LBL Currents -- April 8, 1994

LBL team discovers at least three new supernovas

By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]

LBL astrophysicists have announced the discovery of three of the exploding stars known as "supernovas" that are among the most distant from Earth ever detected. Three additional supernova candidates were also found and are now being examined for further identification.

Four of the sightings took place in a single week--the most ever within such a short period of time. All were observed using a new technique developed over a five-year period to make the discovery of supernovas easier.

All the supernovas were consistent with the "Type Ia" classification. They were located in galaxies approximately 3 to 5 billion light years away, which means they exploded roughly around the time the earth was formed.

Because all Type-Ia supernovas give off about the same amount of light, they can be used to measure distances in space. With the identification of perhaps no more than 50 Type-Ia supernovas, scientists believe they can answer the question of whether the universe is infinite and will expand forever, or whether it is finite and will eventually contract.

The first four supernovas were sighted in early January at the 2.5-meter Isaac Newton Telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. The other two were sighted in February using the National Optical Astronomy Observatory's Four Meter Telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona.

Leading the team that made the deep-space supernova discoveries were Saul Perlmutter, Gerson Goldhaber, and Carl Pennypacker, all of whom are affiliated with LBL's Physics Division and with UC Berkeley's Center for Particle Astrophysics and UCB's Space Sciences Laboratory. They also led last year's discovery of a single deep-space Type-Ia supernova. (See Currents, Nov. 13, 1992).

Type-Ia supernovas, which can shine almost as brightly as an entire galaxy for up to a month before beginning to fade, are among the easiest of all the supernovas to spot. However, they are still a rare and random event, occurring only about twice a millenium in any galaxy.

The successful technique used to identify the 1993 supernovas is a refined and more sensitive version of the one used in 1992. An ultrasensitive electronic camera attached to a telescope is used to photograph thousands of deep-space galaxies. These images are then compared to images of the same galaxies taken at the same telescope from as recently as two weeks earlier to as long as a year earlier. Old image light is then subtracted from new image light to reveal the appearance of supernovas their light curves are rising.

"By examining tens of thousands of galaxies in a few days, we can schedule the discovery of a batch of supernovas on demand," Perlmutter says. "For example, the best time to discover faint objects is at the new moon."

For measuring distances, it is critical that a Type-Ia supernova be discovered just before its brightest moments. A type Ia occurs when a white dwarf, an aging star about the size of the earth but with the same mass as the sun, accretes too much matter from a companion star and implodes under the gravitational pressure.

Describing the process, Pennypacker says, "The implosion smashes matter together and creates a giant nuclear conflagration that rips the star to shreds."

The visible light created in a Type Ia supernova's implosion-explosion is consistent enough to be used as a standard of reference. Given this point of reference--dubbed a "standard candle"--scientists can measure the light from a Type-Ia and compare its observed brightness to its known brightness. The resulting ratio yields a precise measurement of its distance from Earth.

"Distance has proved to be one of the most difficult things to measure in the universe," says Goldhaber. "When a bright object is observed in the sky, it is hard to tell whether it is intrinsically bright or simply closer to us than a dimmer object."

Analyzing the spectrum of a Type-Ia supernova and comparing it to the spectrum of its parent galaxy will determine the velocity at which the galaxy is receding from Earth, which in turn reveals the rate at which the universe was expanding at the time the supernova explosion occurred.

Other LBL-UCB members of the team behind the latest discoveries (many of whom were members of the earlier team) were Silvia Gabi, Ariel Goobar (from the University of Stockholm), Alex Kim, Matthew Kim, Reynald Pain (from CNRS of Paris), and Ivan Small.

Hughes Pack, a physics and astronomy teacher at Northfield-Mount Hermon High School in Northfield, Mass., also participated in the observations as part of LBL's nationwide educational program called "Hands-On Universe."

PHOTO CAPTION -- The new supernovas were discovered in galaxies like this one--almost halfway to the edge of the universe--between January and February, the most ever spotted within such a short period of time.

Sloan Foundation president calls for funding reforms

By Jeffery Kahn, [email protected]

With the end of the Cold War and the dawning of a competitive global economy, the forces driving federal support of research are in a state of flux. Ralph Gomory, president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, argues that the time is ripe for a clear new guiding framework.

Gomory, who spoke at LBL on Monday, April 4, described the current era as a time of confusion and frustration. On one side, he said, scientists complain about the uncertainty and adequacy of federal support. On the other, taxpayers and the government don't understand why scientific excellence has not translated into industrial and economic leadership.

"Lack of agreed upon goals has confused matters," Gomory said. "Collectively, we are in the position of attempting to find the fastest way to get somewhere without first knowing where we are going."

