October 18 , 2002 Search the Currents Archive

2003 Brings Changes in Medical Plans, Costs

A Volunteer in Kosovo

Having a Blast at Open House
Washington Report
Did You Ever Wonder How to Find Berkeley Lab?
Honoring the 2002 Nobelists
Berkeley Lab Currents
Crossing the Finishing Line: Runaround XXV
The Wonders of Open House 2002
Bulletin Board
Berkeley City Council Candidates' Day
CompUSA Classes: November-December
EH&S Classes � October 2002
Flea Market
Flea Market Policy

Having a Blast at Open House

2003 Brings Changes in Medical Plans, Costs

For the first time in many years employees will face significant changes in the options available to them as they enter UC's Open Enrollment period (Nov. 1-30). Among them are new medical plans, monthly premiums for all HMOs, and a new multi-tier system for determining premium rates. More than ever, this is a crucial period for all employees to inform themselves about the wide range of choices available to them and their families.

The bad news is that employees will face increasing health costs as a result of rising costs throughout the industry. The good news is that UC has taken steps to minimize the financial impact on employees.

Detailed information about all UC medical plans will be mailed out in late October. Included will be monthly rates for 2003 and a booklet with comprehensive information about the various plans and options. Please review your Open Enrollment materials carefully.

As always, Open Enrollment is the time for employees to enroll in or opt out of UC-sponsored medical, dental, and vision plans, transfer to a different medical or dental plan, add eligible family members, and more. All Open Enrollment changes will be effective Jan. 1, 2003.

Cost Changes

Even if you do nothing during Open Enrollment, you will see a change in your January paycheck deduction. As numerous UC communications and media stories have reported, dramatic changes are sweeping the health care industry across the country, and UC is not immune to these developments. Rising drug prices, carrier consolidations and closures, and a host of other factors are causing health care plan costs to soar for both public and private employers.

But while UC will not be able to offer a fully paid HMO any longer, it will continue to cover a majority of these premium costs, and in most cases the share paid by UC employees will remain affordable.

The Good News

To keep health costs as low as possible for those employees who can least afford them, UC will be making additional contributions ("allowances") to the monthly premiums for employees with full-time equivalent salary rates of $40,000 or less.

In addition to continuing to offer coverage for two adults without children, UC will also add a new, fourth option of coverage for single employees with children. This will better align premiums with costs and will be less expensive than covering two adults or a family.

Moreover, a new pre-tax "flexible spending" account for out-of-pocket health care expenses has been created. The Health Care Reimbursement Account will allow employees to set aside pretax dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses, such as copayments, prescription drugs, orthodontia, eyeglasses and more.

Finally, not everything is changing. UC will continue to offer employees 100 percent employer-paid dental and vision coverage, and the costs for some non-medical plans - including life and disability insurance - will actually be dropping.

Health Care Providers: Same HMOs, New POS and PPO plans

UC will continue to offer the same choice of California HMO plans - HealthNet, Kaiser Permanente, PacifiCare - and Core (a catastrophic medical plan), with no significant changes to copayments or benefits in 2003.

The UC Care medical plan is being replaced by a new Blue Cross of California Point-of-Service (POS) plan, Blue Cross PLUS. UC will also offer a Blue Cross of California Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, Blue Cross PPO.

This wide array of plans gives employees more choices than ever, and the decisions each employee makes next month will result in very different types of coverage and ranges of costs.

What all this means for you

The charts at the right are examples of 2002-03 medical plan costs. Keep in mind that your actual costs vary by the specific type of plan you choose and the number of individuals covered. These are examples of single and family costs for informational purposes only. Please refer to your Open Enrollment materials for specific information.

Helping you make informed decisions

Your best source of information about medical plan options is always the insurance carrier. That's why Berkeley Lab will once again host a Benefits Vendor Fair, to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30. The event is an excellent opportunity for employees to talk to insurance plan representatives directly and pick up materials. The Benefits Department will also conduct informational meetings on Nov. 7 and Nov. 13 in the Building 50 auditorium..

Another useful source of information is UC's new HR/Benefits website, "At Your Service" (http://atyourservice.ucop.edu), which will serve as your primary online resource for Open Enrollment. The new site includes the latest news on UC plans, a step-by-step guide to Open Enrollment, publications, frequently asked questions, and links to useful sites, including Health Pages, Medical Plan Chooser, and insurance carrier websites.

