
LBNL Currents

June 30, 1995

Table of Contents

Operations seeks to cut costs; reduction in force anticipated

By Ron Kolb, [email protected]

A four-month comprehensive review and assessment process by the Lab's Operations divisions and departments has resulted in the identification of actions which will save $6-7 million annually, representing a 15-percent reduction in the overhead support of the Operations units.

These units include nearly 1,400 employees in Engineering; Environment, Health and Safety; Information and Computing Sciences; Human Resources, Internal Audit Services; and the Chief Financial Officer. Combined, they have a current budget of $46 million.

Each Operations division director and department manager worked intensively with employees to identify duplications, unnecessary process steps, low-value activities, and improved methods of performance. In addition, from April through June, "town hall" employee meetings were held to solicit ideas, discuss procedures and receive feedback.

Not all of the resulting changes have been identified yet. However, in an announcement to Operations employees this week, Deputy Laboratory Director Klaus Berkner said he expects that one important outcome of the evaluation will be that affected Operations divisions and departments will formally enter reduction-in-force status on Aug. 1.

Operations employees will be offered a voluntary layoff option at that time. Depending upon the number of volunteers who take that option, decisions on numbers and locations of involuntary layoffs will be made between Aug. 15 and Sept. 30. The combination of voluntary and involuntary layoffs is expected to result in about 150 positions being eliminated by the end of this fiscal year, Sept. 30. This would represent about 4.3 percent of the Lab workforce of 3,400.

"It became clear to us that unless the Laboratory made significant reductions in overhead costs by the end of the 1995 fiscal year, we would not be able to remain a competitive research laboratory," Berkner said. "This action ensures a leaner, more responsive support structure through improving processes and services while reducing costs." The reductions made now will position the Laboratory to respond to the highly uncertain FY96 budget, he added.

The reduction in force will be implemented in accordance with policy and applicable labor agreements. "We'll do everything we can to assist affected employees to be either placed internally or to be competitive externally," said Human Resources Manager Walter Blount.

Assistance that will be offered to affected employees, in addition to severance payments and preferential rehire status, will include:

"Our objectives have been to mitigate the impact of involuntary reductions on affected employees," Berkner said, "and to retain a workforce with the skills necessary to continue the Laboratory's mission of applying world-class science and technology to DOE programs."

Potentially affected employees may receive additional information from their supervisors or department heads.

Laboratory Director Charles Shank has asked all scientific and service divisions and programs to engage in similar cost-savings assessments, with the goal of reducing the Laboratory's overhead burden even further. He cited the budget-reduction commitments of the Department of Energy, the conclusions of the "Galvin Report" concerning DOE downsizing, and fiscal `96 budget prospects as placing an urgency on such reviews.

Q&A about the Lab's new name

Two weeks ago, the UC Board of Regents approved the addition of "national" to the Laboratory's name (see Currents, June 16 & 23). This identity change is the first for the Berkeley laboratory since the Regents officially recognized separate Berkeley and Livermore facilities in 1971. Below, Ron Kolb, head of public communications at the Lab, answers some of the most frequently raised questions about the transition to the new name. Other questions or suggestions can be sent to Kolb at M.S. 50A-4112.

Q: What is the official name of the laboratory?

A: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The full name will be prominently displayed on all official documents, identifying signs, letterhead, etc.

Q: What is our identifying acronym, equivalent to the former "LBL"?

A: "LBNL" will be our official identifying acronym when one is needed (such as an e-mail address, or in occasional text references), but use of the full name is encouraged to avoid confusion with LLNL and LANL.

Q: What will our e-mail address be (it is now

A: Application is being made to convert the current e-mail address to, urging that a "grace period" be permitted during which both old and new mail addresses can be used. Until that transition takes place, the former address should continue to be used indefinitely.

Q: How much will the new identity cost the Laboratory?

A: Impacts on current budgets should be minimal. Conversion of official laboratory documents and materials--such as letterhead, business cards, pre-printed business forms, etc.--will take place as current supplies are exhausted. Replacement of the "LBL" logo on high-visibility surfaces, such as on buses and buildings, will occur during normal maintenance and painting cycles, as budgets allow. Thus the complete change-over will be over many months. Attempts will be made to accommodate the most visible changes in time for the Laboratory Open House on October 28. Employees are encouraged to identify those locations which suggest the most immediate change.