Gomory, who headed research at IBM for 16 years and is currently a Regents Lecturer on the UC Berkeley campus, spoke as part of the Science and Technology in a Competitive World lecture series that is jointly sponsored by LBL and UCB. During his talk, he outlined a pragmatic new framework that begins with the explicit recognition that funds are limited and priorities must be set.

Gomory said the United States should select those areas of science where it intends to maintain clear world leadership. In all areas not selected, the United States nonetheless should remain among the world leaders so that it is in a position to move quickly if developments warrant.

As to how to decide which fields of science will be given top priority, Gomory said, "I believe practical benefit is the criteria for the support of science." He said society can look to the history and track record of research in each field for guidance.

Basic science must continue to be supported, he said. Aside from adding to the human understanding of the natural universe, basic science can pay off in practical benefits, but in ways that are seldom predictable at the outset.

"I have what I call my `Uncertainty Principle for Scientific Funding,'" he said. "We can see when some area of science is useful or is about to be useful. We can't see that some area of science will be useless."

Gomory cautioned supporters of basic science about publicly promising that their work will payoff in valuable new technology. "We shouldn't look forward and speculate on what rewards might come from current basic research," he said. "Instead, we should point out the record of success. During World War II, radar and the atomic bomb showed the enormous potential of what had been considered abstract basic science. This has long been the basis for the federal support of basic science."

Society expects a practical payoff from basic science, he said, and cited quantum mechanics as a case where this expectation has been fulfilled. This fundamental field of study has resulted in consumer electronics, computers, and the Information Age.

He said some fields today are ripe with potential. Revolutionary advances into the understanding of life processes are being made in molecular biology. Gomory said the nation should pay the price necessary to maintain clear world leadership in this field.

Taking on a controversial subject, Gomory said he agreed with the federal decision not to pay to build the Superconducting Super Collider. He argued that the historical record of particle physics does not show a large societal benefit. Because of that and limited federal research funding, he argued that the United States should be content to be among the world leaders in particle physics.

During a lively session following his talk, several questioners challenged Gomory. Responding to questions about the SSC, Gomory said he was not convinced that the death of the SSC will result in a dramatic decline in particle physics in this country. "If you could convince me of that," he said, "you might change my mind about the SSC."

Livermore Lab director steps down

Acting director to start May 1

John H. Nuckolls, director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, submitted his resignation to University of California President Jack W. Peltason on Tuesday, April 5. Nuckolls cited personal reasons for his decision.

Acting on the recommendation of Peltason, on April 6 the UC Board of Regents approved the appointment of C. Bruce Tarter as acting director. Tarter, a physicist, is currently LLNL's deputy director. He will take over on May 1 and continue through Dec. 31, 1994, or until a permanent director is appointed. Peltason indicated that he will begin a national search for a permanent director.

After May 1, Nuckolls will continue his service at LLNL as associate director-at-large.

In a prepared statement, Nuckolls said: "In this post-Cold War era of revolutionary change, I believe the laboratory will benefit greatly from the new thinking and renewed vitality provided by a new director. I learned this in the revolutionary formative years of the laboratory when all directors served less than six years. April 4th is my sixth anniversary as director."

Peltason described Nuckolls as "a superior scientist whose long career at LLNL has brought credit to the laboratory, the University of California, and the nation." Peltason said he "will continue to call on John for advice on issues affecting the laboratory and the University."

Nuckolls joined LLNL with a masters degree in physics from Columbia. As a scientist, he helped pioneer the use of computers to understand and simulate physics phenomena at extremes of temperature, density and short time scales. Nuckolls is internationally recognized for his work in the development and control of nuclear explosions and as a pioneer in the development of laser fusion.

During his term as director, LLNL led efforts in significantly improving nuclear weapons safety, made key contributions to non-proliferation efforts, and developed the concept for the National Ignition Facility as the next step in laser-driven nuclear fusion.

Peltason called Tarter "an accomplished scientist and proven administrator." He has 27 year's experience at Livermore, beginning as a staff scientist in 1967. He was appointed deputy director last January.

Before becoming deputy director, Tarter was associate director for physical sciences, associate director for physics, deputy director for physics, and division leader in theoretical physics. He received his bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from Cornell University.

PHOTO CAPTION -- Francis Rubenstein and Chin Zhang of the Building Technology's Lighting Systems Research Group (second and third from left) explain LBL's lighting research to a television crew from the Korean Broadcasting System. Myung-Shik Yun (left), Brenda Lee and Jae W. Chang (right) visited LBL in January to collect material for an upcoming KBS documentary on energy-efficient technologies and their applications in buildings and the environment.