Meanwhile, the Benefits Department is always available to answer your questions at X6403 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Benefit Vendor Fair - Oct. 30
11 a.m. - 3 p.m o Perseverance Hall


Blue Cross POS (replaces UC Care)
Blue Cross
PPO (new)

Total Cost

$609 - $670 $859 $988
What UC pays $580 - $618 $673 $736
What you pay:      

Employees with salary rates of +$40,000/year

$29 - $52 $186 $252

Employees with salary rates of $40,000/year or less

$6 - $30 $163 $229


Blue Cross POS (replaces UC Care)
Blue Cross
PPO (new)

Total Cost

$210 - $230 $296 $341
What UC pays $200 - $213 $232 $256
What you pay:      

Employees with salary rates of +$40,000/year

$10 - $17 $64 $87

Employees with salary rates of $40,000/year or less

$2 - $10 $56 $79

A Volunteer in Kosovo

By Paul Preuss

Last summer Tamas Torok, a microbiologist in the Life Sciences Division, got a call from the Washington-based Citizens Democracy Corps (CDC), just a week after he'd let them know he was interested in volunteer work in developing nations. Funded by private industry and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), CDC helps businesses establish themselves in regions struggling to make the transition to a market economy.

"How would you like to assist the only food-processing company in Kosovo?" they asked. "They need help with hygiene, with the safety of their products - and they need to train an employee to do routine microbiological control."

Torok committed his Lab vacation time to the project and was soon on his way. Traveling by way of Vienna, he landed at Pristina on Aug. 15. His first impression was of a lot of military uniforms.

"KFOR (NATO's Kosovo Force), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the UN Mission in Kosovo - all in their country's own uniforms - plus the international police and the unarmed Kosovo police! Very colorful!" Torok remarks. He adds that the military and police presence makes Kosovo "the safest place you can imagine."

At least for the time being. The political situation is volatile, with the majority of Kosavars (ethnic Albanians) hoping for independence, although the region remains technically a part of Yugoslavia. Meanwhile a market economy is slowly evolving under international supervision.

The process of privatizing former state-owned industries may begin by year's end, but in the meantime many concerns have been "commercialized" through limited contracts with private investors. Two groups of brothers with the corporate names ABI and ELIF 19 hold the contract to operate the Progres food-processing factory, where Torok consulted.

Members of AID's Kosovo Business Support group drove Torok to the Progres location near Prizren, Kosovo's second largest city, a few miles from the Albanian border. Turkish rule ended in 1912, but five centuries of Turkish presence left an indelible mark.

"The setting is traditionally Muslim in many ways," says Torok, "with 60 mosques blaring out the call to prayer five times a day starting at four a.m. and ending at eleven p.m. It's mostly a man's society; from eight at night until two in the morning they're in the streets and cafes, drinking coffee or beer. Yes, they drink alcohol, although nobody seems to get drunk. Even though most people are not religious, they all have a Koran on the bookshelf."

During Torok's stay, the Progres factory was producing hot and mild ketchups, pickled paprika, and a traditional Turkish spicy vegetable relish, güvech. They were also running two shifts a day to handle the plum harvest, washing and sorting and freezing fruit to be made into preserves later.

Once one of the largest and most modern canneries in Yugoslavia, its products known throughout Europe, the Progres plant was stripped of its machines and other valuables by the retreating Serbians. While the ABI and ELIF 19 partners would like to buy new production equipment, they cannot risk the investment without ownership. Meanwhile they have installed used machinery, and the plant now runs at about 40 percent capacity.

"I asked the workers how they disinfected the machines," Torok says. "The answer was, 'We don't.'" He adds "at present, the microbial quality is horrendous."

A host of other problems like water treatment need fixing before Progres can hope to resume packaging meat products or exporting its products once again. Routine microbiological quality control will be essential. None of the 143 workers at Progres had had basic training in production hygiene, much less knowledge of laboratory procedures, and most of the supplies and equipment in what had been an adequate microbiology lab were gone.

Torok spent two and a half weeks training Mrs. Müdesir Karamuço, a company employee for 24 years, to perform as a microbiology laboratory technician. Meanwhile, by refurbishing what lab equipment was left - which included an old Zeiss microscope made in East Germany and a finicky autoclave - and by donating textbooks, copies of regulations, and basic supplies he'd brought with him (such as growth media, pipettes and test tubes, paid for by CDC), Torok helped Progres take the first steps toward reestablishing its laboratory.

