By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]
Researchers in the Earth Sciences Division have put a cool twist on the underground drilling used to clean up toxic waste sites. They have invented a drill that blasts super-cold nitrogen gas as it bores, creating frozen holes that won't collapse even in the sandiest of soils.
Nitrogen is injected down the drill's center pipe and exits through nozzles near the spinning drill bit. At -196 deg.C, the gas freezes difficult soils rich in sand, gravel or ash long enough for workers to insert stabilizing metal casings into the holes before the ground thaws.
George Cooper in Earth Sciences developed the technology with Rafael Simon, a UC Berkeley graduate student.
The cryogenic method should be valuable to researchers trying to clean up contaminated grounds at many industrial facilities, closing military bases, and Department of Energy weapons laboratories, where loose dirt has often made it difficult to drill holes that do not cave in.
Boring holes in the earth is usually the first step in assessing contaminated areas. Soil samples taken from the holes tell scientists the types of pollutants that are present as well as their distribution. Drilling is also critical for removing contaminants from the ground, which can involve pumping pollutants out with groundwater or boiling them out with injected steam.
Unfortunately, cleanup experts at many facilities often find themselves faced with crumbling soils that will not hold their holes. "It's also no coincidence that you find difficult soils at weapons labs--they were built on land of little commercial value," Cooper says. "In the west this means sandy deserts. In the east this means agriculturally poor land, which often has sandy soil."
Drillers at contaminated sites are at a particular disadvantage since they can't use substances such as "drilling muds," the clay-based goo that is used to help stabilize bore holes. Drilling muds can complicate the cleanup effort by changing the permeability of the soil or spreading the contaminants further.
One location where soil collapse has been an issue is the nuclear cleanup site in Hanford, Washington, which sits on layers of loose gravel and sand. Cave-ins have hampered attempts to analyze the soil beneath storage tanks that were used to store radioactive waste.
"People have had difficulty drilling vertical holes at Hanford, and those are the easy ones," Cooper says. "To get to the soil beneath the tanks, you need to drill holes at an angle. These are even less stable."
The cryogenic drilling should allow scientists to drill the difficult holes at Hanford and other problem sites such as the Savannah River site in South Carolina, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, and the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee.
The method performs well in other problem soils as well, such as clay-rich soils that clog drill bits. Clay soil is frozen hard by the nitrogen gas and is crushed by the drill bit into rock-hard chips, which are blown out of the hole by the gas pressure.
"The nitrogen gas also has an advantage when it comes to sampling soil for monitoring since the freezing locks the pollutants in," Cooper says. "Methods that use water may wash some of the pollutants completely away. You may seriously underestimate the level of pollution."
Engineers have occasionally used cryogenic techniques in the past when working with loose soil. Construction crews may pipe in liquid nitrogen to freeze and stabilize the surrounding ground when working underground near buildings. This is the first time such a super-cold idea has been put into practice with drilling.
PHOTO CAPTION -- Super-cold nitrogen gas escapes from a hole being drilled next to Bldg. 51 by researchers in the Earth Sciences Division.
Photo by Steve Adams
By Diane LaMacchia
A new department has been created within the Information and Computing Sciences Division.
Called the Technical and Electronic Information Department (TEID, pronounced "tide"), it combines the staff from the former Technical Information Department with reference librarians and computer experts to create an integrated information delivery system.
"Whether you're creating it, trying to find it, or you need it delivered," TEID will make it happen, says acting department head Sandy Merola, who is also deputy director of ICSD.
In building the new department, Merola says, "we have tried not to give up anything that already existed, and we have also tried to add things."
For example, TEID is putting its computer expertise together with the creative abilities of graphic artists and photographers to create multimedia documents. As journals become accessible on-line, TEID will be able to deliver the necessary elements, such as video, hypertext, and sound.
This effort includes technical support to enable employees to use the computer software Mosaic and the World Wide Web to publish information on the Internet. To do this TEID is collaborating with scientists and support staff in other divisions and with the Public Information Department, which is responsible for the content of LBL's "home page," the vehicle for sharing information about LBL with users of the World Wide Web.