In memoriam--Loren Pracht

Shop supervisor Loren Pracht, who worked at LBL from June 1950 until his retirement in November 1983, died on March 11 in Grass Valley, Calif., at the age of 70. Pracht headed the Electronic Fabrication Shop in Building 25 and 25A for many years. He was known for having created what was, at one time, the world's largest printed circuit board. He also supervised the fabrication of many of the electronic components used during the construction of the PEP Accelerator Ring at SLAC.

Following his retirement, Pracht moved to Grass Valley, where he did electrical wiring for a local contractor.

Funeral services were held on March 19 in Hayward. He is survived by his wife, Frankie, three daughters, and four grandchildren.



President Clinton has issued an executive order that calls for federal agencies to cut energy consumption 30 percent from 1985 levels by the year 2005. The order also calls for a reduction in water consumption and an increase in the use of solar and renewable energy sources. DOE has been directed to develop programs for achieving the latter goal and assisting agencies in meeting it. The executive order was announced by Vice President Gore on March 8 at a General Services Administration conference on energy and environmental management. Gore said the federal government is the nation's largest energy user.


Martha Krebs, director of DOE's Office of Energy Research, told the House Appropriations subcommittee on energy and water development that her office is considering ways to select a site for the 10-story-high fusion reactor known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. ITER is being jointly designed by the United States, Japan, Russia, and the European Community. One of the approaches under consideration would be a competition among the states, similar to the way the SSC site was chosen. Some experts believe ITER, which would be the first fusion device to operate on a continuous basis, will eventually cost as much as the SSC to build. Other possible site-selection methods include choosing from federally owned sites (including military bases), choosing from DOE sites only, or negotiating a site between the four ITER funding parties. The international agreement now in effect provides for the final five years of ITER's engineering design phase. No decision has been made on whether to proceed with construction of the reactor. CERN INVITES U.S. TO JOIN PROJECT:

CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, has formally invited the United States to participate in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project. The Europeans have set the cost of U.S. participation at $500 million over five years. A subpanel of DOE's High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, which is being chaired by SLAC Deputy Director Sidney Drell, is studying the matter now and will submit its recommendations in a report that is due by the end of May. White House science advisor John Gibbons says the Clinton Administration will review the subpanel's report before making a final decision on whether the U.S. should contribute the LHC project.


Joan Daisey, Head of the Energy & Environment's Division's Indoor Environment Program, was invited by the Office of Science and Technology Policy to participate in a National Forum on Environment and Natural Resource R&D, held in Washington, D.C., March 28-30, 1994. The Forum was organized by OSTP in cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. According to OSTP Director John H. Gibbons the forum represents a critical step in developing an effective, long-term strategy for the nation's environment and natural resources R&D programs and is one in a series of planning efforts under the auspices of the President's new National Science and Technology Council. The forum is designed to provide an opportunity for representative of the scientific community, the private sector, Congress, state and local governments, and nongovernmental agencies to provide insight to the Executive Branch agencies represented on the NSTC Committee on Enviroment and Natural Resources Research.


New policy for disposal of hazardous waste containers

A new empty container policy--designed to help reduce the amount of waste sent to the Hazardous Waste Handling Facility and to reduce the overall hazardous waste disposal cost--has been implemented at LBL.

The new policy allows hazardous material containers that fit the "empty" category to be discarded in the Lab's regular trash bins. These empty containers are sent to the Sutta Company in Oakland for recycling along with other LBL solid waste.

Guidelines for the new policy are very specific, and a strict definition of "empty" must be followed. All empty containers, including glass, that held substances classified as "acutely" or "extremely" hazardous are still considered hazardous waste. These containers should continue to be forwarded to the Hazardous Waste Handling Facility.

Because of the obvious hazards of transporting glass, a new glass waste policy also will come into effect soon. All LBL buildings will have receptacles solely for empty glass containers and other glass items. However, for glass containers which previously contained or still contain "acutely" or "extremely" hazardous materials, the policy remains unchanged: they are processed as hazardous waste.

The new empty container policy is outlined in LBL's Safety News Bulletin Number 304, issued Nov. 24, 1993, by Environment, Health and Safety Director David McGraw, and has been reviewed by divisional safety coordinators. Any questions may be directed to the safety coordinators, or to EH&S's Gale Moline at X4826.

Speaking of waste . . .

Since June, 1992, LBL has had a blue liner policy for the collection of food waste. Receptacles with blue plastic liners should contain only "wet" waste (e.g., leftover food, coffee grounds, tea bags, items with food residue, any wet trash), because all contents are taken directly to landfill.

Recyclable food containers (empty cans, recyclable plastics) should be placed in the regular office trash containers along with paper (all types). These are considered "office" waste and are transported to the recycling service.

Lab promotes use of recycled goods, waste reduction

A recent executive order by the Clinton Administration has mandated that all federal agencies use paper products containing at least 20 percent recycled materials.

