By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]
Art Rosenfeld, a physicist in the Energy and Environment Division and head of LBL's Center for Building Science, has been named senior advisor to DOE's Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Christine Ervin. Although his new appointment is effective July 1, Rosenfeld will fill the post until then as a consultant on loan from LBL and UC Berkeley, where he is still a professor of physics.
"I see this move to Washington, D.C., as my third career," says Rosenfeld. He spent the first 20 years of his professional life as a high-energy physicist before switching to the development of energy efficient technologies for buildings in 1973 (after the OPEC oil embargo). "It is my ambition to have a fourth career back at Berkeley doing research at the end of the Clinton Administration's first term."
Rosenfeld's duties in Washington will be extensive. Nearly half of his time will be spent serving on President Clinton's National Science and Technology Council. Rosenfeld will be representing DOE as co-chair (along with Richard Wright of the Department of Commerce) of the sub-committee on Construction and Buildings. The goal is to have in place by the year 2000 advanced prototype technologies that cut in half the energy consumption and waste production of buildings. These prototypes would also improve air quality and comfort, which in turn would help boost occupant productivity and health.
"The annual expense for constructing and operating buildings in this country represents approximately one-fourth of our gross national product, or more than one trillion dollars," says Rosenfeld. "To address this trillion-dollar item, we spend only about one billion dollars on all private and public research. This one billion dollars badly needs attention and growth."
Rosenfeld's new position won't end his involvement with "Cool Communities," a moonlight project of his own that he started at LBL as "heat islands." The project is now officially "Action 9" on Clinton's Climate Change Action Plan. Rosenfeld will be the national spokesperson for the program, which calls for rolling back temperatures of major U.S. cities to 1970 levels by the year 2000.
"The program I am leaving at LBL has a growing multimillion dollar budget and is in marvelous shape," Rosenfeld says. "It has been a pleasure working with Hashem Akbari, Haider Taha, and many students."
Rosenfeld will also help steer through the political process a proposed new "government-sponsored enterprise" (called EFFIE MAE for Energy Efficiency Mortgage and Loan Agency) that would guarantee loans for retrofitting energy-inefficient public buildings, including federal, state, and local (hospitals, schools, office buildings).
"As soon as Clinton and Gore were elected, Evan Mills (assistant head of the Center for Building Science) and I wrote letters to them about public buildings, most of which are a disgrace in terms of energy efficiency," says Rosenfeld. "Instead of the $25 billion that we now spend every year for the energy bills of public building, EFFIE MAE will allow us to spend $25 to $50 billion once on renovations to reduce future spending."
Rosenfeld will also be working to bring together what has traditionally been the separate energy conservation programs of DOE and the Environmental Protection agency.
"We need to couple EPA's wonderful outreach programs with DOE's research and development expertise," he says. "DOE has the technological knowledge and EPA knows how to sell it."
PHOTO CAPTION -- "Among my immediate concerns is finding someone to rent a wonderful large house for a couple of years!" says E&E's Art Rosenfeld, who is Washington-bound to serve as a DOE senior advisor in the Clinton Administration.
Communications--the way the Laboratory talks to the public, to government, to the scientific community, and to its employees--is the focus of two newly created committees at LBL.
Lab Director Charles Shank will chair the Communications Advisory Council, a management-level group that will advise the Director on questions surrounding communications, Laboratory identity, key messages and their delivery, and program staffing and support.
The Advisory Council will also evaluate actions proposed by a second committee, the Laboratory Communications Task Force, which is charged with developing a lab-wide LBL Communications Plan. The 24-member Task Force, chaired by Michael Chartock, acting head of the Office for Planning and Development, will review and evaluate all internal and external communications programs at the Laboratory.
Task-force study areas will include publications, media relations, employee and community activities and environment, electronic communications, graphic identity, and special events.
The two committees were formed as an outgrowth of commitments in the LBL Strategic Plan to improve communications at the Laboratory, and in response to several independent reports on communications needs. Both committees have a six-month timeline in which to develop the LBL Communications Plan.
The first meeting of the Communications Advisory Council took place on April 19. The Laboratory Communications Task Force will convene on April 26.
Members of the Advisory Council include Division Directors William Barletta, Daniel Chemla, Mina Bissell and Sally Benson; Work Force Diversity Program Coordinator Harry Reed; OPD Acting Head Michael Chartock; Deputy Director Pier Oddone; Associate Directors Klaus H. Berkner and Rod M. Fleischman; and three off-site professional representatives--SB Master of Master-McNeil, Inc. Ronald E. Rhody of Rhody and Company, Inc., and Ray Colvig, former Director of Public Information at UC Berkeley.
The Task Force draws its membership from throughout the Laboratory. Participants include Ed Burgess, Stu Loken, David McGraw, Kristin Balder-Froid, Michael Barnett, Walter Blount, Mary Bodvarsson, Bruce Davies, Reid Edwards, Shaun Fennessey, David Gilbert, Marina Gonzalez, Fred Lothrop, Cheryl McFate, Louise Millard, Rollie Otto, Pam Patterson, Harry Reed, Elizabeth Saucier, Michael Wilde, Lynn Yarris, and Michael Chartock. Rick Malaspina, manager of Communications and Liaison Services for the UC Office of the President Laboratory Administration Office, will also serve on the Task Force. Deputy Director Oddone is an ex-officio member.