He spent some of his time consulting with other businesses in the Progres compound, including a bakery and a dairy, and found some problems not amenable to technical solutions. The dairy produces yogurt and cheese, but no drinking milk. Torok inquired why: "There are cows everywhere around here!" He was told, "They are Serb cows." It seems the foodstores guarantee their customers that they sell no Serb products. Without corresponding assurances from the dairy, "the stores would not buy the milk."

Unspeakable horrors have been visited on all the citizens of Kosovo, by Serbs on ethnic Albanians before the NATO intervention, by massive bombing during the war, and by ethnic Albanians on Serbs afterward. Enclaves of the few Serbs remaining in Kosovo are surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by KFOR soldiers; neither side ventures into the territory of the other.

Torok's translator, a mathematics teacher named Arsim Shpejti, agreed that to know several cultures and to be able to communicate in English, Turkish, Albanian, and Serbian makes his life richer - but he doesn't feel this substitutes for economic security. Torok agrees. "It's a delicate transition. When the economy is okay, I believe people will once again be able to live together, no matter what their superficial differences."

The window of opportunity may be small. "My fear is, the world will say 'enough.' If the soldiers are withdrawn too soon, a great opportunity will be missed. Unlike the Turks, the UN is not going to stay around for 500 years."

Kosovo is only one region of the world that desperately needs help, as Torok well knows, "but this is one I can do something about." Because of the ongoing need for safe drinking water and other public health measures, he hopes others with expertise in microbiology, especially graduate students, will step forward to volunteer a little of their time.

Information for volunteers interested in helping out in Kosovo and other transitional regions can be found on the website of the Citizens Democracy Corps at http:/www.cdc.org/.


Washington Report

Happy Birthday DOE

This month marks the 25th anniversary of the U.S. Department of Energy, which opened for business on Oct. 1, 1977. A ceremony was held on Oct. 8 to celebrate the occasion at the agency's Washington, D.C. headquarters. Atttending were Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and four former secretaries of energy: James R. Schlesinger, the department's first secretary, James B. Edwards, James D. Watkins, and Hazel R. O'Leary.

E-Government Launched

Millions of Americans are familiar with e-Bay, the online marketplace. Soon they will be introduced to e-Government. This week, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham presented Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels with a digitally signed copy of the DOE e-Government Strategic Action Plan: A Road Map for Delivering Services. He also gave Daniels a government-wide license to use this digital signature technology.

Key elements of the plan include developing DOE's enterprise architecture, enhancing the public trust, focusing resources, improving information technology security, enhancing a capital planning and investment control process, as well as addressing the requirement of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act -- Lynn Yarris

Did You Ever Wonder How to Find Berkeley Lab?

Yes, we're finally on the map! In recent weeks five new signs (two northbound and three southbound) were put up on I-80, directing motorists to Berkeley Lab. They are located at the exits for University Ave, Gilman Street, and Ashby Street. Paul Franke of the Facilities Department worked with CalTrans to see that the signs would go up.



Honoring the 2002 Nobelists

By Lynn Yarris

Three American scientists were among the winners of the 2002 Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and physiology/medicine. The honorees will receive a portion of 10 million Swedish kronor, or about $1 million, at a ceremony to be held on Dec. 10.

In physics, the phantomesque neutrino carried a lot of weight. Raymond Davis, Jr. of the University of Pennsylvania and Masatoshi Koshiba of the University of Tokyo shared half of the prize for their neutrino research. Davis designed a novel type of detector that was built deep inside a mine. Over a period of 30 years, he succeeded in capturing a total of 2,000 solar neutrinos and proved that fusion provides the energy that powers the sun's fire. With another gigantic detector, the Kamiokande in Japan, a group of researchers led by Koshiba was able to confirm Davis's results. They were also able to detect neutrinos from a distant supernova explosion, capturing 12 of the more than 10,000,000,000,-000-000 cosmic neutrinos that passed through the detector. The work of Davis and Koshiba opened up what is today the booming research field of neutrino-astronomy. The other half of the Nobel Prize in physics went to Riccardo Giaconni for his construction of the first x-ray telescopes, which laid the foundations for x-ray astronomy and provided a completely new look at the universe. Giaconni discovered the first source of x-rays outside of our solar system and proved the existence of the universe's background x-ray radiation.

