LBL Currents -- April 29, 1994

Team announces first evidence of "top quark"

By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]

"A major milestone for modern physics...likely to produce waves of intellectual satisfaction for physicists around the world and to give American physics a significant boost," proclaimed the front page story in the New York Times.

An international collaboration of physicists, including a team from LBL, may have sounded an end to the 17-year hunt for a crucial missing piece in the scientific picture of matter when they announced this week the first experimental evidence for the subatomic particle known as the top quark.

The experiment was carried out at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevatron, the world's most powerful collider, by the 440-member Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) collaboration. Though not claiming a confirmed discovery, the CDF group reports that analysis of high-energy collisions between beams of protons and antiprotons "points strongly" to the production of top quarks at a mass of about 174 GeV (billion electron volts), which is about as heavy as an atom of gold and makes the top quark by far the heaviest elementary particle ever observed.

The CDF group has presented their results in a paper submitted to The Physical Review.

The existence of the top quark is required by the Standard Model, the prevailing theory of the nature of matter. This theory holds there are six quarks, grouped into three distinct pairs, that combine to form composite particles, such as the protons and neutrons in the nuclei of atoms. The fifth of these six, called the bottom quark, was discover ed at Fermilab in 1977. Scientists have been searching for its partner, the top quark, ever since.

"We were confident that we would eventually find the top quark," says Lina Galtieri, a physicist in the Physics Division who heads the CDF group at LBL. "However, if we had gone much longer without finding it, then we might have had to consider w hether something was wrong with the Standard Model."

The key to revealing the top quark's existence was the CDF detector, which is actually a 2,000-ton array of more than 100,000 individual particle detectors arranged around a point in the Tevatron where beams of protons and antiprotons collide. This detector system serves as a giant trap from which no known particles (other than neutrinos) or forms of energy can escape.

When a top quark is formed, it promptly decays into a bottom quark and a W boson, which is one of two particles that carry the weak nuclear force. Using data collected between 1992 and 1993 that included 16 million fully analyzed proton-antiproton collisions, the CDF group made three separate searches for the top quark based on the different ways in which bottom quarks and W bosons (which also decay rapidly) are detected. Combining the results of the three searches yielded evidence for the top quark's production.

"It is possible that we are seeing a rare statistical fluctuation," says Galtieri, "but we have a good indication that the top quark may be there."

Physicists and engineers at LBL designed a sophisticated microchip for the Silicon Vertex Detector, an extremely high resolution instrument at the heart of the CDF array that enabled precise identif ication and tracking of bottom quarks. Galtieri's group also analyzed the CDF data to determine the mass of the top quark candidates. This analysis was based on a technique developed at LBL in the 1960s by the research group which was led by the late Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez.

"CDF's new evidence does not end the story but rather gives the first indications of a new field of research," says LBL physicist and CDF co-spokesperson Bill Carithers. "Many think that new phenomena are likely to show up at higher masses and the top quark is the most massive particle we know so far."

The CDF group expects that new data from another Tevatron experiment now underway will produce enough additional top quarks this year to confirm the particle's existence and to allow a more precise measurement of its mass. If the extremely large mass already reported is correct, it may help scientists better understand the process by which all obj ects acquire mass.

Members of LBL's CDF team included, in addition to Galtieri and Carithers, Willi Chinowski, Bob Ely, Kevin Einsweiler, Richard Kadel, Carl Haber, Young Kee Kim, Jeremy Lys, Manfried Paulini, Marjorie Shapiro, Hans Wenzel, and Weiming Yao. Participating students from UC Berkeley included Bill Ashmanskas, Matt Austen, Mark Peters, and William Wester.

PHOTO CAPTION -- Physicist Lina Galtieri holds the LBL-designed electronic package that helped scientists detect and measure top quark candidates.

Director highlights Lab's work in State of the Lab address

By Jeffery Kahn, [email protected]

LBL Director Charles Shank gave his annual State of the Laboratory address to employees on April 22, reviewing the outstanding work of the Laboratory in the past year, introducing a new LBL Strategic Plan, and describing efforts underway to keep the Laboratory at the forefront of science.

Shank said that over its history, the Laboratory has adapted to changes in science and the questions it poses. Today, the nature of what is being asked of the national laboratories again is changing. Thanks to its tradition of interdisciplinary teamwork, he said, LBL is well-equipped to respond, teaming basic and applied researchers to tackle and solve problems of national importance.

"The Cold War is now part of the past, and the early missions of the national laboratories--weapons and nuclear power--have receded into the background. So now," Shank said, "the question becomes, what is the nation going to do with its national laboratories?"

He said the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board Task Force on Alternative Futures for the DOE Laboratories has been charged with responding to this question. The task force, chaired by Robert Galvin of the Motorola Corp., is due to visit LBL on June 15. Shank said the recommendations it makes in the next year will play a major role toward charting the future of LBL.

Shank urged LBL's scientists to begin thinking of themselves not as basic or applied researchers nor as members of 14 separate divisions, but rather, as a team of problem solvers.

"To communicate with nonscientists, we can't sell ourselves by continuing to talk about chemistry, physics, and biology in terms that cause the eyes to glaze over. Instead," he said, "we have to start talking about teaming up to solve problems of national importance."