Both committees will be staffed by Ron Kolb, a communications advisor in the Director's Office. Kolb produced the "Report on Communications Programs at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory" last fall.
Fundamental research in the 1990s:
It is my belief that at no other time in history has the United States benefited from its previous 50-year investment in fundamental research more than today. Virtually every facet of our lives has been impacted by the fruits of discovery in the last half-century.
Unfortunately, the compact with the American people formulated after World War II has come under intense scrutiny by Congress, business leaders and the non-scientific public. Science--"the endless frontier"--is being reshaped by a new mantra of relevance. We are being barraged with questions such as "How much does it cost?" "What are the benefits?" and "How will this help me in the near term?"
The scientific community is reeling from the defeat of the Superconducting Super Collider and is bewildered by pressures to redirect research efforts toward narrow strategic goals. We are increasingly being told that the judgment of scientific efforts by our peers is not enough. The people who pay want to be at the table to set the scientific direction for our creative energies. How do we respond in a way that does not appear self-serving?
This dilemma is a major challenge to the future of America's scientific enterprise. We as scientists must recognize that we may be losing touch with the American taxpayer.
With all the pressure focused on immediate benefits, I believe it is a serious mistake to allow the scientific community to be bifurcated with a divide-and-conquer strategy that pits applied science against basic science. Even more disturbing are efforts to dismiss basic science with the self-indulgent term "curiosity-driven." I think we have to drive the debate to a landscape in which scientists and non-scientists can have meaningful communication. We need to move away from a "trust me" attitude of entitlement and bring our focus to the primary benefit of excellent science--solving problems. People care about problems, and scientists know how to solve them.
A focus on solving problems, however, makes many people in the basic science area very uncomfortable. Most problems require near-term actions as well as long-term investment upon which to build a foundation for major advances. Breakthroughs often occur as a result of fundamental investigations. Thus, to effectively solve problems, we need a balanced investment in fundamental and applied science.
What does all this mean for LBL? For most of the activities in the Laboratory, such as our work in Life Sciences and Energy Sciences, it is not so difficult to identify connections with a national problem. Less clear to some is where High Energy and Nuclear Physics fit. I don't think we can make the same arguments for clearly defined national needs to justify this work. We have to appeal to a higher sense of national purpose and champion this research as a contribution to the culture of our time. We need to create a sense of excitement that will allow everyone in the country to feel a part of this undertaking.
Although I do not feel we are entering a period of expansion of national effort in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, I do expect the nation to continue strong research commitments in these areas. For LBL to be an important contributor, we must direct our efforts towards maintaining a quality program. The High Energy Physics group has had an enormous impact on national and international research endeavors because of the quality of its work and its ability to renew and redefine itself. The Nuclear Physics group is on a similar path.
The lesson of the SSC is that we must build interest and support for our fundamental research that explores the depths of the universe. We must communicate and define the problems we are trying to solve. Our challenge is to solve the riddle of the universe, its origins, and its nature.
Joseph B. "Jeb" Rechen, a long-time member of the Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, died on March 30 in Oakland. He was 74.
Rechen came to the Lab in 1955, starting out as a part-time employee at the Bevatron while he studied physics at UC Berkeley. He soon began working full-time in AFRD.
During his long career he worked in the Electron Ring Accelerator Group under Denis Keefe, and then in the Superconducting Magnet Program, led by Clyde Taylor. While at LBL he became an expert in cryogenic experiments.
Rechen retired in 1985 but was soon re-hired on a part-time basis. He continued to work in the Superconducting Magnet Program until his death.
Before coming to LBL, Rechen was in the U.S. Navy, serving in World War II and the Korean War.
Rechen was an avid rower, having taken up the sport at the U.S. Naval Academy. He was a member of the Lake Merritt Rowing Club and the Aquatic Park Rowing Club. He was also interested in archaeology, and traveled on several archaeological trips with the University Research Exposition.
Rechen is survived by his wife, Meda, two daughters and six grandchildren. Donations in Rechen's name may be made to the Berkeley League of Women Voters, the Northbrae Community Church and the Lake Merritt Rowing Club.
Plans for LBL's Take Our Daughters to Work Day are being finalized.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
9-10 a.m. Opening, Bldg. 66 Auditorium
10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tour I departs from 66 Auditorium
Positron Emission Tomography Imaging
Transgenic Mice Demonstration
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30-4 p.m. Tour II departs from LBL Cafeteria
Hands-on Universe
National Center fro Electron Microscopy
Machine Shops
4-5 p.m. Closing, Bldg. 66 Auditorium
All LBL staff are invited to meet the guests at one of the locations listed in the schedule. Staff who have not received a sign-up through Lab mail should call Marva Wilkins at X5640.
