a Cleaner
                    Environment                           150 

R. Stokstad         New Research Directions in Nuclear
                    and Particle Astrophysics              50 

H. Tom              Time-Resolved Studies of VUV, XUV,
                    and Soft-X-Ray Photo-Induced Chemistry
                    at Surfaces                            50 

W. Walukiewicz      Application of Synchrotron Radiation
                    to Selective Processing of
                    Semiconductors                         50 

J. Wan              Fate and Transport of Bacteria in
                    Vadose Environments: New Studies of
                    In-Situ Microbial Behavior and
                    Bioremediation                         70 

S. Weiss            Ultrafast Surface Dynamics with
                    Atomic Resolution                     100 

P. Yaswen           Isolation of Genetic Supressor
                    Elements in Human Mammary Epithelial
                    Cells                                  60

TRANSGENIC MICE RESEARCH                                  451

M. Pallavicini      Genetically-Damaged Hemopoietic
                    Stem Cells: Biological Dosimetry
                    (Transgenic Mice Research)             45

E. Rubin            Creation of Transgenic Mice 
                    Containing a Library of P1 Clones
                    Encompassing the Down's Syndrome
                    Region from Chromosome 21             242

G. Shyamala         A Transgenic Model for Clinical
                    Testing of Progestins and Analysis
                    of Progesterone Receptor Function      64

D. Tribble          Variations in Susceptibility to
                    Environmental Oxicants as Studied 
                    Using Transgenic Mice Models          100

MOLECULAR DESIGN OF MATERIALS                             495

D. Chemla           Near Field Scanning Optical 
                    Microscopy/Spectroscopy of Low-
                    Dimensional Systems at 50-nm 
                    Resolution                            115

J. Clarke           Electron-beam Lithographic 
                    Fabrication of Submicron Junctions
                    for Coulomb Blockade Arrays and
                    High-Tc SQUIDS                         80

P. McEuen           A Low Temperature AFM for Imaging
                    Current Flow in Nanostructures         55

Z. Qiu              Investigation of Nanometer Magnetism
                    by Using Surface Magneto-Optic Kerr
                    Effect (SMOKE)                         45

P. Schultz          Combinatorial Synthesis of High Tc 
                    Superconductors                        80

P. Schultz et al.   Catalytic Atomic Force Microscopy      80

A. Zettl            Conducting and Semiconducting Boron-
                    Nitrogen-Carbon Nanowires              40

Energy Awareness Month

LBL recognized for excellence in energy-efficiency improvements

Contributed byAntonia Reaves, [email protected]

In his proclamation naming October 1994 as Energy Awareness Month, President Clinton stated:

"I encourage all Americans to join in this crucial mission to conserve Earth's resources for our children and grandchildren by participating in activities that further our understanding and appreciation of the energy issues we face. Our work today will help to safeguard the strength of our economy, the well-being of our citizens, and the unique beauty of our world."

LBL has long been active in the effort to conserve the Earth's resources. Part of this effort has been visible through energy-efficiency retrofit projects at the Lab.

The In-House Energy Management (IHEM) program was recently awarded a Federal Energy and Water Management Award for Sustained Exemplary Service for outstanding work in energy efficiency during its 10 years at LBL. At the same awards ceremony, held on October 6 in Washington, D.C., LBL Deputy Director Klaus Berkner accepted a Federal Energy and Water Management Organization Award for the Lab. In addition, Donald Weber, LBL's Maintenance Manager, received an Individual Award for his management of the Bldgs. 47 and 71 boiler replacements and for his management of the annual Christmas Shutdown.

PHOTO CAPTION: Maintenance manager Donald Weber (with his wife, Vickie) received an Energy Award at the October 6 ceremony for his work at LBL.

PHOTO CAPTION: LBL Deputy Director Klaus Berkner received a Federal Energy and Water Management Organization Award on behalf of the Lab from Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary.

Technical Unit Election

A message from the LBL Labor Relations Steering Committee

LBL employees CAN make a difference. The election period for the Technical Unit employees (Unit 9) to decide whether or not they want to be represented exclusively by the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) union has begun. As a simple majority of those who vote will win the election, LBL's most compelling message to technical employees is to VOTE. UC elections have been close and LBL represents about 8 percent of the Technical Unit, enough to decide the outcome. If UPTE wins the election, all technical employees will be bound by the terms of the labor contract, even if they do not vote. Your vote may decide the election!

The following graph shows the results fo the election in the University of California Systemwide Technical Unit in June 1983. The election was decided by a mere one-percent vote.

