June 28 , 2002 Search the Currents Archive

Director Gives State of the Lab Talk

Orbach Gives Thumbs-Up to On-Site Review

on the move... Again!

As a result of our move this week to our new location in Building 65, the Communication Department is publishing a shortened edition of Currents. Thank you for your understanding during this transition period.

Back to the Future with Paul Steinhardt
In the News
NERSC Division Reorganization
DOE To Implement Security Reforms
Bulletin Board
Berkeley Lab Currents
Flea Market
Flea Market Policy


Director Gives State of the Lab Talk

By Ron Kolb

If Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank�s vision is an indication, the first decade of the new millennium at Berkeley Lab is going to be an exciting period marked by unprecedented opportunities for discovery and scientific advances.

Presenting his annual State of the Laboratory address to a full house at the Building 50 Auditorium on Tuesday, Shank described a post-9/11 future for research at Berkeley Lab.

The Department of Energy�s Office of Science has a portfolio of initiatives that represent new director Ray Orbach�s highest priorities, and Shank said he expects Berkeley Lab to play a role in all of them � reasserting U.S. leadership in scientific computation, exploring the frontiers of nanoscale science, solving the mystery of dark energy in the universe, building scientific foundations for countering terrorism, and exploring biotechnology for energy security, among others.

Following his State of the Lab address, Director Shank answers questions about his vision of the post-9/11 future for research at Berkeley Lab. Photo by Robert Couto

At the top of the Laboratory�s wish list are two projects that should come to fruition before 2010 if they pass all the relevant funding tests in Washington. The $85 million Molecular Foundry is the centerpiece to the Lab�s initiative in nanoscience, �which will provide access to capabilities in both hard and soft matter, and unique tools for imaging and fabrication,� Shank said. The Foundry, to be located between the National Center for Electron Microscopy and Building 66, may have its groundbreaking in 2004.

The other major project is �one of the most significant experiments that our Lab has ever been involved in,� according to the director. The SuperNova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP) is a satellite with a high-performance telescope that will be able to observe thousands of supernovae from space. The resulting data collection, which Shank described as �precision cosmology,� will address current questions surrounding the mystery of dark matter and its impact on the fate of the universe. A launch later in the decade is anticipated.

He also described the Lab�s prospective role in the DOE�s Genomes-to-Life initiative, a post-human-genome effort to better understand the fundamental processes and functions of living organisms. Central to that effort is the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, of which Berkeley Lab is a leading partner. The JGI has already sequenced comparative structures in the Fugu fish and the primitive chordate Ciona, which Shank said is �the Rosetta Stone for understanding more broadly how genes work and how they are regulated.�

Other critical lab work that the director touched upon included the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and its dramatic discoveries about solar neutrinos, microbial bioremediation, the Yucca Mountain waste repository, ocean carbon sequestration research, national electric transmission grid reliability studies, and cutting-edge advanced scientific computing strategies.

Shank pronounced Berkeley Lab�s budget �healthy� and projected modest growth over the next several years.

Shank closed with a sobering message on scientific integrity, which he described as one of the Laboratory�s core values. He pointed out that the retraction of the announcement that Lab scientists had discovered Element 118 two years ago was a result of fabricated research data and scientific misconduct by one individual.

�I am proud of the intensity and professionalism of the (internal) review to get to the bottom of this, and of the commitment of the Laboratory to the highest level of scientific integrity,� the Director said. �There is nothing more important for a laboratory than scientific integrity. Only with such integrity will the public, which funds our work, have confidence in us.�

Emphasizing that the Lab will vigorously pursue all issues involving scientific integrity, Shank said many lessons have been learned from the Element 118 experience, including one �that all coauthors have a responsibility before a paper is published to verify the data. In this case, the most elementary checks and data archiving were not done.�

The State of the Lab address is accessible online at http://www-library.lbl.gov/teid/tmVideo/ aboutus/VideoDefault.htm. The program requires RealPlayer and can be viewed with Internet Explorer or Netscape.

Orbach Gives Thumbs- Up to On-Site Review

By Lynn Yarris

�This is a fantastic laboratory! You have achieved wonderful things here!� exclaimed an enthusiastic Ray Orbach, Director of the Office of Science, following a day-long series of presentations at the DOE on-site review of Berkeley Lab held last Wednesday, June 18, at Perseverance Hall.