Lab postcards
The Lab now has its own postcards. The two cards--one an aerial view of the Lab with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background, and the other a view of the Advanced Light Source--are available through the Employee Buying Service. They sell for 25 cents apiece. The EBS booth is in the cafeteria lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The U.S. Department of Energy has established an electronic database that allows easy access to information on current research involving human subjects at all of the national laboratories, including LBL. Public release of the database fulfills a commitment Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary made to Senator John Glenn and other members of Congress during hearings last January.
The DOE Human Subjects Database is accessible on the Internet through either the World Wide Web (WWW) or through Gopher. Reach it via Mosaic by clicking here. It can be reached on the servers at Johns Hopkins University Welch Laboratory of Applied BioInformatics. The information available on each project includes title, a brief abstract, funding level, the name of the research institution, and the name of the funding agency. There are 49 projects listed for LBL. A printout of the database is also available in the public reading room at DOE's Oakland Operations Office.
Cigarette smoke directly inhibits two essential components of the biochemical pathway that clears excess cholesterol from artery walls, suggests a study published in the February issue of Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis, an American Heart Disease Association journal. Experiments with human plasma conducted by Mark McCall and his colleagues in the Life Sciences Division's Lipoprotein and Atherosclerosis Group demonstrated that the activity of an important enzyme called LCAT (lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase) was dramatically inhibited by cigarette smoke. Their data also confirmed previous research findings that HDL (high-density lipoprotein), better know as the `good' cholesterol carrier, is also damaged by cigarette smoke.
By Mike Wooldridge, [email protected]
A busload of Lab employees took a close look at recycling on April 13 at the Sutta Company, the West Oakland firm that handles LBL's office waste. Sutta general manager Ian Golder led the group on a tour around forklifts and between two-story stacks of paper to show how more than three-fourths of the paper waste thrown in LBL's trash cans is retrieved for reuse.
Shelley Worsham, LBL's waste minimization specialist, organized the event, which was held as part of the Laboratory's celebration of Earth Month.
Sutta's services are an important way LBL and other state institutions are working to meet requirements to "go green." Recently enacted, Assembly Bill 939 requires state organizations to have 25 percent of their solid waste recycled by 1995, and 50 percent by the year 2000. LBL currently recycles 40 percent of its total solid waste. Of the portion that goes to Sutta (about one-quarter of the total), about 70 percent is recycled.
The paper trail from LBL to Sutta begins three times a week with garbage trucks hauling the Lab's office waste down to the recycling lot. Sutta uses a "hands-on" approach to separating the refuse, with a crew of 15 workers sifting through the five tons of trash dumped from each truck. Golder says they've gotten trash sorting "down to a science," and can finish a truckload in about an hour.
The workers separate paper, aluminum, glass and recyclable plastic from the LBL trash. They also sort the different types of paper--mainly copier paper, computer paper and cardboard. Coated paper found in magazines and chemically-treated papers from fax machines cannot be recycled. The sorted piles are compacted, baled with wire, and piled into containers for shipment.
The work at Sutta depends on the weather, since soggy paper is of no use to recyclers. Because the sorting is done in the open, the company has to halt deliveries in the rain. (It is to avoid moisture and contamination that LBL has separate blue-lined trash cans for food and other wet waste.)
After being packed into containers, the majority of Sutta's paper is trucked four miles to the Oakland shipyards and then shipped overseas. The market for used paper in the United States is relatively small, Golder says, although some U.S. companies put used paper back into products such as egg cartons and cereal boxes.
Most of the money in the recycling business is made in Pacific Rim countries such as Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines, where fewer regulations and lower wages keep processing costs down. In fact, Golder says, waste paper, by volume, is America's biggest export.
Sutta does a brisk business peddling post-consumer paper. On a good day, the company will fill a total of 10 containers, each holding 23 tons. Each ton of white office paper goes for about $180. Cardboard fetches about $70/ton.
Sutta also recycles metal and glass, although in lesser amounts. Aluminum goes for around a dollar per pound. Glass is worth 5 cents a pound, thanks to the California redemption value consumers pay at the cash register.
Golder says the recycling business is still in its infancy, since current legislation in place now encourages the consumer to recycle but has little impact on manufacturers. As a result, there is a glut of some materials, such as glass and plastics, with many of these recyclables eventually ending up at the dump.
An important part of bringing more manufacturers into the recycling circle will be inventing new technologies to reuse recyclable materials, he says. For instance, there is a technique now under development that mixes recycled glass with asphalt to make "glass-phalli" that can be used to pave roads.
Golder says the expanding market in recycling is already pitting companies such as Sutta against the larger garbage disposal companies. "With legislation such as Assembly Bill 939 being passed, in the future there is going to be even less waste going into landfills," Golder says. "This means less work for garbage companies and more work for us."
Shelley Worsham reminds people that the eco-friendly work going on at Sutta is a secondary solution to LBL's waste problems. "The best thing people can do is just not to generate waste in the first place," she says. "If you can send a document electronically, do it. If you can use the back side of a memo for scratch paper or draft copies, do it."
For more information on Lab waste issues, or to borrow the video "Separating Recyclable Paper and Food Waste," contact Worsham at X6123.