Q: What is the new logo?

A: An internal process to design new identity symbols and a logo has begun. When they become available, guidelines will be issued for their use in a variety of contexts.

Q: What should we use in the meantime as our graphic identity, pending the development of the new designs?

A: Rely upon simple text references as much as possible, without a graphic symbol. On first mention in text (for example, in news releases), "Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" may be used. Subsequent references in text, or situations in which a shorter identity is desired, should use "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory," or, "The Berkeley Laboratory." Guidelines on use of the common name will be developed over the next few months.

Q: What should we call ourselves when referring to the Laboratory in conversation?

A: The Lab's telephone operators are greeting callers with "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory." Until the public recognizes the identity change, a transition title like this is appropriate, which retains a close connection with our former identity.

1995 Summer lecture series

Wednesday, July 5 -- Astrophysicist George Smoot is the second speaker in the Lab's 1995 Summer Lecture Series. He will speak on "The Birth of the Universe," at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

Smoot, a member of the Physics Division and a physics professor at UC Berkeley -- and his colleagues -- made headlines around the world with the confirmation of the Big Bang theory in 1992. He will discuss how we came to our current view of the creation and development of the universe; what recent measurements have taught us about the early universe and the light they shed on its birth; and what was happening before the universe was born: was there nothing at all, or was there an eternally existing primordial universe?

Wednesday, July 12 -- The Summer Lecture Series continues at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium with a talk by Marvin Cohen entitled "Alchemy with Computers: Predicting New Materials."

One of the goals of the alchemists--predicting new materials and explaining material properties--has now been achieved by science. But instead of magic, frogs, and potions, materials scientists use a mixture of physical models, quantum mechanics, and computers. Among the applications Cohen will discuss are predictions of superhard solids and nanometer-sized tubes.

A scientist in the Materials Sciences Division, Cohen is also a physics professor at UC Berkeley and has held the title of University Professor since May. His work in solid state theory has contributed significantly to the field of materials sciences research.

Lab employees, students, guests, and the public are invited to attend the summer lecture series. These non-technical presentations are held on Wednesdays at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. Bring your lunch!

July 19: Parlez-vous Beams? Exploring Today's Accelerators and Lasers,
Swapan Chattopadhyay, Accelerator & Fusion Research Division

July 26: Groundwater Cleanup: Cost Effective Remedies
Sally Benson, Director, Earth Sciences Division

Inventory Management moves to Bldg. 69

The Procurement/Inventory Management Group, buyers of Stores stock material and processors of systems agreement orders, has moved from Bldg. 7 to the lower level of Bldg. 69. All telephone and fax extensions remain the same. The mail-stop is Bldg. 69-101.

Systems contract orders and Stores orders should no longer be mailed to Bldg. 7-100. To expedite the processing of your systems contract orders (Boise, VWR and Bell) please put systems items and storeroom stocked items on separate order forms. Please redirect your systems contract and Stores orders to the following locations:

N e w s W i r e


Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis working at LBNL's 88-inch Cyclotron have reported the existence of hyperdeformed nuclei--products from nuclear collisions that are even more distorted than superdeformed nuclei. The researchers published their findings in the June 26 issue of Physical Review Letters. When two medium-sized nuclei collide off-center, they can fuse into a highly-spinning, distorted nucleus which then sheds its rotational energy by emitting a series of gamma rays. In the past few years, researchers have found numerous examples of superdeformed nuclei, football-shaped particles with a
2-to-1 long-to-short axis ratio. In the experiments just reported, researchers smashed a 230-MeV beam of vanadium-51 nuclei into a molybdenum-100 foil. Gamma rays and charged particles, detected by Gammasphere and Microball arrays respectively, suggest the existence of hyperdeformed gadolinium-147 nuclei, with axis ratios of 3-to-1. The existence of such nuclear states challenges the current understanding of fission and fusion in nuclei with very high angular momentum.


