Berkeley Lab Currents

March 22, 1996


Teachers find enlightenment at ALS

CAPTION: Exploring the concepts behind the Advanced Light Source through hands-on activities was one of the highlights of the "Adventures in Light and Science" workshop for teachers given by the ALS on March 4 and 16. Inspired by the enthusiastic response of visitors to the ALS during the Berkeley Lab Open House last fall, the workshop was designed to expand the links between the ALS and local science educators and to make the facility accessible to teachers as an educational resource. The workshop attracted 40 participants from 35 schools and included tours of the machine and a trip to a beamline. Photo by Joe Moore


Early FY97 funding news good for Lab

Office of Energy Research in line for $63 million increase next year

By Lynn Yarris

The early funding news for Berkeley Lab under the Clinton Administration's proposed budget for fiscal year 1997 is good.

Among the programs targeted for increases are high energy and nuclear physics, fusion energy science, and computational and technology research. The Advanced Light Source and the Human Genome Center will also benefit from the spending proposals, which were released on March 19.

The Administration proposed spending $2.54 billion dollars on the activities of the Office of Energy Research (ER), the agency within the Department of Energy (DOE) that funds most of the research programs at Berkeley Lab. This represents an increase of $63 million above ER's FY96 spending.

Under the Clinton proposals for FY97, high energy physics would climb from $667 million to $679 million, an increase of $12 million. Nuclear physics would be raised $14 million, from $304.5 million to $318.5. Included in these increases would be $45 million to continue construction of the B-factory, $52 million to continue construction of the upgraded Fermilab injector, and $65 million to continue construction of RHIC. Negotiations would also continue for U.S. participation in the Large Hadron Collider project at CERN.

Computational and technology research would go from $150.5 to $158.1 million with much of the increase applied to DOE 2000, an initiative with Defense programs that will use advanced computing technologies such as those being developed at NERSC to create national collaborations of virtual laboratories, or "collaboratories" as the concept has been called.

The single biggest increase in the budget would go to the restructuring of the fusion energy program from an emphasis on technology development to an exclusive focus on science. The Administration has asked for $255.6 million, which is up $28.2 million from the appropriation in FY96, though still substantially below the FY95 appropriation of $333.3 million. Much of this increase would be divided between a new basic plasma science initiative and alternative concepts to tokamak fusion.

Also included in ER's FY97 budget proposal are funds to maintain the Scientific User Facilities initiative that was started this year. This initiative provides funds to increase the research time available on the ALS, NCEM, the 88-Inch Cyclotron, and other national user facilities.

Even where the budget news was not good for ER, there were silver-linings for Berkeley Lab. For example, although the total funding for biological and environmental research programs is down from $406.4 to $379.1 million, there are some areas within this program marked for increases. Among these are $1 million to complete Berkeley Lab's Human Genome Laboratory (total cost $25 million), and $79 million for DOE's Human Genome Project that will be applied to the development of high-speed genetic sequencing and other technologies.

Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank, speaking from the American Physical Society meeting in St. Louis (see article at left), expressed optimism that in the overall federal budget scheme, science and technology appears for the moment to be holding its own.

"Given these difficult fiscal times, I am particularly gratified by the Administration's show of support for science," Shank said. "I am especially pleased about the funds to complete our Human Genome Laboratory, the funds to maintain last year's successful Scientific User Facilities initiative, and the call for increased spending in the fundamental sciences and particle physics."

Martha Krebs, the former Berkeley Lab associate director who now heads ER and serves as science advisor to Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, spoke of the FY97 budget proposal for ER as "science investments for 21st century returns."

In releasing the ER budget figures, Krebs was joined by DOE Deputy Secretary Charles Curtis, and White House science advisor Jack Gibbons. Their presence, she said, was a measure of the importance the Clinton Administration places on science. Gibbons credited Krebs with playing an "ecumenical role" in protecting the science and technology budget. Krebs credited the streamlining of operations at DOE and the national laboratories as well as increased R&D productivity.

"I believe this FY97 budget is a well-balanced program during times of budgetary constraints," she said. "I wish to express appreciation to the many advisory committees and scientists who have helped me set priorities for the upcoming fiscal year."

After the budget figures were released, questions were fielded from members of the media. In response to a question about the potentially large reductions ER and other science agencies could face in the budgets for FY1998-2000, Curtis said:

"The `out-year' tables being made public do not reflect policy judgments. They are a mechanical distribution by the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) of a 22-percent reduction in non-defense discretionary spending."

More news and analysis of the FY97 budget proposals will be forthcoming in future issues of Currents.


UC Regents hear state of the Lab

Rolling Stones help showcase Lab's contributions to computing

By Ron Kolb

Berkeley Lab's annual report to the Regents of the University of California on the state of the laboratory last Friday, March 15, brought a chorus of praise from Board members and a special commendation from the University President.

Director Charles Shank summarized the Lab's year in science, including its participation in the discovery of the Top Quark, progress at the Advanced Light Source, and new efforts in computational biology and genome sequencing.

After acknowledging the addition of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), with its considerable computing capabilities, to the Laboratory, Shank showed a series of video clips to demonstrate the potential of networking and remote communications via the Lab-generated MBone protocol.

Among his examples were a concert by the Rolling Stones, the first live concert ever broadcast over the internet, made possible by the MBone; a simulation of remote operation of a beamline at the Advanced Light Source; an actual surgical procedure performed at UC San Francisco and transmitted via computer to a class at a London medical school; and a distance learning demonstration showing a "white board" interaction that enables hands-on, interactive communication through computer terminals.

"We're overwhelmed with the quality of what's going on there," said UC President Richard Atkinson after the presentation. "The interrelationship of the Laboratory with the university is unique in the world. Here we have the ability to connect graduate and post-doctoral students with state-of-the-art technology that can't be duplicated anywhere."

Shank reminded the Regents that about 700 students do their work at Berkeley Lab each year, and that "this gives the place vitality and excitement."

Atkinson asked the Director if some of the Lab's computing capabilities might be applied to educational programs within the University system. "We welcome any proposal, any innovation that might be helpful," Shank said.

Several Regents expressed their appreciation for the work reflected in the live presentation and in the distributed "Report 1995" published by Berkeley Lab's Public Information Department.

Among his remarks, Shank also committed to playing a supporting role in UC San Diego's bid in the recompetition to operate a National Science Foundation Supercomputing Center.


Shank receives Pake Prize

Acceptance address focuses on value of public-private partnerships

By Ron Kolb

The American Physical Society has recognized the research and management accomplishments of Berkeley Lab Director Charles V. Shank by awarding him the 1996 George E. Pake Prize at this week's APS general meeting in St. Louis.

Shank was honored "for his pioneering research accomplishments in the area of laser development and ultrafast phenomena; and for his outstanding research management leadership as director of the Electronics Research Laboratory at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the development of quantum electronics, and as director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for fostering industrial interactions," the citation states.

The Pake Prize, established in 1983, annually recognizes outstanding accomplishments in physics research combined with major success as a manager of research or development in industry. Pake was a research physicist and a director of industrial research at Xerox Corporation.

Shank became director of Berkeley Lab in 1989, at the end of a 20-year career at Bell Labs, where he held numerous leadership positions. His studies of ultrafast (femtosecond) events using short laser pulses have contributed to fiber optic communications with the invention of the distributed feedback laser, a component in high data rate transmission systems.

As part of his recognition on Monday, Shank delivered an address that focused on public-private partnerships and their value to the physics community. He said his hope was to "find common ground in the current debate between those characterizing federally sponsored elements of these activities as `corporate welfare,' and those who view these programs as an investment in the future."

He described the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), in which federally funded research institutions enter agreements with industrial partners to perform cooperative research. Thousands of these partnerships, generally split 50-50 in funding, have been successfully executed in the 1990s. CRADAs, he noted, are not high on the Congressional priority list these days, with some seeing the use of federal funds as a subsidy for big business.

"The problem is that we have not come to a consensus on a set of organizing principles that would form a basis for public-private partnerships," he told the conferees, acknowledging several examples in which CRADAs inappropriately benefited company stockholders, and some which exhibited the ideal balance of benefits between industry and the Department of Energy.

Among his positive models was Berkeley Lab's two-year collaboration with Intel Corporation, which has been using the Advanced Light Source to analyze impurities in silicon wafers needed for the next generation of integrated circuits. He also cited the development of low-emissivity windows at Berkeley, a Lab partnership with the window industry that has netted a cumulative U.S. energy savings estimated at $760 million to date.

"This collaboration produced a significant public good which benefited the entire country by reducing imported oil," he said.

Shank concluded by proposing four principles that could be used to anchor public-private partnerships:

  1. Direct federal funding of research and development in industry that primarily benefits the stockholder is inappropriate.
  2. Federal investments in public-private partnerships should have clear benefit for both government and industry.
  3. Unique knowledge in a federally funded research facility can form the basis for a successful collaboration.
  4. Unique facilities at a federally funded laboratory can create opportunities for successful collaborations.
"Our country stands to benefit by developing a consensus on how we derive value from the enormous federal investment in research and development," he said. "In my view, we have established a record in the last five years which is sufficiently rich with diversity of approaches to evaluate what works and what doesn't. I challenge our nation's policy makers to solve this problem."


UC appoints E&E's Judson King provost, VP of academic affairs

C. Judson King, a chemical engineer in the Energy and Environment Division, has been appointed provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of California--the second highest ranking position in the UC system. The appointment, which takes affect immediately, was approved at the March 15 business meeting of the UC Board of Regents in San Francisco.

President Richard C. Atkinson recommended King's appointment to the Regents following a nationwide search for a successor to Walter E. Massey, who left UC last August for the presidency of Morehouse College.

"Jud King brings to this position a strong blend of attributes that will serve the University well," Atkinson said. "He is seasoned administrator, a respected faculty member and a distinguished scientist with long experience in the UC system and extensive knowledge of its complexity."

King, 61, has been interim provost and senior vice president since August. The provost's responsibilities include development of academic and research policy, administrative oversight of University planning and associated budget matters, and programmatic oversight of three national laboratories--Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos--which the University manages for the federal government. The provost also acts for the president in his absence.

King, who has been a senior staff scientist at Berkeley Lab for more than 30 years, joined the UC Office of the President in 1994 as vice provost for research. He previously had served for 31 years at the Berkeley campus--as a professor, vice chairman and chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering, dean of the College of Chemistry, and, finally, provost of professional schools and colleges.


N e w s w i r e

Lab news:

Jay Marx of the Nuclear Science Division has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society, for outstanding contributions in his field. He was cited specifically "for his leadership of the successful construction of the Advanced Light Source (ALS), the first of the third generation synchrotron light sources in the U.S."

UC plans new headquarters in Oakland:

At their March 15 business meeting, the UC Board of Regents authorized the University to purchase space to replace the current leased headquarters for the UC Office of the President (UCOP). The proposal envisions construction of a 200,000-square-foot building on Franklin Street between 12th and 11th streets, in downtown Oakland, across from the 12th Street BART station and one block from Oakland's City Center. UCOP currently leases space in Kaiser Center, 300 Lakeside Dr., Oakland. Pending successful completion of agreements, the move would occur when UCOP's lease expires in May 1998. The new site was chosen from among a list of six finalist sites--five in Oakland and one in Berkeley.

O'Leary calls DOE budget maximum return investment:

Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary presented an FY97 budget request on Tuesday that totaled $16.3 billion. This represents a $3 billion drop from DOE's FY93 spending. "Our budget invests taxpayer dollars for maximum returns," the Secretary said. "DOE has developed a common sense approach to balancing investments with budget cuts. The department is saving precious taxpayer dollars while propelling the nation and the world toward a safer, more prosperous future." DOE's proposed FY97 budget includes $2.6 billion for science and technology (see page one); $5.2 billion for national security; $1.8 billion for energy resources; $6.3 billion for environmental quality; $176 million for environment, health, and safety; and $200 million for other programs including the Energy Information Administration and departmental administration accounts.

This budget, O'Leary said, "reflects DOE's evolution from an ever-expanding agency focused on Cold War missions to a lean, well-managed, accountable department preparing America to meet science, security, and stewardship challenges of the 21st Century." O'Leary did say the Clinton Administration was committed to "ensuring that our science and technology base is second to none." To leverage limited resources and multiply the effectiveness of its scientific activities, the Secretary said DOE will strive to increase partnerships between the national laboratories, universities, and private industry. The department will also continue the reviews of the management and mission of its national laboratories, which, the Secretary said, has allowed DOE to deliver billions of dollars in savings compared to the budgets of previous administrations.

Send us your news:

Your news is important to us. If you or your group has news about recent awards, appointments, accomplishments, articles in print and other items of interest to our readers, please send to Mary Bodvarsson via QuickMail, e-mail ([email protected]), or fax (X6641).


Lab gearing up for second summer of Science Exploration Camp

This summer the Laboratory will once again be home base for the Science Exploration Camp for school-age children of LBL employees. This summer's program will run six weeks, July 22 to Aug. 30.

The core program will run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a morning science component and afternoon recreational activities. The science component is based on weekly themes, such as "The Sky's the Limit," "What's Underground," "Our Living World," "Chemistry is All Around Us," "Get Energized," and "Amazing Matter," which include activities at the Lab, UC Botanical Gardens and Lawrence Hall of Science. Off-site recreational activities will include trips to local parks and pools.

The camp accommodates 24 children entering first through seventh grades. It is not appropriate for children who have not completed a year of kindergarten. Priority will be given to children of Laboratory employees who pre-register by April 5. After that date, the program will be open to children of UC employees on a space-available basis.

The cost of the program is $140/week. Before- and after-camp care (7:45-9 a.m. and 4 -5:15 p.m.) is included. During these hours, quiet activities will be provided.

CAPTION: Mao Mao Zhu (left) and Robin Zhang gave Deputy Director Pier Oddone a lesson in "Frog Math" during last year's camp.



To enroll your child in one or more sessions, you must complete the pre-registration form and mail to Jim Lutz, M.S. 90-4000, along with a deposit of $40 per child per week, by April 5. Make checks payable to Science Exploration Camp (no cash, please). Your pre-registration will be confirmed by mid-April.

Full payment ($140/week/child) and final registration forms are due in June. Deposits and camp fees are non-refundable, except in the case that a session is cancelled due to low attendence.

For more information about the program, contact Diana Attia at X7399. Information also is available via the World Wide Web ( (

Pre-registration form for Summer Science Camp

Mail to Jim Lutz, M.S. 90-4000, with deposit


Camp volunteers needed

The Science Exploration Camp is run by a non-profit corporation formed by LBL employees. SEC directors hire staff and volunteer their time to organize the camp and participate in the program to support paid staff. The SEC directors welcome volunteers to assist by giving demonstrations related to Lab research or business activities, teaching science module planning, or preparing materials to use in the program. To volunteer, send e-mail to [email protected] or call X7399.


Women in Science and Engineering

Workshop focuses on gender issues for girls

Educational consultants Barbara Buswell and Linda Kekelis will present "Raising Competent Girls: Gender Issues at School and Home" at the next Women in Science and Engineering seminar, scheduled for noon on Monday, April 1, in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. The one-hour workshop is co-sponsored by the Work Force Diversity Office.

While all members of the Lab community are invited to participate, the talk should be of special interest to anyone interested in gender equity in education and the workplace. An important component of the talk is also devoted to childrearing and the subtle (and not so subtle) ways that parents unknowingly train children to assume stereotypical gender roles.

Buswell and Kekelis were awarded a grant by the American Association of University Women to develop the workshop to help teachers and parents examine their assumptions regarding gender development and to offer concrete suggestions encouraging gender-fair practices at home and school. The program was modified into lunch-hour presentation for the Laboratory.

Buswell received a master's degree in speech communication from the University of Illinois, Urbana, and holds a secondary education teaching credential in English. Her employment experience includes teaching, writing and editing, and work in non-formal education at UC Berkeley. She has two daughters.

Kekelis has a master's degree in linguistics from USC and a doctorate. in special education from UC Berkeley. She has been involved in several research studies of children's language and social development and is a lecturer at SF State. She has a son.


Recycling made easy

By now, most employees have received small white desktop boxes designed for white paper recycling. The boxes are part of the Lab's new recycling program to recover and recycle as much paper and cardboard as possible. The program takes a few minutes of time each week and requires minor changes in work habits. Your participation in this program is necessary for its success. The following are some reminders about how the program works.

White paper receptacles (contents recycled)

Regular office trash cans (contents recycled)

Blue bag receptacles (sent directly to landfill)

Glass & can receptacles


Recycling more important than ever

The Lab has been recycling for the past five years, but at an ever-increasing cost. The new program reduces the amount going to the landfill and saves the Lab money. By taking an active part in this program, you will help reduce costs and waste.

Waste paper--white ledger and computer paper, newspaper, paper bags, paper board, and cardboard packaging--makes up as much as 41 percent of the nation's solid waste and almost 70 percent of the Lab's waste. One ton of recovered paper saves more than three cubic yards of increasingly scarce landfill space.

If you have questions or would like to help support the program, contact Bob Berninzoni at X5576.




In order for your ballot to count, it must be received by PERB no later than 3 p.m. on March 28, 1996

*From the Labor Relations Steering Committee


Business card request forms available at cafeteria

Request forms for Laboratory business cards, and business card printing services are now available through the Employees' Buying Service. Stop by the EBS booth in the cafeteria lobby to pick up a request form or to order prepaid printing. Orders must be accompanied by a personal check and camera-ready art, which is available from TEID (X6600) upon submittal of an authorized request form.


Patent Department Q&A

In answer to your question...

From time to time, the attorneys and patent agents in Berkeley Lab's Patent Department receive questions from individual researchers, the answers to which may be of interest to others in the Laboratory. If you have questions for the Patent Department, call X7058.

Q: What can be patented?

A: Any person who "invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvements thereof, may obtain a patent," subject to the conditions and requirements of the law. By the word "process" is meant a process or method, and new processes, primarily industrial or technical processes, may be patented. The term "manufacture" refers to articles which are made, and includes all manufactured articles. The term "composition of matter" relates to chemical compounds and may include mixtures of ingredients as well as new chemical compounds. These classes of subject matter taken together include practically everything which is made by humans and the processes for making the products.

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 excludes the patenting of inventions useful solely in the utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy for atomic weapons.

The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be "useful." The term "useful" in this connection refers to the condition that the subject matter has a useful purpose and also includes operativeness, that is, a machine which will not operate to perform the intended purpose would not be called useful, and therefore would not be granted a patent. Interpretations of the statute by the courts have defined the limits of the field of subject matter which can be patented, thus it has been held that methods of doing business and printed matter cannot be patented.

In the case of mixtures of ingredients, such as medicines, a patent cannot be granted unless there is more to the mixture than the effect of its components. (So-called patent medicines are ordinarily not patented; the phrase "patent medicine" in this connection does not have the meaning that the medicine is patented.) A patent cannot be obtained upon a mere idea or suggestion. The patent is granted upon the new machine, manufacture, etc., as has been said, and not upon the idea or suggestion of the new machine. A complete description of the actual machine or other subject matter for which a patent is sought is required. [Source: "General Information Concerning Patents," U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C.]


Lab, City of Berkeley establish automatic aid agreement for fire protection, emergency services

By Ron Kolb

Berkeley Lab and the City of Berkeley have agreed to establish an automatic aid agreement to enhance fire protection and emergency services on and adjacent to Laboratory property.

The Lab's fire department will provide first-response service within specific boundaries where it has been mutually agreed that the Lab can arrive faster than the City due to unique access or physical proximity.

The City fire department will respond automatically to Laboratory calls for assistance in emergencies that exceed Berkeley Lab response capabilities or occur when Lab fire department personnel are off-site on other duties. The City will also make its training facility available to Berkeley Lab fire fighters at no cost, and joint training exercises will be conducted to maintain efficient interdepartmental coordination.

"This collaborative agreement represents a very positive outcome of discussions between the Laboratory and the City to meet our mutual interests within current staffing levels," said Lab Director Charles V. Shank. "Our Berkeley Lab employees and our neighbors in the surrounding communities will be receiving the most responsive services to ensure their safety and security."

The defined district for Berkeley Lab's automatic response outside its own borders includes areas along Grizzly Peak Boulevard, Avenida Avenue, Campus Drive, Glendale Avenue, La Loma Avenue, Gayley Road, Bancroft Way, Panoramic Way, and Dwight Place, in addition to North Canyon Road, Centennial Drive, Summit Road, Ajax Lane and Atlas Place.

Laboratory fire fighters will also be "first-in" to service three University of California campus buildings housing Berkeley Lab employees--Donner, Calvin, and Giauque halls. Campus facilities such as the Greek Theatre, Foothill Housing, Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Botanical Gardens, Space Sciences Laboratory, Animal Behavior Research Station, and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute will also be subject to Berkeley Lab's automatic response.

The first-response district is a scaled-back version of the one defined in an experimental agreement between the Laboratory and the City that ran for one year, until September 1995.

Responding to concerns expressed by Berkeley citizens about the safety of the surrounding hills communities, the Laboratory initiated talks with City officials to explore options for mutual assistance within current staffing levels. The new interagency aid agreement emerged from several months of discussions.

Outside the Berkeley Lab "zone," mutual aid will be in effect--that is, Laboratory personnel will respond to assist Berkeley City fire fighters if requested and able.

The contract is effective for one year unless terminated by either agency with a 30-day notice. Both entities agree to meet during that period to address issues. They will also meet bimonthly to evaluate the agreement, which may be jointly revised from time to time.


Calendar of Events
March 25-April 5



General meeting at noon in the lower cafeteria.


Chemical Hygiene and Safety Training (EHS 348), 1 - 4:30 p.m., Bldg. 51-201



Building Emergency Team Training (EHS 154), 9 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109


"A Framework For Remedy Selection at Superfund Sites Based on Risk, Cost and Benefit" will be presented by William E. Kastenberg of UCB at 3:45 p.m. in Bldg. 90-4133; refreshments 3:30 p.m.



12:10-1 p.m., Bldg. 2-100


"Integrated Numerical Modeling of Hydrologic Transport and Biogeochemical Reactions" will be presented by George Yeh of Pennsylvania State University at 1 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132.



"Effects of Appliance Standards on Product Price and Attributes: An Hedonic Pricing Model" will be presented by Lorna Greening of LBNL at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


Open Calendar



A workshop on "Raising Competent Girls: Gender Issues at School and Home" will be presented at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.


"The Mixed Waste Management Facility - A National Testbed for the Evaluation of Emerging Waste Treatment Technologies" will be presented by Ron Streit of LLNL at 3:30 p.m. in 3105 Etcheverry; refreshments, 3:15 p.m.


"Cosmic Crisis or Concordance?" will be presented by Josh Frieman of Fermilab and the University of Chicago at 4:30 p.m. in 1 LeConte Hall.



"Reaction Mechanisms for Ignition and Combustion" will be presented by Jurgen Warnatz of Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, at 4 p.m. in Room 3110 of Etcheverry Hall.


"Atherosclerosis and Redox-Sensitive Genes" will be presented by R. Wayne Alexander of Emory University School of Medicine at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at D0" will be presented by Erich Varness of LBNL at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.



"Stereodynamics of Statistical Dissociations" will be presented by Greg Hall of BNL at 11 a.m. in 425 Latimer Hall.



7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. near Bldg. 77


"Project Hatchery Alameda: An Advanced Transportation Cluster at the Alameda Naval Air Station" will be presented by John Bosel of CALSTART at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


"Xenobiotic Metabolism by Phanerochaete Chrysosporium, Lignin Peroxidase or Not" will be presented by Seth Kullman of UCD at noon in Bldg. 50A-5132.


"Growth Modes of Ultrathin Metal Films on the Ag-111 Single Crystal Surface" will be presented by Alan Slavin of Trent University, Peterborough, Canada, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"A Population of `Normal' Galaxies at z>3" will be presented by Chuck Steidel of CIT at 4 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall; refreshments, 3:30 p.m. at 661 Campbell Hall.


"Search for Supersymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron" will be presented by Andy White of the University of Texas, Arlington, at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.



"Wake Fields in Accelerators: Progress and Applications" will be presented by Samuel Heifets of SLAC at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 Conference Room.


Dining Center - March 25-29


Blood drive

The Laboratory's next blood drive is scheduled for 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Bldg. 70A-3377 (main conference room). All employees are encouraged to donate. Refreshments will be served.


Courier service

IDS Couriers is the Lab's contract courier service, operating 24 hours a day with pick-up and delivery service anywhere in the Bay Area. For service, call 548-3263 with pick-up/delivery locations, time requirements, and a valid Lab account number.


Currents ONLINE

The full text of each edition of Currents is published on the Lab's home page on the World Wide Web. View it at ( under "Research News and Publications." To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.


F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'70 VW Squareback wgn, 1.7 ltr, exc. mech. & body, lt. blue w/ blk. int., $1700. 531-8470

'72 FERRARI, Dino GT. Dan, X7356, 848-2005

'77 FORD LTD wgn, lt. blue, gd cond., runs fine, a/t, p/s, p/b, $950. Gary, 235-0243

'84 VOLVO, 240 wgn, orig. owner, $4700. Joe, 754-2085

'87 NISSAN Sentra, 165K mi., 5-spd, gd cond., reliable, $1K. Klaus, X7779, 540-1206 (eve.)

'89 TOYOTA Corolla DX, 4-dr, a/t, a/c, 93K mi., exc. cond., $3700. Yong-ki, X4828, 528-2045

MOTORCYCLE, `93 Honda CB1100F, showroom cond., $1950. Gary, 235-0243

SKI RACK, Yakima, magnetic, holds 2 pairs of skis, locks on anysteel roof, used twice, paid $135, $90; bike rack, Rhode Gear shuttle, fits on back of most cars, $30. X5471


CARPOOL wanted from Davis area to Lab. Carol, X6699


JESSYE NORMAN, 5/15, Zellerbach, 1 ticket, $36. J. Klems, 528-9522

OAKLAND SYMPHONY, 2 seats for Fri.,5/17, w/Indonesian Gamelan music & Afro-Cuban drumming/dance, dress circle, $18 ea. (cost $22). Ken, X7739


BATTERIES, dead NiCad, AA, C, D cells that no longer take a charge, but do not leak, testing new method for reviving dead cells. Greg, X4757

TWO-CAR GARAGE to rent for auto repair/parking. Ken, X5575, 601-6296


CANON BJ200 Bubble Jet Printer, $130; Black & Decker coffee machine, $12; toaster, $6. Howard, X4828, 524-1387

FUTON, queen sz. bed, $100; futon, queen sz. couch, $100; shelves, $10; hi-fi (CD player, amp., spkrs.), $140; coffee machine, $40; Cuisinart classic, $150. Ben, X6683, 841-1526

GOLF CLUBS, Dunlop Diamond Max, used twice, 1-3-5 metal wood, 3-9 iron, wedge, putter, incl. bag & cover, $900 new, sell for $200/b.o. Mark, X6781, 524-5234

GOLF CLUBS, set of "Sting", used twice, irons are 2 thru sand wedge, 3 metal woods, swing weight D-1, stiff shafts, standard grips, $650 new, sell for $450 firm. Kathy, 837-7062 (eve.)

KITTENS, Burmese, 2 male, sable-colored, pedigreed, extremely loving & playful. Sam, X4220, 232-2569

LIFT TICKET VOUCHERS, Squaw Valley, reg. $45, $39; men's ski boots, Nordica, blk, sz. 11, $100; ladies ski jumpsuit, white w/other colors, sz. 10, $50; water filters, NSA, sink models 50C & 100S. Marek, X5029, 582-5867

MONITOR, brand new 15" SVGA color, AST Vision 5L, flat screen, 0.28 mm dot pitch, max. resolution 1280x1024, will sell for $300. Liu, X5449, 524-9893

MOVING SALE, 7 mo. old, Sony stereo, $140; RCA colortrak TV,14", $150; queen sz. mattress, $170; Dell LS15 color monitor, $150, (warranty still valid on all); coffee table, $15 & other things. Anders, X4601, 526-3374

ORGAN, console, Yamaha, walnut cabinet, 8 rhythm settings, $200. Monte, X6761

SAILBOAT, 25-ft. Catalina 1980, fixed keel, pop top, new 9.9 Evinrude o/b electric start, battery charger, VHF, knot meter, depth finder, stove, toilet, 2 anchors, new sail cover, must sell, $7K. 841-6944

SPEAKERS, BSR 3-way 10" woofer, exc. cond., 13x23", $75/pr. Debbey, X6430, 527-8210

STEREO COMPONENTS, McIntosh MA 6100 preamp-amp, tube, $350; MR 74 am/fm tuner, tube, $390; Fisher 400 receiver, tube, $250; JBL L65 speakers, $475 pr.; Nakamichi 600 II cassette console, $50; B&O Beogram 1603, $60; Sony Betamax SL-2710, $90. Matt, X6347

STUDENT LAMP, antique brass, coal oil, 100+ yr. old, exc. cond., suitable for conversion to electric, exc. orig. cond., $150. 376-3241 (eve.)

TENNIS RACQUET, Wilson ProStaff Midsize, great cond., barely used, new strings, cover, $80/b.o. Dan, X7356, 848-2005


ALBANY, b/t Solano & Marin Aves., 2+bdrm, ground flr. of duplex, carpet, frpl, lg. sunny kitchen, back & front yd, off-st. parking, avail. 4/1, $1050, $1500 sec. dep., mo.-to-mo. or long-term lease. 524-3887

BERKELEY, sm. 1-rm, unfurn. cottage nr Grizzly Pk & Marin, quiet. $550/mo. incl. util. Charles, 524-5583

BERKELEY, Northside, furn. 1-bdrm apt, summer sublet, residential neighborhood, hardwd flrs, many closets, well maintained, avail. 5/14-8/20, $700/mo. incl. utils. Kristine, 843-0160

NO. BERKELEY, one furn. lg. rm in 4-bdrm house, bay view, nr shopping, bus stop, parking, $425/mo. 528-6953

NO. BERKELEY, 2 bdrm. craftsman cottage, dining rm, frpl, cent. heat, decks, walk to UCB, No. Berkeley shops, LBNL shuttle & BART downtown, avail. May to quiet non-smoking couple, $1350/mo. Rob, 843-5987

CASTRO VALLEY, 2 bdrms avail. in home, one w/pvt. bth, laundry & kitchen privs., short/long term, rent + dep. negot. Marek, X5029, 582-5867

CONCORD, condo, 1 bdrm, upper unit, quiet complex, new carpet/paint, pool, deck, laundry fac., near hwys 4 & 24, walk to BART, water, garbage, basic cable, refs. req'd, $575 + dep. (neg.) Martin/Bobbie, 370-6002

KENSINGTON, 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 bth house, GG view, deck, lg. front & back yds, avail. June rental, $1200. 524-1641 (msg.)

MILL VALLEY/TIBURON, Strawberry area, unfurn./furn., lg. bdrm in spacious home, sep. bath, kitchen privs., bay view, 25 min. drive to LBNL, no pets, non-smoking, prefer female, avail. in March, $475/mo. incl. utils., 1 mo. sec. dep. 935-2285 (eve.)

OAKLAND, off Warren Blvd., lg. rm, pvt bath, share kitchen & utils., $450/mo. Annie, 530-7759

RICHMOND, well-maintained, partially furn. 3-bdrm (1 lg.), 2-bth, house, remodeled kitchen, nr E.C. Del Norte BART & I-80 between San Pablo & Arlington, nr shopping ctr., washer/dryer, 1-car garage, backyd w/deck, non-smokers, no pets, $980/mo. + dep. Rose, X7554, 233-8620 (msg./eve.)

WALNUT CREEK, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth apt, in duplex on hill, Mt. Diablo view, upper unit, washer/dryer installed, fully equipped kitchen, carport, a/c, lg. yd, dog or cat acceptable, 5-min. walk to BART, 1 yr. lease, avail. in March, $875/mo. + utils. & dep. Denise, 935-2285 (eve.)

WANTED: summer rental, July/Aug., 3-bdrm house in Berkeley, Kensington or No. Oakland for visiting prof. & family from CERN. Luanne, X5853

WANTED: house mid-June thru July for visiting French scientists. Fred, X4892

WANTED: 2-3 bdrm furn. house/apt for visiting Danish research fellow + husband (non-smokers) + 3 kids (1-9 yrs.), 4/5-6/31, pos. for extension to 12/31 w/another Danish family. Susanne, [email protected], + 45 35323940 (FAX)

WANTED: furn. 3-bdrm house, preferably in Berkeley Hills, for LBNL guest scientist, spouse & 2 children, non-smokers, starting 8/1 for 1-2 yr. Glenda, X6304, Morris, X4403, [email protected].


BERKELEY, nr Grizzly Peak & Shasta Rd, 3-bdrm, 3-bth house, lg. family rm, dining rm, full basement, $385K. Stan, X6849, 845-1905


SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house, W/D, upstairs living, mountain & water views, XC & downhill skiing nearby. Bob, 376-2211