Whether a project is basic or applied, Shank said the key to success often involves packaging our expertise with that of others. He urged broader interaction with industry, with the University of California, and with the Department of Energy's other national laboratories.

In terms of partnerships, Shank said much closer links have been forged to DOE in the past year. One immediate benefit, he said, is that LBL is broadening its commitment to training and employee development. In an effort to improve how we work together, he said, every LBL manager will be participating in the Zenger Miller Leadership Program, which recently graduated its first class of participants.

Shank said LBL's partnership with the University of California also is prospering. Major collaborations are in the works between LBL's Human Genome Center and the Berkeley campus and further partnerships are being discussed in structural biology. All told, said Shank, "We are on the threshold of reinventing the way biology is done."

Industrial interactions also are increasing. As one barometer, Shank cited the Lab's Cooperative Research and Development Agreements. By the end of this fiscal year, LBL expects to have signed 40 CRADAs.

The Director also reviewed LBL's contribution to the local community. He praised Earth Sciences Division Director Sally Benson and Rob Johnson, head of the New Initiatives Support Group, for their efforts to assist in the creation of new job opportunities at the Bay Area military bases now slated for closure.

"This is community service," he said. "There is no expectation of funds coming to the Laboratory from these base closure efforts."

Shank also acknowledged the work of the Environmental, Health, and Safety Division, saying that thanks to EH&S and the collaborative efforts of employees throughout the Lab, regulatory agencies now recognize LBL as a model facility.

Shank said one of his top priorities in the coming year is improving the Lab's communications programs. A major examination of internal and external communications currently is underway.

The director discussed a broad range of scientific achievements, highlighted by the stunning first-year performance of the Advanced Light Source. "The Advanced Light Source is up and running, delivering a beam on schedule 95 percent of the time. Amazingly," he said, "you can turn the ALS beam off over the weekend and on Monday, routinely turn it back on and get photons. This is absolutely astonishing and unexpected."

In the field of environmental remediation, Shank said LBL is developing a promising new chemical barrier for blocking the spread of contaminants underground. Researchers believe an inert polymeric compound can be injected into the ground, creating an underground gelatinous barrier that prevents the spread of a subsurface plume. Field tests have been scheduled at Hanford.

Other major scientific developments of the past year include the funding of the B-factory, the development of biomolecular films that can recognize and detect target molecules including the influenza virus, work on an energy-efficient sulfur molecular emitter lamp, early research results and progress toward completion of the Gammasphere, and the ability to do "point catalysis" with a scanning tunneling microscope.

In terms of communications, the State of the Laboratory address itself broke new ground. For the first time, the noontime talk was video transmitted from the Bldg. 50 auditorium to remote sites on the Hill.

Lab introduces new LBL Strategic Plan

By Jeffery Kahn, [email protected]

Responding to a changing world and new national priorities, LBL Director Charles Shank has announced the results of a two-year labwide effort to forge a shared vision for the Lab's future.

LBL's new Strategic Plan, which the Director highlighted in his Friday, April 22, State of the Laboratory address (see page one), is the culmination of an unusual planning process that gave everyone on the Hill an opportunity to participate. Copies of the plan will be distributed to every employee.

The plan begins with the premise that if LBL's heritage of scientific leadership is to be sustained, the Laboratory must dramatically change. The plan observes that by most measures of success--citation analyses, peer reviews, and DOE evaluations--LBL has an unmatched history of scientific discovery. Yet, since 1988, the Lab's share of the total f unds distributed among the five DOE multiprogram labs has declined from just under 15 percent to about 11.3 percent. This is partly attributable to the winding down of the Cold War and the much more competitive environment in which we find ourselves.

It was to reverse this trend that, in April 1992, LBL launched the effort--under the direction of Deputy Director Pier Oddone--that led to the strategic plan. Every division director was asked to develop a divisional vision, depicting current divisional strengths and futu re directions. Then, the division directors met with lab managers and drafted a broader Vision 2000 statement that establishes the central goals of the strategic planning effort.

Guided by Vision 2000, six task forces were created. These groups were asked to define issues and objectives and to develop recommendations in the following areas: National Research Needs; Core Competencies; Scientific Initiatives; Partnerships; Commitment to Our People; and Making an LBL That Works. Following labwide discussions and town meetings, each task force issued a report. Then, senior management worked with these recommendations, integrating the collective product into a strategic report.

The principals responsible for the report emphasize that the process of planning LBL's future is ongoing. That said, they also share the belief that LBL is at a crossroads. The Strategic Plan serves as a vital roadmap, guiding LBL from its past toward a different future.

The plan is divided into three sections--Scientific Objectives and Strategies; Management Objectives and Strategies; and Actions.

In terms of science, it outlines an agenda for the next decade that reflects both the research needs of the nation and the Lab's unique abilities to contribute to those needs. The plan states, "We possess an outstanding set of skills in both basic and applied research, and are committed to adding value to society by weaving them into a coherent pr ogram that carries us from the most basic studies to technology developments of economic value."