After prolonged, and by all reports, often rancorous debate, the House Science Committee raised spending authorizations for civilian R&D programs at DOE to $4.25 billion for FY-96. This is an increase of $265 million above the $3.98 billion authorized by the science subcommittee (see Newswire, June 16) earlier this month, though it is still more than 20 percent below current funding levels. The increase is the result of an amendment offered by the committee's chair, Robert Walker (R-Pa.) that essentially replaced the work of the subcommittee. The new bill would add $62.1 million to money for basic energy sciences, $33.8 million to high energy and nuclear physics (including $6 million for participation in CERN's Large Hadron Collider), and $35.9 million for the advanced light water reactor program. The new measure also restores $32.4 million for solar energy research, $25 million to the fusion program, $24.3 million for energy conservation, $11.5 million for biological and environmental research, and $19.9 million for the non-defense portion of DOE's environmental management program.


A compromise last week between the House and Senate to balance the budget by the year 2002 dropped a House provision calling for the elimination of DOE. Conferees on the FY-96 budget resolution agreed to language that would cut federal spending by more than $980 billion over the next seven years. Included in this reduction would be the elimination of the Department of Commerce, but neither DOE nor the Department of Education. Rep. Todd Tiarht (R-Kan.), who has led the effort to abolish DOE, received rough treatment from both Republicans and Democrats in Congressional hearings last week. Not surprisingly, however, his toughest critic continues to be Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary, who accuses him of "having little in-depth knowledge" of how science and technology research works.


Alarmed over the frustrations of proven researchers having to continually fight the funding wars, the National Science Foundation is weighing the idea of 10-year grants--more than the three times the usual length. The idea is to recognize and reward "outstanding researchers and educators" by freeing them up from the grind of applying for new grants every three years. Before adopting this proposal, however, NSF plans to examine a similar program at the National Cancer Institute that was started in 1985 and dropped seven years later primarily because of what was perceived as a drop in the quality of the research.

"Atom-smashing" yields clues about early universe

By Judith Goldhaber

A nucleus of lead is like a bag of marbles stuffed with 208 nucleons (protons and neutrons). Take two such bags, slam them together at high energies in a particle accelerator, and the chances are very high that shattering impacts will take place among the nucleons, with hundreds of fragments flying out of the collision.

In fact, scientists in LBNL's Nuclear Science Division -- who are heading off to Geneva this summer to do just that in the NA49 experiment at CERN -- estimate that every such collision between lead nuclei will produce about a thousand particles. The challenge is to find ways to identify as many of those particles as possible in order to reconstruct what was taking place at the moment of impact.

This fall's experimental program, beginning in November, will be the second year of running at CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator for NA49. The experiment began taking data in November 1994, and future runs will continue for about six weeks each year for the next several years. In order to produce beams of lead nuclei at energies of 180 billion electron volts (GeV) per nucleon, the SPS was specially modified with a new ion source, a new linac, and an improved vacuum in the booster tank.

It's all part of Nuclear Science's continuing program--underway since the early 1980s--to produce and study nuclear matter under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. A milestone along the way was the observation of the "collective flow" of compressed nuclear matter at LBNL's Bevalac in 1984. The ultimate goal of the CERN program is the observation of a phase transition from ordinary matter to a new form of matter called the quark-gluon plasma. Such matter--an undifferentiated soup of free quarks and gluons --probably played an important role in the first moments after the Big Bang, and may exist now in neutron stars and supernovas.

Physicist Peter Jacobs, who heads LBNL's part of the international team known as the NA49 collaboration, says that when protons and neutrons are tightly bound in a nucleus, they behave differently than they would if they were isolated. At high energies, the simultaneous collision of many protons and neutrons within a small volume can produce an especially hot and dense system in the center of mass of the collision. "Within this volume," says Jacobs, "we hope to see the phase transition to the quark-gluon plasma."

NA49 is a new experiment designed specifically to study the enormously complex results of the collisions of the heaviest nuclei. Until last year, the heaviest nucleus that could be accelerated at very high energy was sulfur (mass 32). Last year, the CERN SPS accelerated lead nuclei to 160 GeV per nucleon for the first time.