PHOTO CAPTION --Ian Golder, general manager of Sutta Company, explains the company's recycling process to a group of LBL employees who toured the facility on April 13 as an Earth Month activity. Photo by Joe Moore
By Lynn Yarris, [email protected]
The U.S. Department of Energy has released its first-ever comprehensive strategic plan, redefining the missions and priorities of its national laboratories. The 37-page document is a self-described "strategy for empowering and utilizing the department's tremendous scientific and technological assets ... to help U.S. industry compete in a global economy." It helped shape the FY 1995 budget and is to play a central role in shaping future budgets.
With an annual budget of $18.5 billion and more than 160,000 employees, including some 30,000 scientists and engineers working in 30 multiprogram, single-purpose, and special mission laboratories across the nation, DOE claims the fourth largest share of the Federal government's total funding for research and development. The Department's new strategic plan focuses on how to make the most of taxpayers' investment.
"The end of the cold war, the globalization of world markets, increasing public demands for environmental quality, and the election of President Clinton have given us a new national agenda," states Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary in the plan's introductory message. "Through a comprehensive strategic planning process, the department must now focus on new goals: fueling a competitive economy, improving the environment through waste management and pollution prevention, and reducing the nuclear danger."
Following what was billed as "the most wide-ranging planning exercise in our history," an exercise that included DOE management and employees as well as "external stakeholders," DOE's strategic plan has identified five "business niches" that most effectively utilize and integrate its facilities and its scientific and engineering expertise. These niches are industrial competitiveness, energy resources, science and technology, national security, and environmental quality.
Among the components that are critical to the success of its strategic plan, DOE says, is "...instituting better management practices to enable the department and its laboratories to operate in more business-like ways."
Copes of DOE's strategic plan can be obtained by writing to Public Inquiries, Room IE-206, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585. You can also phone (202) 586-5575.
Earthquake Month A c t i v i t i e s
* There will be a "Duck and Cover" and evacuation drill labwide at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 27. Bldg. 90 and trailers will be exempt from the evacuation phase because of construction.
* This month there are displays on earthquake safety and preparedness throughout the Lab.
* An earthquake supplies vendor, Earthquake Outlet, will have a booth set up in the cafeteria lobby on Wednesday, May 18.
For more information on earthquake training, as well as brochures and videos on quake preparedness, call the Emergency Services Group at X6554 or X6016.
The Jan. 17 earthquake in Northridge, Calif. caused significant damage in many buildings on the UCLA campus. Emergency planners from the UC-system campuses assembled at UC San Diego last month to discuss how they could benefit from the lessons learned from the the UCLA experience.
LBL's emergency planner, Don Bell, attended the meeting and came away with a list of things that worked and didn't work:
* In laboratories that had shelves with lips, there were no chemical spills. Gas cylinders secured by chains top and bottom remained secure. At LBL, the Facilities Work Request Center (X6274) will take requests to build or modify shelves with seismic lips and assist you with restraining gas cylinders.
* Unauthorized re-entry into buildings after the quake was a significant problem. Many campus facilities suffered structural damage and many chemical labs had spills of unknown substances. Hazardous materials response teams said that while surveying buildings (in full protective clothing) they encountered students, professors, administrators and others in buildings with potentially dangerous spills.
LBL policy is to not re-enter buildings after evacuation until they are declared safe by the proper authority. Proper authority is the Emergency Command Center on the advice of the Facilities Inspection Team and the Fire Department.
* An unexpected consequence of the earthquake was water damage caused by broken water pipes inside buildings. When combined with chemical spills, the water helped contaminate large portions of buildings, thus prolonging the clean up and delaying occupant re-entry.
* "Rumor control" and providing accurate and timely information to students and faculty presented a challenge. The UCLA emergency command center posted a list of buildings cleared for re-entry on a board. Still, people were unclear on whether they could attend class or go to work.
To remedy such a problem at the Lab, LBL has a toll free number that will be periodically updated in an emergency to provide information to employees. The number is 1-800-445-5830.
LBL Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Don Bell gives us something to think about during Earthquake Awareness Month.
It's April again--the annual reminder that we live in earthquake country. While the Jan. 17 Northridge earthquake wasn't felt here at LBL, the shake up should have sent us all a message: Be prepared for similar disasters in the Bay Area.
Residents, businesses and institutions--such as LBL--located along the East Bay's Hayward Fault should be especially concerned. There hasn't been a significant quake on the Hayward Fault since 1868, and seismologists say the fault has been accumulating strain ever since. Theories and predictions abound about when and how large the next Hayward Fault quake will be, but no one can know for sure when it will happen.
Can you do anything to prevent the earthquake from occurring? No. Can you take some simple prudent steps to make your homes and workplace safer and adequately prepare yourself? Yes.
LBL employees are fortunate because the Lab has a program to provide information and assistance on earthquake safety and preparedness. The Emergency Services Group provides quarterly training in earthquake safety (to register call X6554). For groups of ten or more, the group will come to your location and conduct the training. Classes run about one hour.
The Lab also offers First Aid and CPR training for all employees. Having knowledge of First Aid and CPR in the event of an earthquake is important, since there is a good chance that the emergency medical system will be overwhelmed. Information, books and brochures on earthquake preparedness will help you develop plans, select emergency equipment, and assist you with detecting hazards in your home or workplace. Again, the LBL Emergency Services Group can provide this information to you at X6554.