Even before the order went into effect, LBL emphasized the use of recycled, or post-consumer, products, many of which are now available from Central Stores.

Many recycled paper products are currently available from Central Stores and Boise Cascade, the Lab's contract vendor. Stores has a current list of all stocked recycled paper products. The Boise Cascade recycled products can be quickly referenced in the index section of the catalog. Contact Zelma Richardson at X4216 for more information.

In addition to using recycled products, there are ways to reduce paper use. Suggested practices include using small adhesive Fax labels (available from Stores) rather than whole cover sheets, utilizing e-mail whenever possible, double-siding documents more than 10 pages in length, and using the backside of used paper for scratch and drafts.

Another paper-saver is to reprogram your printer so it won't produce a cover sheet for each printing job. Contact Cynthia Hertzer in ICSD for reprogramming-

information ([email protected] or X5638).

Sutta Company recycling tour

Have you ever wondered what happens to the Laboratory's office trash? This is your opportunity to see for yourself the actual recycling process.

In celebration of Earth Month at LBL, the Sutta Company of Oakland, which handles the Lab's office trash, has opened its doors to introduce LBL employees to the functions of the recycling business.

A tour of the Sutta Company is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13. An LBL bus will depart from Bldg. 65 at 11:45 a.m. and return at 1 p.m. The tour is limited to 25 people, and reservations are required. For more information or to sign up for the tour, contact Shelley Worsham at X6123. Seats are filling up quickly.

Pending response and demand, another Sutta tour may be arranged for a later date in April.

Software demos


Bill Johnston, head of ICSD's Imaging Technologies Group, will give a demonstration of Mosaic at noon on Monday, April 11, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. All employees are invited to attend.

Mosaic is a new, public domain, Internet-based electronic medium for communication. It allows individual computers to access information in the World Wide Web, a network that links databases at LBL and around the world. Versions of Mosaic are available for Macs, PCs, Sun, Silicon Graphics, and VAX workstations.

Johnston will demonstrate how to use Mosaic and provide a sampling of the information it makes available.


There will be a demo of Replica, a new cross-platform software package from Farallon, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, in Bldg. 50B-4205. All employees are invited to attend.

Replica allows end users to view, edit, and print fully paginated documents with full graphics, fonts, and spreadsheets, without needing the creator document. Currently, documents can be transferred between DOE, Macintosh, and Windows; UNIX, VMS, and more are in the works.

Cafeteria to close for renovation

The LBL cafeteria will close for renovation at 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, and reopen for business on Monday, May 9. During the closure, food will be provided by catering trucks. Watch Currents for more information.

Open meeting on Work-for-Others

A team of LBL scientists and administrators has been asked to examine the process by which LBL reaches agreement to do research in collaboration with non-DOE Federal agencies, private non-profit organizations and industry. The team has been asked to look at all aspects of this process, from first indication of interest to final signatures on the forms. It is one of several "Process Improvement Teams" established to enhance the functioning of the Laboratory.

As it begins work, the team is interested in hearing from Lab personnel who have experience with the "work-for-others" process and may wish to voice comments (both positive and otherwise) about how it works at LBL.

An open meeting is planned for 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Friday, April 15, in the Bldg. 66 auditorium. Interested employees are invited to stop by before, during, or after lunch. In addition, e-mail messages sent to "[email protected]" or conventional mail to WFO-PIT, Bldg. 66-244, are welcome.

Surplus Property sale

LBL will begin selling its surplus property to employees and the public beginning Wednesday, April 13. Used computers, printers, calculators, typewriters, tires, cameras, projectors, furniture, raw material, and much more will be available between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. each Wednesday. The surplus items are stored at the Bldg. 901 Warehouse, located at 1450 64th St., Emeryville. All property sold "as is;" cash and carry only. For more information call X5151.

Family Picnic Day at Marine World Africa USA

LBL's Family Picnic Day at Marine World Africa USA in Vallejo will be Sunday, May 1, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The day includes admission to all shows, an all-you-can-eat BBQ hot dog lunch with salads and dessert, three hours of unlimited beverages (between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.), door prize drawings, animal visits, face painting, and games for kids.

The cost of admission is $15 for adults and $12 for children aged 4 to 12. You may purchase tickets from the Employees Buying Service booth in the cafeteria lobby Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tickets must be purchased by Friday, April 22. This event is for LBL employees and immediate family members.