"What's new in NA49," says Jacobs, "is our ability to look simultaneously at many different aspects of each event by collecting almost all the particles coming out of the collision. Previous experiments have concentrated on one or a few of these signals. There have been hints of a phase transition but there are always ambiguities. With the ability to look at several signatures at once, we may be able to remove these ambiguities."

The heart of the NA49 experiment is an array of four time projection chambers, a type of particle detector invented at LBNL by physicist David Nygren in 1974. TPCs detect and identify particles by translating position (the position of particle tracks in space) into time (the time it takes the signal to drift through a given distance in a gas). TPCs have also figured in earlier studies of compressed nuclear matter at the Bevalac and at CERN, and will be used in the giant STAR detector being prepared for use at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Lab.

The NA49 collaboration includes about 100 scientists from 18 institutions in the United States and Europe. Among LBNL's major contributions to the effort is a system of integrated electronics similar to the one first developed for the "EOS" TPC at the Bevalac in 1992 (see Currents, Feb, 28, 1992). In this design, most of the electronic components are on the detector itself, drastically reducing the cost and complexity. For NA49, the LBNL team was responsible for the development and manufacture of electronics for the 182,000 TPC readout channels. This very large number of channels made it necessary to develop a number of new electronic components. According to Fred Bieser, chief engineer on the project, DOE's decision to entrust the NA49 electronics effort to LBNL was building on the Laboratory's known strength in the area of integrated electronics. "We are a world leader in this area," says Bieser.

Credit Union members can help Oklahoma City victims

USE Credit Union will donate the entire membership fee for each new member referred from now until July 31 to a special scholarship fund for children whose parents were victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. Funds are specifically designated for employees and members of the Federal Employees Credit Union, one of several businesses ravaged by the blast.

Interested persons can contact the Berkeley branch at 841-6002 for referral forms. Membership in USE Credit Union is open to all faculty, staff, students and alumni of UC Berkeley, state employees, and select employers.

A representative of the credit union will be in the cafeteria lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, to answer questions and assist in membership sign-ups.

July EH&S Class Schedule

Date, course, time, and location are given below:

11	Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256)	9-11:30 a.m.	51-201

12 Crane/Hoist Training (EHS 211) 8 a.m. - noon 70-191

14 Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530) 10-11:30 a.m. 48-109

18 Introduction to EH&S (EHS 010)9-11:30 a.m. 66-Aud.

19 Chemical Hygiene & Safety Training (EHS 348) 8:30 a.m.-noon 51-201

19 CPR (EHS 123) 8:30 a.m. - noon 48-109

20 Laser Safety (EHS 280) 1-3:15 p.m. 51-201

20 Machine Tool Safeguarding (EHS 245) 10-11:30 a.m. 90-2063

25 & 27 Radiation Protection-Radiological Worker I (EHS 430)-both days 8 a.m.-noon 51-201

27 First Aid (EHS 116) 8 a.m. - noon 48-109

Pre-registration is required for all courses except Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety. Call X6554 to register for CPR, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher Use, Earthquake Safety, and Building Emergency Team Training. Send a fax with your name, employee number, extension, and mail stop to X7209 to pre-register for all other courses (or call X6612).

Currents ONLINE edition

The full text of each edition of Currents is published electronically on the World Wide Web at the following URL: To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.

Gay Pride Month: Unlikely advocate speaks out for gay rights

By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]

Gay Pride Month organizers welcomed an unlikely advocate on June 24 -- Jim Campbell, a straight, married physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Speaking in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium on"The Gifts that Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People Have for All of Us, If We Could But See Them," Campbell showed that you don't have to be gay to be an outspoken supporter of gay rights.

Campbell, who is the father of three, had a change of conscience five years ago after a bout with cancer. He emerged from the illness with a desire to give something back to his community. At about the same time, two people very close to him told him they were gay.

"When my good friend, Kevin, introduced me to his `partner,' I told him, `I didn't know you had your own business. When he explained what he meant by partner, I was shocked and surprised." Soon after, Campbell said, his oldest daughter revealed that she was a lesbian.