The 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry honored three scientists who adapted staple spectroscopy techniques to investigate the workings of larger biological molecules such as proteins. Half of the award went to John B. Fenn of Virginia Commonwealth University and Koichi Tanaka of Shimadzu Corporation in Kyoto, Japan, for modifications to the methods of mass spectroscopy. Fenn and Tanaka independently developed processes - electrospray ionization and soft laser desorption - that allowed mass spectroscopy techniques to be applied to large biological molecules. Kurt Wüthrich of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology received the other half of the award for his work with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). By assigning fixed points within a protein and determining the distance between them, Wüthrich was able to ascertain the structure of parts of the protein and then join them together to see the full picture.

There was a small Berkeley Lab connection to the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, as one of the three recipients who shared the award, Sydney Brenner of the Molecular Sciences Institute in Berkeley, was a collaborator with the Joint Genome Institute on the fugu genome project. Brenner shared this year's Nobel Prize for being the first scientist to recognize the potential of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, to serve as a model organism. Because the one-millimeter-long worm is transparent, it is possible to see its cells divide and to follow the process under a microscope. Brenner demonstrated that specific gene mutations can also be induced in the worm that profoundly alter the creature's development. He shared the prize with Sir John E. Sulston of the Sanger Center in Cambridge, England, who built on Brenner's worm work and developed techniques to study all of the cell divisions in the nematode's life cycle; and with H. Robert Horvitz of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who discovered three C. elegans genes that control apoptosis, cell death or regulate the elimination of dead cells.

Berkeley Lab Currents

Published twice a month by the Communications Department for the employees� and retirees of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Ron Kolb, Communications Department head.

EDITOR: Monica Friedlander, (510) 495-2248, [email protected]

STAFF WRITERS: Lisa Gonzales, 486-4698; Dan Krotz, 486-4109, Paul Preuss, 486-6249; Lynn Yarris, 486-5375

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Jon Bashor, 486-5849; Allan Chen, 486-4210

[email protected] /[email protected]

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Communications Department, MS 65
One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720
Tel: (510) 486-5771 Fax: (510) 486-6641

Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Crossing the Finishing Line: Runaround XXV

It's considered the most popular labwide event on the Hill, and this year was no exception. More than 600 employees crossed the finish line last Friday, Oct. 11 on a beautiful, sunny fall day. There, at the cafeteria, they were greeted by cheering crowds, music, snacks, and the awarding of the traditional t-shirts to each finisher.

The winner for the men was Dilworth (Dula) Parkinson of the Physical Biosciences Division, with a time of 9:36:1. The first woman to cross the line was Melita Morton of the Advanced Light Source, with a time of 12:42:5. Other memorable records included the youngest finisher (3 weeks old) and the oldest (72 years old).

Lab Deputy Director Pier Oddone congratulated the winners (upper right) and sported the new, very cool Runaround T-shirt, designed by Melanie Woods.

Congratulations to all participants.

The Wonders of Open House 2002

We sent out invitations with the tantalizing question: "Did you ever wonder…?" The response was a resounding "Yes!" More than 8,000 visitors of all ages, nearly twice the number expected, ascended the hill from far flung communities to satisfy their curiosity about the scientific wonders at Berkeley Lab. Making the most of an impeccable fall day, visitors came early and stayed late. They attended lectures on topics as diverse as the fate of the universe and the biology of breast cancer. They took tours of the Advanced Light Source and took screwdrivers to electronic components at the Shops' Petting Zoo. They ate, listened to music, manned the fire truck hoses, lined up to "Ask a Scientist," donned junior gene sleuth garb to spool DNA, and generally had a rollicking good time. When it was all over, the 500 or so Lab volunteers who generously served as tour guides, lecturers, exhibitors, and teachers for the day sunk wearily into their chairs with amazement and gratitude. "It was awesome," one Welcome Tent volunteer was heard to say. And that about summed it up.

"This was a proud day for all of us," said Lab Director Charles Shank. "Congratulations to everyone who had a hand in making our Open House a success." -- Pamela Patterson

Photos by Roy Kaltschmidt

Bulletin Board

Swiss Delegation Tours NERSC

NERSC Director Horst Simon gave a tour of his division's facilities to a group of 27 members of a Swiss science and technology committee who visited Berkeley Lab on Sept. 13. The group included representatives from Swiss embassies and consulates in the U.S. and Europe, as well as members of the Swiss Science Agency and other science and technology policy experts.

The visit was part of a program to learn more about the what the Silicon Valley and the Bay Area have to offer in science, technology, innovation, higher education, and other areas.

Benefits News & Tips

Benefits Fair & Info Session

Oct. 30 See new benefits website, too

With Open Enrollment right around the corner (Nov. 1-30), this is a critical time to consider the wide range of choices of medical plans available to UC and Lab employees. A good place to start is the annual Berkeley Lab Benefits Vendor Fair, to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Perseverance Hall. The event offers employees an opportunity to meet with insurance plan representatives and discuss the various options.

In addition, the Benefits Department will conduct informational meetings to discuss Open Enrollment issues. The sessions will be held on Nov. 7 (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.) and on Nov. 13 ( 2 - 4 p.m.), both in the Building 50 auditorium.

Another useful source of information is UC's new HR/Benefits website, "At Your Service" (http://atyourservice.ucop.edu), which includes the latest news on UC plans, a step-by-step guide to Open Enrollment, publications, frequently asked questions, and links to useful sites.

For more information see the article on Page 1 or call the Benefits Office at X6403.

Estate Planning Workshop

Oct. 24 - Bldg. 50 Auditorium

Reservations may be made until Oct. 22 for a free workshop on the basics of effective estate planning, offered by Berkeley Lab's Benefits Department in conjunction with Fidelity Investments. The event will be held twice on Thursday, Oct. 24: from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the Building 50 auditorium and from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in University Hall, Room 150 (corner of University and Oxford).

The talk will discuss estate planning, help you assess the worth of your estate, and discuss common planning techniques, beneficiary designations, and means to protect your estate using the latest tax rules. Stephanie Richman of Fidelity Investments will be the guest speaker. To make a reservation, call (800) 642-7131.

403(b) Contribution Reminder

The Benefits Office would like to remind employees that there are only a few more pay periods left to make contributions to the 403(b) plan. This is one of the best ways to reduce your 2002 income taxes, by lowering the taxable earnings reported on your annual W-2 form. The deadline to make changes for the final 2002 paycheck is Nov. 11 for monthly paid employees and Dec. 11 for biweekly paid employees.

To make changes to your current contributions visit the "At Your Service" website at http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/ and click on "Your Benefits Online." You can also make changes by phone via the Bencom line at (800) 888-8267. You will need your benefits PIN to use either of these services.

Tango with the Dance Club

The LBNL Dance Club will be offering a new dance series -- the Tango - beginning Monday, Oct. 21 at noon in Building 31. For additional information contact Joy Kono at X6375 or visit the Dance Club website at www.lbnlDANCE.org.

Windows Desktop Security Course

If you use Windows 95, Windows 95, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, you will want to learn what to do to prevent security incidents in your system. Enrollment is still open for a free course on Windows systems security, from 9 to 11 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24 in Building 50A-4205 . To sign up, see https:// hris.lbl.gov.

Two-Day Blood Drive Help Save a Life

Nov. 13-14 - Bldg. 70A

Another two-day blood drive will be held onsite next month, and organizers hope the event will be at least as successful as the Summer Blood Drive, which resulted in the collection of 86 units of blood

The success of the last effort, however, does not mean that the need for blood supplies has been met. In fact, seasonal shortages frequently occur during summer when regular donors travel and are not available for donations.

The commitment of our repeat donors, as well as the generosity of first time donors here, continue to make the partnership between Berkeley Lab and the American Red Cross Blood Services program a success.

Next month's blood drive will be held on Nov. 13 and Nov. 14, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please mark your calendars and help save a life by donating blood. For additional information contact Charlotte Bochra at X4268. For eligibility information, see the BeADonor website (beadonor.com).

Berkeley City Council Candidates' Day

Thursday, Oct. 24, 11:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Candidates running in four of the eight districts of the Berkeley City Council (1, 4, 7, and 8) will come to Berkeley Lab and meet with employees on Thursday, Oct. 24.

This special event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the cafeteria lawn.

The candidates are:

  • District 1 - Linda Maio (incumbent), Rhiannon

  • District 4 - David Freeman, Bob Migdal, Dona Spring (incumbent), L. A. Wood

  • District 7 - Micki Weinberg, Kriss Worthington (incumbent)

  • District 8 - Carlos Estrada, Andy Katz, Anne Wagley, Gordon Wozniak
Should weather condition not be favorable, the event will be held in the cafeteria lobby.

For more information, see www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/elections/candidates/.


General Interest

Monday, October 2

Noon, Bldg. 31

OCTOBER 24, Thursday

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., cafeteria lawn

12:30 - 2:00 p.m., Building 50 auditorium 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., University Hall

7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., cafeteria parking lot

9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Bldg. 50A-4205

OCTOBER 30, Wednesday

11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., cafeteria lawn

Send us your announcements

Announcements for the General Calendar and Bulletin Board page may be sent to [email protected]. Seminars & Lectures items may be e-mailed to [email protected]. You may also fax items to X6641 or mail them to Bldg. 65. The deadline for the Oct. 18 issue is 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14.

Seminars & Lectures

Friday, October 18

Characterization of Microbial Diversity in Airborne Bacteria
Speaker: Gary L. Andersen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
11:00 a.m., Building 90, Room 4133

Monday, October 21

Real Effective Temperatures
Speaker: Douglas J. Durian, UCLA
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte Hall

Tuesday, October 22

Processing of Oxidative DNA Base Damages
Speaker: Susan Wallace, University of Vermont
4:00 p.m., Building 66 auditorium

Thursday, October 24

Mechanics and Physics of Surfaces and Thin Films at
Micron and Submicron Scales
Speaker: K. Kyriakos, UC Berkeley
1:30 p.m., Building 66 auditorium

First Hyperon CP-Violation-Search Results from E871
Speaker: Pyotr Zyla, Physics Division
4:00 p.m., Bldg. 50A, Rm 5132

Monday, October 28

New Frontiers in Controlling the Motion of Matter with Light: From Single Atoms to Neurons
Speaker: Mark Raizen, University of Texas at Austin
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte Hall

Tuesday, October 29

Applying Genomics to Human Complex Trait Genetics
Speaker: Joel Hirschhorn, Children's Hospital Boston
4:00 p.m., Building 66 auditorium

Thursday, October 31

Nanocrystal Shape Control by the Selective Adhesion Method
Speaker: Paul Alivisatos, Materials Science Division
1:30 p.m., Building 66 auditorium

Overview of Future Berkeley CMB Experiments
Speaker: Adrian Lee, Physics Division
4:00 p.m., Building 50A, Room 5132

CompUSA Classes: November-December

CompUSA provides onsite PC computer courses to Lab employees. All courses are $145 and are held in Building 51L from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Date Course
11/1 Access 2000 Fundamentals

PowerPoint 2000 Fundamentals

Excel 2000 Fundamentals
11/11 Dreamweaver 4.0 Introduction
11/18 Presentation Skills Using PowerPoint
11/22 Visio 2000 Introduction
12/2 Excel 2000 Intermediate


Dreamweaver 4.0 Intermediate

Class descriptions and registration procedure are available online at the Employee Self Service website, https://hris.lbl.gov/. For more information, to request a class, or to provide feedback about the program, contact Heather Pinto at [email protected].

EH&S Classes � October 2002






EHS 260

Basic Electrical Hazard Awareness

9:00 � 10:30



EHS 10

Introduction to ES&H at LBNL*

8:00 � 10:15

50 aud


EHS 330

Lead Hazards Awareness

1:30 � 2:30



EHS 123

Adult CPR

8:30 � 12:00



EHS 280

Laser Safety

9:00 � 2:00



EHS 275

Confined Space Hazards

8:30 � 11:00



EHS 274

Confined Space-Retraining

11:00 � 12:00



EHS 256


10:00 � 1:30



EHS 530

Fire Extinguisher

10:00 � 11:30



EHS 400

Radiation Protection Fundamentals

9:00 � 12:00



EHS 432

Radiation Protection-Lab Safety

8:00 � 12:30



EHS 276

Fall Protection

9:00 � 10:00



EHS 735/ 738/739

Biosafety/Bloodborne Pathogen

1:30 � 2:45



EHS 154

Building Emergency Team Training

1:30 � 3:30



EHS 730

Medical/Biohazardous Waste

2:45 � 3:30



EHS 135

Earthquake/Wildland Fire Safety

10:30 � 12:00



EHS 60

Ergonomics for Computer Users

1:00 � 2:30



EHS 604

Hazardous Waste Generator

9:30 � 11:00



EHS 622

Radioactive & Mixed Waste

11:00 � 12:00



EHS 10

Introduction to ES&H at LBNL

1:00 � 3:00


* Session includes EHS 392/405, followed by the Lab orientation. Please arrive promptly for sign-in.

