In a year that saw Washington debate the future of both the national labs and the Department of Energy, LBL's scientific achievements offered persuasive proof of their value. Director Charles Shank reviewed many of the accomplishments in his annual State of the Laboratory address on June 2, reiterating that superb science remains strong here.
Saying that the tradition of scientific excellence must continue, he also said the Lab must do a better job familiarizing Congress and the public with LBL and its contributions. He said the Lab's collective efforts will be critical to its future.
Shank began by congratulating the high energy physics teams at the CDF and DØ for their key roles and leadership in the recent discovery of the Top Quark. They were instrumental in identifying key events and in measurements of the mass.
As part of his report on the status of key strategic goals, Shank said the biosciences have continued their recent robust growth. On August 15, the Lab will break ground on its new Human Genome Laboratory. The 41,500-square-foot facility is scheduled for completion in 1997.
LBL and UC Berkeley have established a partnership for sequencing the Drosophila (fruit fly) genome. Shank said LBL's participation in this major project can be credited to the Lab's success in developing new sequencing technology. LBL is sequencing DNA at the annual rate of 120 kilobases per sequencing team member. That, he said, is twice the output rate anywhere else.
The Advanced Light Source truly became a national facility in the past year, Shank said, building a large community of users. The facility now includes 11 operating beamlines, with eight more under construction.
Since coming online, he said, the ALS has had an outstanding reliability record, delivering a beam 95 percent of the time. About a month ago, the beam suddenly went off, resulting in 17 days of detailed diagnostics. Shank described the detective work that ultimately led to discovery of an obstruction in the beam's path. The ALS is now back in operation (see related article, this page).
Shank cited several examples of ALS research that have extended measurement capabilities to unprecedented sensitivity for actinide detection and spectral resolution in helium studies. He reported recent efforts to determine whether Napoleon had been poisoned by arsenic. Spectral analysis of a sample of Napoleon's hair showed no abnormal concentrations of the element.
Shank said a major challenge for detector designers here is the ATLAS pixel detector proposed as part of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This detector must survive radiation levels 10 times that of the SSC.
Already under way, the LBL-led STAR detector collaboration poses the challenge of sorting through 100 megabyte events and a terabyte of data a day. Shank said the effort is necessary to enable researchers at Brookhaven National Lab to identify the signatures for "quark-gluon matter," which was the predominant form of matter about one microsecond after the Big Bang.
Shank described his visit to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), where he and others descended in an elevator to a 10-story cavern, 6,800 feet below ground level. Researchers there were assembling a 750-panel geodesic detector support structure that was built by the Lab's Engineering Division. Shank praised the precision engineering involved in the project.
He also cited LBL material scientists' recent demonstration of nanoscale catalysis with the atomic force microscope. With this achievement, catalysis can be studied down to the atomic level.
Shank said one of the Lab's strategic goals was realized in March with the announcement that the Navy had selected LBL as the site for one of two Molecular Design Institutes. The institute will combine the efforts of chemists, biochemists, and physicists for the design, synthesis, processing, and characterization of new molecules and materials. Potential areas of application include electronics, photonics, sensors, catalysts, and a wide variety of novel materials and coatings.
Energy efficiency research may face severe funding cuts in the future, Shank said, and the Lab has made a strong case for continued support for these efforts, publishing a document that describes $5 billion in savings to the nation from a $70 million investment in energy efficiency research.
Shank said he was excited by the recent successes here in providing remote access via computer to instrumentation and beamlines at the ALS. He called this a major step toward the creation of "virtual" labs.
After completing his narrative of scientific highlights, Shank briefed employees on events in Washington. He said the House of Representatives has passed a budget resolution that assumes the Department of Energy will be abolished in October, while the Senate is of mixed mind about the fate of the Department. Shank predicted DOE will survive through October but said he does not believe the debate will end there.
"We are going to be in this fight for a long time," he said. "I believe we are all going to be facing budget cuts of some size. It behooves us to plan for cuts of 15 to 35 percent. Meanwhile, I'm doing everything I can to familiarize the many new members of Congress with the labs. We have a lot of work ahead of us."
The Director reiterated his affirmation of workforce diversity activities at the Laboratory, citing several new programs and membership of a lab-wide diversity committee. He stressed the importance of a greater laboratory visibility through strengthened communications programs, unveiling his plan to change the laboratory's name (see related story on page one).
He closed by noting progress in the laboratory's strategic directions, including the areas of ALS utilization, growth in the biosciences, the Molecular Design Institute, high energy physics leadership, and computing and networking.