�You really put together a strong presentation here today,� Orbach said. �It speaks volumes about the value of your laboratory.�

Ray Orbach (left), Director of the Office of Science, accompanies Director Shank on a tour of the Bevatron to learn more about the Lab's plans for dismantling and restoration.

Orbach, who was sworn in as the 14th director of the Office of Science (SC) on March 14th of this year, was actively engaged throughout the review and showed his pedigreed background in physics with the many astute questions he posed to the presenters. In the course of the day, he was told about such high-profile laboratory initiatives as the Molecular Foundry, which would see the Lab establish a center for nanoscience research; the Superova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP), which would probe deep-space supernovae for new information on dark energy and matter; and Genomes to Life, which would apply microbial genomics to bioremediation, biotechnology, and biothreats.

Orbach also heard talks on science for homeland security, the future of scientific discovery through advanced computing at NERSC, and the geologic worthiness of Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste repository. He was taken on a tour of the Bevatron site to learn more about the Lab�s plans for dismantlement and restoration of the site, and he was advised as to how the Lab would like to respond to the �Best Practices� management study commissioned by DOE undersecretary Robert Card.

Orbach apparently liked what he saw and heard based on his closing comment.

�I want the Office of Science to be the best in the world, number one,� he said, �and this laboratory is critical for realizing that goal.�

The onsite review opened with remarks from Orbach and from Berkeley Lab director Charles Shank, DOE/SC Berkeley site director Dick Nolan, and University of California vice president for laboratory management John McTague. Shank then gave the first presentation. Citing Ernest O. Lawrence�s emphasis on collaborative interdisciplinary teams as the �cornerstone� for the way in which science is done here at Berkeley Lab, Shank proceeded to lay out his vision for the Laboratory�s strategic direction. His talk served as a roadmap for the scientific presentations that followed.

Shank did, however, make several notable departures from talking about science at the Lab, such as when he discussed diversity in our workforce. Pointing to a graph showing the percentage of representation compared with availability, he noted that the Lab�s workforce diversity action plans have worked well, but added, �We�re going to continue to try to do even more.�

Shank also made a strong pitch for dismantling the Bevatron building that occupies 10 percent of the Lab�s grounds. In response to Orbach asking what use the Lab would make of the Bevatron space, Shank said: �We�ve got to clean this site up first, then we can make plans for the future.�

No scientific presentation drew more commentary from Orbach than that of Horst Simon, division director for both NERSC and the new Computational Research Division. Simon outlined an ambitious four-year plan for overtaking the performance of Japan�s Earth Simulator supercomputer and reestablishing U.S. preeminence in the field. Orbach said his main interest was in how NERSC computers could benefit DOE science.

�Let�s look at the science we want to do, then work with the vendors to develop the architecture that would best help us,� Orbach said. �We should follow a model in which science drives the computer architecture.�

In one of the day�s lighter moments, Shank drew laughter from attendees when he produced an image showing the Gammasphere relocated to the ALS in order to create the Hulk, the muscular green star of the eponymously titled film which will feature several scenes shot on location here.

�The film opens next summer,� Shank said. �Mark your calendars!�

Back to the Future with Paul Steinhardt

By Paul Preuss

No end. In new model, colliding sheetlike "brane" universes stamp out repeated big bangs.

�Was the big bang the beginning of time, or does time have no beginning and no end?" On June 11, theoretical physicist Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University explained why he prefers the second alternative to a capacity crowd in the Bldg. 50 auditorium, where he described his "new, old" cyclic model of the universe.

Steinhardt challenges the recent "consensus cosmology," a big bang followed by rapid inflation, partly for philosophical reasons � he cited everyone from Heraclitus to Nietzsche � but mostly because it fails to predict the phenomenon of dark energy.

In a recent issue of Science (24 May, 2002), Steinhardt and Neil Turok offer an alternative based on the notion of two "branes in the bulk." One is our universe with its three large spatial dimensions (plus string theory's curled-up additional dimensions), and the other is a neighboring brane very like ours but distant along a dimension perpendicular to the others.