LBL Golf Club tourney

The Sunol Golf Course experienced quite a bit of excitement with the LBL Golf Club's March Tournament. Jim Jones made his first hole-in-one at the fifth hole (145 yards) in the first flight. Tom Corbin had a low net score of 61 in the second flight to qualify as the club's entry in the upcoming NCGA Inaugural Net Amateur Championship to be played at Poppyhills in May. Other results of the March tourney were:

Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3

1st S. Helliwell(67) T. Corbin (61) D. Vanecek (62)

2nd T. Davis (68) M. Ruvolo (66) S. Giovannetti (69)

3rd H. Helliwell (69) J. Kimura (66) R. Cobb (70)

The LBL Golf Club holds tournaments each month at courses throughout the Bay Area (next venue: Rancho Solano on April 16). Membership is open to all LBL employees, retirees, and their families. Anyone wishing to join should call Tom Corbin at X7617 or John Lee at X4595.


Brought to you by LBL's Health Services Department

April is Cancer Control Month

Cancer's Seven Warning Signals:

1. Change in bowel or bladder habits

2. A sore that does not heal

3. Unusual bleeding or discharge

4. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere

5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

6. Obvious change in wart or mole

7. Nagging cough or hoarseness

There are three things you can do to help reduce your cancer risks and in the process help you feel better.

1. Quit Smoking. Smoking is the biggest cancer risk factor by far. It is the main cause of lung cancers and almost one-third of all cancer deaths. When you smoke, you are also hurting those around you. Your smoke hurts young children, babies, and pregnant women. If you smoke and drink alcohol, you are increasing your risk factor for getting cancer in your mouth and throat. Chewing tobacco also causes mouth and throat cancers.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables every day. Cut down on fat. Choose low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and low- or non-fat yogurt. Try lean meats, skinned chicken or turkey, or fish. Eat more whole grain cereals and breads. Exercise on a regular basis, at least three times a week. Exercise, with good eating habits, will not only help you feel better, but will maintain your weight while reducing your cancer risk.

3. Be careful when out in the sun. Too much sun causes skin cancer and ages the skin. Try to stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the sun rays are the strongest. Cover up--wear long sleeves and a hat. Use sunscreen (at least SPF 15), applying it 15-30 minutes before going in the sun. Put more on after swimming or sweating. Don't use sun lamps, tanning parlors, or tanning pills. If you notice changes in a mole or have a sore that does not heal, get it checked out.

Nature Walk

LBL gardener Dayna Powell will lead the second of four nature walks around the Laboratory on Tuesday, April 12. The walk will begin at noon in front of Bldg. 50. Subsequent tours will occur each Tuesday through April. The walks will last just under an hour and require comfortable footwear.

To sign up for one of the walks, contact Brennan Kreller at X6566, quickmail, or E-mail ([email protected]).

Earth Month Film Fest presentation: "Eco-Rap: Voices from the Hood"

Fierce with energy, inventiveness and outrage, this video takes the environmental fight to inner-city youth. Eco-Rap, a Bay Area environmental education program, helps young people become active in the pressing ecological issues of their urban environment. Experts take them on "toxic tours" of their own neighborhoods, after which they are encouraged to compose raps about what they've learned. The raps are featured throughout the video, which culminates in a big concert in San Francisco. Producer Lynn Feineman will be present to discuss the film and answer questions.

Rappers featured in the film will be at the LBL Eco-Fair on April 20.

Forum to focus on employee information system

The Human Rources, Financial Management, and Information Systems and Services Departments are sponsoring a forum from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium to discuss the requirements for a new integrated Payroll and Human Resource Information System. The forum is open to all Lab employees.

The departments are currently considering options for implementing an up-to-date system that is more accessible to those who need it. The goal is to streamline processes, eliminate redundancy, and remove much of the paper required in the current system. Anyone with ideas to contribute is encouraged to attend the forum.

puzzle fun

by Maggie Morley

Here are some cautionary remarks from a writer we remember as a jolly fellow-- though obviously, not always. Clues are embedded in the cryptogram. The first person to solve the puzzle wins an LBL thermal mug. Call X6566 with the solution, or quickmail/E-mail to Brennan Kreller in Community Relations ([email protected]).

W O D E S O L A T E S U S E D, W O D E S O L A T E S U




L E S A .

----Y E S F C H Z I W N

Last week's puzzle solution:

"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever."


Despite the fact that there was one error in the cryptogram (the last "L" should have been a different letter in order to become the "V" in "forever") the winners--Asim Afzal of Energy and Environment and Laura Slusher of Engineering--easily overcame the extra challenge. Because their responses arrived by E-mail within 30 seconds of each other, each will receive an LBL thermal mug.


11 m o n d a y


Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.


3:30 p.m., 3105 Etcheverry; J. Pitts, LLNL, "Safe Transportation of Radioactive Materials," Refreshments, 3:15 p.m.


4 p.m., 120 Latimer; W. Holstein, DuPont, "Reactor Engineering of Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition"

12 t u e s d a y


8 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 70A-3377; Level I Crane/Hoist Operator Training (EHS 211); pre-registration required, X6612


8:30-10 a.m., Bldg. 90-4133; Forklift Truck Safety (EHS 225); pre-registration required, X6612


10 a.m.-noon; Bldg. 66 Aud.


Noon, meet outside Bldg. 50; pre-registration required, X6566


2 p.m., International House; O. Arias, Costa Rica, "Poverty: The New International Enemy," Limited seating, contact International House Program Ofc. for tickets


4 p.m., 3110 Etcheverry; A. Oppenheim & A. Maxson, LBL/UCB, "On a Thermochemical Phase Space for Combustion in Engines"

13 w e d n e s d a y


9-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 2-100B; Chemical Hygiene & Safety Training (EHS 348); pre-registration required, X6612


11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Bldg. 65; pre-registration required, X6123


12:10 p.m., Bldg. 2-300F; guests welcome


12:30 p.m., Bldg. 50B-4205


4 p.m., 2 Le Conte; J. Tatum, Michigan Tech. Univ., "Technology and Values: The Home Power Movement in the United States," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4, rm. 100A


4 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; H. Stroebele, Univ. of Frankfurt, "Nonstrange and Strange Particle Production in A-A Collisions at 200 GeV/c: Results from NA35"


4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; H. Abarbanel, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, "Making Physics from Chaos," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte

14 t h u r s d a y


7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77


8:30 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 66-316; EH&S Roles & Responsibilities for Supervisors in Shop Settings (EHS 25), concludes on 4/21; pre-registration required, X6612


Noon-1:30 p.m., Bldg. 50 Aud.


1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66-317; J. Falconer, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, "Adsorbed Species on Oxide Supports of Metal Catalysts"


3:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; C. Max, IGPP, "Adaptive Optics and Laser Guide Stars for Astronomy," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., 661 Campbell

15 f r i d a y


10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71 Conf. Rm.; A. Schwettman, Stanford Univ., "Free Electron Laser Based on Superconducting TESLA Structures"


Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; "Eco-Rap: Voices from the Hood"


12:30-1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.


3 p.m., Bldg. 66-317; J. Moulijn, Technische Univ., Delft, "Permeation Behavior of a Silicalite Zeolite Membrane"


4 p.m., Bldg. 2-100B; T. Warwick, LBL, "Design and Commissioning of ALS Undulator Beamline 7.0," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m.



Strawberry pancakes

Chicken barley[[heart]]

Fettuccine Alfredo

Teriyaki burger

South of the Border


3-cheese omelet

Cream of potato & bacon

Cajun pork roast

Tuna melt

Chinese chicken salad[[heart]]


Biscuits & gravy w/eggs

Vegetarian minestrone[[heart]]

Baked ham

Chicken breast on wheat

South of the Border


Blueberry pancakes

Creamy clam chowder

Chicken-fried steak

Steak burger & onion rings

Pizza pizza


Ham scramble

Chicken gumbo[[heart]]

Southern-style catfish

Polish sausage

South of the Border


Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'79 DODGE 1/2-ton step side, 125K mi., lots of new & extra items, $1250/b.o. Martin, X4371, 370-6002

'82 VW Rabbit, diesel, gd body, runs well but needs repair, $450/b.o. 741-7732

'83 PORSCHE SC Cabriolet, all orig. grand prix white w/blk leather int., factory tail, valance, many extras, Euro, fast, $24K. Suzanne Stroh, 524-1953

'84 MERCURY LYNX, diesel, 5-spd, a/c, p/s, p/b, am/fm cass., hitch, 160K-50K on overhauled engine, many new parts w/lifetime warranties, 40-50 mpg, great commuter car, must sell, $1100/b.o. 313-9037

'86 FORD Taurus, a/t, 97K mi., clean, runs great, exc. cond., $2800/b.o. Ching, X6558, 841-7238

'86 HYUNDAI Excel GLS, red, 5-spd, manual trans., 112K mi., new clutch, rear brakes & tires, reliable, must sell, $1300/b.o. Wojtek, X7791, 649-9162

'88 HONDA Accord DX, a/c, am/fm stereo, 5-spd, $6950/b.o. Joseph, 642-1826, 934-7143 (after 6 p.m.)

'89 CHEVY Celebrity sta wgn, a/c, a/t, p/s, p/b, V-6, 8K mi., almost never driven, $7K. Emily, 547-0727 (after 4 p.m./msg.)

'94 CHEVY S-10, 3K mi., tan w/blk trim, p/s, warranty, must sell, $11K. 883-1638

MOTORCYCLE, '81 Honda CB 900F Supersport, tank & saddle bags, luggage rack & padded back rest, exc. cond., photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727

SCOOTER, '86 Honda Elite, 250cc, freeway legal, blk, like new, 3K mi., incl. back trunk, service manual, $1800. Sherry Gee X6972

CAR STEREO & SPEAKERS, audiophile quality, still in the box, Blaupunkt Boston SQR 49 hi-power am/fm cassette receiver w/elec. anti-theft code system & Polk Audio Mobile Monitors 3-way 6x9 MM6930, best offer. Laurie, 643-9259


CARPOOL, drivers/riders wanted, Walnut Creek/Lafayette area to CB, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. work hrs. Liona, 643-7005

VANPOOL, rider wanted, Concord to LBL/UCB, 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., M-F. Roger Cochran, X5565

VANPOOL, riders wanted, Antioch to Berkeley, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. work hrs. Charles Smith, X7615, Vanessa Selzer, 642-6301


GARAGE for storage, dry, secure. X4695, 843-5100

LBL RESEARCH REVIEW, extra copies, Vol. 18 No. 2, Buckyball cover; Vol. 17 No. 3, Keck cover. Send to PID, 65B


AIRLINE SHIPPING CRATE for dog, Vari-Kennel, XL, exc. cond., little use, $65. Auben, X4613, 245-0343

AQUARIUM, 10-gal w/cover & light, $10. Sherry Gee, X6972

COMPUTER, 486DX-33, 4MB, 130 MB HD, 14" color VGA, 2FD, modem, DOS 6.2, WIN 3.1 & more, $1100; Seagate 3144A hard drive 130MB, $135/b.o.; Scott am/fm stereo receiver, 50W, $35/b.o. Reto, X4291, 865-2617

COMPUTER, IBM PC, 500KB RAM, 2 x 51/4" disk drives, 8-87 math co-processor, monitor, no printer, gd for beginning Dos/Basic, $200. Bernard Harvey, X7854 (a.m.)

COUCH, yellow/brown flowered, gd cond.-no tears/holes, $50. 313-9037

EXERCISE BIKE, air resistant, purchased in Jan. '94, hardly used, time, spd, distance, calories & pulse functions, odometer on digital monitor, handle bars work w/pedals, $225/b.o. Jim Severns, X6058, 284-2353

JET SKI, '85 Kawasaki 440, S.S. prop, elec. bilge pump, pole spring, water bypass, flush kit, modified pump, milled head, ported cylinders, cover & cart, photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727

MAC SE w/2 floppy drives, 1 Mb RAM, Apple Keyboard II and ADB, La Cie 50K ext. drive w/Silverlining utility, all manuals, $550/b.o. Mae, X6230, 526-8107

MACINTOSH Classic 2, 4 MB RAM, 40 MB hard disk, less than 2 yrs. old, rarely used, exc. cond., exc. for student, all major software, $575. Xiaolin Xi, X5751

MOVING SALE, furniture less than 2 yrs. old; floral sofa, $275; matching love seat, $225; white desk, $40; entertainment ctr, $75; teak night stands (2), $30 ea.; free-standing lamp, $25; bean bag chairs, red, $25; ski boots, about sz. 8, $60; blk coffee table, $30; bird cage, $25. H. Matis, X5031, 339-0584

MOVING SALE, couch, This Side-Up, twin bed, dinner table, bookcase, TV, radio, alarm clock, 4-drwr chest. Jan, X6094, 528-4266

OFFICE DESK, oak, 3'X5', 1920's, gd cond., $115/b.o. Michelle, 652-9329

PAINTING/SCULPTURE, 3'x4', solid wood, nature scene on blk lacquer, $4K value, $495; antique table & 6 chairs, hand-carved, solid wood, newly re-upholstered, orig. $4500, asking $1K; lg. metal desk, household items. Joseph, 642-2496, 530-3475

RABBIT setup, complete w/wooden hutch (2'x2'x3'), food dish, water bottle, bedding & books, $70/b.o.; futon, dbl/full sz., $20; futon cover, red, dbl sz., $25; computer desk, brn, 1-drwr, w/2 shelves, $25. Mary, 524-0702

SAILBOAT, El Toro, fiberglass w/mahogany trim, gd cond., trade for sailboard or $300/b.o. Bob, 376-2211

TREADMILL, Stamina, manually driven (non-elec.), w/computer, brand new, orig. cost, $225, $150/b.o. Gretchen, X5006, 524-2327

WOOD DESK, good condition, 52" L x 30" D x 30" H, 6-drwrs (1 is a file drwr), $50/b.o.; file cabinet, steel, 2-drwrs, 26.5" D x 15" W x 29" H, almond color, $50/b.o. Chaz or Lisa, 649-1102


BERKELEY, 2+bdrm, furn., Virginia/Euclid, $975/mo. 843-4014, 548-1887

BERKELEY, suite in spacious, new 2-bdrm apt, washer/dryer, dishwasher, refrig., microwave, for share w/present tenant, 10 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, avail. 5/1, $450/mo. + exp. Camilo, X6532, 845-5442