Remember to mark your ballot and return it as soon as possible. It must be received by PERB no later than Nov.14, 1994.

Green Team to tackle projects at LBL

LBL's new Green Team met for the first time on Thursday, Oct. 7, in the Bldg. 50A Auditorium to discuss several potential projects. LBL gardener and landscapist Dayna Powell talked about plans for an LBL community garden. EH&S's Li Yang Chang gave a presentation about the types of waste generated at LBL and our recycling and minimization efforts. Jack Liebster of the California Coastal Commission's Adopt-a-Beach program showed a video of the impacts of waste on marine animals and talked about the cleanup efforts underway.

Enthusiastic participants signed up for a variety of projects, including the gardening and Adopt-a-Beach programs. A committee to address litter removal is also being formed.

To join the Green Team, or to receive the group's newsletter, please contact Catherine Pinkas at X7249.

Clean Air Commuting

In the San Francisco Bay Area, cars generate over 80 percent of carbon monoxide emissions and about half of the smog-forming pollutants. All Bay Area residents--especially children, athletes, and senior citizens--are susceptible to heart and respiratory problems caused by polluted air. We can all be part of the solution by individually choosing a clean air commute alternative.

To address these concerns, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District adopted Regulation 13, Rule 1, requiring employers to participate in the solution by implementing programs to reduce commute trips. Because of this, the Lab will be developing an Employer Trip Reduction Program that provides information, assistance, and incentives to use clean air commute alternatives.

The Lab will be conducting an employee transportation survey to help develop the trip reduction program in the near future. Everyone's participation in the survey is critical to the program's success.

For more information, call Carma Hamer at X6197 or Fred Lothrop at X7726.

Credit Union reps to visit

Cal State 9 Credit Union representatives will be on-site to answer questions about credit union membership and services on Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the LBL cafeteria.

All Lab employees are eligible for credit union membership. This includes full-time, part-time, temporary, and other employees receiving payment from the Lab.

Employees may have all or part of their paychecks sent electronically to their account at the Cal State 9 Credit Union. The credit union also offers a free, value-added checking account. To access their accounts, credit union members have unlimited use of the Wells Fargo ATM near the cafeteria with no service charge.

Cal State 9 representatives will offer a free gift to those employees signing up for membership on the day of the on-site enrollment. For more information, call 849-2270, X119.

Fishing trip

The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a coastal light-tackle rock cod and crab fishing trip aboard the New Florie S, leaving from Bodega Bay on Sunday, Nov. 6. The cost is $50; 18 spaces are available. For more information or to make reservations, contact Al Harcourt, X7660, or Michael Dickinson, X7792.

Lab life

Donna Brown of the Facilities A&E Department and her husband, Gary, are pleased to announce the birth of their second son, Daniel Edvin Brown, who made his appearance on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Eden Hospital in Castro Valley. The baby weighed in at 7 lbs, 13 oz.

IDS Couriers offers 24-hour service

IDS Couriers is LBL's contract courier service. It operates 24 hours a day and can deliver and pick up documents and parcels on-site and anywhere in the Bay Area for a nominal fee. For more information and to request service, call 548-3263 and give pick-up/delivery locations, time requirements, and an LBL account number.

CALENDAR -- October 17 to October 21

24 m o n d a y


7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77


10 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 90-2063; Accident Reporting/Investigation (EHS-815); pre-registration required, X6612


3:30 p.m., 3113 Etcheverry; D. Olander, LBL/UCB, "The Chemical and Transport Aspects of Secondary Hydriding in Defected LWR Fuel Rods," Refreshments, 3:15 p.m.


4:30 p.m., 1 LeConte; E. Commins, LBL/UCB, "New Results in the Search for the Electron Electric Dipole Moment," Refreshments 4 p.m., 375 LeConte

25 t u e s d a y


10 a.m., Bldg. 50B-6208; D. Hanna, Covey Leadership Ctr., "Developing a High Performance Culture: Managing the Moments of Truth"


10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., LBL Cafeteria


12:30 p.m., 375 LeConte; V. Novikov, Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow/Caltech, "Neutrino Oscillation Experiment at San Onofre"


4 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; R. Perin, CERN, "Status of LHC Magnet Development," Refreshments, 3:40 p.m

26 w e d n e s d a y


9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 50 Aud.; Building Emergency Team Training (EHS-154); pre-registration required, X6554


10:30 a.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; M. Dedlow and C. Madison, LBL


2 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; K. Momberger, LBL, "Application of Distributed and Massively Parallel Computing in Relativistic Atomic Heavy Ion Collisions"