To ensure continuing scientific excellence, the Strategic Plan calls for "reinventing" the Laboratory "government". Among its goals:

Six actions

The plan commits the Laboratory to a package of six specific actions designed to mobilize the laboratory through an investment in its strengths. The actions are:

  1. We will allocate significantly enhanced resources to support high-priority initiatives.

  2. We will establish a strong industrial program.

  3. We will reinforce our historic partnership with the University of California at Berkeley.

    * We will prioritize and implement the 70 recommendations of the task force on making an LBL that works.

  4. We will establish a broad training initiative designed to enhance skills, career opportunities, and employee development across the board.

  5. We will establish a broad communications program.

LBL Strategic Plan: Director's Preface

By Charles V. Shank

For more than 60 years, the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has maintained a strong tradition of outstanding research. Established as a particle physics accelerator facility, the Laboratory has undergone dramatic changes since its early years, evolving into a multiprogram institution that pursues not only accelerator-based research, but also research in areas as diverse as chemistry, the biosciences, the environmental and earth sciences, advanced materials, and energy resources and energy efficiency. One of LBL's greatest strengths through the years has been its ability to remain at the frontiers of science despite changing scientific priorities. Critical to this ability has been the intimate connection, unique among national laboratories, to a great research unive rsity. On the threshold of the 21st century, the Laboratory is once again addressing broad new challenges.

Today, the role of the Department of Energy and its national laboratories is undergoing fundamental change. With the end of the Cold War and in the face of pressing national budget constraints, new federal priorities have emerged. Economic growth, competitiveness in the global marketplace, and preeminence in science and engineering education have become the driving concerns for the government, private industry, and the public.

In 1992 I initiated a major strategic planning effort at LBL. The purpose of this effort was to define the Laboratory's major objectives as it moves toward the new century and to provide LBL, its employees, its partners, and the Department of Energy with a clear statement of our plans for the future. One of the first products of this effort was a statement of our vision for the Laboratory at the dawn of the 21st century, a statement we call Vision 2000. This vision establishes the central goals of the Laboratory's strategic planning effort. It focuses on the DOE as our primary sponsor, but also establishes a commitment to reaching out and forging new partnerships with industry, academia, a nd other national laboratories. The strategic plan outlined in the following pages provides specific strategies and actions that will advance the Laboratory toward achieving these goals and thus toward meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

As part of the strategic planning endeavor that produced this plan, we undertook to define our core competencies, as well as the nation's research needs, and to look critically at the scientific and management objectives implied in Vision 2000. We sought to assess our programs and our operating context, to define the issues confronting us as we fa ce the future, and to address both LBL and DOE program objectives.

During the past several years, DOE has begun to address the dramatically changed national and international environment. Last year, under the direction of Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary, the Department itself was restructured to mirror the priorities of this changed world--to decrease emphasis on defense programs and increase the commitment of resources to promoting energy efficiency, technology partnerships, and environmental restoration, the overarching goal being to enhance U.S. economic and technological competitiveness. I believe that the national laboratories will play a critical role in meeting these new challenges. Indeed, LBL has already taken active steps in response to Secret ary O'Leary's Total Quality Management Initiative--an integral part of her vision for a revitalized DOE.

Since all employees have a stake in addressing these challenges, LBL established mechanisms for broad involvement in developing the strategic plan. Specific task forces were established to define issues and objectives and to develop recommendations in the following areas: national research needs, core competencies, scientific initiatives, partners hips, commitment to our people, and making an LBL that works. Following labwide discussion of the many issues involved, the senior management of the Laboratory formulated a long-term strategy that integrates the task forces' findings and recommendations. As a national laboratory, LBL is committed to addressing the critical research and technical i ssues facing the nation. We have identified these issues and proposed a strategic direction that will maintain the Laboratory's position of scientific and engineering leadership well into the 21st century.

As LBL charts its course into the next century, we will continue to refine our strategic objectives and actions. We are strengthening our partnerships with industry, other laboratories, and educational institutions to better serve both community and national needs. We will continue to engage in new fundamental research at the scientific frontiers, which is the key to attracting and retaining outstanding staff. In pursuing excellence in research, we must expect continuous flux in the balance among research areas, as national needs change.

Nonetheless, we have identified three areas in which the match between our strengths and today's needs suggests the greatest opportunities. The first is biosciences, where our activities in the human genome project, the emerging life sciences capabilities represented by the ALS, and our distinction in cell and molecular biology represent a solid p latform upon which to build an expanding program. Likewise, current capabilities in the materials sciences and developing capabilities in environmental sciences point to two other areas where we have unique opportunities to expand and strengthen important research programs. At the same time, we recognize that we must invest Laboratory resources in these areas if we are to realize our vision for continuing preeminence.

As we go forward, our goal is to see our people and our technological capabilities serve as a unique and valuable resource for the nation's future. I believe that this strategic plan is a major step toward this goal, and toward realization of my own dream for LBL--that it continue to be a place where the most talented scientists of our generation spend their creative years solving problems that change the way we live and enhance our understanding of the universe around us.

Charles V. Shank, Director

Earth Month wraps up

The entire month of April became Earth Month at LBL this year, with an array of activities offered each week. Nature walks, an eco-film festival, an organic composting class, and guest lectures were presented, so that there was something for everyone to enjoy.