BERKELEY, furn. rm w/sep. entrance, pvt. bth, garden view, kitchen & laundry privs., walking distance from LHS, $485/mo. 549-0510

BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 2-bth upper duplex, new bldg., refrig., dishwasher, washer/dryer, 2 frpls, Jacuzzi bthtub, w-w carpets, deck, off st. parking, nr dwntn, avail. 6/1, $1400/mo. David, 525-4470

BERKELEY, quiet 1-rm garden cottage, 10 min. from UCB & LBL shuttle, furn., pvt bthrm, no kitchen fac., ideal for visiting scholar, short-term only, $450/mo., weekly stays negot. X4754

BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 2-1/2 bdrm, 2-1/2 bth home, gd neighborhood, nr UCB & Lab, avail. 6/29-8/14, $700/mo. incl. utils. Marty, X7155

NO. BERKELEY (2 listings), both 5 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, upper rm, w/sep. entrance in home, pvt. bath, deck, view, kitchen & laundry privs., off-st. parking, $525/mo. + 1/3 util.; unfurn. rm in home, share bth, kitchen, laundry, $375/mo. + 1/3 util. Mark, 528-0323 (eve. & wkend)

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, nr Tilden Park, GG view from lg. living rm, dining rm, bkfast nook, 2 rms, 1-bth, fully equip. kitchen, color TV, VCR, tape deck, stereo, 1 blk from bus, no pets, no smoking, prefer single family, avail. 4/13-6/13. 524-5597

EL CERRITO, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, hot tub, avail. July & Aug., $2K/mo. incl. utils. & use of automobile. 237-4654

EL CERRITO HILLS, nr Del Norte BART, share 5-bdrm, 3-bth house, 2 dining areas, bay views, frpl, 1920's Mediterranean style, independent household of 3 males & 1 female, no smoking, no pets, $300/mo. Stephen, 232-5166

NO. OAKLAND, Rockridge area, furn. 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, nr College Ave. & BART, 4 mi. from LBL, avail. 6/18 - 7/23, $1600. 653-0455

ROCKRIDGE rm avail. in house, share house w/3 male, female environmentally-minded U.C. grad students, each cooks a vegetarian dinner 1/wk for everyone else, very nice area, bike to UCB, short walk to BART, buses & shopping, no smokers, $400/mo. 658-1390

ROCKRIDGE, share lg. 4-bdrm house in quiet neighborhood, nr BART, bus & shopping, hardwd flrs, frpl, garden, no smoking, no pets, prefer female, $442/mo. Ruth, 652-9329

UPPER ROCKRIDGE, 4-bdrm, 2-bth home, 2500 sq. ft., spa, lg. family rm w/panoramic bay views, bkyd, 2-car garage w/auto. door opener, basement, exc. elem. school, 3 mi. from UCB, avail. 8/1/94 - 7/1/95 $1990/mo. Neil Fligstein, 642-4575, 655-4157 (eve.)

ORINDA, pvt. rm, 1/2 bth & balcony, share kitchen & laundry, panoramic views, 20 min. from LBL, parking. Bob, X5128

RICHMOND ANNEX (2 listings), both in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, incl. stove, refrig. & 1-car garage, 1-bdrm apt., $575/mo. + $750 dep.; 2-bdrm apt., $750/mo. + $800 dep. Judy or Tom, 527-8766

WANTED: Furn. studio/1-bdrm apt, visiting Swedish scientist, non-smoker, 4/15 - 7/31. X6845, [email protected] or [email protected]

WANTED: Housing for visiting prof, wife & 1 child from Canada for Aug. & Sept. E. Majer, X6709


FORT BRAG (5 mi. north of), 2-bdrm home, all elec. air-tight stove, ocean view, secluded. 525-5233 (msg.)

TRINIDAD, 10 mi. north of Arcata, CA, 3-bdrm, 2-bath home, slps 8, ocean side, views of Camel Rock, Trinidad Head & redwood forests, pvt. beach, hiking & wildlife preserves, convenient to essentials & amenities in Trinidad & McKinleyville. Jane, X31015, 832-4389


FOUND: Ball pt. pen, high quality, nr Bldg. 90 trailers. Call & identify, X5634

FOUND: Woman's fashion scarf, at Bldg. 50A. Call & describe, X4551


RADIAL TIRE, 155 SR12, gd tread. Ken, X5663



Mary Bodvarsson, X4014

Mac QuickMail, fax X6641

[email protected]


Jeffery Kahn

Mike Wooldridge

Lynn Yarris


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday


Fax X6641

[email protected]

Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday


Mary Padilla, X5771


Alice Ramirez


Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B

Mike Chartock, Acting Manager