4 p.m., 2 LeConte; M. Campbell, UCB, "Understanding the Politics of the Population Problem: Before, At and After Cairo," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4, Rm. 100A

27 m o n d a y


12:15 p.m., Bldg. 90-3148; D. Yegian, LBL, "UV Disinfection of Drinking Water"


1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; J. Ager, LBL, "Structure, Properties and Applications of Carbon Thin Films"


3:30 p.m., 1 LeConte; M. Tavani, Princeton Univ., "The Perisastron Passage of the Be Star/Pulsar System PSR1259-63: Observations and Theory," Refreshments, 3 p.m., 661 Campbell

28 f r i d a y


11 a.m., 425 Latimer; T. Lee, NASA Ames Research Ctr., "Ab Initio Studies of Fluorine and Chlorine Oxide and Nitrogen Oxide Species of Interest in Stratospheric Chemistry"



Breakfast sandwich

Beef barley

Stuffed chicken breast

Guacamole burger


Corned beef hash & eggs

Irish cabbage & potato

Stuffed shells or cheese ravioli

Jumbo chili dog


Biscuits & gravy w/eggs

Vegetarian vegetable

Home-style meat loaf

Chicken Reuben w/potato salad


Big blueberry pancakes

Creamy clam chowder

Teriyaki chicken

Philly cheese steak


Ham scramble

Turkey noodle

Southern-fried catfish

Grilled ham & cheese

F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'71 DATSUN 510 sta. wgn, runs, not pretty. 843-6536

'75 PORSCHE 914, V-8 conversion, Chevy 305, modified 901 transaxle, everything new or rebuilt, mint cond., $7500. 530-3933

'80 DATSUN 720 pickup, a/t, am/fm/cass., fiberglass shell, needs tune-up, rebuilt transmission, $1100/offer. Bill Brown, X7183, 676-6104

'80 HONDA Civic DX, a/t, am/fm/cass., a real workhorse, but it's getting tired, $600/offer. Bill Brown, X7183, 676-6104

'82 TOYOTA Tercel, 2-dr, 4-spd, runs OK but needs some work, $300. Shimon, X5202

'82 VW Rabbit diesel, very gd cond., fm/cass., 4-spd, 4-dr, 1 owner, all maint. recs., new fuel pump & battery, $1200/b.o. Jon, X4964, 799-5763 (eve.)

'87 HYUNDAI Excel GL, 3-dr hatchbk, 5-spd, a/c, '95 registration, 110K mi., clean, red, $1995. Tom Merrick, 547-5445

'92 MAZDA MPV, exc., 27K mi., 2 a/c, cruise, pwr, cass., blue bk is $16.3K, asking $14,700. Ed, X6190, 849-2228

'93 HYUNDAI Elantra, 16K mi., a/t, a/c, exc. cond., leaving country, must sell, $7600/b.o. X4445, 245-2432

LUMBER RACK for pickup truck, fits Toyota long bed or equivalent, exc. cond., $125/b.o. Gale, X4826, 372-0933

SNOW CHAINS, never used, for assorted tires sizes on 14"-16" rims, bought for Previa, $25. Blythe, X5025, 934-5582


CARPOOL, rider needed, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. hrs., Fairfield-Vacaville area. Mark Coleman, X4671

VANPOOL, riders wanted, route begins at Rohnert Park Expy, Petaluma Blvd. So., Shattuck & Hearst, ends at Berkeley BART, work hrs. are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Shirley Claire, X4521


CAL vs. Washington State football, 10/29, Young Alumni Sec. QQ row 64., next to student section, about 5 yd line, 2 tix, $20/ea. Doug, X5440

S.F. 49ERS, ind. game ticket (2), exc. upper reserve seat, rights also for sale. John, (415)924-3210

WARRIORS vs. Orlando Magic, Dallas Mavericks, NY Knicks. X4069, 262-5953


CONSTRUX plastic construction toys for kids, Fisher Price? Guy, X4703, Kathy, 548-0120

DRESSER, sm., 3 or 4 drawers, for 2 yr. old. Mary, X5771, 522-3239

GAS STOVE, O'Keefe & Merritt, prefer in working cond. Kathy Ellington, X4931

HOUSE CLEANING JOBS, careful, responsible & experienced. Sarah, 533-4557

HOUSE TO SIT, quiet, responsible single woman avail., short/long term, exc. local refs., plants, gardens, cats or other sm. pets OK. Cindy, 716-2265


MOUNTAIN BIKE, used but in gd cond. for an adult male, somewhat novice trail rider. Tony. X6470, 906-9291

MUSICIAN, piano/keyboard to jam 1 night/wk w/blues/R&B/jazz quartet, for fun. Wayne Nordby, X7685, 837-2409


AMATEUR RADIO, handheld, dual-band 2 Meter/70 CM, Icom IC32AT, w/charger, extra battery, exc. cond., $350. Alan, X7700, 758-7104

BACKPACK, $20; fiberfill sleeping bag, REI, $40; foam furniture, 2 chairs, 1 love seat, $60, or make offers. Linda, X4817, 236-6331

BICYCLE, Trek 660 True Temper 23" road bike, Campagnolo Derailers/Crank, DiaComp Brakes, like new, $400/b.o. Chris, X4837

BOY'S BIKE, 20", Roadmaster Hi-Rise BMX, 6-spd, exc. shape, $30; 27" Nishika man's bike, 10-spd, some rust, $10. Al Salazar, X5908, 672-2716

BOY'S BLACK BLAZER, sz. 18, bought at Nordstrom's, $35; boy's matching dress pants, $15; bean bag chairs, red, $20; end table, blk, square, $30; ski boots, Salomon, fits approx. sz. 8, exc. cond., gd for teenage/intermediate skier, used for 2 seasons, $65. H. Matis, X5031, 540-6718

CHRISTMAS WREATHS, delivered to you fresh in Dec., all proceeds go to Montclair Boy Scout Troop 202; $15; garlands & center pieces, $12 ea. H. Matis, X5031, 339-0584

DINING SET, oriental rosewood, lg. oblong table, 44"W x 84"L, w/2 ext. leaves (44" dia. circular table w/o leaves), 6 high back chairs incl. 2 w/armrests, like new, $700/b.o.; child's twin sz. bed w/2 drwrs, white wash stained wood & white laminate, firm multilayer mattress, $100. Swapan, X7217, 528-5325

GARAGE SALE, Sat., 10/22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Oakland/Diamond Dist., 2605 Carmel off Lincoln, lot of household/other stuff. Ken, X7739, 482-3331

GIRL'S BICYCLE, Huffy Omni 10, 10-spd, blue, 26", gd cond., $25. Sue, X4628, 530-1789

HIGH CHAIR, Fisher Price, exc. cond., $25; 40 moving boxes, $5; Night Sun Trail Blazer 10 watt bike light, helmet/cap mount, new, unused, $80 firm. Wayne Greenway, X6372

MINI-BLINDS, blue, 29W, 60L, $5; sm. ironing board, $5, make offer. 843-2097

PORTABLE DISHWASHER, Maytag, butcher block top, $120/b.o.; AT&T UNIX PC (3B2) with text, spreadsheet, graphics & communications software, best offer. Sarah, X5541, 486-0457

RECLINER, indigo leather, new cond., lg., comfortable, paid $433 at Costco, asking $300. Mark Strovink, X7087, 486-8079 (after 8 p.m.)

SPORTS EQUIP., racing bike-55cm, Shimano 600, computer, choice of wheel sets & pedals (clipless or not); set of 12 golf clubs, 3 woods, 7 irons, 2 wed., rt. hand for average height; pair of GS skis - racing matched, 210 cm, K2 810 GS, no bindings, make reasonable offers. X4080

STEREO RECEIVER, Pioneer SX826, 60 watts/channel, $79/b.o.; mono spkr, Wharfdale W60, in orig. oak case, $59/b.o. Charles, X7329, 376-3728


ALAMEDA, lg., sunny front rm in furn. Victorian, very safe & clean, phone & cable hook-up, short/long term, incl. utils., $450/mo. + dep. Elise, X4574

ALBANY, 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, very clean, partly furn., bay view, swimming pool, tennis courts, 24-hr. sec., garage parking, bus/BART to LBL/UCB 15 min., nr shopping ctr, no pet, non-smoker, lease, $950/mo. Rai, X7613, 524-7941 (eve.)

ALBANY, furn. rm incl. new queen sz. bed, modern condo, carpets, balcony, 1-1/2 bth, nr public trans. & shopping, 3 mi. from UCB, kitchen privs., coin-op. washer/dryer, st. parking or $25 extra for carport, prefer male, non-smoker, share w/male UCB employee, short/long term, $475/mo. incl. utils. except phone, $200 dep. 559-8009 (msg./best 5-10 p.m./wkend), willing to reduce $100 for some tutoring

BERKELEY, semi-furn. studio w/hardwood flrs, sunny kitchen & garden area, 5 min. walk to Gourmet Ghetto,15 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, $545/mo. 540-0385