These two branes, described by Steinhardt as "dynamic, moving, wrinkling, wiggling," are forever bouncing off each other (literally) and flying apart � as the hypnotic, cycling-brane movie Steinhardt left running during his Q&A brought home. Each bounce is a fairly big bang, followed by a long period of expansion driven by dark energy, essential to the scheme.

Steinhardt avoids paradoxes which doomed other "big bang, big crunch" cyclical models. And because his model predicts no cosmological gravitational waves of the kind inflation would produce, it could soon be put to the observational test.

For more about the cyclic model � including the movie � visit his website at feynman.princeton.edu/~stein/.

In the News

David Bailey Launches Summer Lectures with a Slice of Pi

�It's embarrassing, humiliating to mathematicians,� NERSC's David Bailey confessed to a full house in the Bldg 50 auditorium, during the first of the Summer Lecture Series sponsored by Berkeley Lab's Communications Department. He was referring to the embarrassing fact that everybody knows pi is random (or, more technically, �normal�), but nobody can prove it.

Bailey himself, working with a handful of collaborators, has made more progress toward proving pi's normality than mathematicians have achieved in centuries. The key is an astonish formula for determining any binary digit of pi without knowing any of the digits preceding it.

Bailey and his colleagues found the wonderful pi formula with a powerful algorithm Bailey helped develop, running high-precision arithmetic on supercomputers (Bailey's specialties). But the formula itself is so simple, Bailey says, �No one can figure out why it wasn't discovered a couple of centuries earlier.�

If Bailey's string of successes continues, mathematicians may have to blush about proof of pi no longer.

For more about David Bailey, visit http://www.nersc.gov/~dhbailey/Paul Preuss

NERSC Division Reorganization

By Jon Bashor

The Lab�s National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Division is being reorganized into two new divisions � the NERSC Center Division and the Computational Research Division.

The goal of the reorganization, which was outlined in the NERSC five-year strategic proposal written and submitted to DOE last year, is to heighten the visibility of the NERSC Center as a national user facility supported by DOE�s Office of Science. NERSC currently provides computing resources to 2,100 users at national laboratories, research centers and universities across the country.

�The NERSC Center Division will continue with its highly successful mission to field and support the nation�s best unclassified high-performance computing user facility,� Lab Director Charles Shank wrote in announcing the reorganization.

The new Computational Research Division will carry out computational science, computer science and applied mathematics research and development in high-performance computing and distributed systems.

�This is an opportunity to enhance the mission of both new divisions and to ensure LBNL�s leadership in high performance computing facilities and research,� said Bill McCurdy, Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences. �The reorganization will allow each division to more effectively focus on its mission.�

Horst Simon will be the NERSC Center Division Director and Bill Kramer will be the NERSC Center General Manager and division deputy. Horst Simon will also be the director of the Computational Research Division, which will comprise the High Performance Computing Research Department led by Juan Meza and the Distributed Systems Department led by Bill Johnston. David Bailey will serve as Chief Technologist for both divisions.

DOE To Implement Security Reforms

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham has asked Under Secretaries John Gordon and Robert Card to implement an array of security policy reforms for DOE based on the results of an 18-month study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Commission of Science and Security chaired by John Hamre, President and CEO of CSIS.

The study, which was commissioned by DOE, reviewed the department�s security, counterintelligence and science programs to see where improvements could be made.

�For the last 18 months, we have worked to improve and strengthen security throughout our laboratory system,� said Secretary Abraham. �Soon after I arrived at the Department of Energy I met with Dr. Hamre about the work of the Commission and I urged him to reject the notion that science and security are necessarily conflicting goals. I believed then, and believe now, that to achieve our mission we need to demonstrate excellence in the performance of both science and security.�

The CSIS commission�s findings and recommendations focused on five areas: clarifying lines of responsibility and authority within DOE�s management structure; improving the collaboration between science and security to facilitate better cooperation and consensus as to what constitutes a significant national security risk; developing a system-wide approach for assessing risks to DOE assets and comprehensively determining priorities for protecting those assets; developing new tools and techniques that can facilitate the conduct of science while at the same time strengthening security; and strengthening cyber security.�

�I am pleased that the CSIS report validates the approach we were taking in many areas,� Secretary Abraham said. �For example, the reorganizations of the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Office of Science to clarify roles and responsibilities and eliminate conflicting and duplicative layers of management directly address a key recommendation made by this report.�

A copy of the CSIS commission report�s executive summary is available on the Internet at http://www.csis.org/and a copy of the full report is available by contacting CSIS at 202/887-0200.� A fact sheet summarizing the Commission�s recommendation and DOE�s actions or planned actions in response is also available at http://www.energy.gov/.