Since then, Campbell has joined the gay and lesbian association at Livermore, worked with the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG), and has worked to build bridges between the gay community and his church. The gay and lesbian community has reciprocated, he says, by helping him look at his own life in empowering ways.

One gift from becoming a part of the gay community has been courage, Campbell said. "I think about how much my daughter risked when she came out to her parents and sisters. It helps me commit to my own core values, and stick to them no matter what other people might say."

In trying to understand how the homosexual community has dealt with the AIDS epidemic, Campbell has also strengthened his friendships. "Many people have lost a whole circle of friends to AIDS," he said. "It has made me consider how important my own circle of male friends is to me."

Getting to know the gay community has also, ironically, strengthened his heterosexual relationship with his wife. Campbell asked the straight people in the audience to recall the first time they fell in love. "Remember the damp palms and the nervous excitement? Gay people feel the same way as straight people do," he said. "I think this is one thing many straight people don't realize -- I didn't until several years ago."

Campbell admitted that it hasn't been all smooth sailing since he became an advocate for gay rights. He described the environment at Livermore as generally very accepting of different orientations. However, he says there has been a vocal minority that has made it less safe than it could be. Campbell says he has received some very hateful mail. "It can be good when there are strong feelings on both sides of an issue, because different perspectives can help us understand the whole picture better," he said. "Everyone has the right to express opinions, but they don't have the right to make other people feel unsafe."

As for reconciling his views with the anti-gay views of the Catholic church, Campbell said that "it is not easy." It might be different, he said, if the church were more in tune with the biological, psychological and sociological sciences, which have uncovered strong evidence for a biological basis to homosexuality. "The church has also been a strong supporter of the traditional family -- husband, wife and children -- to the point that homosexuality is viewed as a threat.

"I don't see it as a threat," he said. "I try to focus on the church teachings that also say gay people are to be given the respect that everyone else is given."

Open House theme contest draws two winners

The 1995 Laboratory Open House, in search of a theme to frame its program activities, has been rewarded with two of them.

A recent lab-wide competition--which attracted more than 30 proposals--concluded with the Open House Steering Committee selecting both a program and a promotional theme for the Oct. 28 event.

Dick DiGennaro, a mechanical engineer and group leader in Beam Line Engineering at the Advanced Light Source, was a winner for his submission, "Opening Doors to the Future." Eileen Kraskouskas, associate head of the Center for Science and Engineering Education, was honored for her promotional tag line, "Share the Wonder." Both will be used in publicity leading up to the Laboratory's first community open house in more than a decade.

DiGennaro, who has been at the Lab for 12 years, says that his theme idea was inspired by discussions he has had about preparing for the next century. "The technology we are pursuing now will be the routine stuff of the 21st century," he said. "We are a generation ahead of what currently flows out of mainstream technology."

Kraskouskas says her four-year experience as a non-scientist at the Lab inspired her theme. She says she has often experienced a sense of wonder at the scientific accomplishments at LBNL. "What is nice about the Open House is that it opens our neighbors to the same kind of experience," she said.

Mike Chartock, chairman of the Open House Steering Committee, thanks the Lab community for the many excellent submissions to the theme contest.

The Open House will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28. A preliminary program is being developed that includes more than 60 activities in 20 different departments and programs.
-- Contributed by Susan Torrano

Laboratory approves pilot program for summer child care

Laboratory management has given provisional approval for an employee-sponsored pilot program for summer child care. The program would provide: The program is being organized by members of the Lab's Work/Family Committee in collaboration with Human Resources, but will be staffed by paid employees and parent volunteers. The Laboratory is in the process of obtaining DOE's approval for using on-site facilities. There will be another announcement about the program when approval is final.

For a one-page description of the program, or to indicate your interest in participating, contact Diana Attia (X7378, [email protected]), Jim Lutz (X7302, [email protected]), or Janet Jacobsen (X4450, [email protected]).

Calendar of Events for July 3-21

Calendar items may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

3 m o n d a y


4 t u e s d a y


5 w e d n e s d a y


George Smoot of LBNL's Physics Division will speak on "The Birth of the Universe" at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

6 t h u r s d a y


"The Oxidation of Nanometer-Thick Silicon and Nickel Films" will be presented by Eric Garfunkel of Rutgers University at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"A Precise Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle at SLD" will be presented by Eric Torrence of MIT at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50B-4205; refreshments at 3:40 p.m.

7 f r i d a y


"Radiative Cooling of Relativistic Ion Beams and Generation of Intense Gamma Rays Using Laser-Ion Backscattering" will be presented by Kwang-Je Kim of LBNL at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 Conference Room.


General membership meeting, noon - 1 p.m., lower cafeteria, open to all techs, research associates and non-management administrative personnel. Agenda: Bargaining report, summer plans and upcoming state convention.

10 m o n d a y


11 t u e s d a y


Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256), 9 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 51-201; pre-registration required, X6612.

12 w e d n e s d a y


Crane/Hoist Training (EHS 211), 8 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 70-191; pre-registration required, X6612.


Marvin Cohen of LBNL's Materials Sciences Division will speak on "Alchemy With Computers" at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.


Build confidence and develop the ability to effectively organize and present your ideas in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, 12:10-1 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.

13 t h u r s d a y


General Meeting, noon-1 p.m. in Bldg. 90-1099.


"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ice Surface Melting and Sticking of HCl to Ice" will be presented by G.-J. Kroes of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Recent Progress in Inclusive B-Decay" will be presented by Mark Wise of CalTech at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments at 3:40 p.m.

14 f r i d a y


Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530), 10 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.

17 m o n d a y


18 t u e s d a y


Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety at LBL (EHS 10), 9 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 66 Auditorium.


"Genetic Approaches to Understanding Mammary Gland Development and Function" will be presented by Lothar Henninghausen of the National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney Diseases at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

19 w e d n e s d a y


Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (EHS 123), 8:30 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.

Chemical Hygiene and Safety Training (EHS 348), 8:30 a.m. - Noon, Bldg. 51-201; pre-registration required, X6612.


Swapan Chattopadhyay of LBNL's Accelerator and Fusion Research Dvision will speak on "Parlez-vous Beams?" at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

20 t h u r s d a y


Machine Tool Safeguarding (EHS 245), 10 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 90-2063; pre-registration required, X6612.

Laser Safety (EHS - 280), 1 - 3:15 p.m., Bldg. 51-201; pre-registration required, X6612.


"Metal-on-Metal Growth and the Reactivity of Alloyed Surfaces Studied by STM" will be presented by Flemming Besenbacher of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

21 f r i d a y


"The Role of Resonances in Vibrational and Electronic Excitation of Molecules in the Gas Phase and on Surfaces by Low-Energy Electron Impact" will be presented by Michael Allan of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

Dining Center Menu for July 3-7


Sadie's Early Bird: Honey wheat pancakes w/coffee $2.05

Soup of the Day: Yankee doodle noodle (meatless)(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: No entree

Deli Special: Turkey panini w/choice of salad $3.25

Sadie's Grill: Ribeye steak sandwich w/fries $3.95




Sadie's Early Bird: Strawberry French toast & coffee $2.05

Soup of the Day: Beefy barley reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Cool shrimp Louie & mini croissant (or wheat roll)(TM) $3.95

Passports: South of the Border a la carte

Sadie's Grill: Grilled Reuben w/fries $3.05


Sadie's Early Bird: Blueberry pancakes w/coffee $2.05

Soup of the Day: Creamy clam chowder reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Roast beef, potatoes, gravy, peas & pearl onions $3.95

Passports: South of the Border

Sadie's Grill: Tuna melt w/fries $3.05


Sadie's Early Bird: Ham scramble w/coffee $2.60

Soup of the Day: Tomato basil bisque(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95

Bistro Fare: Pasta Piatti(TM) $3.95

Sadie's Grill: Chicken provolone w/fries $3.25

(TM) Denotes recipe lower in fat, calories & cholesterol

Weight Watchers

There are still openings available for the Weight Watchers At Work Program to be offered at Health Services every Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. If at least 15 participants have signed up by Wednesday, July 5, the first meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 11. The cost is $120 for the 12-week session. For a registration form or more information, call Linda Scudero at X5334.

Currents takes a rest

Because of the Fourth-of-July holiday next week, there will be no Currents on Friday, July 7. The next issue will be published Friday, July 14. Have a great holiday!

Blood drive

The next Laboratory blood drive is scheduled for Thursday, July 13, in Bldg. 70A-3377 (main conference room). All employees are encouraged to stop by and donate a pint between 7:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

French broom eradication to start

The Facilities Department will begin its eradication of LBNL's French broom on Monday, July 10. Broom is a fast-growing, non-native, flowering shrub that presents a serious fire hazard due to its open growth form and high resin content. The presence of broom at the Laboratory is widespread, so cutting will take place in many areas and will affect parking in some locations. A poster describing this project and showing the exact locations of cutting, and of the controlled burns scheduled for later this summer, is on display at the cafeteria.

F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'76 DODGE Ramcharger, 440 engine, new heads, water pump, oil pump, timing chain, new Edelbrock intake manifold, gd paint, inside gd, $3500. Jack, X5908, 471-4921

'79 HONDA Accord, 2-dr hatchbk, 5-spd, 102K mi., gd & reliable trans., new alternator, rebuilt carb., decent stereo, $2K/b.o. Jason, 845-6878

'82 AUDI 5000s, 96K mi., a/t, a/c, all power, am/fm cass., $1250/b.o. Mike, 848-9365

'88 CORVETTE, black on black, 35K mi., coupe w/2 tops, a/t, Z52 pkg., exc. cond., all pwr, $17600/b.o. Mark Jacintho, X7451, 895-0151

'88 HYUNDAI Excel, 4-dr, 5-spd, sunroof, 75K mi., gd cond., leaving country end of July, $2K. Martin X2989, 559-8610

DIRT BIKES, '70 Yamaha 360, $300; '75 Honda 125, w/all parts to make street legal, $400. Don or Mary, 582-3079, 538-7900


RIDER NEEDED for 4-person carpool from Vacaville, Fairfield area, share driving, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. work hrs. Mark, X4671, (707)448-7979


CRICKETERS for semi-serious cricket league. Sushil, X6670, Dave, 891-2346

HOUSE TO SIT, 8/1-9 for mature graduate student, any location close to public transit to LBL shuttle area is OK, can care for animals, plants, etc. Blaine, X6901


BICYCLE, Nishiki, men's 10-spd, exc. cond., extras incl. woman's seat, best offer. 524-1140 (10 a.m.-8 p.m.)

BICYCLE, woman's 10-spd, good cond., $40. Ron X5823

BOAT w/cutty cabin, 20' Lone Star, 75HP OB motor & tilt trailer, $2K/b.o.; 3-in-1 bumper pool table, can also be used as dining room, or game table, like new, $300. Don or Mary, 582-3079, 538-7900

BOAT, aluminum, sm.(12-14'), car toppable. Bob, 376-2211

CAMERA, 35mm SLR, Olympus OM-1, lenses 35mm F2, 100mm F2.8, X2 teleconverter, asst. filters, Gossen light meter, $300. Herb Wellemeyer, 232-0757

COMPUTER, Macintosh LC III, 12 meg RAM, 250 meg hard drive, Apple CD ROM, Ethernet Card, Apple14" color monitor, extended keyboard, mouse, software, $1250/b.o. Frank, X5999, 654-7054

COUCH, Breuner's, grn/yellow floral print, quilted/cushioned pillows, 85" long, exc. cond., $250. Lisa, 653-6964

IGUANA LIZARD, 27-1/2" long w/5 ft. cage, healthy & active, $100 takes all; air compressor tank, horizontal, 80 gal. cap., heavy duty professional, 57" long, 20" dia., w/mounting bracket on top (12" x 31" long), $100. Jack Smith, X5908, 471-4921

MICROWAVE, Sharp Carousel, approx. 1 cu. ft., rotating tray, great cond., $65/b.o. Benerva, X4787, 549-3175