BERKELEY, upstairs furn. 1-bdrm apt. on MLK, 5 min. walk to UC/LBL shuttle, $600/mo. 527-1358

NO. BERKELEY, furn. 1-bdrm apt./penthouse, ofc. space w/computer desk, garden, patio, laundry rm, st. parking or sec. inside bldg. w/fee, elec. entrance, 1-1/2 blks from UCB/LBL shuttle, trans., shopping, post ofc. etc., 1 or 2 people max., no smoking, no pets, avail. 12/13, $1200/mo. + dep. 548-8658, 548-6528 (FAX)

NO BERKELEY, furn. lg. rm in 4-bdrm house, 4-bridge view, parking, nr bus stop & Tilden Park, $425/mo. 528-6953

BERKELEY HILLS, Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks from UCB, furn. rm in pvt. home, kitchen privs., washer/dryer, deck, view, nr trans., shops, tennis cts. & Rose Garden, non-smoker, no pets, must be clean, prefer visiting scholar/ft working person, $450/mo. + util. Laura, 642-8517, 548-1287

EAST RICHMOND HILLS, just below the Arlington nr Barrett, 4-bdrm (2 lg., 2 sm.) house, bay view, kitchen, living rm, dining rm, yd, safe & quiet neighborhood, less than 20 min. by car from UCB, public trans. 1 blk away, 10 min. walk from BART, avail. 1/1 - 7/1, $1100/mo., use of a car negot. Dr. Ivry, X4647, 642-7146, 237-3929 (eve.)

EL CERRITO HILLS, modern 2-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth townhouse, fam. rm, 2 balc & frpl, washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrig., 2X garage, tennis ct, pool, clubhouse, Wildcat Cyn. Pk. view, nr. hike/bike trails, avail. Dec., $1275/mo. 236-0966

KENSINGTON, furn. lg. rm in house w/family, all amenities, nr bus stop & Tilden Park, avail. 10/26, $425/mo. Dennis Moltz, X7853, 526-7388

KENSINGTON, Berkeley border, spacious, furn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, dining rm w/deck, microwave, beamed living rm w/frpl, yd, veg. garden, garage, nr Tilden Pk & bus, non-smokers, no pets, $1800/mo. Miriam, 525-4600, 845-8326

OAKLAND, off Lake Merritt in China Hill dist., lg. 2-bdrm apt., 15-20 min. from LBL, wall-to-wall, coin-op. washer/dryer, dishwasher, off-st. parking, frpl, disposal & more, avail. 11/1, $800/mo. Lee, 422-0377, 763-8649 (eve.)

PLEASANT HILL, nr Sun Valley Mall, share w/1 person, 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, quiet area, garage, pool/pond view, washer/dryer, frpl, balcony, upstairs end unit, avail. 11/1 or sooner, $575/mo. Rob, X4028

WANTED: 2 Univ. of Michigan academics seek furn. 2-bedroom house in or nr Berkeley, from approx. 1/7-6/30, $1400/mo. max. Nancy 525-1652

WANTED: 1 or 2 bdrm apt. in No. Berkeley for 1 person, parking needed, prefer a yd/deck of some sort, rent limit $650. X6670


NO. TAHOE, new 3-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth home, greenbelt views, shopping, lake, Northstar & casinos within 10 min., avail. for ski season. Wayne Nordby, X7685, 837-2409

SO. LAKE TAHOE, 4-bdrm cabin, exc. loc., 2 mi. from Heavenly Valley, AEK, washer/dryer. Bill Holley, X4822, 283-3094

PUERTO VALLARTA, beach-front condo, prime loc., 1-bdrm, slps 4, furn. & equipped, daily maid service, pool, ocean view, avail. 12/17, $400/wk.; reserve now for '95. 987-0835 (days)


FOUND: Keys, between Bldg. 29 & Bldg. 2, you may claim them in Bldg. 29A-102 at anytime.

LOST: Black cotton jacket w/leather collar, on 10/12, nr Bldg. 50/70, $20 reward. Forrest, X6219

LOST: Glasses, old style Oakley's (frame all the way around the lenses) w/a gray frame, black & gray nose piece, clear lenses, wrap around arms, on Wed., 10/5, may have been lost in the Bldg. 76/78 or Bldg. 31 area. Preston Holland, X6774


CAT, 2 yr. old Calico, female, recently abandoned. Mark, X6554



Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

Mac QuickMail, fax X6641

[email protected]


Jeffery Kahn

Diane LaMacchia

Mike Wooldridge

Lynn Yarris


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday


Mary Padilla, X5771


Alice Ramirez


Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B

Mike Chartock, Acting Manager