LBL Currents -- March 17, 1995

Two teams behind discovery of top quark

The March 2 announcement from Fermilab that the top quark has been discovered was the culmination of a search that began 18 years ago and eventually involved nearly a thousand scientists from more than a dozen nations.

Two experimental collaborations, of approximately equal size, working independently and in fierce competition at Fermilab's Tevatron--the world's most powerful proton-antiproton collider--produced consistent observations that established the production and decay of top quarks. LBL scientists have been prominently involved in both experiments from their inception and played key roles in last week's landmark discovery.

The older of the two groups, which began its preparations in 1980, designed and built the Collider Detector Facility (CDF) to conduct its experiments. The second group, which began its work in 1984, designed and built the detector array known as D-Zero (D0) to conduct experiments. Over the years, dozens of LBL researchers have worked on each. Currently, the leader of LBL's CDF group is Lina Galtieri and the leader of the D0 group is Ron Madaras. Both are senior staff physicists in the Physics Division (PD). Another PD physicist, Bill Carithers, is a visiting scientist at Fermilab, where he serves as co-spokesperson for the CDF collaboration.

The CDF consists of three main components: a central detector system in the middle of which collisions between protons and antiprotons take place, plus a forward and backward detector to catch particles at small angles. The central detector system weighs about 2,000 tons and features several types of calorimeters for measuring energies, a Time Projection Chamber, a powerful superconducting magnet, and large drift chambers. At the start of the project, LBL was responsible for the hadronic component of the end-cap calorimeters--the component that measured the energies of hadrons, subatomic particles that interact through the strong force. The LBL end-cap hadron calorimeters were completed and shipped to in 1985 Fermilab, where they were combined with the rest of CDF's calorimeters to measure the total energy released when a proton and antiproton collided. This information is necessary to select events with the characteristic energy signature of top quark production.

More recently, physicists and engineers at LBL designed a sophisticated microchip for the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVX), an extremely high resolution instrument in the central CDF detector system that enables precise identification and tracking of particle trajectories. There are 500,000 particle collisions per second occurring at the center of the CDF and the SVX is able to analyze every one of them thanks to its innovative integrated circuit design and readout electronics, which were developed at LBL.

"The microchip allows us to record the signals left by the particles that traverse the four layers of silicon detectors in the SVX," says Galtieri. "This allows us to reconstruct the point where the particles originated. For particles which are decay products of b quarks, the origin is found to be displaced from the point where the proton and antiproton have collided. The presence of b quarks in conjunction with electrons from the W boson decay is a powerful signature for the existence of top quark production."

Galtieri's group at LBL also developed a method to determine the mass of the top quark, which they found to be approximately the same as an atom of gold. This makes the top quark by far the heaviest elementary particle ever observed. This analysis was based on a technique developed at LBL in the 1960s for bubble chamber studies by the research group led by the late Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez. Galtieri's group was able to extend the technique to handle much more complex processes than it was originally designed for, including the production of top quarks. Prior to this, many scientists did not believe it possible to measure mass in such a complex process.

Last April, the CDF group announced the first evidence of the top quark. At that time, CDF spokespersons said they had a strong case for the top quark but lacked enough data to claim discovery. Since then, both the CDF and the D0 groups have tripled the amount of data collected and the threshold set by particle physicists for discovery has been reached.

The D0 detector system consists of a compact tracking detector system, a hermetic calorimeter, and a large solid angle muon detector system. The innermost component of the central tracking detector system is the Vertex Chamber, which was designed, built, tested, and commissioned at LBL. Tracking detectors supplement calorimeters by measuring particle trajectories. Only when trajectory and energy measurements are combined can scientists identify and characterize particles. LBL's Vertex Chamber contains thousands of fine wires, charged with different voltages, that can be used to locate the vertex of an event--the precise spot within the beam pipe where a proton and an antiproton collided. The chamber is divided into three independent layers, each of which can measure the azimuth and longitudinal position of the tracks left by a charged particle.

LBL was also responsible for designing, fabricating, and testing the D0 uranium liquid-argon End Cap Electromagnetic (ECEM) calorimeters, which are used for the precise energy and position measurement of forward electrons and photons.

"These are two of the most demanding pieces of apparatus in the D0 Detector," says Madaras. "Each ECEM is built as a single unit of monolithic multilayer printed circuit signal board disks and uranium absorber disks with special printed circuit boards that are used to read out 7,500 signals."

Like their CDF counterparts, the D0 collaboration also measured the mass of the top quark and found it to be about 200 times the mass of a proton, slightly larger than the CDF's measurement but consistent when the margins of error are taken into consideration. For their mass measurements, the D0 group developed its own multidimensional analysis of the patterns of top quark and W boson decay.

The D0 group at LBL had a significant role in the development of the mass analysis and, in addition, developed its own analysis of the shape of the energy distributions in top quark and W boson decay," says physicist Tom Trippe, deputy leader of the LBL D0 group. "This analysis augments the strength of the conclusion that the events observed are due to top quark production and decay."

LBL physicists say that both experimental groups intend to continue searching for more examples of top quark production and decay until around the end of the year. At that time, the Tevatron will be shut down for system upgrades that will allow more rapid accumulation of data and a more complete understanding of top production and decay. LBL's CDF group has also been involved in measuring the mass of the W boson and has submitted a paper in which it reports the most precise measurements ever made of the mass of both the top quark and the W boson.

The W boson is one of two particles that carry the weak nuclear force. Physicists believe that precise measurements of the top quark mass, along with precise measurements of the W boson mass can provide information on the mass of the Higgs boson, a hypothetical, extremely massive boson arising in the theory of the electroweak force.

"The Higgs boson is now the only particle missing in the Standard Model," says Galtieri. "It is necessary to explain why the mediator of the electromagnetic force (the photon) has mass zero while the mediators of the weak force (the W and Z bosons) have masses in the 80 to 90 GeV range."

If the Higgs boson is not within reach of the Tevatron's energies (as is most likely the case), scientists will likely have to wait for the construction of the European Large Hadron Collider at CERN. For this reason, Madaras says of the top quark discovery, "I think that in particle physics, there will not be anything like this for another decade."

Current LBL staff members of the CDF collaboration include, in addition to Galtieri and Carithers: Willi Chinowski, Bob Ely, Kevin Einsweiler, Richard Kadel, Carl Haber, Young Kee Kim, Jeremy Lys, Manfred Paulini, Marjorie Shapiro, Hans Wenzel, and Weiming Yao. Among the participating students from the UC Berkeley were Bill Ashmanskas, Matt Austen, Mark Peters, and William Wester.

Current LBL staff members of the D0 collaboration include, in addition to Madaras and Trippe, Hiro Aihara, Lian-ping Chen, Al Clark, Orin Dahl, Roy Kerth, Fred Kral, Michael Levi, Stu Loken, Ed Oltman, Danilo Puseljic, Natalie Roe, Tony Spadafora, Lynn Stevenson, and Mark Strovink. Among the students participating were Justin Bendich, Azriel Goldschmidt, Peter Grundberg, Erich Varnes, and Patrick Virador.

CAPTION --Physicists recognize particles produced in collisions by their electronic signatures, shown graphically by computers. The circle shows a computer-generated view of a potential top quark signature, with particle tracks emerging from the center of a collision.

Photo by Steve Adams

LBL research important step toward home flu test

By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]

Materials scientist Deborah Charych, chemist Jon Nagy, and colleagues at the Center for Advanced Materials who last year developed a thin film of molecules that changes from blue to red in the presence of influenza virus have succeeded in getting their molecules to form liposomes. Because the liposomes are much more stable than the thin films, they represent an important step towards the production of a simple diagnostic test that can be used at home.

In a report that first appeared in the Journal of the American Chemical Society and was described last week in the magazine Science, Charych and Nagy announced that they have been able to entice their molecules to self-assemble and link together to form liposomes, which are highly stabilized spherical particles. The thin-film that Charych and Nagy first produced was not practical because it quickly degraded.

The liposomes act as a single-step diagnostic because they are made up of two-part molecules. The first part, sialic acid, binds to receptors on the virus, changing the shape of the links that interconnect the second part, which consists of long hydrocarbon chains. The shape change alters the color of light reflected off the liposome from blue to red.

While the liposome assay is faster than current laboratory culture techniques, the LBL researchers acknowledge that it has a long way to go before it can be marketed. The sialic acid will bind to some bacteria in addition to flu virus, which means that it can yield false positive readings. Charych and Nagy want to replace the sialic acid with molecules such as antibodies that are more target specific. However, they are not yet at the stage where they can incorporate such large proteins into their liposomes.

Other researchers were quoted in Science as believing that the LBL team is headed in the right direction and that the process can be generalized to other types of home tests. Charych and Nagy are now investigating the design of similar tests for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases.

N e w s W i r e


Science reports that Federal agencies are feeling the first "budgetary shock waves" of the recent election. A dozen House appropriation subcommittees, acting individually, have voted to take back $353 million in research funds that Congress had already approved for the current fiscal year. Included in this takeback, Science reported, was "$15 million for an Environmental Molecular Biology facility at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and for construction relating to the human genome project at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory." The cuts, part of a multi-billion dollar rescission of 1995 funds, are expected to be voted on shortly by the Appropriations Committee and then by the full House. The process will be repeated in the Senate. Differences between the two bodies must be reconciled before any cuts actually take affect.


Do CRADAs generate jobs? Not according to a survey by Georgia Tech researchers that was commissioned by the National Science Foundation. The survey showed that more than 90 percent of 229 joint ventures between private industry and the national labs in the last five years yielded no new jobs. The average for all projects was 1.5 positions and some companies actually reduced their payrolls thanks to improved productivity. Jobs are only one measure of commercial success, the study's authors caution. Their survey also found that 22 percent of the collaborations led to new products or processes and that the average interaction yielded a net benefit to the participating company in excess of one million dollars.

Employee Activities Association to hold elections

The LBL Employee Activities Association is holding Lab-wide elections to select members for the newly established EAA Advisory Panel. The Panel will consist of four representatives from the association's recreational and cultural groups, and one at-large member. By now, each eligible Lab employee should have received a ballot in the mail. Please mark your candidates of choice and return the ballot to Employee Relations, M/S 51-208, by Friday, March 31.

Candidates for Recreational Activities:
(Two to be selected)

Candidates for Cultural Activities:
(Two to be selected)

Candidates for At Large Member:
(One to be selected)

The Advisory Panel will advise management and the Activities Coordinator about the Association's activities, advise the distribution of funds from the Employee Relations account to benefits the largest number of employees, monitor the activities of the Association, provide long-term planning, and recommend new programs and activities.

The Advisory Panel will consist of five members who are current Laboratory employees. It will consist of two members representing the Recreational Activity Groups, two members representing the Cultural Activity Groups, and one at large member.

All Panel members are elected by a vote of Laboratory Employees. Panel members serve for two or three years. The Head, Work Force Diversity Office; and the Head, Human Resources, or designees, are non-voting ex-officio members of the Panel. The main functions of the Panel are:

Ballots must be received in the Employee Relations Office (Bldg 51-208) by Friday, March 31.

Employee Activities Association groups

The candidates for the recreational and cultural representative positions were nominated from among the following employee groups. For more information on these groups or their activities, call the contacts listed below.

Recreation groups:

Cultural groups:

Special guest lecture

Troy Duster, UC Berkeley professor of sociology and director of the Institute for the Study of Social Change, will give a special guest lecture at LBL at noon on March 21 in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. He will speak on "Three Stages: Climatic Differences Between Campus and Work Force Diversity." His talk is sponsored by LBL through the Work Force Diversity Office

Duster is the recipient of a number of research fellowships, including a Senior Research Fellow Award from the Ford Foundation and a Guggenheim fellowship. He has served on the Committee on Social and Ethical Impact of Advances in Biomedicine, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, and is currently a member of the Advisory Council to the National Center for Human Genome Research on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues.

He is the author of a number of books, monographs and articles. His most recent book is "Backdoor to Eugenics," which examines the social implications of biotechnology.

UCB public lecture: Physicist makes case for life after death

Is there a God? Is there life after death?

Tulane University physicist Frank J. Tipler claims to know the answers in his book, "The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God, and the Resurrection of the Dead." He will make the case for his beliefs in a free public lecture at the UC Berkeley campus on Friday, March 24. Sponsored by the Center for Particle Astrophysics, the lecture will start at 5:30 p.m. in 1 Le Conte Hall. All employees are invited to attend.

Tipler has been a professor of mathematical physics at Tulane since 1981. He co-authored with John Barrow "The Anthropic Cosmological Principle" in 1986. He is an authority on global general relativity, a branch of physics which deals with the structure of the cosmos on the largest scales. Using the physics of global relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics, Tipler has created a mathematical model of the end of the universe that he calls the Omega Point Theory.

Tipler claims his Omega Point Theory proves the existence of God and implies that every human who has ever lived will be resurrected from the dead. In the preface to his book, Tipler writes that he arrived at his proofs of God and life after death in "exactly the same way in which physicists calculate the properties of an electron."

Annual UC fund returns

The following are the annual fund returns for the 403(b) and 401(a) accounts, as of February 28, 1995.*

* Past performance does not guarantee future results

Earth Day 1995 Poster Contest

As part of LBL's Earth Month activities in April, the Center for Science and Engineering Education (CSEE) is sponsoring an Earth Day Poster Contest. Flyers and instructions have been sent to elementary schools in Berkeley, Oakland and Richmond.

If you who would like information to take to your child's class, or to do the project with your child, call Karin Levy at X5513 and leave your name, phone extension and mailstop. The information will be forwarded to you. The deadline for submitting posters is April 7.

The theme for this year's contest is "It's a Small World." As population increases, natural resources are constantly decreasing. Some suggestions for poster topics might include recycling to save limited resources; the use of alternate forms of energy; and the issues related to the depletion of the rainforests and endangered species.

Posters will be displayed at LBL during Earth Month. All student participants will receive a certificate of congratulations and there will be a special awards category for children of LBL staff.

This year LBL employees are also encouraged to submit posters (computer-generated work is acceptable). Posters from adults will not be judged as part of the contest, but will be displayed on-site during Earth Month.

LHS seeks volunteers

Interested in learning more about science and science education, meeting new friends, and helping kids and families enjoy science?

Lawrence Hall of Science is looking for volunteers. You don't have to have a science background, just a desire to learn and a willingness to serve. An orientation will take place in April.

Opportunities include:

For more information and to receive a preliminary
application form, call 643-5471.

Trout fishing derby

LBL's Outdoor Club is sponsoring a trout fishing derby on Saturday, March 25. The angler landing the biggest trout will win the biggest prize. Tickets are $1. For derby details and reservations, contact Al Harcourt, X7660, or Bruce MacDonell, X6476. All employees are invited to attend.

House hunting?

Housing listings are available on-line via the Reception Center's file server. Macintosh users can get them through the Chooser. Select AppleShare, the Entry zone, and the Reception Server. Connect to the server as a guest and select the RC Fileserver. The RC Housing Listing file is located in the Housing folder.

Reception listings include ads appearing in the Currents flea market as well as ads from non-employees. To post a housing ad in Currents, send via e-mail to [email protected], or fax to X6641.

Calendar of Events -- March 20 to 31

Calendar items may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

20 m o n d a y


"Assessing Human Exposures to Soil-Derived Contaminants: Indoor/Outdoor Relationships" will be presented by David Layton of LLNL from 3:30-5 p.m. in 3105 Etcheverry; coffee at 3:15 p.m.


"Molecular Thermodynamics of Copolymer Solutions and Blends" and "Capillary Electrophoresis of DNA in Uncrosslinked Polymer Solutions" will be discussed by PhD candidates Toshiaki Hino and Annelise Barron, respectively, at 3:30 p.m. in Pitzer Auditorium, Latimer Hall; refreshments on the Terrace at 3 p.m.


"Stellar Interferometry and Astrophysics at Ten Microns" will be presented by William Danchi, UCB Space Sciences Laboratory, at 4:30 p.m. in 1 LeConte; tea at 4 p.m. in 375 LeConte.

21 t u e s d a y


Building Emergency Team Training (EHS 154), 9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109. Call X6554 to register.

Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety at LBL (EHS 010), 1:30-4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


Troy Duster, professor of sociology and director of the Institute for the Study of Social Change at UC Berkeley, will speak on "Three Stages: Climatic Differences Between Campus and Work Force Diversity" at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. All employees are invited to attend.


"Timescale Constraints on Early Galactic Evolution" will be discussed by Jim Truran of the University of Chicago at 12:30 p.m. in 375 LeConte.


"Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals" will be discussed by C. Leygraf of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, at 1:30 p.m. in Bldg. 66-316.


"Regulation of Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing By Antagonistic Factors" will be presented by Akila Mayeda of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, at 4:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

22 w e d n e s d a y


Back Injury Prevention (EHS 053), 10-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109. Call X6612 to register.


Build confidence and learn to effectively organize and present your ideas in a friendly, supportive atmosphere, 12:10-1 p.m., Bldg. 2-100.


"Design and Material Factors Affecting the Behavior of UHMWPE in Total Joint Components" will be discussed by Clare Rimnac of the Biomechanics Department, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, at 2 p.m. in 3110 Etcheverry Hall.

23 t h u r s d a y


"Kinetics of Gas Adsorption on Metallic Films Determined from Resistance Change of the Film" will be presented by A. Cabrera of the University of Catolica, Santiago, Chile, in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium at 1:30 p.m.


"Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere" will be discussed by Janet Luhmann of the Space Science Lab, at 3:30 p.m. in 2 LeConte; tea at 3 p.m. in 661 Campbell.


"Looking at Defects in Glass: Structure and Consequence" will be discussed by Marcia Grabow of AT&T Bell Laboratories from 4-5 p.m. in 105 Northgate.

24 f r i d a y


"Fatigue damage accumulation and its repair by remodeling in bone" will be presented by Bruce Martin of the UC Davis Orthopaedic Surgery Department, from 1-2 p.m. in 3110 Etcheverry Hall; refreshments at 1 p.m.

27 m o n d a y


Mina Bissell, director of the Life Sciences Division, will give the keynote address at a special seminar to be held at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium in recognition of International Women's Month. She will speak on "Wife, Mother, Scientist, or is it the Other Way Around?" Cynthia Palmer of LLNL will speak on "Leadership versus Management."

28 t u e s d a y


"From Gene Mapping to The Bell Curve: Human Behavior Genetics in the Spotlight" will be discussed by Jonathan Beckwith of Harvard Medical School at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

29 w e d n e s d a y


Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR; EHS 123), 1-4 p.m., Bldg. 48-109. Call X6554 to register.


"Adsorption Kinetics and Order Formation in Self-Assembled Monolayers Adsorbed from Solution" will be presented by M. Grunze of the University of Heidelberg, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

30 t h u r s d a y


"Atomic-Level Studies of Growth Processes on Metal Surfaces" will be discussed by G. Kellogg of the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Results on Liquid-Gas Phase Transitions" will be presented by Uli Lynen at 2 p.m. in Bldg. 70A-3377.

31 f r i d a y


Currents online edition

The full text of each edition of Currents is published electronically on the World Wide Web at the following URL: To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.

Dining Center Menu for March 27 to 31


Sadie's Early Bird: Banana pancakes w/coffee $2.05

Soup of the Day: Lentil vegetable reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Roast beef w/potatoes, gravy & peas $3.95

Passports: South of the Border a la carte

Sadie's Grill: Bacon-cheeseburger & fries $3.60


Sadie's Early Bird: Biscuits & gravy w/eggs $2.60

Soup of the Day: Cream of potato reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Turkey tikka over rice w/madras potatoes & masala okra $3.95

Passports: South of the Border

Sadie's Grill: Fishwich & fries $3.25


Sadie's Early Bird: Corned beef hash w/eggs $2.60

Soup of the Day: Hearty vegetable reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Chicken Caesar salad w/focaccia bread $3.95

Passports: South of the Border a la carte

Sadie's Grill: Chili dog w/spicy fries $3.25


Sadie's Early Bird: Big blueberry pancakes $2.05

Soup of the Day: Manhattan clam chowder reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Rice bowl w/sesame chicken, vegetables & egg rolls $3.95

Sadie's Grill: Polish sausage on French roll w/fries $3.60


Sadie's Early Bird: Ham scramble $2.60

Soup of the Day: Chicken noodle reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Pasta Piatti $3.95

Passports: No South of the Border today

Sadie's Grill: Santa Fe chicken sandwich & spicy wedges $3.95

F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'79 BMW 320i, black, sunrf, $1800/bo. X5063

'81 DATSUN 200SX, 135K mi., strong engine, new tires, battery, nds some work, $500/bo. Yulin, 848-0312

'84 BMW 318i, 5-spd, sunrf, a/c, foglights, am/fm cass., alarm, new starter/muffler, v. gd cond., 162K mi., $3895. Frank, X6640, 339-6726

'85 CHEVY Suburban, 1/2 ton, diesel, runs gd, $7000/bo. Connie, 946-0649 msg.

'88 DAIHATSU Charade, 67K mi., man. trans., runs grt, $1900/bo. Carin, 528-1657

'91 FORD Taurus stn wgn, 3.8l, 6-cyl., loaded, a/t, p/s, a/c, cc, pw, am/fm, gd cond., 89K mi, $8000. Fuji, X4249, 237-6262

TIRE CHAINS, hardly used, fit 14" & 15" tires, $20. 524-0937


PLACIDO Domingo, 4/2 (Sun.), 2 tickets, gd seats (row 43, flr), San Jose Arena, $100/ea./bo. Will, X5141, 597-5141


LABSYSTEMS Finnpipette multichannel pipetter from Applied Scientific, pos. mis-delivered. Yvonne, X7742


CAT, Maine Coon, kitten-young adult, for pet, not show. Dennis, X4702, 528-6540

POOL table, 8' or 9', 3-pc. slate. John 637-1811

POSSESSOR of Mac SE w/property no. 6246148. R.P. Singh, X7502

STAR Wars Galaxy 2 Card #153. Jackie, X6325, 458-1217


AIR compressor tank, 80-gal., heavy-duty professional, 57" lg, 20" dia., 12"x31" mount. bracket on top, $100. Jack, X5901, 471-4921 (after 3:30 p.m.)

BABY bthtub $10, bed bumper $5, bouncer chair $5, all exc. cond. 527-0693

BIKE, Miyata lightwt 12-spd road, black, 20" frame, w/lock, $135. Dennis, X4702

BUNKBED, red metal, double on bottom, single on top, $100/bo. Donna, X5527

CHESTBED, full sz., incl. matt., $300/bo; bkshlves & cupbds $200 & up; computer desk $20; sew. mach. $40; vacuum $20; other items. Carin, 528-1657

CHAIRS, 2 contemp. armless, blue/white/gold geomet. design, $100; brass & glass coffee & end table $75; women's golf set $50. Thom, X6390, 707/746-5192

CLOCK, wood Bulova wall, pendulum, 4 diff. chimes, batt. operated, $15; Olympia dot matrix printer, like new, w/xtra print cartridges, $120. Sherry, X6972, 415/564-7881

ESTATE/garage sale, items from 1950-90, collectibles, toys, appliances, clothes, etc., Oakland-upper Rockridge area off Harboro Dr./Broadway Terr., 41 Buckeye Ave., Sat. 3/18, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Bob, X4580, 229-5549, 547-3562

KITCHEN table, white, 42" dia., 18" leaf, 4 green swiv. chrs, $85; JVC stereo recvr, 50W/channel, orig. manual, $75. Mary, X4940, 528-2238

PIANO, upright, $350/bo. X5771, 724-4635

PIANO, Hobart Cable 1906 upright grand, mahog. case, gd cond., $800. Cheryl, 228-1131

REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, white, 38.5"x38"x59.5" h, exc. cond., $90/bo. 548-8658

SAILBOARD, '93 Fanatic Mega Ray 282, 9'3", fast, exc., blade, $395; North Infinity 4.3, $95. X6797, 236-4347

SCANNER, Radio Shack Pro-34 UHF/VHF program. w/charger $100; Panasonic cell. phone, many features, $200; Canon E65 Camcorder w/2 batteries, charger, car charger, $500. Fred, X6068, 526-3259

TYPEWRITER, Smith-Corona correcting, lots of supplies, barely used, bo over $125; stationary bike, rowing mach., top qual., exc. cond., $75 ea., $125 for both; Panasonic stereo spkrs, 3' high, 4 for $20. X4098, 814-9071

VIDEO painter, Sony, for children approx. 3-10 yrs, plugs into TV, can write & draw on TV screen, new, $75. X6970

WASHER/elec. 4-cycle dry., both heavy duty, Kenmore, white, almost new, $300 for both. 707/746-7315 eves


ALBANY, furn. rm in priv. home, sep. entr., priv. bth, kitch. privil., share wash./dry., nr transp./shops, quiet non-smok., avail. 4/15, $450/mo. incl. utils. 526-2355

ALBANY, share 3-bdrm 2-bth house on Key Route Blvd w/woman, $500/mo. Rebecca/Pepi, 525-5816, 525-3153

ALBANY, 1-bdrm apt in 4-plex, refrig., range, bdrm hdwd flr, 1-car locked garage w/storage rm, no pets, yr lease, 2 blks from El Cerrito Plaza/BART, $625+$800 dep. Tom/Judy, 527-8766

BERKELEY, furn. 3-bdrm 2-bth house on Henry nr Berryman, carport, balcony, wash./dry., dishwash., nr shops/bus, $1500/mo. 845-8086

BERKELEY, furn. rm in 5-bdrm house, share w/2 others, nr Claremont Hotel on La Plaza Dr., wash./dry., deck, yd, $400. 655-7626 after 2 p.m. or wknds

BERKELEY, furn. 3-bdrm 2.5-bth house avail. 6/1-8/15, yd, mod. kitch., hdwd flrs, frpl, nr downtown, incl. cat to be fed, $1000/mo.+utils. Eva/Don, 843-1213

BERKELEY, furn. cottage for 1 person, lvng rm, kitch., small bdrm, bth, frpl, patio, secluded, nr transp., avail. 4/1, $575/mo. incl utils. 526-9233

EL CERRITO, 3-bdrm 2-bth, lg. back yd, garage, nr Del Norte BART/shops, $1050/mo.+sec. dep. 235-3983

EL CERRITO, furn./unfurn. rm in priv. home, sep. entr., priv. bth, share lv. rm, dining rm, kitch., wash./dry., view, nr transp./shops, non-smok., $450/mo. incl. utils. Conway, 233-7997, 527-7898

EL CERRITO, 3-bdrm house, frpl., wash., garage/carport, nr transp./shops/school, no pets, avail. 4/7, $1200/mo. 525-8431

KENSINGTON, furn. 3-bdrm house, view, garden patio, 2 cats, avail. April, rental period flex., $1200/mo. 526-6730

NORTH Berkeley, 4-bdrm 2-bth house, hdwd flrs, remod. bths & kitch., nr park, swim. pool, cafe & gourmet shops. Doug, X6626, 526-4644

NORTH Berkeley, share lg. 2-bdrm apt w/quiet, older grad stud., wd flrs, lg. kitch., gas stove, sep. dining rm, lvng rm, wash./dry., 2 blks to LBL bus, $475/mo.+1/2 PG&E+own phone. Andy, 204/9685

NORTH Berkeley, furn. 1-bdrm apt in refurb. house, nr campus, avail. about 4/16, $725 incl. utils. 848-5885

NORTH Berkeley hills, semi-furn. studio in priv. home, nr Tilden Pk, priv. entr., deck, garden, view, $425+utils. Gerda, 849-0976

OAKLAND, 2-bdrm top-floor flat, Adam's Point, walk to BART & Grand Ave, quiet, non-smoker(s) pref., $750 (incl. util.)+dep. 268-0674

RICHMOND, rm in priv. house nr Wildcat Canyon Park & I-80, lg. yd w/fruit trees, garden poss., garage, non-smok., pets negot., free Internet. Barbara, 234-3479

WANTED: 2-bdrm furn. house for family from Japan, 8/1-31. 415/331-6742

WANTED: accom. for vstng prof. & family from England, any 2 wks in Aug., rental, house-sit, or xchnge for country house 50 min. from London. Gerson, 524-6049

WANTED: 2-bdrm apt or house, avail. April or May, N. Oakland or Berkeley. Mae, X6230

WANTED: house sitter, 5/29-6/26, maintain house, garden, pool at 1 Greenwood Common. Bob, X4421, 843-3428

WANTED: unoccupied Walnut Cr. or vicin. single fam. house for April (test house for prototype duct testing & monitoring system), must have forced air heat. system (testing is non-destruct.), rent negot. David, X4679


SOUTH Lake Tahoe, deluxe vacation townhouse, lakefront, all amenities, nr all playspots. Herbert, 422-8845, 455-5595


BERKELEY, Victorian nr campus, w/rental apt & fully equipped lab, $329,000. Heidi, 525-5800

ROSSMOOR, co-op for those 55 & older, 2-bdrm 2-bth, view, clubhouse/golf/swim., $54,500. $479/mo. covers mort. bal. ($10,000), landscape, maint., security. 524-9473


PATIO doors or windows, 4'x8', alum. frame, you haul. Ed, X4544, 526-1260


Published weekly by the Public Information Department for the employees and retirees of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Mary Bodvarsson, X4014, [email protected]

Jeffery Kahn, X4019
Diane LaMacchia, X4015
Mike Wooldridge, X6249
Lynn Yarris, X5375

Brennan Kreller, X6566

Alice Ramirez

Mary Padilla, X5771
[email protected]
[email protected]

Public Information Department
LBL, MS 65 (Bldg. 65B)
One Cyclotron Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: (510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641

LBL is managed by the
University of California
for the U.S. Department of Energy