Berkeley Lab Currents

March 29, 1996


Scientists light up NMR/MRI of molecules in solution

By Lynn Yarris

A technique that enhances the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for molecules in solution offers intriguing new possibilities for chemical research and medical imaging. The technique, which has been reported in this week's issue of the journal Science, was developed by scientists at Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley, and Tel-Aviv University.

The new technique is based on the use of xenon, whose atomic nuclei have been "hyperpolarized" by laser light to give off strong NMR signals. Xenon is an inert gas that is readily absorbed in solutions and commonly used as an anesthetic. When hyperpolarized xenon gas is bubbled into a solution, polarization from xenon nuclei is transferred to the nuclei of molecules in the solution, amplifying their NMR/MRI signals.

Leading the team of collaborators who developed this new technique were Alexander Pines of Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division and UCB's Department of Chemistry, and Gil Navon of the School of Chemistry at Tel-Aviv University. Working with them were Stephan Appelt, Toomas Room, Yi-Qiao Song, and Rebecca Taylor.

Martha Krebs, director of DOE's Office of Energy Research, which funded the research, said she is enthusiastic about the promise of its results.

"The research achievements of Alex Pines have been consistently outstanding for over two decades," she said. "These new results are a major step forward in dramatically extending the power of NMR in chemical and biological research."

Both NMR spectroscopy and MRI imaging are based on the tiny magnetic moments produced by the spin of atomic nuclei. Whereas NMR spectroscopy yields a spectrum of lines from individual atoms that can be used to identify molecules, MRI produces recognizable spatial images.

A handicap for NMR/MRI has been the technology's inherent low sensitivity. Obtaining a spectrum or an image depends upon an excess of nuclei in a sample with spins oriented in either an "up" or "down" direction. For an equal number of spins pointing up and down, no NMR/MRI signal would be obtained.

"The natural population difference between up and down nuclear spins is usually no more than one in 100,000 in NMR magnets at room temperature," Pines says. "This low spin polarization is a persistent challenge for NMR."

To get around that challenge, researchers have resorted to a number of imaginative schemes in which the spins of atomic nuclei in a sample are polarized through assorted combinations of low temperatures, high-pulsed magnetic fields, and exposure to intense microwave radiation.

Alfred Kastler of the University of Paris won the 1966 Nobel prize in physics for his discovery that circularly polarized light can be used to transfer angular momentum from photons to the spins of atoms. Thomas Carver, and then William Happer, of Princeton University further developed the "optical-pumping" process. They obtained hyperpolarized helium and xenon gas, which yielded strong NMR signals that were recently used to image human lungs.

"We have now devised a method that uses both optical pumping and the Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) to transfer enhanced polarization from hyperpolarized xenon gas to molecules in solution," says Pines. "We call this method Spin-Polarization-Induced NOE or SPINOE (pronounced SPIN-OH-EE)."

The researchers say the process that polarizes solution nuclei when they come into contact with the xenon gas is not very efficient. However, this inefficiency is compensated by the hyperpolarization of the xenon nuclei.

"Our strategy is like that of the boxer who punches infrequently but throws blows mostly in the same direction," Pines says. "Every area in a molecule or sample accessed by the hyperpolarized xenon is going to light up to some extent with an enhanced NRM signal."

In their Science paper, Pines and his colleagues reported that with SPINOE, "it is possible to image not only the hyperpolarized xenon but also the molecular environment in which it is accommodated."

Pines and Navon hesitate to speculate about the potential applications of SPINOE to areas of materials and medical research until further experiments have been done. Collaborations, however, are already under way with other research teams at Berkeley Lab to explore several possibilities. For example, SPINOE might be used to enhance the NMR signals of proteins in solution, or it might be used to follow the trail of hyperpolarized xenon in blood by proton MRI.

CAPTION: The team that developed the new NMR/MRI technique included (from left) Yi-Qiao Song, Alex Pines, Rebecca Taylor, Toomas Room, Gil Navon, and Stephan Appelt.

CAPTION: A new NMR technique called SPINOE introduces specially treated xenon gas into a solution and lights up the NMR signal from the solution's molecules.


X marks the spot

CAPTION: So what's with the orange markings on tree trunks throughout the Laboratory? Some twisted new Runaround route? Remnants of a bizarre scavanger hunt? Ritualistic cult symbols?

Actually, none of the above. The preliminary tagging is part of a comprehensive new vegetation maintenance program beginning this spring to ensure a fire-safe sustainable landscape at Berkeley Lab. Look for details on how it works and what it will mean to the environment in the April 12 issue of Currents.


Women in Science & Engineering Seminar

Educational consultants Barbara Buswell and Linda Kekelis will present "Raising Competent Girls: Gender Issues at School and Home" at the next Women in Science and Engineering seminar, scheduled for noon on Monday, April 1, in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. The one-hour workshop is co-sponsored by the Work Force Diversity Office.

While all members of the Lab community are invited to participate, the talk should be of special interest to anyone interested in gender equity in education and the workplace. An important component of the talk is also devoted to childrearing and the subtle (and not so subtle) ways that parents unknowingly train children to assume stereotypical gender roles.

Buswell and Kekelis were awarded a grant by the American Association of University Women to develop the workshop to help teachers and parents examine their assumptions regarding gender development and to offer concrete suggestions encouraging gender-fair practices at home and school. The program was modified into a lunch-hour presentation for the Laboratory.


ESD's Pruess receives FLC recognition for tech transfer

CAPTION: Deputy Director Pier Oddone (right) presents a Certificate of Merit from the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) to Karsten Pruess of the Earth Sciences Division. The certificate recognizes Pruess' significant efforts in transferring to the private sector the TOUGH2 family of sophisticated computer programs for simulating and predicting the 3-D flow of fluids, heat, and chemical species in geologic media. FLC awards recognize Federal lab employees who have done an outstanding job of transferring technology developed in the laboratory to outside users. Nominations are coordinated through the Technology Transfer Department.


Earth Month chock full of activities

Earth Month will soon be upon us, and activity organizers have come up with an assortment of programs and events throughout April (see calendar on page 3). Speakers, a nature walk, recycling tours, and a recycled product fair are scheduled during lunch hours for all Lab emloyees to attend.

The first event is the presentation "On Plastics Recycling--From Technology to Politics!" by Stephen Seuss at noon on Tuesday, April 2. Suess heads the Plactory, a plastics factory he started 19 years ago in Live Oak, Calif.

In 1990, Suess began manufacturing products out of recycled plastic and found that it was not very different from working with virgin plastic. The Plactory now collects half of its $1 million annual revenue from recycled plastic products. In 1993, it was named California Recycler of the Year by the California Resource Recovery Association.

Suess' talk will address big business approaches and small business alternatives in plastics recycling, including the technical aspects, economics, and politics behind it.


Meeting Maker makeover means clean slate

Changeover to new, updated version coming April 8

Weary of the same ongoing meetings, appointments, and to-do lists? You can start April with a clean slate by switching to Meeting Maker MMXP.

On Monday, April 8, the Computing Sciences Division will replace Meeting Maker 1.5 with a new version, Meeting Maker MMXP. The new system has updated names for guests and resources, runs on PCs as well as Macintoshes, and offers several new features, such as a "View" menu that allows users to review both daily and monthly schedules.

Users who wish to preserve their current schedules should ensure that they have a login name and software for MMXP now, and reconstruct their calendars on the new version before the April 8 changeover date. Meeting Maker will not "import" meeting information from the old version to the new, so this needs to be done manually. Coordinators for conference rooms especially should move reservations to the new system as soon as possible (for assistance, send e-mail to [email protected]). Since the old system will not be accessible after the changeover date, archival meeting data should be printed out and saved.

The Meeting Maker Transition page on the WWW (( gives important details on the changeover, including: registration, installation, logging in, finding your server, recharge information, and responses to frequently asked questions.


ALS reaches out to young scientists with humor, education

"When Words Collide: Adventures in Science Communication" was the theme of a workshop for young women given March 9 by four writers from the ALS's Scientific Outreach and Communications Group. The workshop was one of more than 80 presented at the 18th annual "Expanding Your Horizons" conference for 6th-9th grade girls, held at San Jose State.

The conference, which drew more than 800 young science enthusiasts, focuses on careers in math, science and engineering. Workshops emphasize the importance and fun of science education and allow students to meet women working in science-related professions.

The ALS team--Jane Cross, Deborah Dixon, Annette Greiner and Elizabeth Moxon--presented a variety of activities to demonstrate techniques for science communication. A highlight was the appearance of Annette Greiner as "Professor Malcomprendi," visiting lecturer in gastronomic science from the University of Ptomainia, who challenged students to instruct her in the science of synthesizing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. With peanut butter flying and lots of laughter, workshop participants quickly realized the need for clarity and understanding one's audience when conveying information. Writing and editing activities, followed by a panel discussion, filled the rest of the one-hour workshop.

ALS staff participation in this event is part of an ongoing outreach effort to establish links between the ALS and the community.


Take Our Daughters To Work Day set for April 25

The Laboratory is celebrating this year's Take our Daughters to Work Day by inviting employees to bring their children, ages 9-15, to work on Thursday, April 25. The Center for Science and Engineering Education will again coordinate the event, which is also open to children who are guests of employees.

All children who wish to participate in scheduled activities must register in advance. The deadline for registration is Friday, April 12. This year, a registration fee of $10 per child will be charged to cover expenses for lunch and the ice cream social. Assignments to workshops will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.

In the proposed schedule, children will meet at 9 a.m. in the Bldg. 50 auditorium for an opening ceremony. Afterwards, each child may participate in two hands-on workshops led by scientist/teacher teams or spend time in the parent's workplace. Participants may then eat lunch as a group or join their parents. Group lunch expenses will be covered by the registration fee.

In the afternoon, participants may choose to spend time with their parents in the workplace, or participate in science-discovery and creative activities, such as skits and art projects. The day will end with an ice cream social.

Registration forms are located in the lobbies of the cafeteria and buildings 2, 50, 70, 70A, 77, 88, and 90. Watch Currents for more details as they develop. If you have questions about Daughters to Work Day, you may leave a voicemail at X6813.

CAPTION: Daughters to Work Day offers an opportunity for our children to visit the workplace and experience a day of hands-on science. This year's event includes lunch and an ice-cream social.


Ins and outs of acquisition the subject of annual info session

What: Procurement Annual Information Session

When: 9:30 a.m., Thursday, April 4

Where: Bldg. 50 auditorium

Who: All employees invited to attend

Procurement is hosting its annual information session at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. This interactive session on the Berkeley Lab acquisition process should be of special interest to technical coordinators and division administrators. Refreshments will be served.

During the session, procurement representatives and others will be on hand to discuss such topics as:

Because Procurement interacts with many other Lab operations, including Property, Shipping, Receiving, Budget, and Accounts Payable, representatives from these areas will also be available to answer questions.

If you are planning to attend the session, please contact Procurement's Eva McNeil at [email protected] or X4546. For more information about the session, contact Julie Rodriguez Jones at X4583 or [email protected]. For more information on the Laboratory's purchasing system, visit the Procurement home page at (


"Victims" wanted

On May 14th, the Laboratory will hold its annual earthquake exercise to test its emergency plans, personnel, and resources. The exercise will include a variety of simulated incidents and injury scenarios. LBNL Emergency Services is looking for volunteer victims to simulate injuries and add realism to each scenario. Volunteers will be prepared with simulated wounds and instructions. For information, contact Mark Turner at X6554.


Time for a cuppa

CAPTION: Jim Meron of Peabody's Coffee prepares for his first day behind the counter of the cafeteria's new coffee and espresso bar, located in the dining room. The bar opened Tuesday, serving gourmet coffees, baked goods, teas and hot chocolate along with Italian sodas and smoothies. In coming weeks, Peabody's will also begin offering coffee beans, gourmet teas and Odwalla juices. The bar is open weekdays from 6:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. Photo by Joe Moore


More new Web sites

Check out these new Web sites, accessible via the Berkeley Lab home page:

Berkeley Lab's Report 1995

A year-end review of Berkeley Lab's ongoing research projects in physics, biosciences, materials, energy, and the environment. Report 1995 also includes a message from the Director, information on industry partnerships, and a summary of funding and staffing for the year ((


The BEST (Bioremediation Education, Science, and Technology) Center discovers and develops new bioremediation technologies while also providing education and career opportunities for underrepre-sented populations. ((


The Berkeley Lab Procurement home page is a one-stop shopping center for information on obtaining supplies and services (


Annual fund returns

Following are the annual fund returns for the 403(B) and 401(A) accounts, effective Feb. 29, 1996.*

Equity, 32.25%
Bond, 22.58%
Multi-Asset, 17.56%
Money Market, 6.07%
Savings, 6.51%
Insurance Company Contract, 7.98%

* past performance does not guarantee future results


Blood drive

The Laboratory's next blood drive is scheduled for 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Bldg. 70A main conference room. All employees are encouraged to donate.


Currents ONLINE

The full text of each edition of Currents is published on the Lab's home page on the World Wide Web. View it at http://www/ under "Research News and Publications." To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.


Calendar of Events -- April 1-12



A workshop on "Raising Competent Girls: Gender Issues at School and Home" will be presented at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.


"Branes In Type IIB String Theory" will be presented by Malcolm Perry of UCSD at 2:30 p.m. in 430 Birge Hall.


"The Mixed Waste Management Facility - A National Testbed for the Evaluation of Emerging Waste Treatment Technologies" will be presented by Ron Streit of LLNL at 3:30 p.m. in 3105 Etcheverry; refreshments, 3:15 p.m.


"Cosmic Crisis or Concordance?" will be presented by Josh Frieman of Fermilab and the University of Chicago at 4:30 p.m. in 1 LeConte Hall.



"(Open) p-Branes in M-Theory" will be presented by Katrin Becker of ITP at 2:10 p.m. in 430 Birge Hall.


"Reaction Mechanisms for Ignition and Combustion" will be presented by Jurgen Warnatz of Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, at 4 p.m. in Room 3110 of Etcheverry Hall.


"Atherosclerosis and Redox-Sensitive Genes" will be presented by R. Wayne Alexander of Emory University School of Medicine at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at D0" will be presented by Erich Varness of LBNL at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.



"Stereodynamics of Statistical Dissociations" will be presented by Greg Hall of BNL at 11 a.m. in 425 Latimer Hall.


"A New Approach To Re-Allocating California's Water Resources" will be presented by Brent Haddad of UCB at 3:30 p.m. in 160 Kroeber Hall.



7 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Bldg. 70A-3377


7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. near Bldg. 77


9:30 a.m., Bldg. 50 Auditorium (see article on page 4)


"Project Hatchery Alameda: An Advanced Transportation Cluster at the Alameda Naval Air Station" will be presented by John Bosel of CALSTART at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


"Single (dual) Molecule Spectroscopy: A Molecular Yard-stick to Study Interactions Between Biological Macromolecules" will be presented by Thilo Enderle at noon in Bldg. 50A-5132.


"Growth Modes of Ultrathin Metal Films on the Ag-111 Single Crystal Surface" will be presented by Alan Slavin of Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"A Population of `Normal' Galaxies at z>3" will be presented by Chuck Steidel of CIT at 4 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments, 3:30 p.m. at 661 Campbell Hall.


"Search for Supersymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron" will be presented by Andy White of the University of Texas, Arlington, at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.



"Wake Fields in Accelerators: Progress and Applications" will be presented by Samuel Heifets of SLAC at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 Conference Room.



"The Shape and Color of Atoms at Surfaces" will be presented by Miguel Salmeron of LBNL at 4:30 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall.



First Aid (EHS 116), 8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 48-109


"The Industrial Assessment Center at SFSU: A DOE Sponsored Project" will be presented by Ahmad R. Ganji from SFSU at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.



Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256), 9:30-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 51-201


Special meeting at noon in the lower cafeteria.


Officer's Meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100



Introduction to EH&S Safety (EHS 010), 9:30-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 51-201

Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530), 10-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109


"Environmental Accounting" will be presented by Betsy Cantwell of LLNL at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


"Synthesis of Highly Organic Polymeric Materials via a Monomer

Self-Assembly Approach" will be presented by Douglas Gin of UCB at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.




Dining Center -- April 1-5


April EH&S class schedule

Pre-registration is required for all courses except Introduction to EH&S. For all other classes, send e-mail to LBNL Training-Registration in the HR zone or send a fax to X4072 with your name, employee ID number, extension and class name, date & code (or call X5999).


F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'76 HONDA CVCC wgn, 4-spd stick, new clutch & tires, runs well, gd int. & ext., $500. Robert, 222-2677

'77 FORD LTD wgn, lt. blue, gd cond., runs fine, a/t, p/s, p/b, $950. Gary, 235-0243

'79 MERCEDES BENZ 300D diesel, ivory, 25K mi. after rebuilt engine, 4-dr, moonroof, 2 sets of new custom-made white seat covers, new cass. player AM/FM, $4290. Leo, X7320, 222-4739

'84 JEEP Cherokee, 4-wd, new brakes, battery & tires incl. full sz. spare, removable face AM/FM stereo cass., $4500. Tom, 547-5445

'85 CHEVY Cav. conv., 2.8L V-6, 115K mi., AM/FM/cass., $2750. 530-3044

'85 NISSAN Sentra, silver, 2-dr, 5-spd, 140K mi., looks very good, runs great, needs new clutch, $1500. 524-3751

'85 SAAB 900, 4-dr, 106K mi., exc. int., 5-spd, CD, $4K. Pat, 874-7877 (day), 568-6386 (eve.)

'85 WINNEBAGO, 27' Chieftan, 36K mi., 454 Chev., queen bed, awning, generator, microwave/convection, tow pkg., air, all extras, $17.5K. Rich, X6015, 439-3418

'86 VW GTI, sunrf, leather, sports pkg., new muffler, battery, smog & tires, $3800. 528-3575

'87 NISSAN Sentra, 165K mi., 5-spd, gd cond., reliable, $1K. Klaus, X7779, 540-1206 (eve.)

'88 HONDA Civic 16v HB, 4-spd, 125K fwy mi., w/all service records, Thule ski rack incl., orig. owner, reliable, $2500/b.o. 865-9943 (msg.)

'89 PONTIAC Grand Am SE, 95K mi., many options, sunrf, alloy wheels, new trans., muffler & battery, $4500. Marion, 215-2305

'89 TOYOTA Corolla, 2-dr, 66K mi., AM/FM cass., a/c, 5-spd, exc. cond., $5K/b.o. Carry, (415) 431-2980

'91 HONDA Accord LX, a/t, all pwr, 85K fwy mi., orig. owner, new brakes/timing belt, exc. cond., all service records, $9400/b.o. 865-9943 (msg.)

'92 MITSUBISHI Eclipse GSX Turbo, AWD, ABS, 3-dr, red, 50K mi., 6CD Alpine stereo, new tires, a/c, 5-spd, CC, PW, PD, very clean, 1 owner, $11.5K/b.o. Cheryl, X5917, 932-8410 (eve.)

'94 TOYOTA 4-Runner, V-6/SR5, a/t, loaded, 27K mi., extended warranty, $24,959/b.o. 682-6489 (after 6 p.m.)

MOTORCYCLE, '81 Suzuki GS450E, gd cond., runs great, $700. Jim, 215-2305

MOTORCYCLE, '93 Honda CB1100F, showroom cond., $1950. Gary, 235-0243

CAR STEREO, Toyota/Fujitsu, AM/FM, digital display, 6 station memory, 1 yr. old, $75/b.o. Benerva, X4787, 849-9560

RV AWNING, 8 ft., retractable, $175. Karl, X6129

WHEELS & TIRES, 14" Al mag wheels w/BFG 234/50 tires, exc. cond., $425/four. Stephen, 527-8210


VANPOOL, riders wanted from Rohnert Park - stopping at Petaluma and Novato - ending at Berkeley BART, Commuter Checks accepted. Shirley, X4521


JESSYE NORMAN, 5/15, Zellerbach, 1 ticket, $36. J. Klems, 528-9522


BATTERIES, dead NiCad, AA, C, D cells that no longer take a charge, but are not leaking, testing new method for reviving dead cells. Greg, X4757

GARAGE for 1953 MG TD w/space for workbench. 848-5687

GUITAR for beginning guitar class, less than $100. Juliet, 649-2034

LAWNMOWER, elec., to purchase for reasonable price. Susan, 528-1935


BIKE PARTS, MTB, Mag-20 suspension fork, 1-1/4 dia., 15 cm threaded; Tange Evolution fork, 1-1/4 dia., 16 cm threaded; Control Tech Aluminum alloy seat post, 1-1/4 dia, best offer. Tim, X5304

CORNER CABINET, traditional, cherry, w/glass front door; many antiques also. 528-3575

DINING SET, Victorian, very lg. turned-leg table & buffet, chairs & leaves, seats 6 - 12, $950; wall map, 1907 US/DOI map, 5 ft. X 6 ft., $200; table saw, 8.25" Makita tabletop, unused, $200; freezer, 5.5 cu. ft., mini-chest style, $85. Karl, X6129

DISHWASHER, full sz., portable Kitchen Aid, solid wood chopping block, incl. faucet attachment, 3 yr. old, $500; MTB, full Deore XT/XTR, $650; MTB, commuter special, $200; Windsurfer, 11.5' w/2 sails & hardware, $650. Rick, X7341

EXERCISE BICYCLE, $50; boy's 16" bicycle, $50; boy's 12" bicycle, $25. Steve, X4304

EXERCISE MACHINE, Healthrider, brand new, never used, $275. Alan, 234-9041

FUTON, like new, queen sz., black wooden frame, folds very easily into long couch, futon cover incl., $250. Aindrea, X5946, 655-9989

MATTRESS, Simmons Beautyrest "Royalty", twin sz., $100; airbrush & compressor, Badger airbrush, used once, sold together, $125; North Face backpack, used once, paid $259, $150; sleeping bag, $25. Alison, 845-4634

ROLLERBLADES, woman's sz. 8, used twice, wrist/arm/knee pads incl., $70/b.o.; freestanding butcher block, wood, barely used, $50. 865-9943 (msg.)

SAILBOATS (2), 22' Columbia, fiberglass w/fin keel, sails, 7.5 hp outboard engine, toilet & galley, slps 4, $1K; Mystic 24' w/full keel, sails, 4 cyl. atomic gas inboard engine, standing headroom, toilet & galley, slps 4, $2K. Nan, 527-4298

TENNIS RACKET, Prince Spectrum comp series 110, grip 4-1/4, $75. Anne, X7337, 531-7837

TV, 19" RCA, 1 yr. old $160; VCR, 2 yr. old, $100; 12-spd bike, $75; u-lock, $20; desk, 29"x59", $40; microwave oven, Kenmore, full sz., $35; dining table, $10. X6878, 528-3408

VACUUM CLEANER, Regina Housekeeper Plus, model 5000, w/attachments, gd cond., $25. Fred, X6354, Leola, 524-5825


ALBANY, partly furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, bay view, swimming pool, tennis cts., 24 hr. sec., garage parking, 15 min. bus/BART to LBNL/UCB, nr shopping ctr., no pets, non-smoker, lease, $980/mo. Rai, 524-7941 (eve.)

BERKELEY, lg., unfurn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth apt, nr LBNL/UCB, carpet, deck, garage, pool, avail. 4/15, $1250/mo.+dep. Alex, 644-3120

BERKELEY, 2 rms avail. in furn. home, nr UCB & Rose Garden, washer/dryer, views, frpl, hot tub, decks, $450 & $500/mo. David, 525-4470

BERKELEY, Northside, furn. 1-bdrm apt, summer sublet, residential neighborhood, hardwd flrs, many closets, well maintained, avail. 5/14-8/20, $700/mo. incl. utils. Kristine, 843-0160

NO. BERKELEY, 2-bdrm craftsman cottage, dining rm, frpl, cent. heat, decks, walk to UCB, shops, LBNL shuttle & BART downtown, avail. May to quiet non-smoking couple, $1350/mo. Rob, 843-5987

EL CERRITO HILLS, sunny rm w/patio & yd in house, sep. entrance & bth, share kitchen, washer, dryer, nr bus & BART, $385 & utils. Daniel, X5827, 527-8756

KENSINGTON, lg. rm w/pvt entrance, pvt bath & sm. kitchen (only warm plate or small counter top camping stove can be used), sharing of the main house kitchen, if necessary, laundry fac., backyd, on the 67 bus line, ~4 blks from Tilden Park, $400/mo. + utils. Sonia, 524-9496

KENSINGTON, furn. 3-bdrm house, Gate view, deck, lg. garden, from end of May to early July, all/part, $1200/mo. 524-1641

OAKLAND, Mormon Temple neighborhood, fwy access to Berkeley, room, pvt bath, share kitchen, washer/dryer & utils., $400/mo. 530-7759

OAKLAND, sunny, spacious, 1-bdrm apt in triplex, nr Rockridge shopping ctr. & public trans., no smoking, no pets, $485/mo. 655-9658, 428-1893

ORINDA, furn. sm. 3-bdrm house, 1 1/2-bth, 3 blks from BART, avail. 4/8, $1500/mo. Scott, (916) 898-5747, (916) 894-5519

RICHMOND, well-maintained, partially furn. 3-bdrm (1 lg.), 2-bth, house, remodeled kitchen, nr E.C. Del Norte BART & I-80 between San Pablo & Arlington, nr shopping ctr., washer/dryer, 1-car garage, backyd w/deck, non-smokers, no pets, $980/mo. + dep. Rose, X7554, 233-8620 (msg./eve.)

WALNUT CREEK, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth apt, in duplex on hill, Mt. Diablo view, upper unit, washer/dryer installed, fully equipped kitchen, carport, a/c, lg. yd, dog or cat acceptable, 5-min. walk to BART, 1 yr. lease, $875/mo. + utils. & dep. Denise, 935-2285 (eve.)

WANTED: visiting French scientist, spouse & 3 children, want to exchange 4-bdrm apt in center Paris for house near LBNL starting 6/20 until end of Aug., car exchange also possible. 33 1 43389440 (France), [email protected]

WANTED: summer rental, July/Aug., 3-bdrm house in Berkeley, Kensington or No. Oakland for visiting prof. & family from CERN. Luanne, X5853

WANTED: house mid-June thru July for visiting French scientists. Fred, X4892


BERKELEY, nr Grizzly Peak & Shasta Rd, 3-bdrm, 3-bth house, lg. family rm, dining rm, full basement, $385K. Stan, X6849, 845-1905


SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house, W/D, upstairs living, mountain & water views, XC & downhill skiing nearby. Bob, 376-2211


FOUND: pocket computer, nr Bldg. 90, on Tues., 3/12, has been turned in to Lost & Found in Sproul Hall, UCB

FOUND: watch on McMillan Rd., 3/26. John, X7941


Published weekly by the
Public Information Department
for the employees and retirees of
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory

Manager, Ron Kolb

Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

[email protected]


Jeffery Kahn, X4019

Lynn Yarris, X5375


Brennan Kreller, X6566


Alice Ramirez


Mary Padilla, X5771

[email protected]

[email protected]

Public Information Department Berkeley Lab, MS 65 (Bldg. 65B)

One Cyclotron Rd.

Berkeley, CA 94720

Tel: (510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641

Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the
U.S. Department of Energy