You can make your home safer in the event of an earthquake by securing or relocating potential hazards. Hunt for the following:
* Tall, heavy furniture that could topple, such as bookcases, china cabinets or modular wall units.
* Hot water heaters that could pull away from pipes and rupture.
* Appliances that could move enough in a quake to rupture gas or electrical lines.
* Hanging plants in heavy pots that could swing free of hooks.
* Heavy picture frames or mirrors over beds.
* Latches on kitchen or other cabinets that may not hold during heavy shaking.
* Breakables or heavy objects kept on high or open shelves.
* Masonry chimneys that could crumble and fall through an unsupported roof.
* Flammable liquids, such as painting or cleaning products, that would be safer in a garage or outside shed.
A household prepared for a major earthquake should have enough food stockpiled to last at least two weeks. Here some general guidelines for rotating common emergency foods.
Use within six months:
* Powdered milk (boxed)
* Dried fruit (in metal container)
* Dry, crisp crackers (in metal container)
* Potatoes
Use within one year:
* Canned, condensed meat and vegetable soups
* Canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables
* Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals (in metal containers)
* Peanut butter; jelly
* Hard candy, chocolate bars and canned nuts
May be stored indefinitely:
Wheat, corn, soybeans, vitamin C, salt, white rice, powdered milk (in nitrogen-packed cans), vegetable oils, dry pasta, instant coffee, non-carbonated soft drinks, bouillon products, baking powder.
(Information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency)
The Badge Office no longer processes requests for gate passes. Anyone expecting a visitor should now direct the request to the Reception Center. To simplify the process, an updated, more convenient form is now available to all Quickmail users.
To install the form, access the Reception Server as a guest through Appleshare ("entry" zone) and select "RC Fileserver." Open the "Gate Passes" folder and then the "Gate Passes" form. Select "Install Form" under the "File" menu. The next time you open Quickmail this form will be on your menu.
If the installation is not successful, you may need to install the "QM Forms" application from the Gate Passes folder onto your hard disk. Afterwards, begin the above process again.
To make a request, select the Gate Passes Form from the Quickmail menu and fill in the fields. Send it to the "Gate Passes" address found in the Quickmail directory.
All requests must be received by 4 p.m. the day before the visit. Those without Quickmail may send them by FAX (X6169) and include all of the following information:
* Visitor name
* Day, date, time expected
* Length of time of visit
* Host's name, building, room and extension
* If Blue Triangle is required
* Any special instructions
Questions about the new policy should be directed to the Reception Center (X6155).
If you need to reserve a parking space(s) for visitors/guests to LBL, you must contact Jeannie Cuevas at X5196 (Fax X7200; Quickmail, ALS zone). Please do not subject your guest to a parking ticket by putting up a reserved sign yourself.
Don't forget to visit LBL's booth at the Berkeley Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 23, from noon to 5 p.m. at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Berkeley (at MLKJ and Center Streets). The booth theme this year is "Working Together for an Energy Efficient Environment."
LBL's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Association will celebrate the recognition of its offical organizational status with a picnic at Live Oak Park in Berkeley from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 23. All members of the Lab community and their families are invited to attend. Call Barbara Phillips at X4456 to sign up.
Puzzle fun:
Substitute the letters in the cryptogram and reveal another timely message.
HINT: Oracular words, spoken before the term "ecology" was coined.
The first person to solve the puzzle wins an LBL thermal mug. Call X6566 with the solution, or quickmail/E-mail to Brennan Kreller in Community Relations ([email protected]).
Last week's solution: "Everything is hitched to everything else." John Muir (One error: "B" was both "G" in "everything" and "O" in "to").
Last week's winner: Oliver Morse, Facilities
Augustus Schoen-Rene, administrator for the Office of Assessment and Assurance, will direct the Parnassus Players in Woody Allen's "God," playing this weekend at Toland Hall on the UC San Francisco campus. Showtimes are 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $2. For additional information call Schoen-Rene at X5036, or the theater at 415/476-2542.
The cafeteria closure for renovation, originally scheduled for late April-early May, has been postponed for at least a month. Watch Currents for exact dates of the closure.
C A L E N D A R : A P R I L 2 5 -- A P R I L 2
25 m o n d a y
7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; "Reels on Wheels: `The Water Cycle' and `Return of the Scorcher'"
3:30 p.m., 120 Latimer; M. Deem, UCB, "Interfacial Structure in Bicontinuous Phases;" G. Mulhern, UCB, "Micromachining Technologies," Refreshments, 3 p.m.
3:30 p.m., 3105 Etcheverry; R. Kiyose, Tokai Univ., "Nuclear Education and Training in Japan," Refreshments, 3:15 p.m.
26 t u e s d a y
Noon, meet outside Bldg. 50; pre-registration required, X6566
4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; M. Hayden, Univ. of British Columbia, "Huntington's Disease: The Repeat Goes On"
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; Y.-K. Kim, LBL, "Electroweak Results from CDF," Refreshments, 3:40 p.m.
27 w e d n e s d a y
10 a.m.
10:30 a.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; D. Hall, "Vision for LBL Data Management"
12:10 p.m., Bldg. 2-300F; guests welcome
4 p.m., 2 Le Conte; D. Aitken, Union of Concerned Scientists, "Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and the Electric Utilities: The Emerging Transition," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4, rm. 100A
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; M. Shapiro, UCB, "Particle Physics Without the SSC: A Personal Perspective," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte
28 t h u r s d a y
9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 66-316; Adult CPR (EHS 123); pre-registration required, X6554
Noon, Bldg. 50; EH&S Site Restoration Tour
1:30 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; E. Derouane, Univ. of Namur, Belgium, "Mechanisms in C3-C6 Alkane Aromatization: New Developments"
4 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; R. Brun, CERN, "The Evolution of Software in HEP: A Strategy Towards LHC"
29 f r i d a y
8 a.m.-2 p.m., cafeteria
10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71 Conf. Rm.; J. Bokor, LBL/UCB, "X-Ray Lithography Fundamentals and Source Considerations"
4 p.m., Bldg. 2-100B; R. Glaeser, LBL, Title to be announced, Refreshments, 3:30 p.m.
Apple walnut pancakes
Cream of broccoli & cheese
Broiled lamb chop
Grilled chicken breast
South of the Border
Biscuits & gravy w/eggs
Beef noodle
Vegetable lasagna
Tuna melt
Teriyaki beef stir-fry
Cheese omelet
Vegetarian split pea
Roast pork loin
Hot link on French roll
South of the Border
Blueberry pancakes
Creamy clam chowder
Rosemary baked chicken
Rib-eye steak sandwich
Pizza pizza
Ham scramble
Chicken w/rice
Basket shrimp
Bacon cheeseburger
South of the Border
Flea Market ads may be sent via Lab mail to Bldg. 65B, electronic mail to [email protected], or via Fax to X6641. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.
'66 FORD Mustang convertible, white w/blk top & int., 289-4V, a/t, am/fm/cass., $9450. Bill Pope, X4663, 935-7676
'81 HONDA Accord, 4-dr, stick shift, beige, 150K, runs great, looks fine, $1250/b.o. Joe Huang, X7082, photo avail. Bldg. 90 4th flr
'82 VW Rabbit, diesel, gd body, runs well but needs repair, $450/b.o. 741-7732
'84 MERCURY LYNX, diesel, 5-spd, a/c, p/s, p/b, am/fm cass., hitch, 160K-50K on overhauled engine, many new parts w/lifetime warranties, 40-50 mpg, great commuter car, must sell, $1100/b.o. 313-9037
'84 VW Rabbit conv., 10K mi. on rebuilt 1.8 liter eng. & clutch, new shocks, brakes & tires, $5250/b.o. Stephan, 339-3079
'86 FORD Taurus, a/t, 97K mi., clean, runs great, exc. cond., $2800/b.o. Ching, X6558, 841-7238
'88 HONDA Accord DX, a/c, am/fm stereo, 5-spd, $6950/b.o. Joseph, 642-1826, 934-7143 (after 6 p.m.)
'89 CHEVY Celebrity sta wgn, a/c, a/t, p/s, p/b, V-6, 8K mi., almost never driven, $7K. Emily, 547-0727 (after 4 p.m./msg.)
'92 MAZDA mpv, loaded, 6-cyl, a/t, 2 a/c, 23K mi., $15,900. Ed, X6190, 849 2228
MOTORCYCLE, '81 Honda CB 900F Supersport, tank, saddle bags, luggage rack & padded back rest, exc. cond., photos in cafeteria, $1250. Ron, X6189, 516-1727
SCOOTER, '86 Honda Elite, 250cc, freeway legal, blk, like new, 3K mi., incl. back trunk & service manual, $1800/b.o. Sherry Gee, X6972
CAR STEREO & SPEAKERS, audiophile quality, still in the box, Blaupunkt Boston SQR 49 hi-power am/fm cassette receiver w/elec. anti-theft code system & Polk Audio Mobile Monitors 3-way 6x9 MM6930, best offer. Laurie, 643-9259
BUMPER '86 Toyota pick-up rear bumper, stock equipment black, $75. Richard, X6015
THOMAS HAMPSON SONG RECITAL, sold out, 2 tickets, Sat., 5/21, Herbst Theatre, $30 ea. J. Klems, 528-9522
BOOKS, contribution for new church roof. Jean, 521-7105 (eve.)
GARAGE for storage, dry, secure. X4695, 843-5100
HI-FI GEAR, tube-type; HAM radio gear. 845-2625
LBL RESEARCH REVIEW, extra copies, Vol. 18 #2, Buckyball cover; Vol. 17 #3, Keck cover. Send to PID, 65B
PRINTER for PC (DeskJet or equiv.), fax machine, answering machine, twin bed. Christian, X4555, 236-8087
SKATES, in line, woman's sz.
7 1/2, used. Jen, X4335
BICYCLE, 10-spd, 22" men's, gd cond., $60. Miguel Furman, X6443, 526-5291 (msg.)
BICYCLE, Raleigh RT-300, 23" Road Bike, double butted tubes, Shimano Exage Parts, brand new, $550 in stores, asking $300/b.o. Marc, X6712
CHAIR, Balans, $30; Fisher Price car seat, $20; Moulinex Pasta Machine, $25, all in exc. cond. 283-7184
COUCH, yellow/brown flowered, gd cond.-no tears/holes, $50. 313-9037
DOG AIRLINE SHIPPING CRATE, Vari-Kennel, XL, also makes a gd dog house, exc. cond., little use, $65. Auben, X4613, 245-0343
ELECTRONIC DICTIONARY, Franklin, $25. Sherry Gee, X6972
ELECTRIC GUITAR, Ibanez Roadstar II, $250; Nintendo Game Boy, 4 games, $65; Gucci tote bag, navy, $65. Lisa Snow, X6268, 841-4855
EXERCISE BIKE, air resistant, purchased in Jan. `94, hardly used, time, spd, distance, calories & pulse functions, odometer on digital monitor, handle bars work w/pedals, $225/b.o. Jim Severns, X6058, 284-2353
MOVING SALE, furniture less than 2 yrs. old, floral sofa, $250; matching love seat, $200; white desk, $35; black desk, $35; entertainment ctr., $75; bean bag chairs, red, $20; black coffee table, $30; bird cage, $25. H. Matis, X5031, 339-0584
MOVING SALE, couch, This Side-Up, twin bed, dinner table, bookcase, TV, radio, alarm clock, 4-drwr chest. Jan, X6094, 528-4266
PRINTER, Panasonic KX-P1180, 9-pin, incl. 2K sheets of paper, $100. 704-8878
RABBIT SETUP, complete w/wooden hutch (2ftx2ftx3ft), food dish, water bottle, bedding & books, $70/b.o.; futon, double/full, $20; futon cover, red, double-sz., $25; computer desk, brown, 1-drwr, w/2 shelves, $25. Mary 524-0702
STORAGE BAR, carved teak, orig. $800, sacrifice $200; oak etagere, 78"x33", glass top, drop leaf desk in middle, storage cabinet at bottom, $200; Russel Hobbs toaster, almost new, $8; Woman's golf set & bag, $50; Mitsubishi golf swing trainer, orig. $400, now $80. Thom, X6390, (707)746-5192
SWEDISH LOOM, hand-made, modern, solid pine, 110 cm wide, 4 harnesses & all accessories incl. bench, great for rugs, $1250/b.o. Agneta Schipper, 527-5821
WINDSURFER, Fanatic Viper, 11'4", 33 lbs., great beginner-transition board, semi-complete, $250/b.o.; Seagate 3144A hard drive, 130MB, $135/b.o.; Scott am/fm stereo receiver, 50W, $35/b.o. Reto, X4291, 865-2617
BERKELEY, Northside, on Walnut, sunny, quiet studio, avail. 5/15 until end of July, $460/mo. 548-8593 (eve.)
BERKELEY light furn. studio, full kitchen & bath, lg. main room w/skylight & parking, 5 min. walk to shops & bus, 20 min. to UC/LBL shuttle, avail. 5/15, $495/mo. 548-9869
BERKELEY, sunny 2-bdrm flat w/yard, storage space & parking, 15 min. walk to UC/LBL shuttle, $825/mo. 540-0385
BERKELEY, suite in spacious, new 2-bdrm apt, washer/dryer, dishwasher, refrig., microwave, for share w/present tenant, 10 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, avail. 5/1, $450/mo. + exp. Camilo, X6532, 845-5442
BERKELEY HILLS, 1-bdrm in-law apt., 10' beam ceilings, walk-in closet, sep. entrance, partial bay view, patio/yd, 1.5 mi. from Grizzly Pk gate, $725/mo. incl. utils. except phone. Jane, X7309, 848-0111
BERKELEY HILLS, 1-bdrm, 1-bth apt., furn., newly remodeled, quiet neighborhood, nr trans. & shopping, avail. 6/1, $870/mo. + utils. 524-9039
BERKELEY/OAKLAND border, share 3-bdrm house w/mid-20's student & professional, view, decks, hot-tub, hardwood, extras, very nice area, avail. 6/1, $475-500/mo. 548-4486
NO. BERKELEY (2 listings), both 5 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, upper rm, w/sep. entrance in home, pvt. bath, deck, view, kitchen & laundry privs., off-st. parking, $525/mo. + 1/3 util.; unfurn. rm in home, share bth, kitchen, laundry, $375/mo. + 1/3 util. Mark, 528-0323 (eve. & wkend)
NO. BERKELEY, upper rm, unfurn., w/sep. entrance in home, pvt. bath, deck, view, kitchen & laundry privs., off-st. park, 5 min. walk from BART/LBL shuttle, $525/mo. + util. Mark, 528-0323 (eve./wkend)
NO. BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 4-bdrm house, lg. garden, deck, view, frpl, hardwd flrs, beamed living rm. ceiling, lg. dining rm, bkfst rm, study, glassed-in sun porch, brick courtyd, balconies, $2500/mo., neg. Art Rosenfeld, 527-1060
NO. BERKELEY HILLS, top of Buena Vista, 3-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth home, office, piano. view, woodsy, avail. approx. 6/15 - 8/15, $1900/mo. 848-4769
SO. BERKELEY, Elmwood Dist., lg., furn. 2-bdrm house, garden, deck parking, hot tub, visiting scholar preferred, walk to shops, UCB & LBL shuttle, avail. 6/1 - 7/31, $1200/mo. incl. utils & cable TV, renter pays phone. 849-2639
EL CERRITO, 1-bdrm, 1-bth unit, 800 sq. ft., frpl, stove, refrig., dishwasher, laundry hook-up, nr BART & shopping, $650/mo. incl. utils. Denny, 527-0635, 237-8171
EL CERRITO HILLS, nr Del Norte BART, share 5-bdrm, 3-bth house, 2 dining areas, bay views, frpl, 1920's Mediterranean style, independent household of 3 males & 1 female, no smoking, no pets, $300/mo. Stephen, 232-5166
KENSINGTON, 1 furn. lg. rm. in 4-bdrm house, bay view, frpl, washer/dryer, nr bus stop & Tilden Park, $425/mo. 528-6953 (eve.)
KENSINGTON, spacious 5-bdrm house to share w/1 person, pvt. bth, privacy, bay view from lg. bdrm, garden, trees, nr busses & shopping, favorite of LBL people, $530/mo., 1st, last + $200 cleaning dep. &1/3 utils. 524-7086
MARTINEZ, 1341 Hull Lane, 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, pvt. garage, washer/dryer, all appliances, swimming pool, spa, many extras. 866-1223
OAKLAND, Montclair Dist., 1800 sq. ft., hillside home, lg. master bdrm, 2 offices, Spanish-style enclosed patio, 2 lg. decks, avail. 5/2-28, $50/day, incl. utils. except phone. 339-2745
OAKLAND, above Lake Merritt, Lakeshore area, on Hadden Hill, 2-bdrm, 1-1/2 bth apt. in 4-plex, garage, laundry, very clean, $775/mo. 655-3992
OAKLAND HILLS, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, quiet st. off Redwood Road, 20 min. drive from LBL/UCB, direct bus to Rockridge BART & downtown Berkeley, panoramic bay views, 2-car garage, AEK, 1800 sq. ft., avail. 8/1 - 12/31, $1800/mo. Peter, X5413
NO. OAKLAND, lg. rm in house w/quiet female scientist & cat, laundry, garden, deck, 10 min. from LBL, $425/mo. Debbie, 653-9842
NO. OAKLAND, Rockridge area, furn. 4-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth house, nr College Ave. & BART, 4 mi. from LBL, avail. 6/18 - 7/23, $1600. 653-0455
ORINDA, pvt. rm & 1/2 bth, share kitchen, laundry, etc., panoramic views, pvt. balcony, 20 min. from LBL, parking. Bob, X5128, Kummo Kim, 376-0429
PT. RICHMOND, 1-bdrm apt, deck overlooking S.F. bay, study, living rm, dining alcove, lg. elec. kitchen, vaulted ceilings, skylights, frpl, laundry fac., off-st. parking, $1100/mo. incl. garbage & water. 236-8036
RICHMOND ANNEX (2 listings), both in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, incl. stove, refrig., yd, carpet, drapes, hardwd flrs, dishwasher, coin laundry & garage, 1-bdrm apt., $575/mo. + dep.; 2-bdrm apt., $725/mo. + dep. Judy or Tom, 527-8766
ROCKRIDGE rm avail. in house, share house w/3 male, female environmentally-minded U.C. grad students, each cooks a vegetarian dinner 1/wk for everyone else, very nice area, bike to UCB, short walk to BART, buses & shopping, no smokers, $400/mo. 658-1390
SAN PABLO, 1.5 bdrm, 1-bth duplex, stove, refrig., avail. 5/1, $650/mo. incl. utils., 1st, last. 620-0129
WANTED: Furn. house/apt. for visiting professor, for June, prefer walk/bike distance to UCB. Edith Courchesne, X5553, 222-6385
WANTED: Place for me & my 2 cats to live, open to a variety of situations incl. shared housing. Bill Golove, 676-4984, (503)753-0569 (Oregon)
WANTED: Apt for researcher from Germany, 5/1 - 7/1, non-smoker, prefer nr LBL, rent limit $800/negot. Lee Schipper, X5057, 527-5821
WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Israel, 2 adults, 3 children, from July or Aug., price range $1K. Jacob Sonnenschein, [email protected]
WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Brazil. 2 adults, 3 children, for 2 yrs. beginning 1/1/95, price range $900. Farnezio de Carvalho, farnezio%[email protected]
WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Germany, 1 adult, from 9/15/94 - 10/2/96. A. Kwiatkowski at [email protected], +49-721/370726 (FAX)
Mary Bodvarsson, X4014
Mac QuickMail, fax X6641
Jeffery Kahn
Mike Wooldridge
Lynn Yarris
Fax X6641
Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday
Fax X6641
Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday
Mary Padilla, X5771
Alice Ramirez
Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B
Mike Chartock, Acting Manager