On the left side of the graph that appeared on page 4 of Currents, June 14, 2002, all values of �charge transfer efficiency� should begin with 0, not 1 � except for the top value, which is correct at 1.00000.


General Interest

JULY 2, Tuesday

Peter Nugent: Supernovae & the Fate of the Universe
Noon, Bldg. 50 auditorium

JULY 4, Thursday


JULY 9, Tuesday

8:30 a.m., Bldg. 50 auditorium

Keith Jackson: Frontiers of Lithography
Noon, Bldg. 50 auditorium Seminars & Lectures

Seminars & Lectures

JULY 11, Thursday

5f And 6d States Of Pa And U Impurity Ions In Ionic Hosts
Speaker: Luis Seijo, University Autonoma, Madrid, Spain
5:00 p.m., 70A-3377

JULY 12, Friday

RES3T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics
Speaker: Vinzenz Brendler, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Radiochemistry
10 a.m., 70A-3377

Bulletin Board

New Way to Apply for a 403(b) Loan!

Eligible employees of the University of California, including LBNL employees, can now apply for a Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan Loan online at the UCbencom website (http://www.ucop.edu/bencom).

The Loan Program allows active employees with at least $1,000 in the 403(b) Plan to borrow their funds. The web application is accessible to employees eligible to apply for a loan or anyone with an existing 403(b) loan. Employees with a current loan can use the website to review the last six months of activity on their account as information is updated monthly. Those eligible for a new loan can receive instructions and guidance for planning a 403(b) loan, access tools to model short-term and long-term loans, and apply for the loan online.

For more information about the loan program, please see the "Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan Loan Program" brochure at http://www.ucop.edu/bencom/rs/403bloan.pdf or contact the LBNL Benefits Office at ext. 6403 and [email protected].

Modified July 5 Bus Schedule

On July 5, the off-site Hearst bus service will maintain its regular route and schedules, as will the on�site bus service. There will be no bus service on the Bancroft, Strawberry, or Rockridge routes.

Regular bus service will resume on Monday, July 8. For more information, contact bus services at ext. 4165.

New Coffee Service Starts in July

Here�s good news for coffee hounds, brought to you by the Facilities Department�s Cafeteria Services. Java Wave, a gourmet coffee service that has drawn rave reviews at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will soon be available at Berkeley Lab. Starting on July 8, the Java Wave van will be making stops at buildings 65, 66, 69, 84, 88, and 90, where it will dispense espresso, latte, cappuccino, and mocha drinks from a genuine Italian espresso machine. In addition to its espresso coffees, Java Wave offers "Lab Mud" (the hearty regular brew), several flavors of ice coffee, hot and ice tea, smoothies, and Italian sodas. Also on the menu will be salads, sandwiches, and bakery treats. The goal is to have twice-a-day service as time allows. The daily schedule isn�t set yet, but will be announced as soon as it becomes final.

�Cold Fun in the Summertime�

June gloom didn�t stop LBL�ers from celebrating the first day of summer with food, music, and a classic car show. For more on this event, check out the July 12 issue of Currents.

New Long-Term Care Deadline

The application period for the CalPERS Long-Term Care plan has been extended to July 31, 2002. All public employees (including non-CalPERS members), retirees, their spouses, parents, parents-in-law, and siblings (age 18 and over) will have the opportunity to apply for coverage.

An article about this can be found on the UCbencom website at ucop.edu/bencom.

Berkeley Lab Currents

Published by the Communications Department for the employees and retirees of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Ron Kolb, department head. One Cyclotron Rd., Berkeley CA 94720, Tel: 510/486-5771, Fax: 510/486-6641

EDITOR: Monica Friedlander, (510) 495-2248, [email protected]

STAFF WRITERS: Lisa Gonzales, Dan Krotz, Paul Preuss, Lynn Yarris
FLEA MARKET/CALENDAR: 486-4698 [email protected] /[email protected]

Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Flea Market


��95 HONDA ACCORD, 78K mi, a/t, first owner, ac, blk, sunrf, tint win, pwr seat/mirrors/win, alarm, keyless remote, am/fm/cass/cd, cruise, rear defogger, airbag, childproof lock, folding rear seat, rear spoiler, best offer, X5625, 234-2317

�90 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, blue, 6 cyl, 2.5L, 102K mi, a/t, am/fm/cass, ac, all pwr, sunrf, exc cond, runs great, very clean, $5,000/bo, Boris, (415) 740-7698

�87 TOYOTA TERCEL hatch, 2dr, 4spd, 121K mi., runs well, good body, good commute car, $1,000/bo, Doug, X4567, 568-6386


ALBANY 3 bdrm 2 ba single family house, avail 7/31, next to Albany Middle School & Albany High School, walk to pub trans & shops, good schools, quiet & safe neighborhood, rent neg, Laura, 517-8310

BERKELEY Claremont/ Elmwood area, rm w/ view, ba, 3 mi to Lab, walk to shuttle, telephone, cable hookup for comp, microwave, coffee pot, small frig, shared use of kitchen, din rm, sit rm, garden & deck, no smoking, avail by wk or mo, $350/ wk, $600/ 2 weeks, $800/ mo, Marion, [email protected]

BERKELEY furn rm, TV, fast internet access, prvt phone line, w&d, walk to pub trans & shops, off-street parking, quiet residential area, perfer a male student or visiting scholar, no smoking/pets, no guest live-in, $600/mo + internet fee, dep $650, [email protected]

BERKELEY HILLS in-law studio, unfurn, hardwood floor, clean, bright, charm, walk to campus & pub trans, very quiet, oriental garden, no pets/smoking, $900/mo incl util, lease (1st, last, dep), avail 8/20, Carolyn, 549-0648, [email protected]

BERKELEY house sublet, 8/1-31, level-in, sophisticated home, ideal for couple, close to the Claremont, campus, College Ave shops, up-to-date, eat-in kitchen, w&d, 2 gardens, 1 1/2 bdrm, 2 ba, lge liv rm, formal din rm; incl weekly housekeeper, util & gardener, 848-6812, [email protected]

BERKELEY, furn rm avail 7/1 in prvt home, $650/mo, Anushka 486-8153, [email protected]

BERKELEY, furn rm avail 8/1 in 6 bdrm/2 ba �House of Scholars�, more info and images at website housintscholar.home.mindspring.com, $810/mo incl util, housecleaning, phone, DSL, Anushka, 486-8153, [email protected]

NORTH BERKELEY b&b for visiting scholars, $650/2 wks, $850/mo, avail for 2 wks to 8 mos, 1 person per rm, 2 rms in house, 1 garden cottage, breakfast every day & bike avail, close to pub trans, avail now, Helen, 527-3252

NORTH BERKELEY HILLS, elegant & spacious bdrm suite w/ view, modern house, mins from campus & downtown, 2 night min, Geoffrey, (800) 455-3863

NORTH BERKELEY, charming 1 bdrm apt w/ hardwood floors & bay win, 2 min walk to shuttle, avail 7/1 � 8/31, $1,600/mo, Stefan, X5205, 666-8330

NORTH BERKELEY, exc neighborhood, close to library, parks, rec, shops, pub trans; comfortable furn rm, congenial people, spacious, hardwood floors, newly remodeled ba, $600/mo + $25 util, avail 7/6, Ann, 527-1331

OAKLAND HILLS home, furn bdrm & ba avail for visiting scholar, euro style decor, lge closet, desk/computer workstation, DSL, lge secluded patio on 1/3 acre with stunning view, lge liv room, close to trails & Chabot observatory, 36" telescope for use, secure storage, close to pub trans, exc kitchen, share home w/ single, straight professional male homeowner, age 38 w/ no pets, $1,200/mo incl util on a month-to-month basis, pref pros in astrophysics/physics/math, Alex, [email protected]

ROCKRIDGE lge 1 bdrm apt (800 sq ft) close to shops, mo-to-mo, avail for short to mid term (neg), unfurn or part furn apts, no pets/smoking, Ted, 655-8875

SAN PABLO, 4 bdrm 2 ba 2-story home for June, jacuzzi, deck, patio, sun rm, yard, w&d, pet friendly, $2,699, garbage pd by owner, [email protected], (415) 235-4794

WALNUT CREEK 2 bdrm 1 ba cottage w/ hardwood floors, fp, & country kitchen, garden in front & back, 1 mile from BART & downtown, no smoking/pets, good credit & ref req, 1 yr lease, avail in July, $1,500/mo, 895-3584


VISITING PROFESSOR from Germany seeks 2 bdrm apt or house for 7/29 - 9/2, two non-smokers, Helmut 01149 30 33776003, [email protected]

VISITING SCIENTIST w/ family seeks furn apt: 1 bdrm, liv rm, kitchen, balcony (opt) from 9/20 � 12/18, pref close to campus, [email protected]


APPLE IMAC, Bondi blue, 233 MHz w/ 32 mb & cd-rom, modem & network, $350/bo, Stu, X7474, 525-2367

CRIB early American-style, hardwood w/ oak finish, 2 drawers under crib, single drop side w/ knee-release mech & plastic teething rail, 3 pos matt support, brass accent plate, 56"x30"x48", incl matt & changing table, $275, Lisa, X5314, (925) 906-9786

ELECTRIC WHIRPOOL w&d, $300 for both, Victor, X6126

KING SIZE BED w/ box & frame, Sealy PosturePedic, $299; pine bdrm set, lge dresser, nightstand, mirror, $ 349/bo; Sharp UX 510 plain paper fax, $70, Joern, X2407

LUGGAGE, hard-sided Samsonite & soft-sided set: $20/bag or $50 for all 3; AIWA dubbing tape desk, needs speakers, $10, Susan, X5437

SF OPERA TICKETS, Giulio Cesare, 6/29, balc pr, 2nd row ctr, $120/pr, Paul, X5508

TWO TOASTER OVENS never used & still in box, Black & Decker, $35/bo, Angela, X7712


FULL-SIZE doctor's balance scale, Anne, X6504

GARDENER & handy person for 4-plex in Berkeley's Elmwood District, would appreciate leads on good persons, Susan, X5437

JIGSAW PUZZLES, evening tutoring program for elementary school kids in Oakland desperately needs 20-50 piece jigsaw puzzles, Elisa, X7863, 665-9091, or leave donations in 90-3037C

LAST OF THE SUMMERWINE video tapes, would like to buy, borrow, or trade, John, X6533

SPONSORS: if you are interested in helping breast cancer research, please consider sponsoring either Pam Glover (X6455), Faye Jobes (X6787), or Margaret Johnson (X7550) in the 60 mile Avon Breast Cancer Walk 7/12-14, donations are tax deductible


KIHEI, MAUI, 1 bdrm condo, across the street from Kam 2 beach (best beach on Maui), fully equipped, view the ocean & Haleakela, $400 + 12% Hawaii hotel tax ($450/wk), Fred or Shar 981-2073 days, 523-4150 eves

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, spacious chalet in Tyrol area, close to Heavenly, fully furn, peek of the lake from the front porch, sleeps 8+, sunny deck, pool & spa in club house, close to casinos & other attractions, $150/day + $75 one-time cleaning fee, Angela, X7712, Pat/Maria, 724-9450


MOVING BOXES, various sizes incl several wardrobe boxes, located in El Cerrito, Ina, X4341

Flea Market Policy

Ads are accepted only from LBNL employees, retirees, and onsite DOE personnel. Only items of your own personal property may be offered for sale.

Submissions must include name, affiliation, extension, and home phone. Ads must be submitted in writing via e-mail ([email protected]) or fax (X6641). Ads run one time only unless resubmitted, and are repeated only as space permits. They may not be retracted.

The deadline for the July 12, 2002 issue is Thursday, July 3.