The Eco-Fair on April 20 was the largest event, with more than 25 displays of earth-saving ideas from outside vendors and guests as well as several LBL groups and departments. Eco-rapper Iza, a.k.a. "The Goddess," was on hand to provide some very unique entertainment,.

The Earth Day Committee organized the events. Members include Marilee Bailey, Kristin Balder-Froid, Mary Bodvarsson, Eileen Engel, Shaun Fennessey, Mollie Field, Don Fike, David Gilbert, Linda Geniesse, MaryAnne Holman, Christine Jue, Brennan Kreller, Catherine Pinkas, Danya Powell, Alice Ramirez, Michael Wilde, and Shelley Worsham.

The committee would like to express many thanks to all LBL employees who volunteered to help with the Earth Day Eco Fair, as well as the divisions and groups who participated in the fair. These groups include Earth Sciences, Energy & Environment, Transportation, LBL Bicycle Coalition, In House Energy Management, Waste Minimization, Site Restor ation, Emergency Services, and Purchasing & Inventory Management.

PHOTO CAPTIONS -- 1) LBL's annual Earth Day poster contest drew many entries. 2) LBL employees turned out in force for last week's Eco-Fair. 3) LBL gardner Dayna Powell led four nature walks during Earth Month.

May 1994 EH&S class schedule

5/2 Laser Safety (EHS-280)* 9:30-11:45 a.m. 90-4133

5/3 Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS-256) 9 a.m. - noon 90-4133

5/3 Blood Biosafety Training (EHS-735) 9-10:30 a.m. 90-3148

5/5 Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS-530) 10-11:30 a.m. 4-102B

5/6 Level I Crane/Hoist Operator Training

(EHS-211)* 8 a.m. - noon 62-203

5/9 First Aid (EHS-116) 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 66-316

5/10 Earthquake Safety (EHS-135) 9-10:30 a.m. 66-316

5/12 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

(CPR; EHS-123) 9 a.m. - noon 66-316

5/14&16 Radiation Protection--Radionuclides

(EHS-430), both days 8 a.m. - noon 2-100B

5/16 Forklift Truck Safety (EHS-225) 1:30-3 p.m. 90-3148

5/16 Introduction to Environment, Health &

Safety at LBL (EHS-10) 1:30-4 p.m. 66 Aud.

5/19 Medical/Biohazard Waste (EHS-730) 1:30 -3 p.m. 66-316

5/19 Chemical Hygiene & Safety Training

(EHS-348)* 9-11:30 a.m. 66-316

5/26 Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

(CPR; EHS-123) 9 a.m. - noon 66-316

*Date change from what is printed in the Quarterly Course Announcement.

Preregistration is required for all courses except New Employee Orientation (EHS 10). Call the Emergency Preparedness Office at X6554 to register for: CPR, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher Use, Earthquake Safety, and Building Emergency Team Training. Call X6612 or send a fax (X6608) with your name, extension, and employee number to preregister for all other EH&S courses.

Chemathon puts students to the test

By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]

Students came in from the rain at Albany High School on April 22, only to be soaked with science. Nearly 1,700 high school chemistry and biology buffs from the Bay Area and beyond put their scientific stamina to the test at the 9th annual Chemathon, an event co-sponsored by LBL and other scientific institutions.

Students raced through a smorgasbord of 64 science exhibits, watching presentations and competing with one another on tests. The exhibits were challenging but fun, with titles like "Atomic Structure in a Bohring Fashion" and "Don't Judge a Book by Its Integument." Some even had a local flavor, such as the demonstration of the chemistry of tie-dyei ng.

For the fourth year, LBL's Nuclear Science Division sponsored several exhibits at the event, giving students experience with research equipment straight out of the Laboratory. LBL organizer Howard Matis and Gulshan Rai used a spark chamber to detect the high energy cosmic rays that bombard earth from space. In Martin Partland's cloud chamber, stud ents saw silver vapor trails of condensed alcohol. Westfall generated by beta-ray emissions. Gary Westphal helped students learn about one of the hottest scientific fields by levitating magnets above a nitrogen-cooled superconductor.

Using more commonplace materials, NSD's Dick McDonald and Peggy McMahon surprised participants with radioactive substances they come in contact with every day. Students heard a Geiger counter crackle when put up to a smoke detector, a table salt substitute and glazed pottery. Rollie Otto, director of the Center for Science and Engineering Educatio n, gave students a taste of what atoms are made of by having them build models of atomic nuclei out of marshmallows.

Matis said he thinks the LBL workshops brought something special to the Chemathon. "Some of the students had never met scientists before. We showed them that science is much more than the vocabulary quizzes they take in school. We showed them that science can be exciting."

PHOTO CAPTION -- Martin Partland teaches Chemathon participants about different types of radiation, and lets them see what their learning about with a ray-detecting cloud chamber.

PHOTO CAPTION -- Colored ones are protons, white ones are neutrons. Rollie Otto demonstrates the nuances of atomic nuclei to students at the Chemathon with marshmallows.

Seaborg feted for latest book

By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]

The newest resident on the periodic chart had another cause for celebration last week. LBL Associate Lab Director-at-Large Glenn T. Seaborg, co-discoverer of seaborgium, was honored at UC Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies for the recent publication of his latest book, "Chancellor at Berkeley."