The Laboratory will take a first step toward a more distinctive identity today if the UC Board of Regents approves, as expected, a change in the Lab's name.
Director Charles Shank has proposed that "national" be added, making it the "Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory." Regents were scheduled to vote on the action today in San Francisco.
The name continues to acknowledge the achievements of Ernest Lawrence, the late Nobel Prize winner who invented the cyclotron that spawned high energy physics research, the discovery of many new elements, and nuclear medicine.
Shank said that adding "national" more accurately reflects the work conducted at the Lab, whose mission has evolved from a single-purpose high-energy physics center to a multi-program lab seeking answers to the most difficult scientific and technological challenges. Seven of the eight other multi-program DOE laboratories include "national" in their names.
"At a time when decision-makers are demanding more relevance in scientific research, a laboratory's future depends upon its ability to convey distinction and quality," Shank said. "The Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory projects excellence and scope in its identity. It continues to reflect its academic heritage and partnership with the Berkeley campus, and now it will highlight its commitment to respond to national needs--a reality that can be lost if not stated."
Upon Regents' approval, the new name will be phased in over several months; an abbreviation and other details will be developed in time for the Lab's Open House on October 28.
Shank said he now plans to explore options for shortening the new name to a reference that responds to frequent public and Congressional confusion about the East Bay's three science facilities sharing the "Lawrence" name--Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Lawrence Hall of Science.
When Shank asked the audience at his June 2 state-of-the-lab address how many had heard the Lab confused with Livermore, most of the 200-plus in attendance raised their hands. He said a variation such as "Berkeley National Laboratory" would greatly help clarify the misunderstandings.
"There's no question our reputation within the international scientific community as `Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory' is unqualified," he said. "That will never change. My concern is in Washington and in our local communities, where our relative anonymity makes us vulnerable to budget-cutters."
In two meetings held last week with senior scientists, Shank said the Lawrence name will never be removed from the Laboratory. He referred to Lawrence as "an extraordinary individual, a scientific legend whose legacy reflects the standards that the Lab strives to uphold." He said it will continue to appear on lab signage, letterhead, and publications.
In answer to numerous questions from employees concerning a new acronym, Shank said he intends to promote "LBNL" as the identifying initials.
Lawrence founded the UC-affiliated "radiation laboratory" in 1931, developing a team approach to R&D that is the hallmark of today's laboratory.
In 1936, the UC Regents officially named the lab "The Radiation Laboratory," with Lawrence as director. At his death in 1958, the name was changed to "Lawrence Radiation Laboratory." In 1971, the Regents approved "Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory" and "Ernest Orlando Lawrence Livermore Laboratory" when the two units were separated administratively.
"In hindsight," Shank said, "we regret the two facilities were so similarly named. Over time, Livermore's identity has been more often aligned with the Lawrence title, which has been a major source of the confusion with the Berkeley lab's identity."
The latest examination of Lab identity is an outgrowth of the 1992 Strategic Plan. Among the plan's chief objectives is "conveying an accurate picture of the Laboratory" to its constituencies.
Shank appointed two committees last year to confront communication issues--an advisory council of senior lab managers and external public affairs professionals, and a task force of lab communicators and scientists. Two products emerged: a Communications Plan to guide Lab efforts on and off-site, and the new name, which has received the endorsement of both UC and federal officials.
Shank emphasized that a name change alone will not ensure the Lab's distinction and reputation. Continuing excellence in scientific achievement, and aggressive promotion of that excellence by public affairs professionals and the researchers themselves, are essential ingredients for achieving a distinguished and memorable public identity, he said.
Writer Victor Hugo once observed that science always has the first say in everything and the last say in nothing. Yet, despite the prospect of a House Republican budget that would be an "unmitigated disaster" for science and technology, the research community has been almost completely silent, says John Gibbons, science advisor to President Clinton.
On June 13 -- shortly after President Clinton offered his own economic plan in a televised address to the nation -- Gibbons, head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, met in San Francisco with Bay Area science writers for a candid session of question and answers. The session was punctuated by repeated warnings from Gibbons to members of the scientific community, especially those in California, which he said "has the most to lose" if House Republican plans go through.
"LBL would be in trouble, because it is not a defense lab but a multipurpose laboratory, and they are the ones with the most exposure," he said. "The best thing for the national labs to do now is to identify their strengths, their centers of excellence, and their competitive advantages. Then they need to make sure (the President and the Congress) know about it."
Members of Congress, particularly the House, are responsive to the complaints of constituents, Gibbons said, but the scientific community has been slow to mobilize and add its voice to the decision-making process.