PIANO, upright, Underwood & Sons, gd cond., $350. Carolyn, X7827, 631-9781

SUPER NES GAME, Donkey Kong Country, $45; MYST CD ROM game & instruction manual, $55; bird playpen, 2'x2', hand-made, $45; sm. bird playpen, $10; gold hoop earrings from Italy, $100. Lisa Snow, X6268, 841-4855

TODDLER BED, new, still in box, red metal w/new mattress still in plastic, $60. Teresa, X6246

WASHER, Estate, Whirlpool's top line, extra lg. cap., 1.5 yrs. old, like new, $280. Richard, X4081

WEIGHT TRAINING MACHINE, BMI Model 8900, new cables, exc. cond., $190. Dick, X6466, 526-6087

WINDSURFING EQUIP., '91 Gaastra Racefoil Pro 5.7 sail, gd cond., $75; aluminum mast, $25. Doug, X6626, 526-4644


ALBANY, 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, bay view, gym, sec. guards, $925/mo. water, garbage & cable paid by owner. 631-0510

ALBANY, furn. 1-bdrm apt., w/d, nr UC Village & bus to LBL/UCB, family area, no more than 3 persons, prefer visiting professor w/spouse, nonsmokers, $675/mo. Donald Mangold, X6459

BERKELEY, 1/2 blk no. of UCB/LBL shuttle, furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo to share w/quiet UC grad student, $550/mo.+utils.+dep. 245-7816

NO. BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth, 2 workrms, living, dining, den, lg. kitchen, no smoking, avail. mid-Aug. '95 to mid-Aug. '96, $1500 + utils. Lee or Agneta Schipper, 527 5821

NO. BERKELEY, sublet studio apt w/2 sibling cats, 7/23 - 8/17, rent negot. in exchg. for care of cats. 528-9221

EL CERRITO,1-bdrm,1-bth split-level apt. in duplex, hardwd flr, 8 min. walk to BART/Plaza, 1/2 blk to bus, $615/mo. 525-7596

LONDON, furn. 2-bdrm apt, carpet, modern kitchen, cent. heating, nr stores & trans., avail. 9/1, can be seen from mid-Aug., $900/mo., 1st, last & dep. Hilda or Frank, 527-0189

PARIS, furn. apt, conveniently located nr Bastille and nation, nr Metro and R.E.R., 56 sq. meters, ground floor, code at entrance, fully equipped kitchen, rent 4000 FF. Jean-Michel Nataf, (33) 1, (33) 1 (FAX)

WANTED: 1-bdrm apt for visiting prof. & wife for 1 mo. 9/10-10/7, will have car, gd neighborhood, allergic to animals, no pets prior to stay. Luanne, X5853

WANTED: Visiting professor seeks comfortable 1-bdrm apt for 2 people, nr campus, from beginning of Aug. to mid-Oct. 524-4654

WANTED: 2 or 3-bdrm apt/house in Albany for Scandinavian staff sci. & family, prefer 1 yr. lease from 9/1. Bjorn Rydberg, X7045

WANTED: Non-smoking Swedish sci. & wife seek furn. 2-bdrm apt/condo in safe area w/easy access to LBL/UCB by bus/BART, mid-Aug. to mid-March. 46 90 - 16 66 73 (FAX), [email protected]

WANTED: French researcher seeks 1 or 2 bedroom apt/house nr UCB starting Sept. Jean-Michel Nataf, (33) 1, (33) 1 (FAX)


TAHOE KEYS, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house w/boat dock, mountain view. Bob, 376-2211


EL CERRITO, 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, 13 yrs. old, ofc./4th bdrm, fam. rm, frpl, deck, laundry, alarmed, 2-car garage, appliances if needed, carpeted throughout, on cul-de-sac, $165K. Marcel Callaham, 235-3538

EL CERRITO HILLS, 2-bdrm, 1-bth home, move-in cond., bay view, almost new carpets, hardwd flrs, DR, frpl, lg. terraced backyd. Jean, 232-0281, 232-3990

HERCULES, townhome, all amenities, asking $128K. 245-8334


Published weekly by the Public Information Department
for the employees and retirees of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Manager, Ron Kolb

Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

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