By Allan Chen
Paul Luke, a staff scientist in Berkeley Lab's Engineering Division, has developed a new method for improving the performance of nuclear radiation detectors.
The method allows radiation detectors operating at room temperature to achieve levels of performance approaching that of liquid-nitrogen-cooled detectors. By eliminating the need for cooling, smaller, less expensive detector systems can be produced. The new detectors are expected to have widespread application in areas that require high performance detectors, but where the technology needed for refrigeration is undesirable.
A large class of radiation detectors works by sensing the ionization produced by radiation. A common detector configuration consists of a volume of detecting medium, which can be a solid, liquid or gas, sandwiched by two plane electrodes. A voltage is applied between the two electrodes. Incoming radiation strikes the detecting medium, loosening positive and negative electric charges that travel to the electrodes and register a charge signal.
"A number of materials can be used as the detecting medium, but except for a very few, namely germanium and silicon, the charge collection process is far from perfect," says Luke. "Often, the positive charges are not as efficiently collected as the negative ones. This results in an inaccurate reading of the ionization, and means that you can't rely on the signal's strength to tell you the energy of the radiation."
Luke's improved detector uses an arrangement of parallel strip electrodes, and a technique called "charge subtraction" to provide a much more accurate reading of the energy of radiation. The parallel strips are inter-connected to form two sets of interdigital electrodes. Charge signals induced on these two electrodes are subtracted to yield a net signal that is insensitive to charge trapping. As a result, energy resolution is greatly improved.
This technique can be applied to wide band-gap compound semiconductors such as cadmium telluride, cadmium zinc telluride and mercuric iodide. These materials offer advantages over silicon and germanium, which are used in existing high performance radiation detectors. "The problem with germanium and silicon is that you need to cool them down to liquid nitrogen temperatures to use them as high-resolution radiation detectors," says Luke, "whereas the compound semiconductors, because of the wider band-gaps, can be operated at room temperature."
For the past 20 years, researchers have attempted to use compound semiconductors in radiation detectors, but because of poor charge collection in these materials, the detector performance was not satisfactory for many applications. The new technique largely overcomes this problem and could allow these detectors to detect radiation such as x-rays and gamma rays with energy resolution close to that of silicon and germanium detectors.
"This opens up a set of new applications where good energy resolution is desired but providing liquid-nitrogen cooling to the detectors is not practical," says Luke. "An example is hand-held instruments used in the field. Many areas of application can benefit from the availability of room-temperature high-resolution detectors, such as medical diagnostics, nuclear safeguards, nuclear physics, balloon- or space-based gamma-ray astrophysics, environmental monitoring and industrial sensing."
The second unique feature of the invention is its use of charge signals to determine the location of radiation interaction in the detector. By measuring the difference between the total charge induced by a particle of radiation and the charge induced at one of the two grid electrodes, it is possible to determine where the ionization originates along the direction perpendicular to the electrode planes. This can be used, in conjunction with shadow masks or x-ray optics, to determine the direction of incoming radiation, thus providing imaging capability.
Berkeley Lab's Patent Department has already licensed the invention to one company, and they are talking with several other prospective licensees.
By Deputy Director Pier Oddone
Last month, the Department of Energy announced the formation of a "virtual human genome institute" that will integrate the expertise and technology of genome programs at the Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos national laboratories. The best explanation one can give for why the new Joint Human Genome Institute makes sense is this: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and the whole is necessary to tackle the next phase of the Human Genome Project.
Berkeley Lab is proud to be a member of this new collaboration, which will formally begin in January. Integrating the unique strengths of the three facilities, productivity can be accelerated in the most cost-effective way, reducing redundancies and maximizing efficiency through task-based planning.
DOE invests about $42 million annually in its human genome programs to aggressively pursue high-throughput sequencing and functional genomics. It is anticipated that the DOE labs will eventually sequence 40 percent of human DNA, comprised of three billion base pairs. If the nation is going to accomplish its goal of mapping the entire human genome in the next decade, partnerships such as this one will be required to advance the laborious process in innovative ways.
Of course, as DOE's flagship sequencing center, Berkeley Lab is uniquely positioned to make a contribution. Under the leadership of Human Genome Center Director Mike Palazzolo, Berkeley is internationally recognized for its high-throughput sequencing, applying the most advanced techniques in biology, automation, and computing sciences. To date, we have completed 7 million base pairs of finished sequence, including 4 million of the Drosophila (fruit fly).
The opening of our new Human Genome Center building next year will provide the space and facilities necessary to sustain the research efforts in biology, informatics, and automation. In the meantime, planning for a joint facility to scale up sequencing is proceeding. A manufacturing approach to sequencing will drop the cost per base and will achieve previously unanticipated speeds.
In the meantime, our colleagues at Livermore and Los Alamos will build upon their excellence in physical mapping of human chromosomes, sequencing and analyses of the biological significance of expressed genes, and advanced technology development. Under the coordination of scientific director Elbert Branscomb of Livermore, the Joint Institute will move human DNA sequence data into public databases faster, cheaper, and more accurately than ever before.
The potential for extraordinary applications of the information--in disease diagnosis and prevention, in agriculture, in deep understanding of biological systems, environmental cleanup, and industrial processes--underscores the urgency to move forward in this monumental effort. Much work lies ahead to make the Joint Institute into a true team effort with coherence across the centers in each one of the tasks. But it will succeed because center directors Mike Palazzolo of Berkeley, Tony Carrano of Livermore, and Bob Moyzis of Los Alamos want it to work. They know that the massive genome project involves tasks that cannot be accomplished by a single approach, a single laboratory or a single agency.
It is DOE working with the National Institutes of Health, the national laboratories working with university scientists and the biotechnology community, and the University of California's three DOE-funded genome programs partnering and pooling their efforts that will launch the "biological century" and a new era of discovery.
The following is a message to Berkeley Lab employees from Director Charles Shank on the passage of Proposition 209, the California Civil Rights Initiative that eliminates state and local government programs in the areas of public employment, public education, and public contracting that involve preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
Now that California voters have passed Proposition 209, many of you may be concerned about how it might affect operations at Berkeley Lab.
First, let me assure you that, on behalf of the Laboratory, I am firmly committed to the values and strengths inherent in a diverse workforce. We will continue to encourage the range of ideas, cultures and perspectives that give a community such as ours its vitality, and we will respect and honor the many diverse groups and individuals that make up our Laboratory.
Second, we expect the passage of Proposition 209 to have minimal effect on the Laboratory. The Proposition specifically permits action which must be taken to establish or maintain eligibility for federal programs, where ineligibility would result in a loss of federal funds to the state. Since we are a national laboratory funded by the federal government, we will continue to follow the affirmative action requirements set forth in the University's contract with the U.S. Department of Energy.
By Allan Chen
Vice President Al Gore's National Performance Review has given Hammer Awards to two teams with participants from Berkeley Lab.
One award went to a team of private and public entities working to turn San Francisco's Federal Building into a showcase of energy efficient technologies that could cut billions of dollars off the federal government's annual energy bill. Another was awarded to a Process Improvement Team that included Berkeley Lab Facilities Management Head Robert Camper, representatives of several other national labs, and team leader Richard Earl of DOE's Office of Field Management. This team developed a procedure using "life cycle asset management" (LCAM) to reduce the cost and improve the operations and maintenance of federal facilities.
The Hammer Award recognizes teams of federal, state, local employees and private citizens who have made government more efficient and effective. According to the Vice President's National Performance Review, the name of the award is a reference to "yesterday's government's $600 dollar hammer ... The award recognizes new standards of excellence achieved by teams helping to reinvent government." It consists of a $6 hammer and a card from the Vice President.
More Efficient Technology
The team retrofitting the Federal Office Building at 450 Golden Gate Ave. consists of members of Berkeley Lab's Energy & Environment Division, the General Services Administration (GSA), Pacific Gas & Electric Company, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Energy Simulation Specialists (ESS). Members of E&E's Lighting Research Group, and the Applications Team, which focuses on designing and implementing energy-efficient demonstration projects, provided expertise and engineering.
The building has 1.4 million square feet of space and is the largest federal building west of the Mississippi River. An ESS study of potential energy savings found that an energy management and control system (EMCS) could reduce the building's energy use by 25 percent at an annual cost savings of $450,000. "Energy-saving technologies being demonstrated at the Philip Burton Building potentially could save up to one third of the federal government's annual energy bill of $4 billion," says Dale Sartor, head of the Applications Team.
An advanced lighting controls testbed designed by E&E Lighting Research Group's Francis Rubinstein, Judy Jennings and Doug Avery includes energy-efficient lighting for three floors of the building, and a new automated control system.
New lighting installed in the building includes more than 1,200 dimmable electronic ballasts, 3,600 efficient lamps, dozens of light and occupant sensors, manual and remote control dimmers, and smart control panels that respond to changes in a space's occupancy and available daylight.
The automated control system that regulates lighting will be coupled to other energy management systems that regulate the building's heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) using a nonproprietary communications protocol standard called BACnet (building automation control network). Eventually the GSA plans to connect all the federal facilities in the San Francisco Bay area using BACnet. Since the energy use of all of these buildings will appear as a single account to the utility, GSA will get lower electric rates.
More Efficient Management of Buildings
The LCAM process improvement team reinvented the way the Department of Energy manages its physical assets. "Three years ago," says Camper, "DOE started looking at facilities management, trying to find some process to improve the way sites were maintained." Previously, DOE managed contractor-operated facilities like Berkeley Lab through 13 directives totaling more than 1,200 pages of prescriptive requirements. These were expensive to implement, required contractors to follow procedures rather than achieve outcomes, and contained burdensome reporting requirements. In spite of the directives, DOE facilities were not being maintained as well as possible. Previous efforts to develop computerized management systems failed, in part because they were too expensive to implement.
"Secretary O'Leary told us DOE pays contractors to operate and maintain facilities, so DOE should tell the contractors what the goals for maintaining and operating the site are, and the contractors should figure out how to achieve the goals," says Camper. "So our team worked through the 1,600 pages of directives and came out with the 15-page LCAM order. Nothing in the order mandates contractors to do this exact thing and get that exact result. Instead it states what DOE expects from its contractors in the area of facilities management. The contractors must meet these goals and together with site offices, they develop measures to show how well the contractors are meeting their objectives."
The LCAM order is expected to save tens of millions of dollars by reducing paperwork and DOE site visits. The LCAM team consists of six members from DOE headquarters, and representatives from five field offices and five contractors, including Berkeley Lab.
As reported in the Oct. 11 issue of Currents, this year's Nobel Prize in physics was shared by Stanford physicist Douglas Osherhoff and Cornell physicists David Lee and Robert Richardson for their discovery in 1972 that a rare isotope of helium becomes a superfluid--meaning it flows without friction at a temperature close to absolute zero.
The research behind this discovery was launched by a paper which was co-authored by former Berkeley Lab director Andy Sessler. In 1960, Sessler, on leave from Ohio State at what was then the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, and Victor Emery, a former UC Berkeley physicist now with Brookhaven National Laboratory, published in the Physical Review a paper entitled "Possible Phase Transition in Liquid Helium." This paper theorized that the helium-3 isotope would make the transition to a superfluid at a temperature of about 0.08 Kelvin. Other papers with similar speculations soon followed and experimentation got under way. The 1972 Nobel-Prize winning experiment found the actual temperature at which helium-3 becomes a superfluid to be 0.002 Kelvin.
Following the publication of their paper, Emery moved on to BNL in 1964, but continued his research on low-temperature and solid-state physics. Sessler, who was on sabbatical from Ohio State, remained at Berkeley Lab, where he served as Lab Director from 1973 to 1980. His research interest shifted to accelerator physics, where he has remained a foremost authority. He is currently vice president of the American Physical Society, and will be president in 1998.
Associate Director-at-Large Glenn T. Seaborg has been awarded a Doctorat Honoris Causa in October, conferred by the University of Paris. The honor was given in conjunction with a host of activities in France surrounding the 100th anniversary of the discovery of radioactivity, an event that is being celebrated all over the world this year. During his visit, Seaborg was visited by Helene Curie Langevin, a nuclear physicist and granddaughter of Marie and Pierre Curie.
Glenn Seaborg also has a new book out. The title is "A Scientist Speaks Out: A Personal Perspective on Science, Society and Change," published by World Scientific Press. In the book, Seaborg shares some of his thoughts and reflections on his broad interests, from the formulation of national science policy to the promise of youth. The volume contains nearly 40 of his more popular speeches and articles, directed at a mostly non-technical audience.
CAPTION: Lab Director Charles Shank and Facilities Department Head Bob Camper cut the ceremonial ribbon on the new 43-space parking lot just uphill from the cafeteria and conference center on Oct. 1. The new lot, which opened on Oct. 22, will be accessible by an extension of the two-way traffic on Lawrence Road uphill of the cafeteria lot. Elsewhere around the Lab, 30 spaces have become available between Bldgs. 83 and 85 as the construction on Bldg. 85 has been concluded. The Bldg. 29 lot is now accessible to west-bound traffic on Lawrence Road, and in the next month it will be made accessible to traffic in both directions. The Laboratory has also made significant strides for the bikers and pedestrians among us. Additional bike racks have been added to the shuttle buses, and accommodations for 88 more bicycles have been added at Bldgs. 2, 76, 90, and the 50 auditorium. A new pedestrian gate has been added connecting another North Berkeley neighborhood directly with the Lab (more about this in an upcoming Currents), and new showers have opened on the third floor of Bldg. 50B. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt
In an open letter to the University of California community, UC President Richard Atkinson reaffirmed his continued belief that "diversity is an asset to California and can only be achieved by extending educational opportunity to disadvantaged young people." The question, he said, is how to do this under the terms of the new law.
Among the steps Atkinson announced he will take are an acceleration of the $100 million a year UC outreach programs for K-12 schools. An additional $3 million has already been set aside to assist campuses in launching new programs to help prepare more disadvantaged and low-income students for study in the UC system. Atkinson also pledged that UC will continue to seek "a diverse pool of applicants" for jobs and contracts. "California is changing and so must we," he wrote. "What cannot change is the University's historic responsibility to serve Californians of every background and condition, including greater numbers of disadvantaged young people."
James Siegrist has been named the new director of Berkeley Lab's Physics Division. Siegrist, who came to the Lab in 1983 as a Physics Division Fellow, has been a member of the CDF experiment at Fermilab, and was one of the contributors to the discovery of the top quark. Most recently he has been a member of the team developing a silicon tracker for ATLAS, the giant detector being built for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Siegrist succeeds Bob Cahn, who has served as PD director for the past five years and is returning full-time to research.
"We welcome Jim Siegrist to this demanding role," said Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank in announcing the appointment. "At the same time I want to express my deep appreciation to Bob Cahn for his excellent service. He has led the division through some of its most difficult history due to the loss of the SSC and has brought it to this day stronger than ever."
Berkeley Lab's highly-acclaimed windows and daylighting research group was established in 1976 to transform windows from an energy liability to an energy asset. How far back can this research trace its ancestry? One hundred years ago this month, the following was reported in Scientific American. " A new variety of window glass invented by Richard Szigmondy of Vienna has the peculiar virtue of non-conductivity for heat rays. A pane of this glass a quarter inch thick absorbs 87 to 100-percent of the heat striking it, in contrast to plate glass which absorbs about 5 percent. If Szigmondy's glass is opaque to heat rays, it will keep a house cool in summer, but tend to make it warmer in winter." Currents does not know the fate of Szigmondy's glass and invites better informed readers to provide an answer.
Clinton Proposes Internet II:
In one of his last major campaign speeches, and the only one that focused on science and technology, President Clinton promised to "give America Internet II," a new high-speed network that will enable universities to communicate with each other "100 to 1,000 times faster than they can do today." The President was referring to an NSF project called the very high-speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS), a system that holds promise as a next-generation commercial network. NSF is now spending about $10 million annually on the project and the President promised to request $100 million in his FY98 budget. The vBNS, which is being developed under a cooperative agreement with MCI Corp., would boost capacity from 45 megabits per second on a typical Internet backbone to about 622 megabits per second. If the President's increased budget request is granted, the money would come at the expense of existing technology efforts at the Defense Department.
On Thursday, Nov. 14, in the lobby of the headquarters for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), the first lighting fixtures designed for the incredibly bright and highly efficient sulfur lamps will be unveiled. The fixtures were developed at Berkeley Lab by a team of Energy & Environment Division researchers led by Michael Siminovitch in partnership with Cooper Lighting, a major U.S. manufacturer. The award-winning sulfur lamp was developed by Fusion Lighting Inc., with assistance from E&E researchers, through funding by DOE's Office of Energy Research (ER). Attending the public unveiling of these fixtures, scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., will be Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank and ER Head Martha Krebs. Joining them from Berkeley Lab will be Siminovitch and acting E&E Director Don Grether. Other attendees will include representatives from Copper Lighting, Fusion Lighting, and SMUD, plus members of the California Energy Commission and other state and federal officials. These prototype fixtures are expected to pave the way for wide-scale commercial use of sulfur lamps. Details of the research will appear in an upcoming issue of Currents.
by Deborah Dixon
The 1996 meeting of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) Users' Association, held here Oct. 21-22, attracted 220 participants from 12 countries for talks, vendor exhibits, a poster session, and a chance to view the ever-increasing number of beamlines. On Oct. 23, users turned out again in large numbers for the well-received "Accelerator Physics for Users" tutorial and five afternoon science workshops organized by ALS users.
Patricia Dehmer, a chemical physicist and head of DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences, spoke the first day. As part of her presentation, she described a study to begin soon under the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee that will likely set the course of synchrotron-based science for the next decade.
The day's talks continued with an update on the Washington scene and funding prospects, reports on ALS progress and projects from various ALS staff, and a short Users' Executive Committee business meeting. After a box lunch and vendor exhibit, there were talks on synchrotron-radiation science at home and abroad and on scientific results in atomic and molecular physics. (The list of talks appears in the Oct. 2 ALSNews, available on the Web at
During a Monday evening banquet, several participants were recognized with special awards. The Klaus Halbach Award for instrumentation at the ALS was presented to AFRD's Wim Leemans and Robert Schoenlein of the Materials Sciences Division. Their team devised a method of generating ultra-short x-ray pulses (~300 femtoseconds) using interactions between a relativistic electron beam and an infrared laser photon beam (see Oct. 11 Currents).
The User Service Award went to Wayne Oglesby, Dennis Hull and Charles Knopf for their outstanding assistance in the installation of user equipment on the experiment floor.
The "Fickle Finger" award for solving a major ALS malfunction was given to Egon Hoyer, representing the team that solved the jammed roller screw in the Beamline 8.0 undulator (described in ALSNews Vol. 61 and 62).
Tuesday's talks covered several areas of new research opportunity and a number of results from user beamlines, including several that made use of the high degree of linear and/or circular polarization available from ALS beamlines. During Tuesday's lunch break, vendor exhibits continued and dozens of ALS users presented posters on their work.
The users' meeting is planned each year by the ALS Users' Executive Committee, chaired this year by Jeff Bokor, and carried out by ALS and Berkeley Lab staff.
CAPTION: Patricia Dehmer, head of DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences, and Arthur Suits of the Chemical Sciences Division discuss the research program at the Chemical Dynamics Beamline (9.0.2) of the ALS at the 1996 ALS users' meeting. The beamline's windowless gas filter, which blocks higher-frequency undulator harmonics, is in the background at right.
If you have searched the World Wide Web for specific information, you know that it can be a daunting task. The Library is hosting a noontime, brown bag workshop on Tuesday, Nov. 19, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium to help you learn what information is available via the Web and how to find it using effective search strategies. For more information, contact Jhane Beck at X4622.
By Jeffery Kahn
The World Wide Web is essentially an electronic commons. Whether you have a Mac, PC, or workstation, whether you are a computer scientist or are computer illiterate, you can have easy to access information on the Web.
Taking advantage of this electronic commons, the Laboratory has launched a project to bring a plethora of administrative and institutional data to your desktop.
IRIS--the Integrated Reporting and Information System--started out as a demonstration project about a year ago, when the Information Systems and Services (ISS) Department, headed by Carl Eben, set out to show that it is not just theoretically possible but actually feasible to make administrative data available on the Web. Sanctioned by Deputy Director Klaus Berkner's Management and Information Systems group, the project was launched in December 1995 by a team including Rose Bolton, Mark Dedlow and Esther Schroeder. By July, what had been conceived as an experiment and prototype was so successful that it was brought online.
Using the IRIS web site, employees can now access and find information contained in the Ledger, Property, Purchasing, Procard, Training, Account Authorization, and Accounts Payable databases. In the future, IRIS will bring additional information to the Web.
Dedlow describes IRIS as a project conceived for the "grassroots user."
"This capability makes it easier for people to do their job," he says. "IRIS allows the average person, who is not a computer expert, to tap into databases that had been difficult to access. And it helps that same person find information within these databases that had been difficult to hunt down."
For the user, the beauty of IRIS is its simplicity. At Berkeley Lab, as elsewhere, institutional data reside in a digital Tower of Babel, built using different computer languages, different database systems, and different hardware. IBM mainframes and Sun servers, SQL and COBOL-based programs, FOCUS and Oracle databases coexist at Berkeley Lab, but cannot easily communicate with one another.
For the IRIS team, the challenge was to take this chaotic mix of information and unite it within a single data infrastructure, called a "data warehouse."
"The data warehouse coalesces and consolidates all these disparate data sources into a single, uniform environment," Dedlow says. "Many of these data sources are legacy systems, as old as 20 years, and lack uniform relationships. One may reference an individual by an employee ID number, while another references the same person by name only. The challenge is to extract or add the common essential elements from all sources."
Creating a data warehouse is the invisible first step in delivering this information to employees. It is the second step, the creation of IRIS, that brings this information to the user. IRIS extracts information from the data warehouse and makes it available via the Web. It responds to requests for information by instantly creating, on the spot, hypertext linked Web files.
Dedlow says IRIS was as challenging a project as the underlying data warehouse. That's because using the Web to tap into sophisticated relational databases is charting unexplored territory.
Systems analysts who work outside the Web have a rich set of tools for extracting information and displaying it to users. Claris Corp's FileMaker is a good example. FileMaker database developers use a point and click graphical interface to build their applications. But in the world of the Web, the rapid development tools either don't exist or are very primitive.
"We had to invent how to do this," said Dedlow. "A year from now, I imagine that Web developers will be users of Web tools. Today, we're inventing our own. That's what IRIS required."
IRIS and the data warehouse are in their infancy. In the months ahead, additional sets of data will come online. For instance, to access purchasing information at present, you need a purchase order number. Soon, you will be able to check purchasing information by a search using a vendor or buyer name. Other data will also be added to the system, such as stores order information, travel information, and personnel information that is updated daily.
The Information Systems and Services group believes this project represents a great leap for institutional data and those who must have access to it. It's a leap that takes data, translates it into information, and delivers it to the customers' desktop. IRIS represents the new paradigm for the future delivery of administrative information at Berkeley Lab.
Access to IRIS is for employees only and is controlled by requiring that users log in with their UNIX account login and password. IRIS can be found on the Web at
The following career employees joined the Laboratory during the months of July* and October 1996:
Melissa Baksic-Ennes | ENG |
Darren Bauer | OPER |
Gary Beckwith | ICSD |
Randolph Candelario | ENG |
Barbara Davis | ENG |
Susana Deustua | DIRC |
Andrea Fadley | OPER |
Daniel Farfan | LSD |
Christophe Hack | ENG |
Gregory Hay | ENG |
Alyce Herrera | ENG |
Eric Johnson | ENG |
Kwang Kim | LSD |
Cynthia Ko | LSD |
Mark Labbe | ICSD |
Michael Lomotan | LSD |
Donald Mauritz | D.C. Office |
Richard Meyer | ENG |
Lori Morford | OPER |
Veronica Nelson | OPER |
Felicia Ochoa | ENG |
Corine Ortiz | ENG |
Fred Ottens | ENG |
Evan Palmerston | ENG |
Robert Patton | ENG |
Ahmet Pekedis | ENG |
Kelcey Poe | LSD |
Steven Sites | ENG |
Benjamin Souza | ICSD |
Yolanda Sturgis | NERSC |
Marc Tonti | ENG |
Alison Watkins | E&E |
*inadvertently omitted in a previous listing
The full text of each edition of Currents is published on the Lab's home page on the World Wide Web. View it at under "Research News and Publications." To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.
By Monica Friedlander
The morning mail rush is in full swing. Amid the surge of activity in the Laboratory's Mail Room, the casual visitor feels overwhelmed by the sheer volume of paper--nothing but paper everywhere. It is hauled in, tossed, stacked, sorted, boxed, metered, stamped, bundled up, rolled in and out with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine. Every day, the six-member Mail Room team handles as many as 5,000 pieces of mail--interoffice, domestic, and international--with hardly ever a glitch in the round-the-clock operation.
"The mail room runs itself," says manager Rick Briseno, who joined the Mail Room staff about a year ago. He exudes the easy-going confidence of someone in control of every step of his operation--from the pick-up at the Carlton Post Office (twice a day) through to the last delivery and outbound shipment.
For all its machine-like efficiency, however, the Mail Room is an operation with a very human face. Take Linda Mendonza. Only five-feet tall, she hauls hampers of mail around as if they were toy trucks. She sorts the mail, loads it onto the mail trucks, and delivers it to her assigned stops without a moment to spare--or a break in her sunny disposition. Her only complaint: "I love to chat and give customers service," she says. "But there are days when I don't have time to stop and talk."
The Mail Room staff delivers and picks up regular mail at the Bldg. 50, 70, and 90 complexes before 10 a.m.) All other Lab buildings on the Hill and UC campus are served--usually by 12:30 p.m.--by the Transportation Department, which picks up the sorted and bundled mail from the Mail Room. Packages, priority shipments (such as Federal Express or DHL) and freight are handled by the Shipping Department.
The Lab also runs a Receiving Department, which is located in downtown Berkeley. Packages sent through services other than U.S. Mail go there first and are then picked up by the Transportation Department, which delivers them to their Lab destinations.
Complicated as it may sound, every package and piece of mail reaches its intended addressee, Briseno says, as long as it is properly addressed. The only common hold-up is caused when mail is not marked with a mail stop. When that happens, someone has to look up the person on the computer, an extra step that often slows down the delivery. Bulk mail without a mail stop is simply tossed away. (Incidentally, Briseno estimates that as much as 40 percent of the mail that passes through the Mail Room is junk mail.)
In order to speed up delivery and make life a little easier for the Mail Room staff, Briseno encourages everyone to let people and companies know of their exact location (building and room number). Another way you can help reduce the Mail Room's load and the general waste of paper is to inform companies when you move or retire, or when someone in your office or department has left the Lab for any reason.
Although delays or problems are relatively rare, Briseno said he does receive his share of complaints from Lab employees.
"I never realized how important mail is to people," he said. For instance, when a mail delivery was delayed because of a late delivery of Currents (which gets distributed with the mail), Briseno got caught between a rock and a hard place. "Some people wanted to know where their Currents was," he said. "Others yelled, `You held up the mail delivery for a stupid newspaper?!'"
If a piece of mail is not received on time at either end, Briseno said, more often than not the problem lies with the postal service, not the Lab Mail Room, and he recommends that people call the post office directly and ask them to put a tracer on the missing mail.
When all is said and done, Briseno is confident that every piece of mail that passes through the hands of his people reaches its intended destination promptly and efficiently. After one year on the job, little is left to surprise him, and nothing to daunt him.
"Usually there's an answer for everything," he said.
Priority shipments and most packages are processed through Shipping. A signed shipping document must be attached to all packages. (Small packages weighing up to 10 pounds and mailed to domestic destinations can be handled through the Mail Room if they are properly wrapped.)
UPS and other large packages must be received by Shipping before noon to be dispatched the same day. Priority mail (e.g., Federal Express) or small packages must be received by 2:30 p.m. You can have the packages picked up by Transportation or you may deliver them yourself to Bldg. 69-100. In addition, a box for priority shipments is located outside the library in Bldg. 50B, with a 2:30 p.m. pick-up. Please make sure the packages have the proper documentation attached.
For more information or for pick-ups, call:
Mail Room: X5353
Transportation: X5404
Shipping: X5084
Berkeley Lab's coed ultimate frisbee team, the Heavy Metals (formerly, Bevatron), took third place at a recent coed corporate league ultimate frisbee tournament hosted by Sun Microsystems' Ebb and Flow. In round-robin pool play, the Heavy Metals beat the tournament hosts and two Bay Area club teams before losing to the eventual tournament champion, a club team from Fresno. In their semi-final match, the Heavy Metals beat the Genentech/Oracle team, the Genacles, to take third place. If you are interested in playing in future tournaments or in learning/playing ultimate frisbee, contact Joe Eto ([email protected]).
CAPTION: Heck, Lee Sun, Tim Culler, Terry Ligocki, Bill Golove, Bart Davis; (front row) Hayley Bee, Julie Najita, Jo Adamkewicz, Jason Mark, Derek Yegian, Angela Merrill, Peter Kner, and Joe Eto.
Gerson Goldhaber, known internationally for his contributions to the field of particle physics, is also an accomplished artist. At 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 20, Goldhaber will reveal this lesser known side of himself during a presentation in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.
Goldhaber will display several of his pieces as well as show photos of his art work during the program, which is entitled "A Physicist's Excursions Into Art: A Retrospective." The event is sponsored by the Institute for Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics.
Goldhaber started creating artwork several decades ago, at age 45. His work is eclectic and involves a variety of media including wood carving, stone carving, metal sculpture, sketching, and painting. Goldhaber joined the Lab in 1953 and is currently a member of the Supernova Cosmology Project team.
The 20th annual "Great American Smokeout" is Thursday, Nov. 21. If you're a smoker who wants to quit, this is the perfect opportunity. You can join millions of others whose goal is to quit smoking for just 24 hours. Millions of nonsmokers join in each year by giving support.
Of the millions of smokers in the United States today, at least two-thirds have tried to quit. They have good reason to: smoking is related to more than 400,000 deaths each year. If you can quit for one day, you might decide to quit for good.
In support of the Great American Smokeout, which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Health Services will have a sign-up table in the cafeteria on Nov. 21 so that anyone interested in quitting smoking can sign up for a smoking cessation class to be offered at the Lab. A minimum of 8-10 people are needed to start a class, and there is a per person fee. For more information, call X6266.
Because we know that a number of Berkeley Lab employees run personal businesses or provide personal services outside of work that might be of value or interest to other employees, Currents is initiating a twice-a-year special Flea Market to list these services.
The first listing will run in the Dec. 6 issue; the second will run in the spring.
Qualifying services and businesses include such things as electronics and appliance repair, arts and crafts, cooking/cleaning services, handyman work, etc. Services must be provided directly by the employee submitting the ad, and businesses must be owned and operated by the employee. This offer is for Lab employees only. It does not extend to family members and friends.
You may submit your ad as you would a regular Flea Market ad: e-mail to [email protected]; fax to X6641; mail to Mail Stop 65A; or deliver to Bldg. 65B. Please include name, Lab and/or home phone number, and service. The deadline for submission for the Dec. 6 issue is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27.
The following are the remaining publication dates for Currents in 1996, along with the deadlines for calendar items and flea market ads:
Publication dates | Calendar deadlines | Flea market deadlines |
(Fridays) | (5 p.m. Mondays) | (5 p.m. Fridays) |
Nov. 22 | Nov. 18 | Nov. 15 |
Dec. 6 | Dec. 2 | Nov. 29 |
Dec. 20 | Dec. 16 | Dec. 13 |
Following the holidays, Currents will resume publication on Friday,
Jan. 10, 1997.
Currents is printed on recycled and recyclable paper, using soy-based inks. It may be recycled by placing it in one of the "white paper" receptacles provided by Richmond Sanitary.
The call has been issued for DOE's 1997 Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. The fellowships provide a $37,500 first-year, and a $40,500 second-year stipend aimed at supporting the mission of DOE's Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER). OHER's research mission includes the study of atmospheric, marine, and terrestrial systems; molecular and subcellular mechanisms underlying human somatic genetic processes; nuclear medicine; structural biology; and development of instrumentation necessary to achieve programmatic success.
The Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1986 in memory of the late Dr. Alexander Hollaender, the 1983 recipient of DOE's Enrico Fermi Award. Research conducted under his direction was instrumental in making DOE's biomedical research programs among the most prominent in the world.
To be eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien and have received a doctoral degree after April 30, 1995. The prospective sponsoring research advisor must currently be funded by OHER in the amount of at least $150,000 per year with funding continuing throughout the anticipated tenure of the fellow.
Completed applications and supporting materials must be received by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education before Jan. 15, 1997. Fellowship offers will be made in May 1997, with expected start dates between May 1 and Sept. 30, 1997.
For more information, application material, or a report summarizing Berkeley Lab's OHER research, contact David Gilbert (X6689; [email protected]). A national overview of the OHER programs can be found at
DOE's ER Laboratory Technology Research program is calling for proposals for new multi-year partnership projects to begin in FY97. Limited funding will support only two or three projects from each of the five ER Labs. Each project is targeted for up to $750,000 in DOE funds over a three-year period, with up to $125,000 for FY97.
Selection criteria are scientific quality, qualifications of research personnel, soundness of workplan, commercial potential, and industry partner commitment. Pre-proposals (approximately two-three pages) should include: research objectives, methods of accomplishment, Principal investigator's publication and research background, anticipated industrial partner participation, and other specific information.
The schedule, as mandated by DOE, is extremely tight. Pre-proposals are due to the Technology Transfer Department no later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Up to 10 pre-proposals will be selected for Berkeley Lab; principal investigators will be notified on Nov. 22. Notified principal investigators will be requested to submit peer reviewable proposals no later than Dec. 11.
For pre-proposal formats and more information, contact Chris Kniel at X5566 or [email protected]
It happens every year. Out of the hundreds of Runaround participants who cross the finish line, there are always a few who get confused in filling out their envelopes and check either the wrong gender or age group, sometimes with humorous results. This year, for instance, a male employee (whose privacy we will respect) slipped up and checked the wrong gender, causing his name to be reported in HEADLINES as the first female to cross the finish line. Yes, we all had a good laugh about that one.
A second envelope error led to some confusion about the top finishers in the men's age 60-69 category, which we will clarify here. Reported in the Oct. 25 Currents to be in third place, R.B. Williamson now finds himself in second place, with a time of 16:19. The new third place winner is Jerry Lynch, with a time of 16:29. The original second place spot was given to someone who later realized he had checked the wrong age group.