"I've been appalled to hear how few calls members of Congress are getting from the research community," he said. "Maybe we have been comfortable for too long." Gibbons is a former physicist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
When questioned about Congressional attacks on its own scientific advisory organization -- the Office of Technology Assessment, which Gibbons once directed -- and issues such as the preservation of wetlands, where the recommendations of a National Academy of Sciences study were ignored, Gibbons said he loses sleep over the idea that "information is considered an interference" in the decision-making process.
"The scientific community has a responsibility to communicate the value of its research programs," he said. "There comes a time in the resolution of issues when science has to take its place alongside economics and other things."
Gibbons was critical of the attempt by House Republicans to label government-industry partnerships and all other technology transfer efforts as "corporate welfare." He expressed his fear that this negativity will extend to the national user facilities, such as the Advanced Light Source and the National Center for Electron Microscopy, which Gibbons called a "beautiful deal" for industry.
Noting that few of the freshmen members of Congress appear to be aware of the many contributions made by federally funded scientific research, Gibbons said, "I've been asked by the President to educate them. However, the people in their districts also need to have their awareness levels raised."
Gibbons also said that eliminating tech transfer efforts and cutting back on the availability of the national user facilities to industry would be tantamount to ordering the United States to cede its leadership in science and technology to foreign competitors.
"There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that the private sector would substantially fund a lot of the research axed by the federal government," Gibbons said. "Corporate R&D has actually fallen in the U.S. since the mid-1980s."
The economic plan announced by Clinton would have the same goal as the Republican plan -- balancing the federal budget -- but it would stretch the timeline for achieving this balance to a 10 year rather than seven year period. While overall discretionary domestic spending would be reduced in this time period, Gibbons said that funding for science and technology would be kept at current levels.
"The President looked closely at the proposed budget cuts and quite frankly, he saw a potential train wreck coming between now and September," Gibbons said. "The question now is how to avoid a train wreck."
For more than a year now, the Laboratory's senior management has been discussing and debating our institutional identity and ways that we can raise our visibility with our public constituencies. The current budget-cutting climate in Washington has raised the stakes for our exercise, which has culminated in what I consider an important first step toward more clearly defining who we are.
When I first introduced our ideas for a name change at my State-of-the-Laboratory address two weeks ago, I was heartened by the passionate response. While comments I've received have reflected differing viewpoints about the end-product, they all shared the common feeling that something has to be done to make this Laboratory a distinct and recognizable facility for our neighbors, our prospective funders, and our government representatives.
First, we need to proclaim ourselves a national force, something our science has proven for decades. Today's anticipated action by the UC Board of Regents will address that by adding the word "national" to our official name. The "Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" says it all. It reflects our role in a national context and our historic partnership with UC Berkeley.
Next, we must deal with a confused public. I confront the confusion weekly, sometimes daily. My affiliation is inevitably linked to Lawrence Livermore National Lab, or occasionally with the Lawrence Hall of Science. Conversations with my colleagues here suggest this same thing happens to them. Through an historic anomaly, and some friendly alliteration, "Lawrence" and "Livermore" have formed an unbreakable bond in the public's mind. To so many, there is only one "Lawrence" lab, and it is in Livermore.
At the same time, we can never remove Dr. Lawrence from our collective conscience. He founded this Laboratory and established its worldwide reputation. As I assured the senior scientists who were concerned that we might drop "Lawrence" from our name, he will always be part of our official title--on our signs, our letterhead, and our publications.
Unofficially, we can call ourselves anything we want. But that reference should distinguish us from our sister institutions. Over the next few months, we will phase in design applications on things such as letterhead as supplies are exhausted.
I have suggested "Berkeley National Laboratory" as one common option for interacting with the public. This would resolve the Livermore confusion while simplifying the identity to location and mission, particularly for those unfamiliar with who we are and what we do. Our general communications would highlight those words while including E. O. Lawrence in first reference.
Another option when engaging in scientific activity is "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory," recognizing our established presence with our research colleagues--indeed, I have decided that our new text abbreviation should be "LBNL." This, too, is a viable option for specific audiences.
Why do we care so much about what appear to be superficial changes? Is it just ego, or personal pride? Far from it. Science and the national labs are in a collective fight for survival. Those in Washington deciding which programs and facilities deserve support will be positive toward the ones they know, or that their constituents promote. A laboratory whose identity is blurred or confused will be more vulnerable to the budget ax.
In addition, our efforts to share our relevance and excellence with others must be aggressive and sustained. Successful implementation of our Laboratory Communications Plan, and the public information activities it contains, will go far in building our constituency base and generating necessary attention for our work.
By whatever name we are known, Ernest Orlando Lawrence's Berkeley National Laboratory deserves to be recognized and supported.
UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien awarded the Berkeley Citation to Earth Sciences researcher and former ESD Director Tom McEvilly during last month's commencement exercises. The Berkeley Citation is the highest honor the campus can bestow on an individual, and is awarded to a few individuals a year for distinguished achievement in the recipient's field and for notable service. McEvilly was recognized for his expertise in seismographic instrumentation, his quick response in measuring the Loma Prieta earthquake aftershocks, his leadership in instrumenting a critical region of the San Andreas fault, and his service as chair of the Department of Geology and Geophysics.
The House Science subcommittee on energy and environment dealt a major blow to DOE's technology transfer efforts on June 8 when it recommended cutting all funds to support CRADAs between the civilian national labs and private industry. Vowing to end "corporate welfare," subcommittee chairman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) announced approval of a bill that would slash DOE's FY96 spending for non-weapons R&D programs by more than $1.3 billion from current levels and eliminate all funding for tech transfer activities. High energy and nuclear physics largely escaped unscathed, but funding for the rest of DOE's Energy Research programs was cut to $1.4 billion, which is $349 million below FY95 levels and $394 million less than what the Clinton Administration requested.
Hardest hit within ER was fusion energy, which was slated to receive $229 million -- 37 percent less than the requested level of $366 million. The panel voted no funds for ER laboratory tech transfer. DOE had sought $58.8 million for the program that includes CRADAs and other lab-industry partnerships. The one area within ER where the subcommittee added to FY95 spending levels was for basic energy sciences. However, the subcommittee's proposed funding of $766 million for BES is still below President Clinton's request of $811.
Other cuts approved would more than halve FY-95 funding levels for DOE's solar and renewable energy programs and for its fossil energy programs, leaving just $204 million for each. Appropriations for energy conservation R&D would be cut 60 percent to only $206 million. Funding for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory would be $500,000 rather than the $6 million that had been requested by the Clinton Administration. Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary expressed greater concern over the subcommittee's recommended budget cuts than the proposal by House Republican freshmen also announced last week to abolish her department (see Currents, June 9). "In the final analysis, the budget may be even more damaging to the agency," she said. "We could stay but our programs would be crippled."
In last week's Newswire, it was reported that the University of Chicago signed the first performance-based contract with DOE to manage Argonne National Laboratory. The item should have said that ANL's is the first performance-based contract since DOE launched its contract reform initiative last year. The laboratory management contract signed by the University of California in 1993 also contained performance-based measures (an even greater number than ANL's) but did not contain the liability for mismanagement and financial incentives for quality performance found in the ANL contract.
With a beam availability rating of better than 95 percent last week, the Advanced Light Source seems to be fully recovered from the obstruction in the storage ring that stopped operations of the facility for a 17-day period between April 25 and May 12.
The beam in the ALS storage ring was abruptly lost during tests of the ring's longitudinal and transverse damping systems. Teams of ALS staff members quickly began an intensive and systematic investigation of all accelerator subsystems to identify the problem.
One of the first major hurdles was to establish a closed orbit of the beam through the storage ring. Bob Miller, head of accelerator operations for the ALS, explained:
"The beam diagnostics system works better and there are more diagnostics available when there is a stored beam and we are able to make closed orbit measurements."
Through the introduction into the storage ring of "magnetic bumps" or steering modifications, the team was able to establish a stable closed beam orbit. The shape of the orbit, measured by beam position monitors around the ring, indicated an obstruction in the sector-two straight section. Once the exact location of the obstruction was pinpointed (the upstream end of the section) the team was able to steer the beam around it and resume normal operations.
On May 22, during a scheduled maintenance period, technicians wearing protective clothing and working in a flow of dry filtered air to prevent contamination, opened the vacuum chamber at the site of the obstruction. They discovered that one of the pair of flex bands--devices that connect one section in the storage ring with another--had a broken "finger" that was bent down into the center of the vacuum chamber, blocking the normal orbit of the beam. The broken flex band was replaced and the storage ring vacuum was restored.
Miller says the diagnosis and repair of the storage ring was a team effort by the entire ALS staff. "Throughout the effort, teams worked in parallel to investigate all of the ALS systems. Daily briefings were held to collect information, present results and coordinate efforts."
In the course of their investigation, the ALS staff found and corrected a number of minor problems that played no role in the stoppage of the beam. The end result of these corrections, however, should be a more stable ALS operation in the future.
The Annual Awards Banquet was held May 13 aboard the Yerba Buena Dining Cruise yacht.
Sign-ups for the 95-96 season will begin in mid-August, with play starting the first Wednesday after Labor Day. Matches are held on Wednesday evenings at Albany Bowl, 540 San Pablo Ave. in Albany.
For more information on the LBL Bowling League, contact any of the league officers: Harold Blair, (X7685), Danny Schoen, (X7966), Terry White, (6853), or Cynthia Long, (X6672).
Weight Watchers is offering 12 weeks for the price of 10 ($120 instead of $144), and there is no registration fee. A minimum of 18 participants are required, so bring a friend.
More than 34 million Americans are not just overweight, but obese. As a nation, we are getting more overweight every year and it's affecting our health and economy. Government studies show that even losing a modest amount of weight could improve your health.
Weight Watchers is a healthy lifestyle approach that combines good nutrition, exercise, behavior modification, and group support. Join the group at Health Services on June 21. For more information call Linda Scudero X6266.
Tuesday, June 20: Special Guest Speaker
Jim Campbell, a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, will speak about "The Gifts that Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People Have for All of Us...If We Could but See Them." A member of LLNL's Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Association, Campbell is straight, married, and the father of three. His service to the Catholic Diocese of Oakland as an ordained deacon has included bridge-building between the Church and the gay and lesbian community.
Thursday, June 22: "Deaf Heaven"
A short film about a gay man facing his partner's advancing AIDS dementia.
Thursday, June 22: "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (No Regrets)"
"No Regrets" examines the experiences of six gay African American men of different ages and backgrounds, and their "coming out" experiences--both as gay men and as gay men with AIDS.
Proceeds from every glass of fire association beer sold will benefit the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation, its many services to the public, and "Champ Camp," a camp for burn-injured children. Just ask for the "special" beer.
The Triple Rock Brewery is located at 1920 Shattuck Ave. The LBL Firefighter's Association reminds all employees who plan to attend the benefit to drink responsibly.
Results of June 7
Sudz 8, Budget Cuts 7
Ball Park Est. 13, Off the Hill 10
Environmets 17, Off the Hill 1
CAMShafts 12 , Sudz 4
Rated X 15, Astros 3
CAMShafts 16, Animals 4
Standings as of June 7 and Team Won/Lost record
Rated X 3-0
CAMShafts 3-0
Environmets 2-0
Animals 1-1
Ball Park Est. 1-1
Astros 1-2
SUDZ 1-2
Off the Hill 0-3
Budget Cuts 0-3
19 m o n d a y
Laser Safety (EHS 280), 9:30 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 90-2063; pre-registration required, X6612.
20 t u e s d a y
"The Gifts that Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People Have for All of Us...If We Could but See Them" will be presented by Jim Campbell of LLL at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.
"Causality and the Microwave Background" will be presented by Andreas Albrecht of Imperial College, London, at 12:30 p.m. in 375 Le Conte Hall.
Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety at LBL (EHS 10), 1-4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Auditorium.
Pressure Safety/Compressed Gases (EHS 230), 12:30 - 3:30 p.m., Bldg. 90-4133; pre-registration required, X6612.
LockOut/TagOut Training (EHS 256/257), 9 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6612.
21 w e d n e s d a y
Building Emergency Team Training (EHS 154), 9 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.
Informational meeting from noon to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 26 (Health Services)
"Atomic and Nuclear Processes for GeV Heavy Ions Channeled" will be presented by Joseph Remillieux of the University of Lyon, France, at 2 p.m. in Bldg. 70A-3377.
22 t h u r s d a y
Self-Assessment and Planning: The Career Development Journey Begins, 8:30 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 51-201; pre-registration required, X5999.
Two films "Deaf Heaven" and "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (No Regrets)" will be shown at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.
"Observing Individual Molecules on Semiconductor Surfaces by STM at Room Temperature and Above" will be presented by Andrew Briggs of Oxford University, England, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.
"The Search for Gravitational Waves" will be presented by Barry C. Barish of CalTech at 4 p.m. in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium; refreshments at 3:40 p.m.
23 f r i d a y
"LBNL's Latest RFQ's or What's Going on in Building 71A?" will be presented by John Staples of LBL at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 Conference Room.
26 m o n d a y
27 t u e s d a y
S. Wojcicki of Stanford University will speak at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments at 3:40 p.m.
28 w e d n e s d a y
First Aid (EHS 116), 8 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.
Judy Campisi of LBL will speak on "Do our Cells have to Age?" at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium
Build Confidence and Develop the Ability to Effectively Organize and Present Your Ideas in a Friendly and Supportive Atmosphere, 12:10 - 1 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.
29 t h u r s d a y
Adult CPR (EHS 123), 9 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.
The film "Queer Son" will be shown at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.
"Recording the `Music' of Excitons: Ultrafast Dynamics of Phase and Amplitude of Coherent Emission by Semiconductor quantum Wells" will be presented by Daniel Chemla of LBL at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments at 3:40 p.m.
30 f r i d a y
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., Bldg. 2, 4th floor patio area. All summer students are invited.
The event is sponsored by the Laboratory with the assistance of the African American Employee Association. Volunteers are needed for set-up, clean-up, and desserts; please contact Jacqueline Noble at X4762.
Sadie's Early Bird: Honey n' wheat pancakes w/coffee $2.05
Soup of the Day: Chicken w/rice(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95
Bistro Fare: Turkey scallopini w/tender noodles & squash medley $3.95
Passports: South of the Border
Sadie's Grill: Jumbo chili dog w/fries $2.95
Sadie's Early Bird: Corned beef hash w/eggs $2.60
Soup of the Day: Hearty vegetarian barley(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95
Bistro Fare: Meatloaf w/tomato gravy, steamed rice & green beans $3.95
Passports: South of the Border a la carte
Sadie's Grill: Tuna melt w/fries $3.05
Sadie's Early Bird: Biscuit & gravy w/eggs $2.60
Soup of the Day: Turkey vegetable(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95
Bistro Fare: Tempura fried fish, fries & cole slaw $3.95
Passports: South of the Border a la carte
Sadie's Grill: Barbecue beef on a bun w/fries $3.60
Sadie's Early Bird: Blueberry pancakes w/coffee $2.05
Soup of the Day: Creamy clam chowder reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95
Bistro Fare: Savory pork steak w/whipped potatoes, gravey & peas $3.95
Passports: South of the Border
Sadie's Grill: Turkey Sloppy Joe w/fries(TM) $3.25
Sadie's Early Bird: Ham scramble $2.60
Soup of the Day: Vegetable split pea(TM) reg. $1.35 lg. $1.95
Bistro Fare: Pasta Piatti(TM) $3.95
Sadie's Grill: Chicken provolone sandwich w/fries $3.55
(TM) Denotes recipe lower in fat, calories & cholesterol
Equity 20.36%
Bond 18.01%
Multi-Asset 12.90%
Money Market 5.33%
Savings 6.65%
Insurance Company Contract 7.86%
* Past performance does not guarantee future results
French Tarrragon
Parsley (any variety)
Thyme (any variety)
'69 CAMARO Z28, silver/black, Chevy 350, orig. Holley, hi-rise manifold, headers, 8K tach, Hurst, 12-bolt posi rear, great cond., $11900. (408)356-1936
'79 HONDA Civic CVCC, 4-spd, recently rebuilt, $1500/b.o. Laura, X6325, 458-1217
'82 FORD Club wgn van, 7-pass., 351 cu. in. V-8, 127K mi., blue/white, $3K/b.o. Sergio, X5457, (707) 429-2575
'82 TOYOTA Corolla, 4-dr, 5-spd, a/c, 104K mi., gd cond., $1675. Jim, X6480, 654-1900
'83 CHEVROLET 4x4, K-5 Blazer, red/black, Silverado pkg., a/t, a/c, AM/FM cass., tow pkg., $4800/b.o. 676-1143
'83 TOYOTA longbed/camper pickup, great running cond., 122K mi., 1 owner, am/fm/cass., many new/almost new parts. Stuart, X5963
'85 HONDA Magna, twin V, 700 cc., water-cooled, runs exc., $1100/b.o. 676-1143
'86 DODGE Colt E (Mitsubishi made), a/t, 4-dr, 59K mi., very gd cond.,$2100. Rolf Koch, X7431, 848-3438
DIRT BIKES, '70 Yamaha 360, $300; '75 Honda 125, w/all parts to make st. legal, $400. Don or Mary, 582-3079, 538-7900
RIDER NEEDED for 4 person carpool from Vacaville, Fairfield area, share driving, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. work hrs. Mark, X4671, (707)448-7979
CURTAIN RODS w/brackets, (8) 48" standard or heavy duty, to hang balloon valances. X6034
FAX MACHINE, cheap. Ian Brown, X4174
JET SKI, 2-person, sit down. Laura, X6325, 458-1217
BABY PACK, Gerry Ultra Deluxe, w/instruction sheet, fits baby up to 40 lbs., new, used once, orig. $65, sell for $50/b.o. Charlotte, X4259
BICYCLE, Nishiki, men's 10-spd, exc. cond., extras incl. woman's seat, $125/b.o. 524-1140 (10 a.m.-8 p.m.)
BIKE TRAILER, Burley, '90 model, seats 2 kids, up to 100 lbs., screen cover & rain fly incl., $275. 268-0674
BLOCK, J.A. Henckels hardwood knife block w/10 slots, $25; 10" sharpening steel, $15, both brand new, never used, still wrapped. Marva, 233-3615
BOAT w/cutty cabin, 20' Lone Star, 75HP OB motor & tilt trailer, $2K/b.o.; 3-in-1 bumper pool table, can also be used as dining rm or game table, like new, $300. Don or Mary, 582-3079, 538-7900
CASSETTE DECK, TransAudio 5500, stereo, 15 1/4" W x 5 1/2" H x 10" D, $15. Peter, 531-7837
CELLULAR PHONE, AAA, hand-held, never used, pocket sz., 100 number alpha-numeric memory, many features, $299 new, $180/b.o. Sherry Gee, X6972, (415)564-7881
DESK LAMP, black, $5; pen stand, ceramic black, $3; photo album, 100 pg., new, $5; Citronella candles, new, in antiqued glass holders, $3. 843-2097
DINETTE SET, oak, brass base, glass top, 4 matching oak/upholstered chairs, gd/exc. cond., $150/b.o.; suit bag, American Tourister, sturdy, lt. brn w/matching tote bag, hardly used, $75/b.o. for both. Terri, X5733, 906-9946
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, traditional armoire design, like new, paid $1500, $500; sofa, 2-pc. sectional, Southwest design fabric, gd cond., $250, photos avail. Louise, X5547, 254-7670
FOLDING KAYAK, Folbot, needs little repair, make offer; moving sale, furn., household, baby & infant stuff. Dick McDonald, X6204, 549-9049
HIKING BOOTS, men's, leather, Asolo Scarpa Attack, sz. 46 (sz. 10-1/2 -11), used twice, paid $220, $70. Tom, X5644, 232-8532
MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS (no frame), queen sz., very firm, steel springs w/pure latex rubber pad, $150/b.o.; futon, queen sz., oak frame, $100/b.o.; dining table w/glass top, 4 matching chairs, $100/b.o.; rocking chair, curled wood w/wicker seat & back, $25/b.o., willing to bring to lab (bldg. 938). Margo, X6280, (415)871-4450
LOVE SEAT, blue, like new, $95; wood desk, 24"x48", $20; coffee table, $10; queen sz. futon & frame, $80. Jim, X4823, 527-9102
REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER, General Elec., 11 cubic ft., 8 yrs. old, very gd cond., $150. Diane, X5839, 658-9690
REFRIGERATOR, G.E., sm., exc. cond., $50; stove, Hotpoint, $70. Valerie, 704-9812
TODDLER BED, new, still in box, red metal w/new mattress still in plastic, $60. Teresa, X6246
BERKELEY/OAKLAND, nr Claremont Hotel, (2) furn. bdrms in pvt. home, ea. rm has pvt. entrance, shared kitchenette & bthrm, walking distance from UCB, couple/single. 848-4022
ALBANY, part. furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, bay view, swimming pool, tennis cts, 24-hr. sec., garage parking, 15 min. bus/BART to LBL/UCB, nr shopping, no pets, non-smoker, lease, $950/mo. 524-7941
BERKELEY nr San Pablo Park, Acton & Ward, sm. 2-bdrm house, sm. yd, single garage. Available July 1. $800/month. (510) 843-5100
BERKELEY, spacious, furn. rm in lg. brn shingle, walk to BART, UC, LBL shuttle & shops, washer/dryer, kitchen privs., non-smoker, short/long term, $400/mo. Rob, 843-5987
BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 2.5 bdrm, 2.5 bth house, frpl, avail. 9/1/95 - 6/30/96, $1200/mo.(negot.) +utils.+dep. 642-3577
CONCORD, share rental, 2-bdrm, 1.5-bth townhouse, wash/dry, pets possible, $362.50/mo.+1/2 utils., $365 dep., 676-1143
EL CERRITO, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth apt, LR, kitchen, laundry hookup, sep. entrance, pvt deck, bay views, nr bus/BART, avail. July, $1050/mo. incl. utils. X4868, X5234
EL CERRITO, 1 person, furn. 1 bdrm, 1-bth apt, LR, no kitchen, but has microwave & refrig., wkly cleaning service, lg. garden, own entrance, bay view, no smoking, nr bus/BART, $450/mo. 525-8761
LIVERMORE, Springtown, 2-bdrm, 1-bth home, 1-car garage, yd, non-smoker, no pets, $800/mo.+dep. 833-1668
MARTINEZ, Alhambra Valley, share 3-bdrm, 1-1/2 bth home w/woman, 2 frpls, non-smoker, prefer female, pets negot., $365/mo. + 1/2 util. 372-5607
OAKLAND, 2-bdrm upstairs apt in brn-shingle house, Grand-Lake area, walk to BART & Piedmont Ave., quiet, non-smoker(s) pref., reasonable utils. incl., $650/mo. 268-0674
OAKLAND HILLS, nr Claremont Hotel, new 1-bdrm in-law apt, balcony, 3-bridge view, hardwd flrs, pvt. entrance, 1-car garage, use of washer/dryer, no smoking, no pets, bicycle to Lab, $875/mo. incl. utils.+dep. 841-6285
PIEDMONT, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, LR, DR, kitchen, garage, garden, laundry, exc. schools, avail. 7/1, $1495/mo. X4190
WALNUT CREEK, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth detached home, DR, frpl, yd, hill views, 6 min. walk to shops, 20 min. to BART (6 min. by bike), $1300/mo.+util., lease. X4221, 935-2285
WANTED: German visiting scholar, male, non-smoker, seeks furn. rm/apt from Aug./Sept. '95 to April/March '96, nr LBL, $400/mo. max. [email protected]
WANTED: 2 or 3-bdrm apt/house in Albany for Scandinavian staff sci. & family, prefer 1 yr. lease from 7/1. Bjorn Rydberg, X7045
WANTED: Visiting professor seeks comfortable 1-bdrm apt for 2 people, nr UCB, from beginning of Aug. to mid-Oct. 524-4654
WANTED: 1-bdrm apt for visiting professor & wife, 9/16 - 10/15, will have car, allergic to animals. Luanne, X5853
WANTED: 2-bdrm house/apt for visiting scientist & wife from Japan, 7/13 - 9/9, little or no stairs, Berkeley area. Henry Stapp, X4488
WANTED: Furn. 2-bdrm apt/house for Hungarian visiting scholar w/family, between 7/11 & 8/3. X4978
HOUSE TO SIT, 6/28 - 7/9 for couple from Toronto, prefer in Berkeley/Albany/Kensington/Oakland hills, loves animals, can care for plants, mail, etc., exc. refs. Andrea Brewer, X4695
WANTED: 1-bdrm apt for non-smoking, UCB student, from 7/5 for 1 yr., prefer N. Berkeley/nr UCB. [email protected]
WANTED: House for 3 people from Holland, working at LBL from 7/1 - 9/13, nr UCB, LBL shuttle & BART, rent up to $1500/mo. Mark de Kanter, X5114
WANTED: Short-term housing for visiting English family, married couple w/2 children ages 3 & 7 yrs. 7/26-8/8/95 (12 days) Pref. near BART. Mary X4014; 524-9281
NO. TAHOE, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bth home, greenbelt views, lake, beaches, shopping & casinos, within 10 mins., wk/wkend, daily/wkly rates. Wayne Nordby, X7685, 837-2409
TAHOE KEYS, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house w/boat dock, mountain view. Bob, 376-2211
EL CERRITO, 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, ofc./4th bdrm, family rm, frpl, deck, laundry rm, alarmed, 2-car garage, appliances if needed, carpeted throughout, on quiet cul-de-sac, $165K. 235-3538
EL CERRITO, .45-acre downslope, borders Wildcat Reg. Park, view, easy access, all utils., $140K. Mary Wildensten, 339-8432
BOX SPRING for full sz. bed, gd cond., you haul. Janice, X4943, 631-1131
Mary Bodvarsson, X4014
Jeffery Kahn, X4019
Diane LaMacchia, X4015
Mike Wooldridge, X6249
Lynn Yarris, X5375
Brennan Kreller, X6566
Alice Ramirez
Mary Padilla, X5771
Public Information Department
LBL, MS 65 (Bldg. 65B)
One Cyclotron Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: (510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641
LBL is managed by the
University of California
for the U.S.
Department of Energy