To enroll, contact Valarie Espinoza-Ross at [email protected] or enroll via the web at https://hris.lbl.gov/self_service/training/. Preregistration is required for all courses except EHS 10. For a full, updated schedule, see http://www-ia1.lbl.gov/schedule/.

Flea Market


'01 HONDA CIVIC EX, 2 dr coupe, 38K mi, green, good cond, moonrf, CD, bra, pwr locks/win, 5 spd, $13,000, Amber, X5606, 583-5191 (h), (925) 216-9729 (cell)

'93 TOYOTA T-100 3.0 L, V6, 5 spd, longbed w/ bedliner, 9K mi on new engine block, great cond, $6,300, Jerry, X5316, 758-4312

'93 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Ltd, full time 4 wd, 5.2 L V8, at, 118K mi, leather, all pwr & opts, tow pkg, alloy wheels, recent brakes & tires, forest green, exc cond, Steve, X6271, (925) 256-9725

'93 HONDA CIVIC Del Sol si, blk, 86K mi, clean rec, convertible hardtop, 30/37 mpg, incl a $600 pkg of Garmin gps V & US map, must sell, leaving US, $5,700/bo, Mirco, X4356

'90 FORD PROBE, blk, 5 spd, 2200 cc Turbo, good cond, exc engine, just smogged, all recs, perf for young European driving style, must sell, $3,000/bo, Giorgio, X7519

'85 TOYOTA SUPRA, 157K mi, 11K on new clutch, 38K on rebuilt motor, sunrf, rear drive, 6 cyl, 2 new tires, new am/fm/cass, $3,300/bo, Al, 841-6285


'92 HONDA NIGHTHAWK, blue, 250 cc, 15.5K mi, 3rd owner, reg maint service, great learner bike, crash bar installed to protect engine, $1,400, Yeen, X7580


'87 18' OPEN BOW Bayliner, 125 hp force outboard, red & white int, seats 6, stereo, exc cond, $2,500, Ron, X4942


ALBANY 555 Pierce St, 2 bdrm/2 bth condo, bay view, pool, tennis, 24-hr sec, garage, near pub trans/ shops, no pets/smoking, lease, avail now, $1,700/mo + sec dep, Anie, 215-7636, 828-8688

ALBANY 555 Pierce St, 2 bdrm/2 bth, bay view, security, parking, pool, gym, free cable & util, $1,600/ mo + dep, Eva, 222-5925, [email protected]

BERKELEY HILLS, beautiful, light & elegant home, panoramic canyon views, 3000 sq ft, 3 bdrm/3 bth, 2 fp, gourmet kitchen/fam rm w/ gas stove, oven, fridge, dw, liv rm & din rm w/ view, balc, hrdwd flrs & carpet, garden, share w&d, 2-car garage, near hwy 13 & 24, no smokers, $2,800/ mo + $5,000 dep, gardener incl, short-term lease ok, Ekta, [email protected], (917) 365-1376

BERKELEY HILLS, Claremont/Rockridge area, prime Berkeley hills location, bay & canyon views, 2 bdrm/1 bth, liv rm, laundry, hidden garden, quiet, no smoking, furn & pets negotiable, $1,900, 895-1223

BERKELEY, 734 The Alameda, 4 bdrm/2 bth single family home, modern kitchen, sep breakfast rm & dining rm, deck, unfurn, avail 11/1 for 1 or 2 yrs, close to buses, 1000 Oaks neighborhood, close to top of Solano Ave, $2,900/mo, Bob or Barbara, 527-9775

CENTRAL BERKELEY, nice furn rms, kitchen, laundry, TV, DSL, hrdwd flrs, linens, dishes, contin breakfast, walk to pub trans & shops, $950/ mo incl utils, $350/wk, Jin or Paul, 845-5959, jin.young@juno. com, Paul X7363

CONCORD rm for rent, male pref, lge & priv, furn, $550 + dep incl util, Kurt, X7238, (925) 676-6012