Merola says TEID is also working on an integrated conference support service. This will combine the preparation of presentation materials and the coordination of logistics and comfort for conference participants with the ability to download satellite links, run video conferencing, and provide on-line projection.
The conference service will involve the efforts of two other ICSD departments: Communications and Networking Resources for video conferencing with other laboratories, and Computing Services, which will provide workstation support for presentations.
Fumio Kodama, professor of Science, Technology and Industry at the Research Center for Advanced Science, University of Tokyo, will be the next speaker in the LBL lecture series Science and Technology in a Competitive World. Kodama will speak on "Emerging Patterns of Innovation: Sources of Japan's Technological Edge" at noon on Monday, May 23, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. All employees are invited to attend.
Photo by Steve Adams
Appointments are being taken at Health Services (X6266) for the Skin Cancer Screening Clinic, to be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Friday, June 3, at Bldg. 26. Patients will be seen by a physician, and all questionable findings will be examined by Dr. Edward Ringrose and Dr. Elizabeth Ringrose, both Berkeley dermatologists. Please plan to take the LBL shuttle to your appointment as parking is very limited.
The following LBL employees have elected to retire effective July 1, 1994. These staff members also hold UC faculty positions, and completed the academic year before taking advantage of the University Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program, VERIP-III. We wish them our best.
Chemical Sciences
Yuan T. Lee
Earth Sciences
Thomas V. McEvilly
Energy and Environment
Mark N. Christensen
Paul P. Craig
Alan S. Foss
Scott Lynn
Samuel S. Markowitz
Arthur H. Rosenfeld
Lawrence Stark
Robert H. Twiss, Jr.
Information and Computing
Eugene L. Lawler
Life Sciences
Joseph R. Castro
Yoshio Hosobuchi
Alexander Nichols
Materials Sciences
Didier R. DeFontaine
Leopoldo M. Falicov
Gareth Thomas
Harry H. Bingham
Stanley Mandelstam
George H. Trilling
Bruno Zumino
Structural Biology
Alexander N. Glazer
Ignacio Tinoco
Have you ever wondered which environment, health and safety training you're required to take? Or which courses apply to your work?
The EH&S Division has just developed the Job Hazards Questionnaire to enable each employee to identify required or recommended EH&S training courses. The questionnaire is part of the Lab-wide training database system, now called STAR (System for Training Assessment and Records).
All personnel, including managers, staff, students and participating visitors, working at LBL for more than three months, are required to complete the Job Hazards Questionnaire. All new personnel must complete it within the first month of employment or assignment.
The questionnaire asks employees and guests about the materials they use, equipment they operate, hazards in the vicinity of their operations, and special assignments they may have with ES&H implications. "Yes" answers lead to required and recommended training courses.
When answers are entered in the STAR database, a list of required and recommended training courses, called a Training Profile, is generated. If a course has already been taken, the Profile shows when it was completed and when any retraining is necessary. The Training Profile also lists any other courses the employee or guest has taken.
The questionnaire can be answered on paper copy or on-line (on the VAX) in Focus using the Toolkit (you must have a CSA account).
In the near future, each division will distribute copies of the questionnaire with instructions to employees and participating guests. This will coincide with the annual Performance Progress Review process.
All current employees must complete the questionnaire during the initial implementation phase. Answers must be entered into the database by Sept. 30. Each division will be responsible for data entry for its employees and guests.
The questionnaire requires employees, supervisors, and matrix supervisors, if applicable, to review, sign and date the form. The completed questionnaire will be filed in the employee's personnel file. Thereafter, the questionnaire must be reviewed, updated as needed, and signed annually.
If you have any questions about the Job Hazards Questionnaire or the training database system, STAR, contact Mona Bernstein at X5258 or Nancy Humphrey at X6611.
The Lab's Russian-American Center for Contaminant Transport Studies, headed by the Earth Sciences Division's Chin-Fu Tsang, hosted the second ever Chelyabinsk Workshop this week. Russian and American scientists discussed issues related to waste problems at the nuclear facility of Chelyabinsk in the South Ural region of Russia. Chelyabinsk is the most polluted of Russia's radioactively contaminated sites. The workshop provided a foundation for a planned field test program at the site scheduled for July.
Occupational health nurse Judy Kody of the Health Services Department has been inducted into the East Bay Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing in recognition of her leadership and marked achievements in the field of nursing.
Employees with fleet feet take note: the San Francisco Corporate Challenge is coming, and you still have three months to get in shape.
David Jump of the Energy and Environment Division ran the 5K foot race last summer and is looking for others to join him this year on Thursday, August 11. He hopes to represent LBL in proud fashion, perhaps wearing specially-designed T-shirts.
Held in cities throughout the United States, the Corporate Challenge is the largest participatory athletic event in the country, according to its sponsor, Chemical Bank. The San Francisco race snakes through the city's downtown Embarcadero area.
Call Jump for more information at X4679.
The Lawrence Hall of Science/Strawberry Canyon Adventure Camp registration has begun for children ages 6-11. Adventure camp participants explore the science and math world for half the day and participate in fun and instructional recreation activities during the other half.
Two sessions are available: June 20 through July 1, and July 5 through July 15. The cost is $450 for UCB/LBL employees and $490 for the community. To register or obtain more information, call the Strawberry Canyon Recreation Area at 643-6720.
By Maggie Morley
A little thought for the large of head:
"R H W 'Y P L Y H H E G I P O L:
Z H G 'A L W H Y Y E T Y S A L T Y."
LBL will hold a reception at 11 a.m. on Monday, June 6, outside the Advanced Light Source to honor, for their recent awards, LBL Associate Lab Director Glenn Seaborg, Art Rosenfeld of the Energy and Environment Division, Heinz Heinemann of the Materials Sciences Division, and Robert Bergman of the Chemical Sciences Division. All employees are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.
In March, Seaborg became the first living person to have an element named in his honor. Element 106, first created at LBL in 1974, was officially named "seaborgium." Seaborg also received the George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education for his "outstanding contributions to the education of the world's citizens."
Rosenfeld was honored in January with the Sadi Carnot Award, one of three Energy and Science Technology Awards given by DOE. Rosenfeld was recognized for his many accomplishments in the fields of particle physics and energy efficiency. In April, Rosenfeld was named senior advisor to DOE's Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Heinemann won the Homer H. Lowry Award in Fossil Energy, another of the DOE Energy and Science Technology Awards. His many contributions to the field of fossil energy research include the identifcation recently of a catalyst that converts methane into hydrocarbons without producing carbon dioxide.
Bergman won a 1993 E. O. Lawrence Award in December for his important contributions to organometallic chemistry, most notably for the discovery of a class of metal complexes with important commercial applications for the oil and coal industries. n
LBL hosted a science fair on April 30 for Project Interface, an after-school Mathematics and Science Enrichment Program serving Oakland high school students.
Approximately 30 high school students from King Estates, Havenscourt, Oakland High, Fremont, Westlake, St. Elizabeth, and Castlemont schools participated in the event, the first science fair sponsored by Project Interface.
Marva Wilkins, outreach coordinator in the Center for Science and Engineering Education, coordinated the event with Project Interface Director Nimat Shaheed. Wilkins welcomed the students to the Lab and introduced them to LBL research. Presentations were made by Jimmie Johnson of Engineering, who lectured on levitation, and Rollie Otto, Head of CSEE, who discussed the building of new elements.
The students presented their projects to judges, family, and friends in the cafeteria during the afternoon. An awards ceremony followed.
Other LBL staff contributing to the event's success were Mollie Field of Conference Coordination, and Carl Cooper and Jim Rusting of Bus Services. Dan Kurn of Energy and Environment served as a judge.
The LBL cafeteria will be closed for remodeling from Friday, June 3, through Friday, June 10 (note the change in dates from an earlier announcement). There will be a catering truck in the cafeteria parking lot to handle breakfast and lunch during this period. The cafeteria will be open for business again on Monday, June 13. Canteen Corporation apologizes for any inconvenience.
23 m o n d a y
7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; F. Kodama, Univ. of Tokyo, "Emerging Patterns of Innovation: Sources of Japan's Technological Edge"
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-3107; M. Bando, Yukawa Inst., Japan, "Hierarchical Mass Matrix in Gut Model"
24 t u e s d a y
9-10 a.m., Bldg. 66-316
10 a.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; J. Main and H. Blackiston, Juran Inst., "Quality at the Crossroads"
4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; K. Zaret, Brown Univ., "Nucleosome Organization, Gene Activation, and Hepatocyte Development"
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; U. Heintz, Columbia Univ., "A Measurement of the W Mass Using the D0 Detector," Refreshments, 3:40 p.m.
25 w e d n e s d a y
12:10 p.m., Bldg. 2-300F; guests welcome
26 t h u r s d a y
9 a.m.-Noon, Bldg. 66-316; Adult CPR (EHS 123); pre-registration required, X6554
10 a.m., Bldg. 70A-3377
12:15 p.m., Bldg. 90-3148; N. Mongia, Delhi Univ., India, "Economic and Technical Responses to CO2 Abatement Strategies, A Case Study of the Indian Energy Sector"
1:30 p.m., Bldg. 62-200; G. Thornton, Manchester Univ., Britain, "TiO2 Surfaces: One for Every Occasion"
27 f r i d a y
10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71 Conf. Rm.; H. Gould, LBL, "Electron Capture from Pair Production as a Beam Loss Mechanism at RHIC and LHC"
French toast
Beef barley w/tomato
Broiled lemon chicken *
Bacon cheeseburger
South of the Border
Egg, ham & cheese on English muffin
Black bean & cilantro *
Chicken-fried steak
Tuna melt
Ginger chicken stir-fry *
Corned beef hash & eggs
Minestrone *
Home-style meat loaf
Barbecued beef
South of the Border
Blueberry pancakes
Creamy clam chowder
Red beans w/smoked sausage
Rib-eye steak sandwich
Pizza singles
Ham scramble
Vegetarian vegetable *
Macaroni & cheese w/broccoli
Seafood combo on sourdough
South of the Border
* Denotes lowfat item
Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.
'79 VW Rabbit, gd cond., radio, reliable, $650 firm. 524-5600 (eve.)
'80 VW Rabbit, 4-spd, 4-dr, 90K mi., runs well, $900 firm. 848-5809 (eve.)
'86 CHRYSLER LeBaron GTS, 100K mi., runs well, looks gd, 4-dr, a/t, p/s, a/c, cruise, $2250/b.o. Xiaolin Xi, X5751, 848-5961
'88 HONDA Accord DX, gold, 5-spd hatchbk, 72K mi., p/s, new tires, brakes & battery, runs well, looks great, $6300. Karen, X7330, (415)771-5157
'90 PLYMOUTH Voyager SE, 7-passengers, exc. cond., low mi., loaded, $10,900 or assume lease. Liona, 643-7005, 210-1119 (eve.)
'92 TOYOTA Tercel, 2-dr sedan, 23k mi., white, basic model, exc. cond., under warranty, very well maintained, avail. 6/27, $7K. Remi, X6186
'93 MAZDA MX3, GS, V-6, a/c, sunroof, cruise, 12K mi., factory warranty, $13.5K. 527-7654
GO CART, 4 yrs. old, 5 HP, seldom used, gd cond., $500/b.o. Kelly or Joe Gonzalez, X4570, X5901, 634-5364
SCOOTER, '89 Honda Spree, red, luggage rack, looks like new, $1K cash. Elsie, X6584, 536-3262
CHAINS, traction cables Snotrac model 0141710, $25. Remi, X6186
VW WHEELS, 15", 4 bolt, $6 ea.; 15" Bias tires, $10 ea. or 2/$18; Carburetor, $10. Oakland, 482-3030
VANPOOL, rider wanted, Concord to LBL/UCB, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., M-F. Roger Cochran, X5565
VANPOOL, riders wanted, from Antioch to Berkeley, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. work hrs. Charles Smith, X7615, Vanessa Selzer, 642-6301
5/24, 2 tickets, orch., row P, $65/ticket. B. Schroeder,
COUCH, old, free, will pick up. M. Atchley, X5455
HOUSE/APT. TO SIT, female visiting student from France, nr UCB/LBL, from 6/4 to 9/4. Remi, X6186
BIKE, men's, 10-spd, gd cond., $55. M. Saljoughian, X4373
BICYCLES (3), Kettler Alu-Rad, 20" mt. bike/cruiser, aluminum frame, Deore parts., touring outfit, fenders, gen./lights, panniers, mint cond., $250/b.o.; Raleigh RT-300, 23" road bike, dbl butted tubes, Shimano Exage Parts, brand new, $200/b.o.; woman's road bike, steel frame, gd. cond., asking $50. Marc, X6712
BIKE, 10-spd, Motobecane Touring, 10 yrs. old., w/padlock & chain, patch kit, rear lights & cross bar protector, gd cond., $50/b.o.; misc. household items, dishes, window shades, pictures, $1-10. 843-2097
CLOSET DOORS, mirror-faced, 8' tall, 3 pairs to fit opening from 5.5' to 8', plastic wheels at bottom slide on metal rail, all necessary hardware incl., asking $100/pr. Giovanni De Amici, X6532
COMPUTER, AT&T 6312, 80286, 1 MB RAM, 14" monochorome monitor, incl. Symphony & Quattro Pro, $500. Marvin, X7038
DESK, metal, full sz., 1 file & 4 other drwrs, $100/b.o.; Ham transceiver, Kenwood TS-520S w/CW filter, $400; 40m long wire window antenna, low SWR 10, 15, 20, 40, 80m bands, $50; Zenith 283 portable computer, 8087 coprocessor, $100/b.o.; 2 picture frames w/glass, 12"x16" & 16"x20", $5 ea. Karl, X7963, 549-1412
FUTON, queen sz., Scandia dk teak frame, Bio-foam II mattress, mattress cover, used 2 yrs., exc. cond., $650 new, asking $450. Lars, X7292, 524-8310
GARAGE SALE, multi-house, Albany, 900 blk Carmel Ave. between Marin & Solano Aves., Sat., May 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Hugh Higley, X5815
INFLATABLE BOAT, 9' Avon custom, w/new 5 hp Merc. outboard, accessories, $1250/b.o. Richard Haitch, 945-5668
MOUNTAIN BIKE, Specialized Rockhopper, helmet, pump, lock, jersey & pouch, invested over $600, sacrifice for $280; microwave, $35; 15 lb.dumbbells, $15 for 2. Jerry, 849-1822
MOVING SALE, queen-sz. futon oak finish $100; queen-sz. futon, blk and b&w cover, $160; Martex twin sz. comforter, b&w, $20; queen-sz. comforter cover, blue & blk stripes, 2 pillows w/cases, $20; 3 stock glasses $5; 2 spot lights $4; ironing board $15; iron $15; Pyrex dishes, food processor, B&D Shortcut, $20; toaster $7; 4 blk metal chairs, $25; Matisse "Blue Nude" $5; Doisneau "Baiser de l'hotel" $7. Remi, X6186
REFRIGERATOR, Frigidare, 30 x 60, Old but runs o.k., $35. John, X4631
MOVING SALE, futon & frame, queen sz., used only 3 mos., $120; woman's bicycle, 5-spd, $30; concert guitar, $110; 4-cup coffee maker, Krups, $20; iron, new, $15; deck chair, $7; desk lamp, $5; dishes, mugs, glass, kitchen items, price negot. Waltraud, X7363, 843-1103
SCUBA GEAR, Viking Sport dry suit, size 0 (sm.), incl. 2 kinds of underwear & accessories, $1K new, $650; Zeagle back-mount BC, sz. xs, very adj., $180; Seaquest jacket style BC, sz. sm., $110; Seatec Horsecollar BC (can be used as snorkeling vest), has auto-inflator, $30. Mary, X5557, 938-9891
STAIR STEPPER, pneumatic, folds for easy storage, like new, $50; full sz. bed, mattress, box spring & wood headboard, gd cond., $150. Jessica, X7019, 524-7055
SWEDISH LOOM, Hand-made, modern, solid pine, 110 cm. wide, 4 harnesses & all accessories incl. bench, great for rugs, $1250/b.o. Agneta Schipper, 527-5821
TREADMILL, Lifestyler, 8 mph, 1.25 HP, digital console, incline pedal & handrails, perfect cond., 3 yr. transferable warranty, $300; long board-surfboard, Pearson Arrow Santa Cruz, never wrecked, $350 firm. Maureen, 642-9154
VIOLIN, exc. 3/4 sz., German made, great workmanship & tone, w/bow & plain case, worth over $400, $250 firm; fancy case for same, $50. 482-3030
ALAMEDA, lg., sunny front rm in furn. Victorian, safe & clean, phone & cable hook-up, $425/mo. incl. utils. + dep. Elise, X4574
ALBANY, 1-bdrm in 4-plex, 2 blks from E.C. BART, garage, refrig., carpet, drapes, avail. June, $595/mo. Judy, 527-8766
BERKELEY, Hillegass between Webster & Woolsey, furn. 1-bdrm apt, sunny, deck, off-st. parking, quiet st., 4 unit bldg., laundry, 2 blks from Elmwood shopping, sublet until Aug., next door apt avail. after Aug., $565/mo. Andrea, 644-1662
BERKELEY, lg. furn. bdrm in furn. rooming house, 5 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, $500/mo.; unfurn. bdrms also avail. 540-0385
BERKELEY, 2728 Derby St., furn. room in 2-bdrm house, share w/female student & friendly cat, hardwd flrs, garden, 10 min. walk to UCB, avail. 6/1-8/23 (negot.), $425/mo. Pia Anderson or Kathleen Leon, 848-0120
NO. BERKELEY, Northside, lg. garden studio apt. (1500 sq. ft.), avail. 5/15 6/15, garden patio, full kitchen & bath, 10 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, nr shopping, laundromat & restaurants, 1 blk to #65 bus, prefer visiting scholar, $800 incl. utils. & cable, car negot. Elizabeth, X5235, 841-5436
SO. BERKELEY, Parker St., prefer female grad/undergrad student, lg. rm + side room sublet, avail. 6/1-8/15, $421.95/mo. + $150 dep.; front rm, avail. 6/1, $336.95/mo. + $510.95 dep.; 3rd room, $260.95/mo. + $446.95 dep., avail. 6/1. Susan, 845-3712, Victoria, 843-2636
EL CERRITO, bi-level, 1-bdrm, 1-bth unit, lg. kitchen, hardwd flrs, laundry hook-ups, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, avail. 6/1, $605/mo. Karen, 527-3482
EL CERRITO, 1-bdrm, 1-bth unit, 800 sq. ft., frpl, stove, refrig., dishwasher, washer/dryer, nr BART & shopping, $650/mo. incl. utils. Denny, 237-8171
EL SOBRANTE, lg. 4-bdrm, 3-bth house, family rm, 2 frpls, vaulted ceilings, 1/2 acre, creek, commute thru Tilden Park, $1450/mo. X4231, 222-6082
KENSINGTON, furn. 2-bdrm apt, scenic view, nr restaurants & stores, 2 mi. from UCB, no smoking, no pets, avail. 7/1 - 8/13, seek visiting prof./scientist, $940/mo. G. Huber, X5369
KENSINGTON, furn. lg. rm in 4-bdrm house, bay view, frpl, washer/dryer, nr bus stop & Tilden Park, $425/mo. 528-6953 partial bay view, lg. backyd, washer/dryer, quiet neighborhood, 3 mi. from UCB/LBL shuttle, $400/mo. Viviane, 524-1719
KENSINGTON, furn. 2 bdrm, 1 bath house on dead-end st, lg. deck overlooking Wildcat Cyn, 10 min. from LBL & UCB, on bus line, linens & kitchen equip. incl., avail. 6/1 - 8/1 (somewhat negot.), $1100/mo. incl. utils. except phone, sec. dep. 642-8715, 528-5123
OAKLAND, upper Glenview, 2-bdrm apt., piano, laundry, yd, garden, quiet, 1 blk from shopping & trans., avail. 6/22 - 8/10, $850. Susan, 531-4376
NO. OAKLAND, Alcatraz at College, rm avail., lots of light, $385/mo. Nancy, 547-7826
RICHMOND ANNEX (2 listings), both in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, incl. refrig., garage, coin laundry, yd, carpet, dishwasher, new paint & blinds, 1-bdrm apt., $575/mo.; 2-bdrm apt., $750/mo. Judy, 527-8766
SAN FRANCISCO, Marina, unfurn. 1-bdrm, hardwd flrs, 2 walk-in closets, dinette, pantry, steam-heat incl., $895/mo. (415)921-4026
WANTED: Visiting faculty couple desire furn. apt/house in Berkeley/SF for 8/7 9/4. Al Glassgold, (718) 884-0419, (212) 995-4016 (FAX)
WANTED: LBL employee seeks housing for 2-3 yrs. from 9/1, 1-bdrm, shared house, house-sitting, or other, pref. N. Berkeley or in the hills. (310)839-6932
WANTED: Furn. sm. apt./house/house-sit for visiting Fullbright Scholar, 9/94 3/95, prefer Berkeley, 1 person, professor from Thailand in her 40s, nonsmoking, likes gardening, local refs. X7435
WANTED: Furn. house/large, for visiting Danish professor, 2 bdrms, for 1 yr., starting Sept. '94, prefer No. Berkeley, Kensington. Val, X5369
WANTED: Semi-furn 1-bdrm, mid-May thru Aug., for visiting research asst., need safe parking area. X7407
WANTED: 1+ or 2-bdrm house/apt. for LBL/UCB employee & child, prefer within biking distance to LBL/UCB, can move in 6/1, long term, $750 limit. Elizabeth, X4344, 658-0557
LAKE WILDWOOD, nr Grass Valley/Nevada City, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, lake view, swimming, fishing, golf, tennis. 352-7709 (eve.)
SO. LAKE TAHOE, deluxe townhouse, lakefront, all amenities, nr playspots. Herbert Newkirk, 422-8845, 455-5595
BERKELEY, spacious 5-bdrm, 2-bth, (2) 1/2 bth Architect's home, sunny, level entry, patio, deck overlooks woodsy, secluded garden & creek. Sandy, 524-7402
EL CERRITO, Fairview area, 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, dining rm, family rm, laundry, frpl, decks, view, adjacent to hillside nature area, 1914 Ganges Ave., open Sun., 5/15, 1-4 p.m., $299K. Bob Caylor, X6483, 232-2853
FOUND: Prescription glasses in blk plastic case, on Mon., 5/16, on stairs between Bldgs. 55 & 90. Tony Greenhouse, X4926
KITTENS, long hair, 9 wks old, weaned, housebroken, 2 males & 2 females, to gd homes. Giovanni De Amici, X6532
Mary Bodvarsson, X4014
Mac QuickMail, fax X6641
Jeffery Kahn
Mike Wooldridge
Lynn Yarris
Fax X6641
Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday
Fax X6641
Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday
Mary Padilla, X5771
Alice Ramirez
Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B
Mike Chartock, Acting Manager