The reception was somewhat of a "who's who" of campus history, with many UC Berkeley luminaries showing up to share memories of their friend and colleague. Speakers included Clark Kerr, whom Seaborg succeeded as chancellor, UC Berkeley quarterback and coaching great Joe Kapp, and former UC president David Gardner.

Seaborg was chancellor of the University from 1958 to 1961, a time of "unprecedented development," he writes. Academically, Berkeley was driving to the top in academic excellence. (In 1964, a landmark study rated Berkeley the "best-balanced distinguished" research university in the United States.) Seaborg also saw three Nobel Prizes awarded to Ber keley faculty during his tenure.

It was also the golden age of UC Berkeley sports. The school sent a football team to the Rose Bowl and watched a basketball team win their only NCAA championship. Seaborg also played an important role in shaping what is now the Pac-10 athletic conference.

The many successes occurred amidst significant unrest on the campus. There were the first stirrings of student activism, as well as battles over the House Un-American Activities Committee, the FBI and McCarthyism.

"Those two-and-a-half years were filled with action," Seaborg said at the reception. "I don't think there was ever a more exciting period, before or after."

Seaborg left the university in 1961 to chair the Atomic Energy Commission under John F. Kennedy.

"Chancellor at Berkeley" is available from the Institute of Governmental Studies. For more information, call the institute at 642-1474.

Puzzle fun

by Maggie Morley The first Earthling to solve this wins a thermal mug.


1. Provinces (abbr.)

6. Ballet costume

10. Comes after phos- or onco-

14. Big water

15. Khomeni's homeland

16. WWII's Bradley

17. What Rachel Carson heard

20. Where to pack your pieces

21. Statuary

22. Keep these up to date!

23. Prom

24. Pulpy

28. Absconds

33. He wrote The Duino Elegies

34. To glaze or stiffen fabric

35. Pinocchio's finny friend

36. _________ correct

39. B. Darin's wife

40. Flunk

41. How far you used to walk for a Camel

42. Ghastly

44. Seem

45. Set

46. A Yale Man

47. Endangered region

51. Upward strabismus

56. What Zubin Mehta does

58. Otherwise

59. Comes before -blast or -morph

60. The Murphy with all those medals

61. A round of these at a pub

62. British submachine gun

63. Seven in Guadalajara


1. How ____ the little crocodile . . .

2. Resound

3. Strip

4. Soviet News Agency

5. Informer

6. Rows or ranks

7. One for regular; one for decaf

8. Make lace

9. Implicit

10. He wrote "Earth in the Balance"

11. Give out

12. Zola heroine

13. Units of work

18. To assess; to collect

19. Hookah

23. Ms. O'Leary

24. Forward

25. Cielito _______

26. Young eel

27. Hotdogger

28. Ape

29. Rascal

30. Colonel North

31. Most Happy ________

32. Vestibule

34. He always leaves a trail

37. Malfeasances in Yorkshire

38. Cassava plants

43. Maestro Stravinsky

44. Ballplayers Felipe, Jesus,

and Matty

46. _______ a sour note

47. Befuddled

48. To do unspeakable things to

perfectly good wine

49. Vaulted recess in a church

50. Sports cars

51. First thing you do at a poker game

52. Yech! Pfaugh!

53. Point of view

54. Startup file

55. He wrote "A Death in the Family"

57. Month (abbr.)

Jazz on the Hill

The UC Berkeley Jazz Ensemble's Wednesday Band will make their 11th annual appearance at LBL on Friday, May 6. The band, directed by Dave LeFebvre, will perform at noon on the cafeteria lawn, weather permitting. All employees are invited to drop by and enjoy this entertaining group.

Lab postcards

The Lab now has its own postcards. The two cards--one an areal view of the Lab with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, and the other a view of the Advanced Light Source--are available through the Employee Buying Service. They sell for 25 cents apiece. The EBS booth is in the cafeteria lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

More about gate passes...

Gate passes for visitors may be obtained through E-mail ([email protected]), in addition to Quickmail and facsimile (X6169) as explained in last weeks Currents.

Requests for Blue Triangle parking for guests can only be made by division offices. All gate pass requests should be made by 4 p.m. the day preceding a guest's visit.

Lab life

William Moses of the Life Sciences Division's Center for Functional Imaging, and his wife, Martha, are the proud parents of a new daughter, Ellen, born March 10. Ellen weighed in at 7 lbs. 3 oz. She joins big brothers Robert and Stephen.

Meredith Montgomery of the Nuclear Science Division and Phil Ross of the Materials Sciences Division welcomed daughter Erin Elizabeth on March 30. Erin, who weighed 10 lbs. 5 oz. at birth, joins brother Sean.

C A L E N D A R: M A Y 2 -- M A Y 6

2 m o n d a y


9:30-11:45 a.m., Bldg. 90-4133; Laser Safety (EHS 280); pre-registration required, X6612


1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; J. Krim, Northeastern Univ., "Quartz Crystal Microbalance Studies of Atomic-Scale Friction"


4 p.m., 120 Latimer; J. Engstrom, Cornell Univ., "Molecular Beam Scattering from Semiconductor Surfaces: Implications to the Deposition and Growth of Thin Films," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m.


4 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; R. Janssens, ANL, "First Physics From Gammasphere"

3 t u e s d a y


9-10:30 a.m., Bldg. 90-3148; Blood Biosafety Training (EHS 735); pre-registration required, X6612


9 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 90-4133; Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS 256); pre-registration required, X6612

4 w e d n e s d a y


10 a.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; J. B. Lando, Case Western Reserve Univ., "Electronic and Optic Properties of Ultra-Thin Organic Films"


Noon, Bldg. 2-100B; A. Joseph, Family Caregiver Alliance


4 p.m., 2 Le Conte; A. Kinzig, UCB, "Competition and Mutualism Between Plants and Decomposers: Evolutionary Implications," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4, rm. 100A


4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; C. Cohen-Tannoudji, I'Ecole Normale Supérieure, France, "Ultracold Atoms," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte

5 t h u r s d a y


10-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 4-102B; Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS 530); pre-registration required, X6554


1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; R. Prins, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, "Influence of Chlorine and Metal Cation Impurities in the CO Hydrogenation Over Pd/SiO2 and Rh/SiO2["]


3:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; M. Perryman, ESTEC, The Netherlands, "Results from the Hipparcos Astrometry Mission," Refreshments, 3 p.m., 661 Campbell


4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; R. St. Denis, Max Planck Inst. for Physics, Germany, "Light Gluinos: No Room, No Fuss," Refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

6 f r i d a y


8 a.m. - noon, Bldg. 62-203; Level I Crane/Hoist Operator Training (EHS 211); pre-registration required, X6612



Cinnamon-apple French toast

Vegetarian vegetable

Broiled game hen

Grilled ham & cheese

South of the Border


Breakfast burrito

Black beans & cilantro

Home-style meat loaf


Kung pao chicken


Smoked pork chop & eggs

Potato leek

Baked macaroni & cheese

Reuben sandwich

South of the Border


Blueberry pancakes

Sopa de tortilla con pollo

Chicken fajita

Jalapeno jack steak burger

Caesar salad


Ham scramble

Manhattan clam chowder

Linguini & clam sauce

Chili dog

South of the Border


Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.


'79 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, factory Chevy 305 eng., 4BBL carb., runs but needs some work, $400. Paul, X7834, 223-1521

'79 PONTIAC Trans Am, 403 ci. eng. w/400 turbo rear end, $1K/b.o. Calvin Downey, X5404, 235-0463

'85 JEEP Cherokee, clean, well-maint., dk blue, 4-dr, a/c, tow pkg, off-road pkg, front bush guard/push bar, pull-out am/fm cass. deck, 112K mostly fwy mi., $4800/b.o. Sara Ferrandini, 642-0482

'85 MAZDA 626, 5-spd, gd cond., $2100/b.o. 235-0407

'87 NISSAN Sentra, 68K mi., orig. owner, great cond., runs perfectly, $4K. 704-8878

'92 SUBARU Legacy, purchased Feb. '93, 4-dr sedan, approx. 5K mi., winestone metallic, fully equip.., 5-spd, anti lock brakes, cruise ctrl., $12.5K. Mida Rechen, 524-1880

MOTORCYCLE, '81 Honda CB 900F Supersport, tank, saddle bags, luggage rack & padded back rest, exc. cond., photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727

MOTORCYCLE, '85 Honda Nighthawk CB700, tank & saddle bags, 2 helmets, exc. cond., 46K mi. (highway), $1400/b.o. Werner, X4335, 527-1115


VANPOOL, rider/driver wanted, San Francisco to UCB/LBL, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nathalie Nys, X6419

VANPOOL, rider wanted, Concord to LBL/UCB, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., M-F. Roger Cochran, X5565

VANPOOL, riders wanted, from Antioch to Berkeley, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. work hrs. Charles Smith, X7615, Vanessa Selzer, 642-6301


CHILD'S BICYCLE w/training wheels, 5 yr. old; chess table. Ruth, 526-2007

FOOD PROCESSOR, powerful, at least 500 watts. Hongxin, X4840

HOUSE-SITTING SITUATION in the East Bay, for student, summer, reliable refs. Ellen Klahn, 527-7654 (eve.)

ULTIMATE FRISBEE PLAYERS for an all-day co-ed corporate league tournament in Santa Rosa on 5/21. J. Eto, X7284


BREAD MAKER, DAK Auto Bakery, new liner, works except for delay start, $75/b.o.; microwave oven, GE Spacemaker II, model JEM31, $100/b.o. Dianne, 886-5527

DOG AIRLINE SHIPPING CRATE, Vari-Kennel, XL, also makes a gd dog house, exc. cond., little use, $65. Auben, X4613,


FIREWOOD, mixed logs & scrap lumber, incl. plum, pittosporum, redwood & fir, approx. cord, $25/b.o.; bricks, approx. 3 doz., $.25 ea. Amelia, X7568

FIREWOOD, 1/2 cord, almond/oak, $80. Robin, X6402

HI-FI STACK, rolling, has 4 shelves plus larger space for record player, veneer & wood with casters, $75/b.o. Lee Schipper, X5057, 527-5821

JET SKI, '85 Kawasaki 440, S.S. prop, elec. bilge pump, pole spring, water bypass, flush kit, modified pump, milled head, ported cylinders, cover & cart, photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727

MOVING SALE, furniture less than 2 yrs. old, floral print sofa, $250; matching love seat, $200; white desk, $35; black desk, $35; bean bag chairs, red, $20; black coffee table, square, $30; bird cage, $25. H. Matis, X5031, 339-0584

RECEIVERS (2), Denon A/V Surround, AVR 1000, almost new, $400; Onyko A/V Surround, SV 515 Pro, $300. Mark Lasartem ay, X6825

SWEDISH LOOM, hand-made, modern, solid pine, 110 cm wide, 4 harnesses & all accessories incl. bench, great for rugs, $1250/b.o. Agneta Schipper, 527-5821

WASHER & DRYER, gd cond., $50/ea. or best offer; side-by-side refrigerator/freezer, 24 cu. ft., exc. cond., $200. 527-2129 (before 9 p.m.)


ALAMEDA, lg., sunny front rm in furn. Victorian, safe & clean, phone & cable hook-up, $425/mo. incl. utils. + dep. Elise, X4574

ALBANY, 1-bdrm in 3-bdrm, 2-bath apt, share w/grad student & post-doc, lots of space, nr bus & shopping, avail. 5/1, $280/mo. + dep. Chris, 527-7806

ALBANY, Stannage Ave., between Solano & Marin Aves., 2-bdrm, upper floor of duplex, off-street parking, wall-to-wall carpet, no pets, mo.-to-mo. lease, avail. 5/1, $995/mo., $1500 sec. dep. 524-3887

ALBANY, sunny 1-bdrm apt, nr BART & Albany hill, summer sublet (June, July, August) for 1 or 2 people, wood flrs, lg. kitchen, quiet neighbors, garage, $595./mo., water incl., utilities & garbage separate. 527-6705 (9 a.m. - 10 p.m.)

BERKELEY, Northside, studio avail. end of May til end of July, $450/mo. Andy, 642-4104

BERKELEY, cottage, pvt. studio w/dressing rm, kitchen, bath & laundry fac., set in beautiful garden, sublet 6/1- 7/15. David, 204-9331

BERKELEY, furn. studio w/parking, skylight & yd, 10 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, $525/mo. 548-9869

BERKELEY, 2-bdrm house, living & dining rms, garage, workshop, frpl, wood flrs, sunny, 20 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle, $875/mo. 527-4192

BERKELEY, lg. furn. rm in furn. rooming house, 5 min. walk to UCB/LBL shuttle incl. TV, $500/mo. 540-0385

BERKELEY, Northside, on Walnut, sunny, quiet studio, avail. 5/15 until end of July, $460/mo. 548-8593 (eve.)

BERKELEY, suite in spacious, new 2-bdrm apt, washer/dryer, dishwasher, microwave, for share w/present tenant, 10 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, avail. 5/1, $450/mo. + exp. Camilo, X6516, 845-5442

BERKELEY HILLS, 1-bdrm, 1-bth apt., furn., newly remodeled, quiet neighborhood, nr trans. & shopping, avail. 6/1, $870/mo. + utils. 524-9039

NO. BERKELEY, Northside (Oxford between Hearst & Virginia), spacious, sunny, furn. 1+bdrm apt in quiet 4-plex, less than 5 min. walk from UCB & trans., hardwd flrs, walk-in closets, dining rm, parlor, quiet back bdrm, avail. 6/1 - 8/15 (negot.), $750. Lee, 486-0470

NO. BERKELEY, Indian Rock Ave., 3 rm garden apt, 15-20 min. walk to LBL shuttle, $625/mo. Bob Apte, 526-3657

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, 3-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, ofc., piano, top of Buena Vista, view, avail. approx. 6/15 - 8/15, $1900/mo. 848-4769

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 5-bdrm, 3-level house, mstr bdrm w/attached study, view, piano, frpl, laundry, gardener incl., direct bus to LBL/UCB, need to take care of cat, avail. 8/23/94 - 6/30/95, $1700/mo. + utils., move-in cost $2700. Alex, X6097, 525-2095

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 4-bdrm house, lg. garden, deck, view, frpl, hardwd flrs, beamed living rm. ceiling, lg. dining rm, bkfst rm, study, glassed-in sun porch, brick courtyd, balconies, $3500/mo., neg. Art Rosenfeld, X4834, (703) 684-1060

SO. BERKELEY, Elmwood Dist., lg., furn. 2-bdrm house, garden, deck parking, hot tub, visiting scholar preferred, walk to shops, UCB & LBL shuttle, avail. 6/1 - 7/31, $1200/mo. incl. utils & cable TV, renter pays phone. 849-2639

EL CERRITO HILLS, summer sublet, lg. rm avail. in furn. house, safe residential neighborhood, up the hill from E.C. BART, share house w/woman grad student at JFK Univ., deck w/bay view, washer/dryer, dishwasher, lg. back yd, plenty of on-st. parking, about a 20-25 minute bike ride to UCB, about a 20 minute walk to BART, along a few car-pooling routes to LBL, avail. mid-May to approx. mid-late Aug. (or possibly sub-sets thereof), $450/mo. Scott Salesk, 525 -2393

KENSINGTON, garden studio apt, washer/dryer, tile flrs, sm., no storage space, nr busses & shopping, $550/mo. 525-3697

KENSINGTON, 1 furn. lg. rm. in 4-bdrm house, bay view, frpl, washer/dryer, nr bus stop & Tilden Park, $425/mo. 528-6953 (eve.)

OAKLAND, Montclair Dist., 1800 sq. ft., hillside home, lg. master bdrm, 2 offices, Spanish-style enclosed patio, 2 lg. decks, avail. 5/2-28, $40/day, incl. utils. except phone. 339-2745

OAKLAND, above Lake Merritt, Lakeshore area, on Hadden Hill, 2-bdrm, 1-1/2 bth apt. in 4-plex, garage, laundry, very clean, $775/mo. 655-3992

OAKLAND, nr Piedmont, share 2-bdrm apt. w/1 female student & 2 cats, avail. 6/1, $338/mo. incl. util. Mischelle, X7990, 601-6135

OAKLAND HILLS, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, quiet st. off Redwood Road, 20 min. drive from LBL/UCB, direct bus to Rockridge BART & downtown Berkeley, panoramic bay views, 2-car garage, AEK, 1800 sq. ft., avail. 8/1 - 12/31, $1800/mo. Peter, X5413

NO. OAKLAND, Rockridge area, furn. 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, nr College Ave. & BART, 4 mi. from LBL, avail. 6/18 - 7/23, $1600. 653-0455

WEST OAKLAND, 849 Athens Ave., lg. 4-bdrm house, Victorial stove, lg. bkyd, $850/mo. 235-0407

RICHMOND ANNEX (2 listings), both in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, incl. refrig., yd, carpet, dishwasher, new paint & blinds, 1-bdrm apt., $575/mo. + dep.; 2-bdrm apt., $750/mo. + dep. Judy or Tom, 527-8766

WANTED: 1 or 2-bdrm house for visiting scholar, from 7/10 - 8/5 (flexible), $800/mo. [email protected], (33)50279495(FAX)

WANTED: Furn. house/apt for middle-age couple, non-smokers, for 1 mo. starting 7/1 (current lease ends 6/30). Paul, 524-4782

WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Brazil. 2 adults, 3 children, for 2 yrs. beginning 1/1/95, price range $900. Farnezio de Carvalho, farnezio%[email protected]

WANTED: Visiting faculty postdoc seeks housing from July 1994 - July 1995, prefer (semi)furnished, 2+ bedrooms, Berkeley-Oakland-Albany-El Cerrito, 2 adult nonsmokers will care for pets, plants, garden, local refs avail., max. $1K/mo. Professor Deborah Berman Santana, (518)442-5173, (518)442-4867 (FAX), local contact: Beth Dickinson, 654-9694

WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Israel, 2 adults, 3 children, from July or Aug., price range $1K. Jacob Sonnenschein, [email protected]

WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Germany, 1 adult, from 9/15/94 10/2/96. A. Kwiatkowski at [email protected], +49-721/370726 (FAX)

WANTED: 1-bdrm apt./full sz. house for middle-a ge couple, non-smokers, non-drinkers, for 2-3 wks starting 8/14, willing to care for plants/animals. Sidney Coleman, [email protected]

WANTED: 3-bdrm house (2-bdrm possible), for visiting professor, wife & 2 children, 1 mo. (slightly flex.) starting 6/22, will have car so outside Berkeley OK. J. Pati, [email protected]

WANTED: Rm w/kitchen privileges for friendly & clean scientist, for 3-4 wks starting 6/13, willing to do light housework or house-sitting. [email protected]

WANTED: Rm within apt/house for visiting Egyptian scholar/professor from Cornell Univ., 5/7 - 6/15/94, neighboring communities OK, accessible public trans., $600/mo. rent limit. Lorraine, X5958

WANTED: Bed & bkfast, furn. studio, 1 or 2 bdrm apt or house for visiting scholars, 6/11 - 8/6. 525-8211


GUALALA/SEA RANCH, CALIF., 65 mi. no. of SF, ocean view, 4-bdrm, fully accommodated beach home, beach, hiking, wkdays & wkends. Bruce or William, (408)296-0260

MENDOCINO, 2-bdrm country home, overlooking the Anderson Valley, spectacular views, warm & sunny, 20 min. inland from Elk Beach, private, quiet, decks, gardens, set on 24 acres of red-wood forest, wkend getaway/family vac. Rose Sergeant, 849-1726

SO. LAKE TAHOE, deluxe townhouse, lakefront, all amenities, nr playspots. Herbert Newkirk, 422-8845, 455-5595

TRINIDAD, 10 mi. no. of Arcata, Calif., coastal 3-bdrm, 2-bth home, ocean side, expansive views of Carmel Rock, Trinidad Head & redwood forests, pvt. beach, hiking, wildlife preserves, convenient to essentials & amenities, slps 8. Jane, 31015, 832-4389



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Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday


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Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday


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Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B

Mike Chartock, Acting Manager