EL CERRITO, 1 bdrm in attractive 3 bdrm house, priv ent, furn, near pub trans & shops, share w/ classical pianist & young students, avail 10/1, no pets/smoking, $800/mo, Aurora, 799-2323

LAKE MERRITT, across from Children's Fairland, 1 bdrm apt quiet, walk to BART, avail mid-Oct, $950/ mo+elec, Jin, X7531, 530-3760

NO BERKELEY HILLS furn house, 3.5 bdrm/1.5 bth, Marin Ave, walk to Lab, Indian Rock, Solano, spacious, sweeping view of bridges, secluded garden, lge back yrd, fp, w&d, carport, no smoking, $2,250 + $2,000 dep, Dalia, 526-9261, [email protected]

NORTH BERKELEY B&B for visiting scholars, $750/ 2 wks or $850/mo, avail for 2 wks to 8 mos, 1 person per rm, 2 rms in house, garden cottage, daily breakfast, bike avail, close to pub trans, avail now, Helen, 527-3252

ROCKRIDGE AREA, furn rm in priv house, great view, beautifully furn, walk dist to College Ave/BART/ Lab shuttle, $600, 655-2534


LBL RA looking for 1 bdrm apt in Berkeley or N. Oakland, Steve, X6966

VISITING SCIENTIST w/ wife & 14 mo-old child seeks 1 bdrm apt in Berkeley Hills, Orinda, Kensington area from mid Dec, (785) 395-5688, chikan@ ksu.edu


AMANA gas range/stove, 5 yrs old, works great, must sell, located in Alameda, $125/bo, Norm, X6724, (916) 961-8765

AV RECEIVERS, new Marantz #6200, $550; Kenwood # 4080B, $300; Harman/Kardon # 310, $300, Mark, 843-5330 aft 5 pm

CROSS COUNTRY track skis, no bindings, very good cond, $20; old Rossignol downhill skis, bindings, good cond, $20; 200 mhz Pentium hard drive, 52x CD-ROM, modem, monitor, Win 98, MS Office, good comp for basic usage, $150/bo, Gerald, 428-9614, Jon, X5974

FILM, 4 rolls Kodak Max Versatility 35 mm color, 24 exp, $2.50/ea, Laura, X5466

ROAD BIKE, KHS PRO 12 vintage, 20" frame, Rey-nolds 531 steel frame, like new, light, fast, strong, $400; Merlin titanium 24 spd mtn bike, 17" frame, fresh rebuild w/ new derailers & rebuilt Judy front forks, $1,400, Douglas, X4081

MAYTAG Performa gas dryer, white, 1 yr old, $200, Arabella, X4012

PERSIAN WOOLEN RUG, 5-1/2 x 8 ft, perf cond, rose & blue tones, $200, Susan, X5437

PUPPY, "Gracie", 4 mo Dachshund mix female, 12 lbs, a rescue pup, spayed & current shots, adoption fee, pics avail, Maxine, X6177, (530) 533-4394

SF OPERA TICKETS, Abduction from the Seraglio 11/2, Alcina 12/7, 2nd row center balc pr, $126/pr, Paul, X5508, 526-3519

SF OPERA TICKETS, Kat'a Kabanova 11/15, Hansel & Gretel 1/1, balcony circle, front row, $176/pr, Diana, X6444


GARAGE to work on car w/ son, Berkeley or El Cerrito, elec not req but is a plus, need inexpensive, no parts or problems left behind, Lee, X4496


STEREO/VIDEO components, non-functioning: CD player, tuner burned out by power surge, amplifier, VCR, all could be easily fixed by someone w/ expertise, esp the amplifier, Gerald, 428-9614, Jon, X5974

RUG, 5 x 8 sq ft, 100% pure cotton, Ruth, 526 2007


FOUND in the J parking lot at the intersection of Lawrence & Mc Millan rds: gold necklace w/ stone, Martin, X6187

Flea Market Policy

Ads are accepted only from LBNL employees, retirees, and onsite DOE personnel. Only items of your own personal property may be offered for sale.

Submissions must include name, affiliation, extension, and home phone.

Ads must be submitted in writing via e-mail ([email protected]), fax (X6641) or mailed to Bldg. 65. Ads run one issue only unless resubmitted, and are repeated only as space permits. They may not be retracted.

The deadline for the Nov. 1, 2002 issue is Thursday, Oct. 24.