And speaking of corrections, yes, it's true that the date on the front page of the last issue of Currents was incorrect. It should have read Oct. 25, 1996. If it's not one thing, it's another.
The Africian American Employee Association (AAEA) is continuing its canned food drive at the Laboratory this month. All donations will go to the Richmond Rescue Mission in Richmond. Look for the green and purple buckets in the cafteria lobby.
General meeting at noon in the lower cafeteria.
Oracle 7 DBA I - Part I, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
Oracle 7 DBA I - Part II, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
EH&S ClassES
Chemical Hygiene & Safety (EHS 348), 9-11 a.m., Bldg. 51-201.
Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530), 10-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109.
General meeting at noon in the lower level cafeteria.
General meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.
Configure/Tune Oracle Applications, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
General meeting at noon in Bldg. 90-1099.
EH&S Class
Laser Safety (EHS 280), 1-3:15 p.m., Bldg. 51-201.
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., near Bldg. 79.
EH&S Class
Introduction to EH&S at LBNL (EHS 010), 9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 51-201.
Developer/2000 Reports and Graphics, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
EH&S ClassES
Adult CPR (EHS 123), 9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 48-109.
Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256), 9:30-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 54 addition.
TEID Brown Bag Lunch Workshop
"Search the World Wide Web and Find the Information You Need" at noon in the Bldg. 50 auditorium.
Today is the deadline for submitting pre-proposals to DOE's ER Laboratory Technology Research program for multi-year partnerships. See page six for more information.
Radiation Protection: Fundamentals/Lab Safety (EHS 400/EHS 432), 8 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Bldg. 51-201.
Developer/2000 Integrated Applications, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
Officer's meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.
Art Retrospective
Berkeley Lab physicist and artist Gerson Goldhaber will present "A Physicist's Excursions Into Art: A Retrospective" at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. He will display several of his art works, and show photos of others, which include media such as wood carving, stone carving, metal sculpture, sketching, and painting.
Smart Client GUI Fundamentals, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 936-12.
EH&S Class
Earthquake Safety (EHS 135), 10-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109.
Radiation Protection: Sealed Sources (EHS 438), 9-10 a.m., Bldg. 51-201.
Items for either calendar may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], faxed to X6641, or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the Nov. 22 issue is 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18.
Physics Division Research Progress Meeting
"Measurement of the W Boson Mass at D0" will be presented by Ian Adam of Harvard University at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50B-4205; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.
Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar
"Single Event Kinetics of Complex Processes on Acid Catalysts" will be presented by Gilbert Froment of the Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.
ALS/CXRO Seminar
"Correlations and Collective Behavior in Atomic and Molecular Photoionization" will be presented by Uwe Becker of the Fritz Haber Institut at 4:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-400; refreshments, 3:50 p.m.
Building Energy Seminar
"Modeling the Effects of Reflective Roofing" will be presented by Lisa Gartland of E&E at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.
Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar
"Magic Sizes and Thermal Behavior of Nanoscale Metal and Alloy Inclusions in Al: a TEM Investigation" will be presented by Ulrich Dahmen of LBNL at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.
Physics Division Research Progress Meeting
"What We Have and Can Learn from the Cosmic Microwave Background" will be presented by John Jaros of SLAC at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.
Center For Beam Physics Seminar
"Neutralized e-Cooling Systems and the Possibility of their Application to Muon Cooling" will be presented by Pavel Zenkevich of UCSB/ITP at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 conference room.
Earth Sciences Division Seminar
"Water Film Flow on Surfaces of Porous Rock" will be presented by Tetsu Tokunaga of ESD at 11 a.m. in Bldg. 90-2063.
Physics Department Colloquium
"Recent Observations of the Atomic Structure and Behavior of Internal Interfaces in Crystals" will be presented by Uli Dahmen of MSD at 4:30 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments at 4 p.m. in 375 Le Conte Hall.
Center for Environmental Biotechnology Seminar
"Acoustic Imaging for Physical Characterization of Shallow Marine Substrates: How Useful Is It?" will be presented by Patrick Williams of LBNL/UCB at noon in 434 Barker Hall.
Building Energy Seminar
"Instruments for Protecting the Environment in a Restructured Power Sector" will be presented by Steve Wiel of E&E at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.
Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar
"Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy of Surfactants at Interfaces" will be presented by Paulo Miranda of UCB at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.
Center for Beam Physics Seminar
"Quantum Computing" will be presented by Umesh Vazirani of UCB at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 conference room.
'74 ALFA ROMEO GTV, 115K mi., Crommadoras orig. cond., $5600. X6347
'84 MAZDA 626, 119K mi., 4-dr, 5-spd, a/c, p/s, cruise ctrl, AM/FM cass., gd cond., new parts, runs exc., leaving country, $1900. Lothar, X4555
'86 NISSAN Sentra, exc. cond., 1 owner, 64K mi., new brakes, muffler, all records, $2700. Uli, X4627
'86 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera Br, runs great, 91K mi., light blue, all records lst 3 yr., exc. maint., new tires/parts, avail. 11/15, $3400/b.o. Jan, X4417, 548-7120
'86 TOYOTA 4Runner 4x4, runs & looks great, 4 cyl., 5-spd, a/c, sunrf, snow/mud tires, blue w/blk removable top, 2-dr, $7300. Jennifer, 339-8084
'91 TOYOTA Corolla, sedan, exc. cond., a/t, p/s, $6900/b.o. X5350, 525-4895
'92 HONDA Accord DX, 4-dr, a/t, AM/FM cass., low mi., great cond., $12,900. X4061, 528-7747
'92 VW Passat GL wgn, 52K mi., blue-metallic, a/c, a/t, p/s, all elec., 4 new tires (8/96), great cond., $10K. Peter, X6555, 558-1314
'93 NISSAN Sentra XE, 5-spd, dk blue, a/c, AM/FM cass., sunrf, 70K hwy mi., leaving country, $7K. Florian, 655-0305
MOTORCYCLE, '82 Yamaha 400 Maxim, 19K mi., 2-cyl, gd 1st bike, new battery, back rest, orig. owner, $950. David, 883-9134
ENGINE, Ford 390, manual C6 transmission, Hollie carburetor, headers, many extras, very low mi. 906-9786
FOOTBALL, Raider's rights (PSLs) (8), 50 yd line, season tickets, $50. 637-1811
CLIMBING PARTNER for City Rock, beginner/int. level (5.7-5.10), eve. & wkend climbs. Fred, X4892
FRENCH-SPEAKING INDIVIDUALS, to conduct French conversation at lunch, int. level. Tennessee, X5013
NIGHT ATTENDANT for Owen Chamberlain, prefer male, Rockridge area, Oakland, work for rm exchange. 653-2740, 524-4654
PUPPY, of sm. breed, to adopt. Kathy, 245-1813
BICYCLE, '95 Bridgestone XO-5, 21-spd, 27" wheels, 22" frame, Shimano components, U-lock, air-pump, $230. Heiko, X5935, 525-0309
CB RADIOS (2), hand-held, 40 ch., Radio Shack model #TRC207, never used, $100. David, 525-4470
CHILD CAR SEATS (2), 1 Century shoulder belt style, 1 Gerry w/waist bar restraint, both for children to 40 lb., $50 new, $20/b.o. ea. X6005
CHINA, Lenox Wyndcrest, off-white w/platinum band, simple pattern, 12 5-pc. place settings w/serving pcs., $495; golf clubs, Powerbuilt irons 2 thru 9, $60; Lynx Predator Woods 1, 3, 4, 5, $75; Spaulding wedge, $5; Lynx putter, $10; circular saw, 7-1/4", Craftsman, like new, $30; carpet cleaner, Bissel Power Steamer, used a few times, new $170, $75. Bev, 236-2751
COMPUTER, Mac Classic 2/40, great cond., +2400/9600 data/fax modem, gd for simple logins, word process & kids, $200/b.o. Joong, 865-9023 (msg.)
MIXER, 5-spd, nearly new, $10; 8" round cake pans (2), never used, $4; ceramic tea pot, thatched house, new, $10; orange crates for cassettes, new, $2 ea.; box of 20 plastic hangers, $2; misc. 5x7 picture frames, $3 ea. 843-2097
MOUNTAIN BIKE, '95 Rockhopper (Specialized), 19'' frame, exc. cond., inc. lights etc., $300/b.o.; almost new 15'' Zenith TV + not-so-new GE VCR, $170, may separate. Paul, 665-1996
MOUNTAIN BIKE, 21-spd Trek 850, $150/b.o. Steve, X5346
NOTEBOOK PC (AcerNote 957), brand new, Intel Pentium 75MHz, 8mb RAM, 810mb HD, color screen, 2 batteries, Win95, Sidekick, City St., games, $1500/b.o. George, X6134
SCHOOL DESK, $25; Alpine Tracker exercise machine (X/C-skiing type), $60; pink Barbie girl's bike, 12", $35. Alan or Dawn, X7700, 758-7104
SOFA, white leather, lg., 98" long x 34" deep x 29" high, best offer. Rick, 525-0960 (eve.)
TELEPHONE & answering machine, AT&T 1509, 2 yr. old, black, gd cond., $30. Jan, X4417, 548-7120
WATER FILTERS, NSA, sink installation. Marek, X5029, 582-5967
CASTRO VALLEY, rm in 3-bdrm house, laundry & kitchen privs., $400/mo. + some utils. Marek, X5029, 582-5867
EL CERRITO, furn. 2-bdrm house, linens, dishes, laundry fac., enclosed garden, nr BART, school & shopping, $1100/mo. X7961
EL CERRITO HILLS, Rifle Range Rd., 2-bdrm cottage, all amenities, $1K/mo. (all included). 233-1662
OREGON COAST, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, garage, deck, 3 blks from beach on edge of sm. town, avail. now thru June '97, $650/mo. Jan, 845-5563
EXCHANGE: family house in Oxford, UK, offered in exchange for similar in Berkeley area, July-Dec., 1 mi. east of city center, convenient to Univ. of Oxford, Oxford Brookes Univ. & hospitals, 3-bdrm (1 dbl, 1 twin, 1 single), 1.5 bth, all appliances, garden, car exchange also possible. [email protected].
WANTED: furn. house/apt for visiting professor from Germany & his wife, Jan. - June '97 (2+bdrm). 525-8807, 527-8692, [email protected], [email protected]
WANTED: short-term accommodation/house-sit in Berkeley or Albany for visiting relatives at Xmas, 12/20-31 or portion thereof, no cats. Alan, X4740, 528-7770
WANTED: share rental or inexpensive apt for young research scholar, prefer nr LBNL shuttle stop, 1 yr., starting late Nov./Dec. 1. Kangzhu, X7632, 547-7203 (eve.)
WANTED: sublet for visiting parents for ~3 wks in March or April, Berkeley, Orinda, Lafayette or Montclair. Carolyn, X7827
WANTED: 1 or 2-bdrm apt/house for visiting scientist & family, 2 mo. starting end of Nov. Augusto, X4428, 526-1728
WANTED: room for rent/house-sit/sublet, nr Oakland Airport, Dec. & Jan., mature N/S student needs rm/study space & kitchen privs during 7 wk Aeronautics program starting 12/2, up to $400/mo. Cheryl, (916) 891-5314, [email protected]
WANTED: scientist & spouse looking for quiet 1+ bdrm rental, non-smokers, no pets, no kids, Berkeley/Oakland, prefer long term. Thomas, 653-7509, [email protected]
Please note also: