
LBNL Currents

July 28, 1995

  1. High school honors students find Seaborg in his element
  2. New apparatus doubles speed of DNA replication
  3. How PCR works
  4. UC Regents' vote to end affirmative action will not affect Lab commitment to diversity
  5. Shank five-year review completed
  6. NewsWire
  7. Health Notes
  8. Readers make Currents happen
  9. Cycling for a cause
  10. Patent Department
  11. LHS brings astronomy down to earth
  12. House hunting?
  13. Drivers put safety FIRST
  14. Steer clear of broom cutting
  15. Shuttle bus notes
  16. Lab life
  17. Library database training courses for August
  18. August EH&S Class Schedule
  19. Calendar of Events -- July 31-August 11
  20. LBNL Softball League
  21. Dining Center Menu -- July 31-August 4
  22. Flea Market
  23. Flea Market ad policy
  24. Oops!

High school honors students find Seaborg in his element

CAPTION -- Following a long-standing tradition, students in the Lab's High School Honors Program scramble for autographs from LBNL Associate Director at Large and Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg. Afterwards, he nearly disappears in the annual group photo. Seaborg spoke to the students on July 25 about the making of the periodic table and his experience advising 11 U.S. presidents. The 61 students, one from each state and a number of foreign countries, have been at the Lab for the past two weeks, taking in lectures, labs, and side trips to Bay Area attractions. They have heard lectures from Life Sciences Division Director Mina Bissell, Lawrence Hall of Science Director Marion Diamond, and forensics expert Matt Piucci, and have attended a DNA panel discussion by LBNL's Sylvia Spengler, Mark Neff, and Herb Moise. The summer program is organized by Eileen Engel in the Center for Science and Engineering Education.

New apparatus doubles speed of DNA replication

By Judith Goldhaber
If you have seen the movie "Jurassic Park" or watched news coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial, you may be aware that PCR--polymerase chain reaction--is the method by which scientists replicate zillions of copies of a DNA fragment for use in research or forensic analysis.

Long before PCR achieved mainstream recognition, however, LBNL researchers used PCR to help map and sequence the three billion letters of the human genetic code.

Now, engineers in LBNL's Human Genome Center instrumentation group, working closely with Lab biologists, have developed an improved type of PCR apparatus that can perform the required steps in less than half the time. Chris Martin of the HGC's sequencing group says the next, even faster, version of the new machine, now under development, could lead to a total robotic automation of the process.

PCR involves three steps (see article on page 2), each of which must be performed at a specific temperature. To be most effective, the temperature changes should be as rapid as possible. In conventional PCR equipment, an array of tubes or vials holding samples of DNA is placed in a metal block, and the temperature of the samples is controlled by heating and cooling the block.

In the new apparatus, known as the rapid thermal cycler, the temperature is controlled with circulating water, which results in faster temperature changes, more samples processed per hour, and an improved signal-to-noise ratio in the data. The new design reduces sample preparation and handling procedures by about 40 minutes per array.

In each step of the PCR process, precise regulation and rapid switching of temperature is crucial. In the prototype, designed by Tony Hansen, the DNA samples are held in a standard plastic microtiter plate half-submerged in water fed from three separate tanks, maintained at 95, 72, and 55 degrees centigrade. The user selects one of several preprogrammed timing protocols, and a system of computer-controlled valves switches the water for each step. This model has been operating for about 18 months in the HGC laboratories in Bldg. 74.

An improved version of the rapid thermal cycler is in the final stages of development. In this model, designed by Kanchi Karunaratni, the heating tanks, interlocks, and valves are all directed by a sophisticated process controller (similar to the computers that run automated factory assembly lines). This results in more precise regulation of temperature and more flexible switching of the valves. The new model is also smaller and more energy efficient. Three models of this version are being built, with the first due to go on line at HGC this summer.

In addition to Hansen and Karunaratni, LBNL engineers and technicians involved in the design of the rapid thermal cycler include Dave Wilson, Davey Hudson, Charlie Reiter, and Don Uber (software). Joe Jaklevic heads the HGC instrumentation group.

How PCR works

The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method of DNA replication, which was invented in 1985 by Nobel Laueate Kary Mullis, involves three basic steps. First, a small test tube is filled with a soup of ingredients that includes the double-stranded DNA of interest; ample supplies of the A, C, T, G bases that are the building blocks of DNA; a pair of primers (short, single-stranded DNA sequences of about 20 bases, complementary to the DNA of interest); and a polymerase (a DNA-duplicating protein extracted from bacteria).

In the first step, denaturing, the test tube is heated close to boiling for a few seconds. This causes the double-stranded DNA to separate into two single strands. The primers bind to the exposed single strands at places where the sequence of primer bases is complementary to that of the DNA.

The second step is annealing. The temperature of the test tube is lowered to about 55 degrees centigrade for a few seconds, causing the primers to bind permanently to their sites on the single-stranded DNA. The DNA of interest is now single-stranded along most of its length, with a few small double-stranded areas where primers have aligned themselves.

The third step is extending. The temperature is raised to about 72 degrees centigrade for about a minute, which causes the polymerase protein to go to work. It moves along the single-stranded portion of the DNA, beginning at a primer, and creates a second strand of new DNA to match the first. After extension, the DNA of interest is double-stranded again, and the number of strands bearing the sequence of interest has been doubled.

The three steps are repeated about 30 times, resulting in an exponential increase of up to a billion-fold of the DNA of interest. A fragment of DNA that accounted for one part in three million in the original sample now fills the whole test tube.

UC Regents' vote to end affirmative action will not affect Lab commitment to diversity

By Ron Kolb, [email protected]
Lab Director Charles Shank this week reiterated the Laboratory's commitment to promote diversity in the work place in light of the UC Board of Regents' July 20 decisions on affirmative action.

While voting to end the use of ethnicity and gender in student admissions and in hiring and contracting, the Regents issued a companion statement declaring California's diversity as an asset. Shank emphasized the value of such diversity at LBNL.

"We continue to believe that our strengths derive from the fair and equitable treatment of employees and the stimulating variety of individuals who make up our community," Shank said. "We respect diversity in its many forms and will sustain our support for programs and policies which protect individual rights while preserving the quality of our multicultural environment."

In a statement released on Monday following the Regents' decision, UC President Jack Peltason noted that a provision in the resolution dealing with business practices clearly states that the University will continue to comply with any requirements necessary to maintain its eligibility for federal and state funds. "Few significant changes are likely," he said, "because UC's employment and contracting programs are governed by state and federal laws, regulations, executive orders, and the U.S. Constitution, and our practices historically have been and will continue to be in compliance with those various laws and requirements."

The Regents voted 14-10 to bar the use of race, religion, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin as criteria for University student eligibility and admission, effective Jan. 1, 1997. In a separate 15-10 vote, Regents also eliminated the use of ethnicity and gender in UC's hiring and business practices, effective Jan. 1, 1996. The two resolutions approved by Regents were proposed by Regent Ward Connerly.

The meeting in San Francisco was attended by 800 members of the public and about 300 members of the press. During 12 hours of public comment and debate about the issue, about 30 public officials and about 30 members of the public--including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Assemblyman Willie Brown Jr. and Gov. Pete Wilson--spoke on the affirmative action issue.

UC President Peltason, who had urged support for affirmative action policies, said he had hoped for a different outcome. "I want to ask the members of the University community, whatever your views on the matter, to keep in mind that our goal has not changed," he told the press after the vote at UC San Francisco. "The only thing that has changed is the means we can take to achieve our goal."

In a joint statement, Peltason and the nine UC chancellors said: "This will unfortunately make it more difficult for our campuses to achieve the diversity that is essential for the future excellence of the university and the stability and welfare of our society. However, we pledge to continue our efforts to serve all populations in California, working within the new guidelines of economic and social disadvantage, and in conformance with state and federal mandates. We pledge to retain those elements of affirmative action that have proven of such great value to our institution, including open employment searches."

Regent Connerly said this week, "We do not want to be perceived as turning our back on achieving diversity. We're saying that we're totally committed to diversity and inclusion, and we're going to make sure everyone has equal opportunity. The only question is how to do it. If what we're doing conflicts with federal laws and programs, then the federal law supersedes. We do not want to be in a stand-off game with UC and the federal government."

Shank five-year review completed

By Ron Kolb, [email protected]
The five-year review of Lab Director Charles Shank, who joined the Laboratory in 1989, has been completed satisfactorily. UC President Jack Peltason acknowledged the conclusion of the process in a letter to Shank on July 18.

"Provost (Walter) Massey joins me in wishing you continued success with LBNL," Peltason wrote. "We understand the recent years have sometimes been difficult ones for the laboratories, and changing times in DOE and the Congress promise more challenges ahead. Nonetheless, we are confident that you will lead the Laboratory to new scientific excellence. You have an outstanding staff, and we trust that your leadership will see them through the changes ahead."

As part of UC management procedures, all chancellors and Department of Energy laboratory directors undergo performance reviews every five years. The results of those reviews are personnel matters and therefore considered confidential.

Shank's evaluation began in December and included invited comments from lab employees. Two closed meetings were held by a special review board in December and January for purposes of gathering input, and employees were encouraged to submit additional comments in writing.

John Armstrong, retired vice president of IBM, served as chairman of the review panel. Other members included Patricia Buffer, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health; Boyce McDaniel, professor emeritus of Cornell University; Christopher McKee of the UCB Space Sciences Lab; Thomas Page, San Diego Gas and Electric; Kumar Pael, UCLA vice chancellor for research; and Lucy Shapiro of the Stanford Medical Center.


In last week's story about the chemical dynamics beamline at the ALS, the photo on page two erroneously identified the person on the left. The correct identification is Phil Heimann, an ALS staff member who is the coordinator for the beamline and is overseeing the installation of its new components.

N e w s W i r e

Life Sciencers receive MERIT status:

The National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Advisory Council has awarded MERIT (Method to Extend Research in Time) status to Life Sciences researcher Mohandas Narla's grant for studies on red cell physiology, acknowledging his "consistent and excellent contributions to scientific knowledge." MERIT awards are designed to provide a few outstanding investigators with the opportunity for long-term stable support which will enhance their continued scientific creativity and lessen the administrative burdens associated with the preparation and submission of competing grant application. This brings to four the number of LBNL Life Sciences researchers with MERIT awards (a much higher proportion than of investigators holding NIH awards than most Institutions). Others include Thomas Budinger (cerebral blood flow patterns in Alzheimer's disease), Judith Campisi (cellular senescence and gene expression), and Martha Stampfer (characterization of human mammary cells).

More Life Sciences news:

Life Sciences Division Director Mina Bissell has been voted president-elect of the 2,296-member American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). She will serve for three years on the Executive Committee, serving the second year as president. ASCB, one of the most prestigious and fastest growing biological societies in the United States, is dedicated to promoting and developing the field of cell and molecular biology.

Lab's breast cancer research receives funding:

LBNL achieved an unprecedented level of success in the first proposal call for the University of California Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP), having secured funding for seven new proposals out of the 11 submitted. This amounts to nearly $1 million in new research dollars. The following researchers were recipients: Pierre-Yves Desprez, Andre Lochter, Bill Moses, Dan Pinkel, G. Shyamala, and Valerie Weaver of the Life Sciences Division, and Regine Goth-Goldstein from the Energy and Environment Division.

Research Highlights a hot web site:

The online version of Research Highlights, LBNL's annual publication featuring cutting-edge science at the Lab, was chosen as this week's "Hot UC World Wide Web Page." The Hot UC Pages site, based at UC Santa Cruz, features a "new and innovative" Web site each week that others constructing sites can learn from by example. Research Highlights is published by the Public Information Department, and formatted for the Web by PID's Jeffery Kahn with support from Marty Gelbaum of ICSD. View Research Highlights at the LBNL home page ( under "Welcome to Our Laboratory."

Readers make Currents happen

Where do we get the news that goes into Currents each week? From you, the reader. Without your help in bringing news to our attention, we would be unable to bring you the up-to-date information you've told us you want. Please let us know about your research accomplishments, personal and professional achievements, and anything else you think is appropriate for sharing with your colleagues. If you're not sure, give us a call; we will help you decide. Please contact the editor at [email protected] or X4014. n

Cycling for a cause

CAPTION -- LBNL fire fighter Kirk McKenzie is gearing up for a 200-mile bike tour to help fight multiple sclerosis. He and a thousand other "spokes"-people will wind their way through Sonoma County in the Waves to Wine Bike Tour on September 30 and October 1. An ex-racer, McKenzie usually completes several 100-plus mile bike rides for charities each year. He regularly rides to work from his home in Orinda. Anyone interested in sponsoring McKenzie may send checks--payable to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society--to Bldg. 48, or contact him at X6015. Photo by Paul Hames

Patent Department

In answer to your question...

From time to time, the attorneys and patent agents in LBNL's Patent Department receive questions from individual researchers, the answers to which may be of interest to others in the Laboratory. If you have questions for the Patent Department, call X7058.

Q: What is the current situation regarding patenting of computer software in the United States?

A: Until relatively recently, it was extremely difficult to obtain software patents in the United States. In the last two years, however, there have been more than 10,000 software patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office. The ten most frequent art categories are image processing, network/communications, operating systems, process/numerical control, graphics, medical/health care, engineering, automobile/transportation, graphical user interface, and signal processing.

In 1994, there were 396 software patents issued to IBM, 189 to Hitachi, 107 to DEC, 107 to Xerox and Fuji Xerox, 107 to Toshiba, 97 to Hewlett-Packard, 82 to Fujitsu, 70 to Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, 68 to Motorola, and 68 to Matsushita Electric Industrial. It should be noted that five out of the top ten corporations receiving software patents are Japanese, or Japanese-owned.

Many researchers at LBNL have developed software programs which may be commercially significant and patentable, but only a few of these programs have been reported to the Patent Department. Contract 98 requires that all computer programs be reported to DOE via the Patent Department. To assist in reporting, the Patent Department has now prepared a new Software Disclosure Form, which can be obtained electronically (Word 5.1) from the Patent Department public folder Zone B12; name Patent Department, Karen Drew.

LBNL researchers are encouraged to submit their software programs to the Patent Department for consideration of either copyrighting or patenting, as may be most appropriate.

LHS brings astronomy down to earth

August is space month at the the Lawrence Hall of Science. New attractions beginning August 5 include a moon rock collected on the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, and a
giant "video wall" of 22 monitors that features the history of space exploration, a day aboard a space station, and breakthroughs in aeronautics technology.

Out-of-this-world exhibits currently on display include "Electric Space: Exploring Our Plasma Universe," featuring activities about the electric and magnetic forces that create phenomena such as the Northern Lights aurora; the Holt Planetarium, which lets visitors participate in observations and experiments about the heavens; and Saturday Night Stargazing, where visitors can view the moon, planets, stars, and galaxies from the LHS plaza (8:30 to 11 p.m.).

Call LHS at 642-5134 for more information.

Lab life

Peter Fraser and his wife Jin welcomed their first child, daughter Emma, on July 14, 1995. The baby was 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 20.5 inches at birth. The happy father is a quality engineer for LBNL's Office of Assessment and Assurance.

House hunting?

Housing and hotel listings are available on-line via the Reception Center's file server. Macintosh users can get them through the Chooser. Select AppleShare, the entry zone, and the Reception Server. Connect to the server as a guest and select the RC Fileserver. The RC Housing Listing file is located in the Housing folder.

Reception listings include ads appearing in the Currents flea market as well as ads from non-employees. To post a housing ad in Currents, send via e-mail to [email protected], or fax to X6641.

Drivers put safety FIRST

The Lab honored its safe drivers last month, handing out special awards and savings bonds to truck driver Larry Gilbert and bus drivers Sandy Bell and Frances Mann.

Gilbert received a $100 savings bond for 15 years of accident-free driving. Bell received a $75 bond and Miller a $50 bond for 10 and 5 years of safe driving, respectively. Other drivers who completed 1994 with no preventable accidents were also awarded certificates. The awards were presented by Fred Lothrop of Bus and Fleet Services, and Dave Saucer, who oversees the Transportation Office.

The awards were handed out at the 40th Annual Safe Drivers Awards luncheon, held in the cafeteria on June 15 to honor all LBNL bus and truck drivers for their years of driving with no preventable accidents. Saving bonds were given to drivers for every fifth year of safe driving completed. To be eligible, driving must be at least 50 percent of an employee's job.

Shuttle bus notes

Late evening service

The Lab's late evening shuttle bus service is being suspended for at least two months because of budget constraints. Effective Monday, July 31, the last bus will depart the Bldg. 65 bus stop for downtown Berkeley at 6:50 p.m. (Monday through Friday). The two later runs, which followed the on-site, blue-flag route before departing for downtown from Bldg. 65 (7:40/8 p.m. and 8:40/9 p.m.) will no longer be in service. The Rockridge service will not be affected. For more information, contact Fred Lothrop at X7726, or Tammy Brown at X4165.

Cafeteria bus stop

Effective immediately, through the end of the year, the "downhill" on-site bus will not stop at Bldg. 54 (cafeteria parking lot). Riders going to buildings 55, 65, and 90 are asked to stand across the road at the Bldg. 29 bus stop. Riders needing the "uphill" bus, going to buildings 46, 71, 52/6, 26, 69, 77, 62/66, 74/83, 72, 31, and 48, should wait at the cafeteria bus stop.


Brought to you by LBNL's Health Services Department

Hantavirus threatens again

Remember the Hantavirus that made itself known in 1993? Well, the California State Department of Public Health has expressed concern regarding Hantavirus exposure this year. This year's population of the deer mice--the carrier of this deadly virus--is larger than ever.

The UC Office of the President is working with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the State Department of Health Services to prepare information and guidelines about Hantavirus risk reduction, precautions and clean up. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about the virus:

What is a Hantavirus?

Hantaviruses are a family of four previously identified viruses, found in rodents, that have caused serious health problems in other parts of the world (mainly the Far East and Scandinavia).

How is the virus transmitted?

The virus is believed to be principally carried by a common rodent, the deer mouse, which is found throughout North America and in every California county. Infected rodents shed live virus in saliva, feces and urine. Humans are infected when they encounter and inhale aerosolized microscopic particles that contain dried rodent urine or feces.

How dangerous is this virus?

This strain appears to be extremely dangerous to those who are infected with it. While dangerous to individuals, its means of transmission is so unusual that most people are very unlikely to encounter the virus, thus, it poses little threat to the general California population.

The CDC recommends that all persons minimize their contact with deer mice and other rodents. LBNL Health Services has information to help you protect yourself from infection by recognizing risks and taking precautions.

Hikers and campers, and those doing research with rodents or working at remote locations are encouraged to avail themselves of this information. Call X6266 or stop by Health Services (Bldg. 26) to pick up this information.

Library database training courses for August

The LBNL Library is offering 20-minute demonstrations on the use of the databases listed below. If you are unable to attend one of these sessions, you may call X4622 to arrange a demonstration.
Date	Demonstration				Time		Location
8/1	LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs		1:30 p.m.	62-339
8/10	LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs		11 a.m.		50-134	
8/15	LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs		3 p.m.		62-339
8/16	Thomas' Register on CD-ROM		11 a.m.		90P
8/22	TULIP					3 p.m.		62-339
8/24	TULIP					11 a.m.		50-134
8/30	LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs		11 a.m.		90P
8/31	LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs		11 a.m.		50-134	

August EH&S Class Schedule

Date	Course	Time	Place
8/9	Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530)			10-11:30 a.m.	48-109
8/9	Recertification for Crane/Hoist (EHS 216)	8 a.m. - noon	70-191
8/15	Introduction to EH&S (EHS 10)			9-11:30 a.m.	66 Aud.
8/15	Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256)		9-11:30 a.m.	51-201
8/16	Blood Biosafety Training (EHS 735)		9-10:30 a.m.	4-102
8/17	Adult CPR (EHS 123)				9 a.m. - noon	48-109
8/22	Earthquake Safety (EHS 135)			10-11:30 a.m.	48-109
8/22	Forklift Recertification (EHS 226)		10-11 a.m.	51-201
8/23	First Aid (EHS 116)				8 a.m. - noon	48-109
8/23&25	Radiation Protection-Radiological Worker I
	(EHS 430) - both days				8 a.m. - noon	51-201
8/24	Laser Safety (EHS 280)				9:30-11:45 a.m.	51-201
8/29	Pressure Safety/Compressed Gases (EHS 230)	8 a.m. - noon	51-201
8/29 	Chemical Hygiene and Safety Training (EHS 348)	1-4:30 p.m.	51-201
8/30	Med/Biohazardous Waste Training (EHS 730)	10-11:30 a.m.	66-316

Pre-registration is required for all courses except Introduction to Environment, Health & Safety. Call X6554 to register for CPR, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher Use, Earthquake Safety, and Building Emergency Team Training. Send a fax with your name, employee number, extension, and mail stop to X7209 to pre-register for all other courses (or call X6612).

Calendar of Events -- July 31-August 11

Calendar items may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

31 m o n d a y


1 t u e s d a y


LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs, at 1:30 Bldg. 62-339.


"Aspects of Local Probe Microscopy: From Tunneling to Force Sensing" will be presented by Urs Durig of the IBM Research Division, Zurich, Switzerland, at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 Auditorium.

2 w e d n e s d a y


3 t h u r s d a y


4 f r i d a y


"Entropy and Emittance of Particle and Photon Beams" will be presented by Kwang-Je Kim of LBNL at 10:30 a.m. in the Bldg. 71 conference room.


"Unsaturated Zone Gas-phase VOC Biodegradation; The Importance of Water Potential" will be presented by Patricia Holden of UCB at noon in Bldg. 50A-5132.


Noon - 1 p.m., lower cafeteria conference room, all Technical Employees and Research Associates are invited to attend, especially non-members. Q & A on the RIF and changes in the RPM which will impact employees.

7 m o n d a y


Noon - 1 p.m, meeting in the lower cafeteria.

8 t u e s d a y


9 w e d n e s d a y


Recertification for Crane/Hoist (EHS 216), 8 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 70-191; pre-registration required, X6612.

Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530), 10 - 11:30 a.m., Bldg. 48-109; pre-registration required, X6554.


"A Review of Recent Results from the SPS Heavy Ion Program" will be presented by Barbara Jacak of the Las Alamos National Lab at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 70A-3377.

10 t h u r s d a y


LBNL Library & MELVYL Catalogs, 11 a.m., Bldg. 50-134


General Body Meeting, noon - 1 p.m., Bldg. 90-1099

11 f r i d a y


LBNL Softball League

Games are played Wednesday evenings on Kleeburger Field.
Results of July 26

CAMShafts		14
Animals 5

Rated X 14
Astros 4

Budget Cuts 11
CAMShafts 10

Environ-mets 13
Off the Hill 6

Sudz 1
Budget Cuts 0

Off the Hill 2
Ball Park Estimates 13

Standings as of July 19 W-L Ball Park Estimates 7-1 Rated X 8-2 Environ-mets 7-2 Astros 6-4 Sudz 3-7 CAMShafts 6-4 Animals 2-6 Budget Cuts 2-8 Off the Hill 1-8

Steer clear of broom cutting

With Facilities' French broom removal project underway, it is important that pedestrians stay clear of areas where work is in progress. The cutting can send plant debris flying, and it is easy to slip or trip on recently cut plants. You are asked, for your own safety, to avoid these hazardous areas, which are clearly marked and barricaded.

A location of particular concern is the Par Course, where a large portion of the broom is located and where cut broom is drying prior to the controlled burn in September; please do not use the pathways that traverse this area. As work continues through the summer, detours will be posted in other areas as well. With your cooperation, this job can be completed safely and with a minimum of disruption to the Laboratory.

Currents ONLINE edition

The full text of each edition of Currents is published on the Lab's home page on the World Wide Web. View it at under "Research News and Publications." To set up your computer to access the World Wide Web, call the Mac and PC Support Group at X6858.

Dining Center Menu -- July 31-August 4


Early Bird Peach pancakes w/coffee -- $2.05

Sadie's Grill Meatball sub w/fries -- $3.25

Passports South of the Border -- (al a carte)

Soup Corn chowder -- $1.35 & $1.95

Bistro fare Chinese chicken salad* -- 3.95


Early Bird Berry French toast w/coffee -- $2.05

Sadie's Grill Tuna melt w/fries -- $3.05

Passports South of the Border -- (al a carte)

Soup Mushroom barley* -- 35 & $1.95

Bistro fare Glazed ham, macaroni & cheese, green beans -- $3.95


Early Bird Eggs Benedict w/coffee -- $2.95

Sadie's Grill Hot pastrami on rye w/fries -- $3.05

Passports South of the Border -- (al a carte)

Soup Split pea & ham -- $1.35 & $1.95

Bistro fare Green onion beef stirfry w/noodles* -- $3.95


Early Bird Blueberry pancakes w/coffee -- $2.95

Sadie's Grill Chicken breast on a bun w/fries -- $3.75

Passports South of the Border -- (al a carte)

Soup Creamy clam chowder -- $1.35 & $1.95

Bistro fare Delta catfish, hush puppies, greens -- $3.95


Early Bird Ham scramble w/coffee -- $2.60

Sadie's Grill Grilled Reuben w/fries -- $3.95

Soup Beef noodle -- $1.35 & $1.95

Bistro fare Pasta Piatti (pasta & grilled veggies)* -- $3.95

*Denotes recipe lower in fat, calories & cholesterol

F l e a M a r k e t

Flea Market ads may be sent via e-mail to [email protected], Fax to X6641, or Lab mail to Bldg. 65B. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'69 CAMARO Z28, silver/black, Chevy 350, orig. Holley, hi-rise manifold, headers, hurst, 12-bolt posi rear, 8k mi., great cond., $11,900. (408)356-1936

'82 MAZDA 626, stick shift, 125K mi., new brake shoes,
a/c, runs great, $1650. Fabrice, X7960, 664-2997, Laurent, (415)859-4966

'84 BMW 733, exc. running cond., needs some paint, $6500. (415)381-9814

'85 PORSCHE 944, red w/black int., sunrf., low mi., $5500/b.o. Russ, 339-9812

'86 FORD Escort wgn, 65K mi., a/t, a/c, p/s, p/b, snow chains, recent tune-up, $2200. John, 601-0730 (before 10 p.m.)

'87 CELICA GTS, 2-dr hatchbk, 5-spd, 2-tone gray, loaded, all pwr, new (used) engine incl. warranty, new brakes, struts, clutch, year old tires, exc. cond., $5500/b.o. Ervette, X6135

'87 PLYMOUTH Sundance, 4-dr, 88K mi., new tires, shocks, struts., 5-spd, runs great, $2900. Joy, (415) 456-2966

'87 VOLVO 240 wgn, stick, a/c, body 66K mi., motor & clutch 24K, tires 15K, great cond., $9K/b.o. Lee Schipper, X5057, 527-5821

'88 DODGE Dakota truck, white w/camper shell, clean, runs gd., $3950/b.o. John X4631

'88 MAZDA MX6, $5,000. X7176

'89 TOYOTA 4x4 pickup w/camper shell, $6K/b.o. X7176

'91 FORD Escort wgn, a/c, a/t, AM/FM/cass. stereo, clean, new trans., 1 owner, 80K mi., $6K. Jane, X6731

'93 SATURN SC2, silver, ABS, CD player, loaded, 42K mi., $12.5K. John, 601-0730 (before 10 p.m.)

TIRES, (2) Michelin XAS 165 HR 14 (for Alfa), like new. Jacob, X4606

TRAVEL TRAILER, '89 Alpenlite 5th wheel, 29'11", rear kitchen, sand color, exc. cond., 4 new tires, $18K. Richard, X6015, 689-1255


FOOTBALL, 49ers/Raider rights/season tickets, 50-yd. line seats. John, (415)924-3210


HOUSE TO RENT on lake w/sm. sailboat, 8/20-27 or other times. John McCarthy, X5307, 841-7875

MAC POWERBOOK, used, needed for lab business. Jacob, X4606


BABY STROLLER, Gerry, great cond., $50. 527-0693

BICYCLE, Nishiki men's 10-spd, exc. cond., extras incl. woman's seat, best offer. 524-1140 (10 a.m.-8 p.m.)

BIKE TRAILER, Burley, '90 model, seats 2 kids, up to 100 lbs., screen cover & rain fly incl., $225. 268-0674

BOOKBAG, blond leather, 4 inner compartments, adj. shoulder strap, exc. cond. (almost brand new), orig. $160, will sell for $100. Melissa, X7849

CAMERA LENS, Tamron 28 - 200mm AF, Nikon mount, B&W filter, close-up attach, mint cond., bought all for $350, asking $275. Peter, X5816

CROCK POT, elec., 3.5 qt., never used, $15; baseboard heater, Intertherm, oil/elec., 6' long, $60. 524-9473

DESK, walnut, $100; futon w/frame, $100; 3 bookcases, $25 ea.; sm. table, $20; night stand, $10; 2 desk lamps, $5 ea.; coffee maker, sm. rice cooker, mixer, $5 ea. Wolfgang, X4134, 528-8958

EXERCISE STEPPER, Prosport Fitness, dual action, adjust. shocks, w/monitor for time, dist., cals. & counter, like new, $125. Jim, X5450

MICROWAVE, Sanyo, $35. Radim, X5040

MOVING SALE, refrig., washer & dryer, sewing machine & sm. appliances. Eileen, 784-3702, 793-3118 (eve.)

SAILBOARD,'93 Fanatic Mega Ray 282, 9'-3", fast, exc. cond., w/2 blade fins, $375; North Infinity 4.3, $95. X6797, 236-4347

SAILBOAT, J24, exc. cond., $11,110. (415)381-9814

SOFA & CHAIR, antique red, hand carved, circa 1920s, $1300/b.o.; 1/4 carat diamond wed. ring w/10 small diamonds, $1100; queen sz. futon w/frame, $75; VCR w/remote, $90. Greg 339-0509

STEREO AUDIO RACK, Sansui, $25; drafting table, $30. 233-0734

SURVEYING INSTRUMENT, Berger speed series model 190B, gd. cond., $100/b.o. Kelly, X5468 (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

TELEVISION, Zenith 25" fl. model, exc. picture, keyboard entry tuning, approx.. sz. 2'x4'x2.5'H, $125/b.o. 235-3983


ALBANY, 1-bdrm in 3-bdrm, 2-bth apt, nr UC Village, avail.
8/19, $270/mo. + 1/3 utils. + $100 dep. Mark, X4427

BERKELEY, 2-bdrm top sunny flat, lg. deck, green yd., nr UC/BART/LBNL shuttle area, furn., $1200/mo., lease. Mr. Bogdis, 540-8421

BERKELEY, sunny, unfurn. 2nd fl 1+ bdrm in Victorian 4-plex, wall-to-wall carpet, porch, no laundry or off-st. parking, Grant & Derby, short-term OK, $629/mo. + dep. + utils. 548-6974

BERKELEY, rm avail. in 2-bdrm apt. nr Dwight Way at Milvia, top fl., park sp. avail., quiet, no smoking, no pets, walk to UC, trans., avail. 8/15, $378/mo. + elec. & phone. Suzanne, X5012, 548-5074

NO. BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 1-1/3 bth home, hardwd flrs, frpls, yd, washer/dryer, unfurn., sunny, quiet, nr trans. & shops, 1 mi. from UCB, avail. 8/2, $1500/mo. Guy, X4703, 548-0120

EL CERRITO, furn. 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, dinning rm, family rm, frpl, carpet, yd, walk to BART/Plaza, $1200/mo. + util. X7961, 232-7433

EL CERRITO, unfurn. 3-bdrm house, no pets, no smoking, avail. 8/5, $1100/mo. Mrs. Kim, 524-4199

EL CERRITO, new 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, dinning rm, family rm, sitting rm, frpl, carpet, yd, partial bay view, $1600/mo.+$50/mo. gardener. Hashem Akbari, 299-0560

EL CERRITO, sublet, 1-bdrm apt, 2 blks from Plaza, BART, quiet, detached unit, deck, washer/dryer, sunny, hardwd flrs, storage space, avail. 8/1 to 12/31, no smoking, pets, $650/mo. + utils. 526-8176

OAKLAND, 2-bdrm upstairs apt in classic brn-shingle house, Grand-Lake area, walk to Lake Merritt, Grand Ave., BART, Piedmont Ave. pref. quiet, non-smoker(s), reasonable utils. are incl., $650. 268-0674

NO. OAKLAND, Temescal area, 1200 sq. ft., 1-bdrm flat, sep. living & dining rms, lg. kitchen, dishwasher, laundry hook-ups, walk-in closet, frpl, hardwd flrs, yard, avail. late Aug., $800/mo. + util. Tom, 601-0574 (eve./wkend)

SAN LEANDRO, 1-bdrm apt, water/garbage pd., off st. parking, $525/mo. + dep. Timothy, 530-3033

WANTED: Apt for visiting academic & child from late Aug. '95 to late Feb. '96, nr UCB & bus/BART. [email protected] or +64 4 802 6221

WANTED: 2-bdrm or lg. 1-bdrm apt, nr UCB or LBNL shuttle. X6031

WANTED: Visiting prof. seeks quiet studio or 1-bdrm apt, nr UCB, from Aug. to end of Nov. Joerg, 601-1626

WANTED: 1-bdrm apt for visiting prof. & wife, 9/10-10/7/95, allergic to pets. Luanne, X5853

WANTED: Visiting postdoc & wife w/5 yr. old daughter seek 2-bdrm apt or house in or nr Berkeley, end of Sept. through Dec. X5761, 848-538

WANTED: German sci. seeks 1-bdrm apt. w/balcony (or garden access) in nice area from 10/95 to 6/96. Martin, X5738


SO. BERKELEY, Benvenue nr Ashby, 3+2 bdrm, 2-1/2 bth, brn. shingle, Craftsman style, lg. rms., high beamed ceilings, 2 frpls, $369K. Guy, X4703, 548-0120

EL CERRITO, downslope, 0.45 acre bordering Wildcat Reg. Park, great geol. report OMC, $140K. Mary, 339-8432

EL CERRITO HILLS, 2-bdrm, 1-bth home, move-in cond, bay view, almost new carpets, dining rm, hardwd flrs, frpl, lg. terraced backyd w/drip system. Jean, 232-0281, 232-3990


TAHOE KEYS, 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth house w/boat dock, mountain view. Bob, 376-2211


CAT, abandoned at apt. complex, needs loving home, neutered, full-grown, very affectionate, must have no other cats since he has FIV (feline immuno-deficiency virus), healthy now, can easily live to a ripe old age, would be very happy in a home w/children. 223-8808

Flea Market ad policy

Please note the following change in policy: Due to the large volume of ads received each week, effective immediately, ads will be accepted only from LBNL employees, LBNL retirees, and on-site DOE personnel. No other ads will be accepted. We encourage past contributors to the Flea Market to use other local services, such as LBNL's online housing listing (call X6198 for information), and the UC Housing Office.

Please note also:


Published weekly by the Public Information Department for the employees and retirees of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Manager, Ron Kolb


Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

[email protected]


Jeffery Kahn, X4019

Diane LaMacchia, X4015

Mike Wooldridge, X6249

Lynn Yarris, X5375


Brennan Kreller, X6566


Alice Ramirez


Mary Padilla, X5771

[email protected]

[email protected]

Public Information Department

LBNL, MS 65 (Bldg. 65B)

One Cyclotron Rd.

Berkeley, CA 94720

Tel: (510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641

LBNL is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy